Silver coin of the Kuninda kingdom,c. 1st century BCE. These coins followed theIndo-Greek module.[1] Obv: Deer standing right, crowned by two cobras, attended byLakshmi holding alotus flower. Legend inPrakrit (Brahmi script, from left to right):Rajnah Kunindasya Amoghabhutisya maharajasya ("Great KingAmoghabhuti, of the Kunindas"). Rev:Stupa surmounted by theBuddhist symboltriratna, and surrounded by aswastika, a "Y" symbol, and a tree in railing. Legend inKharoshti script, from right to left:Rana Kunidasa Amoghabhutisa Maharajasa, ("Great King Amoghabhuti, of the Kunindas").
Thekingdom of Kuninda (orKulinda in ancient literature) was an ancient centralHimalayan kingdom documented from around the 2nd century BCE to the 3rd century CE, located in the southern areas of modernHimachal Pradesh and far western areas ofUttarakhand in northernIndia andDoti Gadwall inNepal.
The first mention of Kuninda appears in PaniniAshtadhyay where he mentions it as an Ayudhajivi Sangha, meaning a warrior republic. Though, the kingdom may have existed earlier as it is also mentioned in Mahabharat to be situated in the east ofkuru kingdom.[3] The history of the kingdom is documented from around the 2nd century BCE. They are mentioned in Indian epics andPuranas. The Mahabharata relates they were defeated byArjuna.
One of the first kings of the Kuninda was Amoghbhuti, who ruled in the mountainous valley of theSutlej andYamuna rivers (in today's southernHimachal and far westernUttarakhand in northern India).
The Greek historianPtolemy linked the origin of the Kuninda to the country where the riversBeas,Sutlej,Yamuna, andGanges originate.[4]
One of theEdicts of Ashoka on a pillar is also present atKalsi, Dehradun, in the region ofGarhwal, indicating the spread of Buddhism to the region from the 4th century BCE.
The Kuninda kingdom disappeared around the 3rd century, and from the 4th century, it seems the region shifted toShaivite beliefs.
There are two types of Kuninda coinage, the first one issued around the 1st century BCE, and the second around the 2nd century CE. The first coins of the Kuninda were influenced by the numismatic model of their predecessorIndo-Greek kingdoms, and incorporated Buddhist and Hindu symbolism such as thetriratna and images ofLakshmi. These coins typically follow theIndo-Greek weight and size standards (drachms, of about 2.14 g in weight and 19 mm in diameter), and their coins are often found together with Indo-Greek coins in hoards, such as those of theYaudheyas, or theAudumbaras.
The finds of Kuninda coins have often been associated with finds of Indo-Greek coins, particularly those ofAppolodotus.[5]
A very large portion of the Kuninda coins are in the name of kingAmoghabhuti, and it is believed that coinage under his name continued after his death.[5]
Some later coins of the 2nd century CE bear the symbol of the Hindu godShiva.[5]
Coin of the Kunindas. ObvShiva standing with battle-axe trident in right hand and leopard skin in left hand. LegendBhagavato Chatreswara Mahatana. Rev Deer with symbols.
^"A Maharaja named Amoghabhuti, who was the Raja of the Kunindas, is known from coins of the Indo-Greek module with legends sometimes in both Brahmi and Kharoshthi, but in some cases in Brahmi only." inThe History and Culture of the Indian People, Volume 2 by Ramesh Chandra Majumdar, 1951, page 161