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Lance rest

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Breastplate with a lance rest on the right side

Alance rest (French:arrêt de cuirasse orarrêt) is a metalflange or hook that is typically attached to the right side of abreastplate, just under the armpit. The lance rest appeared in the late14th century, remaining in use until the use of fullplate armour and heavylances became obsolete for general use in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.[1]

The lance rest was used to stop the rearward movement of the weapon upon impact.[1] This allowed the wielder of the lance to created an unyielding platform from which to couch the weapon so that the rider's strong armour absorbed the shock of the impact, thus delivering a more solid blow to his target while lessening the chance of injury to himself. The lance rest achieves this by spreading the impact of a blow through the breastplate to the torso of the wearer, thus redirecting the need for the hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder of the rider to carry the force of blow through onto the target.[1]

Agrapper (arrêt de lance)[2] was a ring of wood, leather or metal affixed to the lance behind the hand grip such that it would sit just in front of the lance rest when couched. Thegrapper would then engage the lance rest upon impact, "arresting" the backward movement of the lance, while also being able to quickly disengage when the lance needed to separate from its wielder or be moved. Together they would form a solid point of resistance to help minimise the dissipation of the force of the lance upon impact and thus help maximise the force of the blow delivered on the target.[2] Similarly, avamplate in front of the gripping point on the lance would help stop it being forced back through the hand on impact.

The lance rest is typically bolted[3] to the side of the breastplate or secured through the use of metal tabs known asstaples.[4] Most lance rests were hinged so that they could be folded upwards to prevent interference with the wearer's sword arm once the lance had been discarded after the initial impact in favor of a sword.[1]


  1. ^abcd"Arms and Armor—Common Misconceptions and Frequently Asked Questions | Thematic Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art". Retrieved2011-03-14.
  2. ^abCapwell, Tobias (2018).Arms and Armour of the Medieval Joust. Leeds: Royal Armouries Museum. p. 50.
  3. ^"Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Lance rest". Retrieved2011-03-14.
  4. ^"Milanese Pauldron and Lance Rest". Age of Armour. Retrieved2011-03-14.
Medieval cuirass and faulds
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