Anastronomical catalogue is a list or tabulation ofastronomical objects, typically grouped together because they share a common type, morphology, origin, means of detection, or method of discovery. Astronomical catalogs are usually the result of anastronomical survey of some kind.
AH03 — (star clusters) (source: Bruno Alessi's list)
Al — Allen (planetary nebulae)
Alden — H.L. Alden (double stars)
Alessi — Bruno Sampaio Alessi's catalogue of telescopic asterisms and open star clusters
Alessi / Teutsch — Bruno S. Alessi's and Philipp Teutsch's catalogue of telescopic asterisms and open star clusters
Ali — H. Ali (double stars)
Alicante (for example: open star cluster Alicante 1 at 3:59:18 / +57°14'14", inCamelopardalis). Alicante 1 looks like a chain of dim stars with two relatively bright accompanying stars known as TYC 3725-498-1 and TYC 3725-866-1 (source: Wikisky)
ALS — UBV beta database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars[5]
Alter (open star clusters) (for example: Alter 1 at 0:31:56.9 / +63°09'47" inCassiopeia) (Alter 1 = King 14 =Alter Cluster)
Alves / Yun (open star clusters)
AM — Arp-Madore catalogue of open and globular star clusters (Halton Arp / Barry F. Madore) (for example:Arp-Madore 1 in Horologium,Arp-Madore 2 in Puppis)
An — Anderson (double stars)
Andrews / Lindsay (AL) (open star clusters) (for example: Andrews-Lindsay 1 at 13:15:16 / -65°55'12" inMusca) (AL 1 is also known as vdB-Hagen 144)
ASCC — N.V. Kharchenko,All-Sky Compiled Catalogue, Kinematika Fiz. Nebesn. Tel., 17, part no 5, 409 (2001)
Auner — (for example: open star cluster Auner 1 at 7:04:16 / -19°45'00" inCanis Major) (Auner 1 is the cluster which was "lost" in the disturbing ghost reflection of nearby Alpha Canis Majoris, akaSirius, this during the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, POSS)
Av — Antalova (open star clusters) (for example: Antalova 1 at 17:28:55 / -31°34'11' inScorpius)
Av-Hunter — Aveni / Hunter (open star clusters) (for example: Aveni-Hunter 1 at 23:37:48 / +48°31'12", north of the former constellationHonores Friderici inAndromeda)
Balbinot (open and globular star clusters) (for example: globular star clusterBalbinot 1 in Pegasus)
Bar — Barkhatova (open star clusters) (for example: Barkhatova 1, NNW of NGC 7000; theNorth America Nebula in Cygnus)
BAR — E.E. Barton (double stars)
Bas — Basel (open star clusters) (for example: Basel 1 at about one degree WNW of open star clusterMessier 11 in Scutum) (Basel 1 is also known as the Apriamashvili cluster)
Bat — Hans Battermann, 1860–1922 (double stars)
BAT99 — The Fourth Catalogue of Population I Wolf Rayet stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
BDSB — (for example: open star cluster BDSB 96 at 7:05:18 / -12°19'44")
BDSB03 (I.R.) — (open star clusters)
Be — Bergvall (catalogue of some 400 interacting and distorted galaxies found on glass copies of theESO Blue Survey)[8]
Be — Berkeley (open star clusters) (104 items)
Be — Bernes (dark nebulae)
Bedin — Luigi Bedin (for example: dwarf spheroidal galaxyBedin I in Pavo)
Ben — Jack Bennett's catalogue of 152 deep-sky objects in the southern celestial hemisphere, all from the NGC or IC lists, except Ben 47 which is Melotte 105 in Carina, and Ben 72a which is Trumpler 23 in Norma
Bergeron — Joe Bergeron (for example: Bergeron 1 in Cepheus)[9]
BFS — Blitz-Fitch-Stark (for example: BFS 15 in Cepheus)[10]
BH — Van den Bergh / Hagen (open star clusters), see also VdB-Ha
Bhas/Bha — T.P. Bhaskavan (double stars)
Bi — Biurakan (open star clusters)
Bica — (open star clusters)
Bica / Schmitt (open star clusters)
Big — Guillaume Bigourdan (double stars)
Bird — F. Bird (double stars)
Bl — Victor Manuel Blanco (for example: open star clusterBlanco 1 in Sculptor)
Bloch/Blo — M. Bloch (double stars)
Bo — Bochum (open star clusters)
Bo — Bond (double stars)
BoBn — Boeshaar-Bond (planetary nebulae) (for example: BoBn 1, an extragalactic planetary nebula at 0:37 / -13°42' inCetus)
Bode — (telescopic asterisms)
Boe — Boeger (double stars)
Bogleiv (open star clusters)
Bonatto (open star clusters)
Boo — Samuel Latimer Boothroyd, 1874–1965 (double stars)
HA — ? (for example: galaxy HA 85 in Telescopium, see chart 26 in Wil Tirion's Sky-Atlas 2000.0) (however, chart 435 in Uranometria 2000.0, Volume 2, 1987 edition, shows this object as ESO 183-G30)
Haufen — (for example: Haufen A in Cetus, at 1h 08.9m / -15° 25' (2000.0), which is, according toSky Catalogue 2000.0, Volume 2, the same as Abell 151)
Laevens — Benjamin P. M. Laevens (globular clusters and dwarf galaxies), for example:Laevens 1 in Crater, Laevens 2 in Triangulum (Triangulum II),Laevens 3 in Delphinus.
Lal — F. de Lalande (double stars)
Lam — J. von Lamont (double stars)
λ (Lambda) — (mentioned inT.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 2: The Stars, pages 285–319: Index of Double Stars, Epoch 2000)
Printed examples from the 'Lambda' catalogue: λ 32 (RA 3:47.9), λ 88 (RA 7:48.9), λ 91 (RA 7:55.7), λ 96 (RA 8:12.5), λ 108 (RA 9:0.3), λ 115 (RA 9:37.1), λ 140 (RA 11:56.7), λ 176 (RA 13:20.5), λ 228 (RA 15:23.2), λ 249 (RA 15:47.6), λ 316 (RA 17:0.4), λ ? (RA 17:6.4), λ 320 (RA 17:12.2), λ 342 (RA 17:53.3). All examples are located in the southern celestial hemisphere. The 'Lambda' catalogue is related toT.J.J.See's catalogue of double stars.
LAMOST — Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (Guo Shoujing Telescope)
MACHO-LMC — MACHO Project Large Magellanic Cloud Microlensing
MACHO-SML — MACHO Project Small Magellanic Cloud Microlensing
Maffei — Paolo Maffei (for example: galaxiesMaffei 1 andMaffei 2 in Cassiopeia)
Mailyan — (for example: Mailyan 44, aka Holmberg I / DDO 63 / UGC 5139, at 9h 40.5m / +71° 11' in Ursa Major)
Malin — David Malin (for example: the largest galaxy known;Malin 1 in Coma Berenices)
Mamajek (open star clusters) (for example: Mamajek 1 at 8:42:06 / -79°01'38" inChamaeleon, also known as η Chamaeleontis cluster or η Chamaeleontis association)
Markov (telescopic asterisms) (for example: Markov 1 in Hercules)
New 1 in Cetus (source: The Deep-Sky Field Guide to Uranometria 2000.0, Cragin-Lucyk-Rappaport, chart 262).
New 5 in Sagittarius (thus mentioned on chart 22 of Wil Tirion's Sky-Atlas 2000.0, mentioned as ESO 285-G7 on charts 411 and 412 in Uranometria 2000.0 Volume 2, 1987 edition).
New 6 in Indus (chart 23 in Tirion's Sky-Atlas 2000.0, chart 413 in the 1987 edition of Uranometria 2000.0, Volume 2) (as ESO 287-G13)
Q (?) — (for example: galaxy Q 6188 at 0:48.6 / -12:44 in Cetus) (mentioned on charts 261 / 262 in Uranometria 2000.0 Volume 2, 1987 edition) (according to Wolfgang Steinicke and Richard Jakiel of the bookGalaxies and How to Observe Them, this galaxy (Q 6188) is also catalogued as Mrk 960 and PGC 2845)
Saurer — (for example: the open star cluster Saurer 1 at 7:18:18 / +1°53'12" inCanis Minor)
SaWe — Sanduleak-Weinberger (planetary nebulae)
SAX — Satellite per Astronomia a raggi X (BeppoSAX satellite)
SC —Slough catalogue ("Observations of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, made at Slough, with a Twenty-Feet Reflector, between the years 1825 and 1833" by John Herschel; 2306 entries)
2SDSS — reserved by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey for future release. The name is reserved to the IAU, but does not exist yet.
3SDSS — reserved by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey for future release. The name is reserved to the IAU, but does not exist yet.
Se — Father Angelo Secchi (double stars)
Se — Sersic (selected list of peculiar galaxies and groups of galaxies)
See — T.J.J. See (Thomas Jefferson Jackson See, 1866–1962) (double stars) (related to the 'Lambda' catalogue which is mentioned in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 2: The Stars, pages 285–319: Index of Double Stars, Epoch 2000).
SEGUE — Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (for example: galaxiesSegue 1 in Leo,Segue 2 in Aries, andSegue 3 in Pegasus)
Sh — Sher (open star clusters) (for example: Sher 1 at 11:01:04 / -60°14'00" inCarina)
S, h — James South / John Herschel (joint 1824 catalogue of double stars)
Shk — Romela Karapet Shakhbazian (compact groups of galaxies) (for example: Shakhbazian 1 (the 'Russian Cluster') at 10:54.8 / +40°28' inUrsa Major)
Shorlin — (for example: open star cluster Shorlin 1 at 11:05:46 / -61°13'48" inCarina)
Simeis — (for example: supernova remnant Simeis 147 / Sh2-240 in Taurus, also known as the 'Spaghetti Nebula')
SIMP — Sondage Infrarouge de Mouvement Propre (French:Infrared Proper Motion Survey), an all-sky survey in the near-infrared initiated in 2005 with the CPARIR camera.[38]
TPK — Teutsch-Patchick-Kronberger (asterisms) (for example: Teutsch-Patchick-Kronberger 1 at 23:39.3 / +47°30', north of the former constellationHonores Friderici inAndromeda)
Tr / Trumpler —Robert Julius Trumpler's open cluster list, published inPreliminary results on the distances, dimensions and space distribution of open star clusters
Tu — Tucker (double stars)
Turner —David G. Turner (?) (open star clusters) (for example: Turner 9 at and near the variable starSU Cygni, aka 'SU Cygni cluster')
^abSee p. 20, X-ray sources in SIMBAD, J. M. Hameury, C. Motch, and M. Pakull,Bull. Inf. Centre Données Stellaires47, pp. 19–20,Bibcode:1995BICDS..47...19H.
^The Einstein Slew Survey, Martin Elvis, David Plummer, Jonathan Schachter, and G. Fabbiano,Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series80, #1 (May 1992), pp. 257–303,Bibcode:1992ApJS...80..257E,doi:10.1086/191665.
^Celescope Catalog of Ultraviolet Stellar Observations. Magnetic Tape Version, R. J. Davis, W. A. Deutschman, K. L. Haramundanis,SAO Special Report #350 (1973),Bibcode:1973SAOSR.350....1D.
^Cruz-González, C.;Recillas-Cruz, E.; Costero, R.; Peimbert, M.; Torres-Peimbert, S. (1974). "A catalogue of galactic O stars and the ionization of the low density interstellar medium by runaway stars".Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica.1: 211.Bibcode:1974RMxAA...1..211C.
^Microfiche Edition of CSI, F. Ochsenbein, M. Bischoff, and D. Egret,Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series43 (February 1981), pp. 259–264,Bibcode:1981A&AS...43..259O
^S.I.M.B.A.D. Story: A Description of the Data Base of the Strasbourg Stellar Data Center, D. Egret,Bull. d'Inf. Cent. Données Stellaires24 (March 1983), pp. 109–123,Bibcode:1983BICDS..24..109E.
^J.A. Galt, J.E.D. Kennedy,Survey of radio sources observed in the continuum near 1420 MHz, declinations -5 to +70, Astron. J., 73, 135–151 (1968)
^A catalogue of southern dark clouds, Hartley M., Manchester R.N., Smith R.M., Tritton S.B., Goss W.M., Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 63, 27 (1986), 1986A&AS...63...27H
^General catalogue of stellar radial velocities, Ralph Elmer Wilson, Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1953,Bibcode:1953GCRV..C......0W.
^Miyauchi-Isobe, N.; Nakajima, K.; Maehara, H. (2004). "The Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-excess Galaxies (KUG)".Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems.314. San Francisco:161–164.Bibcode:2004ASPC..314..161M.
^W.W. Morgan, A.D. Code, A.E. Whitford,Studies in galactic structure. II. Luminosity classification for 1270 blue giants stars. Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 2, 41-74 (1955)
^H. R. Morgan,Astron. Papers Amer. Ephemeris13, Part III (1952).CDS IDI/80.
^Faint Blue Stars in the Region near the South Galactic Pole, G. Haro and W. J. Luyten,Boletín de los Observatorios de Tonantzintla y Tacubaya3 (1962), pp. 37–117,Bibcode:1962BOTT....3...37H;CDS IDIII/74.
^Catalogue of rotational velocities of the stars, Akira Uesugi and Ichiro Fukuda, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, Kyoto: University, Kwasan Observatory, Institute of Astrophysics, 1970,
^APOD — Astronomy Picture Of the Day, April 13, 2019
^F. Noel, Second astrolabe catalogue of Santiago, Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 106, 441–450 (1994)
^Schwarz, H. E.; Corradi, R. L. M.; Melnick, J. (1992). "A catalogue of narrow band images of planetary nebulae".Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series.96: 23.Bibcode:1992A&AS...96...23S.
^Alter, G., J. Ruprecht, V. Vanysek. 1958.Catalogue of Star Clusters and Associations. Prague: Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
^Alter, G., B. Balazs, and J. Ruprecht. 1970.Catalogue of Star Clusters and Associations. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiado