Kirn lies in a landscape characterized by theNahe valley and the valley of the Hahnenbach, cut deeply into the Lützelsoon, roughly 10 km northeast ofIdar-Oberstein and 30 km west ofBad Kreuznach. The valley floors are heavily settled in places, whereas the steep slopes in the higher areas are mostly bare of buildings and decked with forest. Rising up above the woodland canopy in many places are freestandingquartzite crags. Particularly striking among these are the Oberhauser Felsen, the Kallenfels and the Wehlenfelsen north of the town. Flowing through the unhurried inner town is the Hahnenbach, which rises in theHunsrück, and not too much farther downstream empties into the Nahe. Also characterizing the town's appearance is thequarry up from the town centre, which stretches eastwards all the way to the town limit.
Kirn'sStadtteile are the main centre, also called Kirn, and the two outlying centres of Kallenfels andKirn-Sulzbach. Also belonging to Kirn are the outlying homesteads of Akvas Papiermühle, Cramersmühle, Füllmannsmühle, Hasenfels, Kallenfelser Hof, Kyrburg, Ölmühle Spielmann and Schleif-Mühle.[4]
Yearlyprecipitation in Kirn amounts to some 540 mm, which is rather low, falling below average for the precipitation chart for all Germany. Kirn liesalee of the surrounding uplands. The driest months are January and February. The most rainfall comes in August. Rainfall is, however, rather evenly spread across the whole year. Fog is very common for the colder season.
The town of Kirn can look back on a very long history. It was founded at a river crossing near which several roads met. On 20 May 841, Kirn had its first documentary mention in a document fromFulda Abbey.Archaeological finds fromCeltic andRoman times (the remnants of avilla rustica were unearthed in the part of town known as "Über Nahe"), however, point to a considerably greater age than that. The nameKirn is believed to be ofCeltic origin. In the Fulda document mentioned above, the town was named asChira. The name likely derives from the Celtickyr, meaning 'water'. Meant here, of course, would be theNahe and the Hahnenbach, which empties into it here, whose water apparently gave the town its name. The Nahe served then as an important transport route as well as supplying water for livestock and fish for people.
The first settlement is believed to have lain on the bank of the Kyrbach (another name for the Hahnenbach although, strictly speaking, it designates only the Hahnenbach's headstream some distance upstream from Kirn), in an area today bordered by Gerbergasse and Langgasse (lanes), with the marketplace in the middle. In other words, at the crossroads, a market grew up. This was the seed from which the town's history sprouted. The roads leading over the heights brought the people of theNahegau to this market town. TheMarktmeile ('market mile'), within whose tightly defined boundaries no other market was allowed to be held, protected the markets and those who fed them in a tightly bordered area around the town. Great parts of the market town were held during theHigh Middle Ages bySaint Maximin's Abbey inTrier, which also held the market rights.
In 926, the Abbey gave threeFrankish noblemen by way of exchange a hill suitable for use as a fortification, and they proceeded to build acastle there to defend their holdings against theMagyars. It came to be known as theKyrburg. It seems that these noblemen's castle had passed by 966 to the rising family of theEmichones/Waldgraves. In the time that followed, these new owners bit by bit did the Abbey out of its rights, leaving it only with the market rights. In the 11th or 12th century, the rights to the market were transferred to the Lords of Stein, whose seat was on the "stones" (Stein means'stone' inGerman) in the Hahnenbach valley above what is now Kirn's outlying centre of Kallenfels. The Lords of Stein-Kallenfels were able to assert these rights until the 18th century, defending them first against the Waldgraves and later against their successors.
West of the market centre arose another settlement in the years that followed, obviously founded by the Waldgraves, which was calledAltstadt ('Old Town'), and for which town rights were being sought, as it were, to take the bread out of the market town's mouth. Town rights, though, were forthcoming to neither the Kyr settlement nor theAltstadt, even though the settlement on the Hahnenbach, beginning in 1335, was time and again in documents being calledStadt ('town'). Both the market centre and the Old Town were at least partlyfortified. The names of the gates that stood at the ends of the thoroughfares (Kellenpforte, Karschpforte, Nahepforte, Schülerpforte, Kieselpforte) are known. The last town gate was torn down in 1880 in the Old Town to make way for growing traffic. The Kyrbach's left bank was also built up. Standing here was thechurch, which if anything was part of an old royal estate. As a landhold of theArchbishopric of Mainz it became an outlying centre of a great ruralchapter that comprised the rural clergy all the way over to theSimmern area.
Even after various divisions of inheritance, Kirn remained between 1258 and 1790 a joint holding of the Houses of Dhaun and Kyrburg. Despite its economic and ecclesiastical importance, Kirn had at its disposal since earliest times only a small municipal area, which even today has not changed. Thevineyards strewn over the hills all about the town surely only provided for local demand. The scant, stony soils allowed no more than limited yields when farmed. Livestock raising, on the other hand, seems to have played a certain role. These circumstances favoured the growth of various handicrafts in the town.
Livestock raising, the low-lying oak forest right nearby and the water from the Nahe and the Kyr consequently led to the establishment oftanning andwool processing. Reports of a woollen weavers'guild crop up as early as 1359. The tanners' andtailors' guilds seem to have arisen about this time, too. The tanners, and thedyers, too, settled along the flat bank of the Hahnenbach. The later tanners' quarter between Gerbergasse and the Nahe only arose in modern times. Their products were marketed by both local people and those from farther afield, mainly at the four great yearly markets and the weekly markets. The houses around the marketplace had on their ground floors recesses in which local handicraftsmen would offer their wares for sale in their “shops”.
On the marketplace itself were, besides the two fountains, also lockable market stalls that could be hired bybakers,butchers andpotters. On the Hahnenbach side of the square stood the 1508 town hall, which was torn down in 1849 to make way for what was even then a growing amount of traffic. The prison there once held the thirteen-year-old Johannes Bückler – better known asSchinderhannes – in 1796, but not for very long, for he quickly escaped. The townsfolk's self-assurance in those days showed itself in the establishment of civic institutions such as a bathing parlour and an infirmary. The great many donations to the Church bear witness to the people's wealth.
Around the church over on the Kyr's left bank stood clerics' houses as well as theLatin school, which was first mentioned in 1402, and which in the course of its history sent dozens of students to everyuniversity in Germany. Because the local lordships were somewhat less than decisive in their governance, theReformation was introduced into the Waldgravial-Rhinegravial lands only in 1544 or 1545. Outwardly, the Kirn townsfolk's new self-assurance showed itself in the way they ended their ownserfdom in 1600 by buying their freedom for 4,000Rhenish guilders. It was many years, though, before the debt burden arising from this no longer weighed on the town's economy.
Kirn's and its economy's favourable growth came to a dead stop with theThirty Years' War. Foreign fighters (Spaniards,Croats,Frenchmen andSwedes, to name but a few) along with twoPlagueepidemics wrought havoc with the town, reducing its 230 families in 1616 (two years before the war broke out) to only 74 afterwards. These losses were somewhat offset by the arrival of newcomers fromLombardy, theTyrol and theEngadin. Theseimmigrants and their offspring quickly became a force not only in the town's economy but also in its cultural life. From the Family Englisch, who had come from theDavos area, sprang the painter Johann Georg Englisch (1668-1741), who did paintings in many churches over a broad area, and Johann Bernhard Englisch (1709-1768), who as a much sought-afterébéniste plied his trade as far away asLake Geneva.
The latter half of the 17th century, though, brought Kirn manyoccupations in connection withFrenchKing Louis XIV's wars of conquest. The town sometimes had to put up with (and supply) years-long occupations. This period ended with the Kyrburg's destruction in 1734, an event that the townsfolk surely also welcomed. After the House of Salm died out, the lordship over theOberamt of Kirn and the half share of the town itself passed in 1743 to the line of Salm-Leuze. Together with his brother Phillip Joseph, Prince Johann Dominik Albert took over the lordship.
Johann Dominik (1708-1778) was an enlightened, affable prince, who through future-oriented measures, such as building streets and boulevards, boosted the economy. Many of his master builder Thomas Petri's buildings still characterize Kirn's appearance, and the same is true for a number of the outlying villages that then belonged to theOberamt. Particularly worthy of mention here are thewinery on Kallenfelser Straße, thePiarist monastery (nowadays the town hall) and many official and private buildings throughout the town. Meanwhile, in 1767, Kirn received a town charter. Johann Dominik's nephew and successor Friedrich III ruined the country's finances with his impecunious ways of conducting his life, to the point at which theReichskammergericht even imposed abankruptcy régime on the town. In 1794, he met his end inParis at theguillotine.
Beginning in 1797, the little state that was Kirn belonged, like all theGerman lands on the Rhine's left bank, to theFrench state. It formed together with a few outlying villages amairie ('mayoralty') in theArrondissement of Simmern in theDepartment ofRhin-et-Moselle. Kirn now became a town lying in the southwesternmost part of its department, thus cleaving it asunder from many of the formerly Salm-held areas that had once fed its economy. When the decisions made at theCongress of Vienna in 1814 and 1815 began to be implemented locally in 1817, things got even worse for Kirn as it was assigned to the Kreuznach district. To the west the town now bordered on the Birkenfeld district in theGrand Duchy of Oldenburg and to the south on the Meisenheim district in the Landgraviate ofHesse-Homburg. Thus, just beyond the last houses in town began foreign territory. The economic downfall arising from this situation could not be stopped.
Together with seven villages, Kirn now formed theBürgermeisterei ('Mayoralty') of Kirn, an arrangement that lasted until 1857 when, by Royal Cabinet Order, Kirn was granted the rank of town. Now, however, there was only one leader, the mayor, who held the reins of both the town and the now supposedly separate outlying villages. This "personal union" lasted until 1896.
Only after the fall of the customs barriers and the building of the Rhine-Nahe Railway (1856-1859) was there once again an appreciable economic upswing. Leathermaking began to recover once the tanners, both those using bark tanning and those using mineral tanning, set up shop – sometimes jointly – in the area between theNahe, the Hahnenbach and the millpond, after traditionally keeping their tanneries along the bank of the Hahnenbach.
After 1850, a few tanning families moved on and rose with new businesses in new locations, sometimes to worldwide importance. After the Rhine-Nahe Railway had been completed, not only leather products could be shipped to market, but so could the melaphyre being quarried at Kirn's quarries. With the rise of thebrewery near the winery in 1863, the town eventually earned itself the title "Town of Leather, Stones and Beer". As industry grew, so too did the demand for manpower, and thus between 1850 and 1910, the town's population swelled from roughly 1,500 to 7,000.
This positive development was, however, interrupted by the upshot from theFirst World War, therunaway inflation and theGreat Depression. Already in the 1920s and 1930s, many enterprises felt forced to restructure their production. New businesses came that contributed once again to a rise in Kirn's economic importance, and in the field of finishing small leather goods, to a rise in the town's prestige.
After theSecond World War, there was another economic upswing, which brought along with it more population growth. Beginning in the 1960s, it was clear that another restructuring was needed. Since that time, no more tanning has been done in Kirn and even the small leather goods industry found itself undergoing changes. Instead of leather,plastic goods are now produced. With the amalgamation of the villages of Kallenfels and Kirnsulzbach in 1969, the population rose for a time above 10,000, only to shrink later on.[5][6] Today, somewhat more than 8,000 people call Kirn home.
Kirn had aJewish community until sometime between 1938 and 1942. Even as far back as theMiddle Ages, there were Jews living in the town. The violent persecution that took place on 21 September 1287 (11 Tishri 5048 according to data inSiegmund Salfeld'sDas Martyrologium des Nürnberger Memorbuches) saw the murder of six Jews in Kirn. This is believed, for it did after all happen in the same year, to have been linked to the wave of pogroms that swept the region as a result of theOberweselblood libel (seeWerner of Oberwesel). The survivors moved away from Kirn. In the earlier half of the 14th century, however, there were once again Jews living in the town. TheWaldgrave of Kyrburg, then the town's lord, took ownership of three Jews, after having secured leave fromKing Albrecht to do so in 1301. In 1330, Waldgrave Johann asked for the number of Jews (or Jewish families) to be raised to 15, which was likewise approved by theEmperor. Jewish life in the town was, however, destroyed in theantisemitic persecution that arose in the time of thePlague (1348-1349). It is believed that Kirn's Jewish families saw to their own institutions, such as a prayer room and a graveyard: from the 16th century to the 19th, there was still a cadastral area within the town namedOf dem Judenkirchof ('On the Jews' Churchyard') in memory of an oldJewish graveyard. Between the 15th and 18th centuries, there were apparently no Jewish residents at all in Kirn. Only in 1693, during one of FrenchKing Louis XIV'soccupations, is a Jewish inhabitant mentioned as being in town for a short while. From the mid 19th century, there were once again Jewish families living in Kirn. The number of Jewish inhabitants developed as follows: in 1843, there were none; in 1858, 5; in 1866, 45; in 1895, 104 (1.8% of all together 5,639 inhabitants). The Jews who had moved to town were by and large from smaller outlying places in the region, among othersHennweiler,Bruschied,Becherbach, Simmern unter Dhaun (todaySimmertal),Merxheim,Meddersheim,Sien,Laufersweiler andHottenbach. After 1900, the Jews living in Becherbach became part of the Kirn Jewish community, having hitherto belonged to theHundsbach community. The actual entity known as the Jewish community (theIsraelitische Religionsgesellschaft in Kirn) was founded in 1866 when a leadership and representatives were elected and at the same time both a men's association and a women's association came into being. Appearing on the 1866 list of "Jews who have been empowered to exercise thefranchise" were Jacob Ullmann (salesman), David Ullmann (merchant), David Wolf (spice dealer fromLöllbach), Moses Lieb (salesman) Abraham Scholem (merchant), Marcus Loeb (merchant fromWeierbach) and Jacob Mayer (musician,innkeeper fromHennweiler). In the way of institutions, there were asynagogue (seeSynagogue below), a Jewish school, amikveh and a graveyard (seeJewish graveyard below). To provide for the community's religious needs, a schoolteacher was hired, who also busied himself as thehazzan and theshochet (preserved is a whole series of job advertisements for such a position in Kirn from such publications asDer Israelit). Among the religion teachers were Joseph Seligmann (about 1880), Max Goldschmidt (about 1892; born in 1871 inSchlüchtern; died atTheresienstadt concentration camp in 1943), Joseph Nathan Kahn (in 1898–1899; born in 1877 inRieneck; had been a teacher inBabenhausen, after his short time in Kirn he moved toOffenbach am Main), Bernhard Weil (beginning in 1908; born in 1868 inEichstetten, died in 1943 inNoé,Haute-Garonne,France, was until February 1939 in Kirn, thereafter and until his deportation in October 1940 inKarlsruhe; further details can be found at the end of this section). One member of Kirn's Jewish community fell in theFirst World War, Alfred Moritz (b. 16 May 1890 inMeisenheim, d. 20 June 1916). In 1925, Kirn's Jewish community numbered 106 (1.4% of the total population). In 1932, the Jewish community's leaders were Ferdinand Schmelzer (head of leadership), since 1911 the owner of a shop that sold brushes and household goods at Radergasse 1, Dr. med. Richard Asch (second leader), who since 1918 had had a medical practice at Bahnhofstraße 11, was a doctor for theDeutsche Reichsbahn, and was said to be called the "poor man's doctor" for his charitable engagement, and Wilhelm Vogel I (third leader), a merchant who lived at Neuestraße 9. Still working as teacher, cantor and shochet was the same Bernhard Weil already named. In the 1931–1932 school year, he taught 12 Jewish children from the community in religion. After 1933, the year whenAdolf Hitler and theNazisseized power, though, some of the Jews (that year, almost 100 persons) moved away or evenemigrated in the face of theboycotting of their businesses, the progressive stripping of their rights and repression, all brought about by the Nazis. OnKristallnacht (9–10 November 1938), the synagogue's interior was utterly destroyed byBrownshirt thugs, and perhaps worse, 13 Jewish homes were also invaded and demolished. Nevertheless, there were still 39 Jewish inhabitants in Kirn in 1939. The last eleven Jewish inhabitants were deported tothe camps in July 1942. According to theGedenkbuch – Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945 ("Memorial Book – Victims of the Persecution of the Jews underNational Socialist Tyranny") andYad Vashem, of all Jews who either were born in Kirn or lived there for a long time, 50 were victims of Nazi persecution (birthdates in brackets):
Johanna Allmeyernée Köhler (1880)
Julius Allmeyer (1884)
Erwin Baum (1918)
Johanna Baumnée Liebmann (1878)
Siegmund Baum (1883)
Julius Berg (1899)
Martha Blasiusnée Koppenhagen (1892)
Otto Brück (1873)
Otto Dornhard (1886)
Else Dornhard (1914)
Ernst Dornhard (1917)
Selma Dornhardnée Hanau (1891)
Johanna Gottschalknée Fried (1881)
Maurice Gottschalk (1896)
Max Gottschalk (1878)
Moritz Gottschalk (1893)
Paul Gottfried Gottschalk (1909)
Theo Gottschalk (1915)
Julius Grebe (1881)
Hertha Grevenée Weingarten (1897)
Erich Haas (1914)
Helene Haasnée Gudenberg (1879)
Leo Haas (1878)
Willy (Wilhelm) Haas (1888)
Felix Joseph (1905)
Gustav Joseph (1866)
Rosa (Rosina) Josephnée Scholem (1867)
Anni Kahn (1921)
Amalie Leib (1872)
Elise Leibnée Sender (1874)
Leopold Leib (1875)
Erna Levynée Vogel (1899)
Max Ernst Levy (1908)
Berta Levynée Kaufmann (1870)
Leopold Levy (1895)
Loritz Levy (1909)
Erna Lob (1919)
Frieda Paula Moritz (1890)
Jette (Henriette) Moritznée Rosenfeld (1859)
Henriette Römernée Sender (1902)
Siegfried Römer (1924)
Bertha Rothschildnée Bärmann (1856)
Albert Schmelzer (1903)
Fritz Sigismund Schmelzer (1904)
Herbert Sternheimer (1898)
Rosa Vogelnée Michel (1879)
Wilhelm Vogel I (1872)
Bernhard Weil (1868) (see also below)
Otto Weil (1894)
Else Weissnée Dornhard (1914)
Bernhard Weil, third from the bottom in the list and also mentioned earlier, was born on 19 June 1868 in Eichstetten to Isaak Weil and Paulinenée Rotschild. He had himself trained as a schoolteacher and a cantor and worked as such from 1908 to 1939 in Kirn (and before that in Leutershausen [Bergstraße], among other places).[7]
As at 30 September 2013, there are 8,220 full-time residents in Kirn, and of those, 4,180 areEvangelical (50.852%), 2,152 areCatholic (26.18%), 2 areGreek Orthodox (0.024%), 2 areJehovah's Witnesses (0.024%), 1 isLutheran (0.012%), 1 isOld Catholic (0.012%), 2 belong to the Palatinate State Free Religious Community (0.024%), 1 isReformed (0.012%), 1 is Old-Reformed (0.012%), 7 areRussian Orthodox (0.085%), 1 belongs to the FrankfurtJewish worship community (0.012%), 481 (5.852%) belong to other religious groups and 1,389 (16.898%) either have no religion or will not reveal their religious affiliation.[8]
The council is made up of 24 council members, who were elected by personalizedproportional representation at the municipal election held on 7 June 2009, and the mayor as chairman. The municipal election held on 7 June 2009 yielded the following results:[9]
The town'sarms might be described thus: Gules two lions combatant Or armed and langued azure holding two cramps per saltire argent, crowning the shield a mural coronet with three towers embattled of the second.
Since the partnership documents were signed, there have been regular exchanges between Kirn and thecommune of Fontaine-lès-Dijon (which lies just outsideDijon and about 500 km from Kirn) of families, groups and officials. The official yearly meeting takes place atWhitsun, with the venue alternating between the two towns each year, and this is attended by up to 250 citizens.
The commune of Marange-Silvange lies 12 km northwest ofMetz. The partnership’s goal is mainly to bring youth from both places together. Since the signing of the agreement, there have already been contacts and meetings.
Jewish graveyard (monumental zone)Kallenfelser Straße (no number) – Andres breweryKirchstraße 3 and 4 – former Piarist monastery (town hall) and Evangelical churchAuf der Schanze – graveyard; graveyard gate
Evangelicalchurch, Kirchstraße 4 – formerSaint Pancras's Collegiate Church (Stiftskirche St. Pankratius),Late Gothic Revivalhall church, 1891–1893, architect Wiethase;Late Gothic quire, after 1467; six-floor tower, fifth floor inserted in between in 1893, mid 13th century; Late Gothic vestry (see alsobelow)
Saint Pancras'sCatholic Parish Church (Pfarrkirche St. Pankratius), Kolpingweg 1 – Late Gothic Revivalbasilica, 1892–1894, architect Max Meckel,Limburg
Alter Oberhauser Weg 8 – house, Baroquified building with hippedmansard roof, 1937, architect Friedrich Otto, Kirn
Altstadt 1 – former manufacturer'svilla for member of the Family Simon;Late Historicist representative building, last fourth of the 19th century, setting important to town building layout
Auf der Schanze, at the graveyard – graveyard gate,sandstone, mid 19th century; grave crosses,cast-iron, after 1871; Peter and Gerhardt tomb, Baroquifiedcolumbarium-likeRundbogenniche, about 1900; Böcking tomb, grave cross, cast-iron, about 1862; Andres grave: complex with nine gravestones inwrought-iron enclosure, 19th and 20th centuries; mass grave, with Angel of Death, about 1875; Nonnweiler grave: smallGründerzeit complex with display wall, about 1880/1890; Häfner and Stroh grave:Late Classicist grave columns, about 1882 and 1885; Theodor Simon grave: about 1878 to 1920, antique sandstoneaedicula, about 1880/1900; twograniteobelisks, about 1878;Sorrowful Mother, about 1920;Child, about 1902
Auf der Schanze, Jewish graveyard (monumental zone)[14] – about 1870 to 1939, area with many tombs (see alsobelow)
Bahnhofstraße 23 – three-floor Late Classicist house, latter half of the 19th century
Bahnhofstraße 27 – villalike Late Classicist house, mid 19th century
Bahnhofstraße 31 – former Böcking leather factory, long three-floor quarrystone building, two- to three-floor factory building, about 1860 to 1880, expansion into the 20th century
Bahnhofstraße 35 – Late Gründerzeit villa with hip roof, about 1900
Bürgermeister-Tschepke-Straße 18–66 (even numbers) (monumental zone) – housing estate for workers at the Jakob Müller leatherware factory, 1950s; 13semi-detached bungalows with front gardens, Heimatstil
Dhauner Straße – so-calledWeiße Brücke (“White Bridge”);concrete-trough bridge, 1905
Fasanenweg – water cistern; sandstone, about 1900/1910
Gerbergasse 1 – five-floor shophouse,Bauhaus architecture, 1931, architect Otto Deyhle
Gerbergasse 4 – three-floor shophouse, building with mansard roof, clinker brick, about 1890/1900
Gerbergasse 12 – three-floortimber-frame shophouse, partly slated, essentiallyBaroque, possibly from the 18th century, corner setting important to town building layout
Gerbergasse 13 – former tanning house; partly timber-frame, roof with penthouse-roof aeration zone, latter half of the 19th century
Halmer Weg 10 – Late Gründerzeit villa, partly timber-frame,Art Nouveau motifs, about 1905
Halmer Weg 14 – villa; two- to three-floor building withknee wall, partly timber-frame, about 1900/1905
Halmer Weg 27 –school; two- to three-floor three-wing building, stairway and gymnasium, mixed forms, Heimatschutzarchitektur/1950s, about 1953/54, architect possibly Julius Schneider,Idar-Oberstein or Friedrich Otto, Kirn
Im Hohen Rech 8 – house, about 1900
Jahnstraße 11 –hospital; two- to three-floorNeoclassical building with mansard roof, about 1910
Kallenfelser Straße (no number) – Andresbrewery; stately three-floor Late Classicist main building, long works building, quarrystone, further older works buildings
Kallenfelser Straße 1 – former princelywinery; two-and-a-half-floor three-wing complex, mansard roof, 1769–1771, architect Johann Thomas Petri (see alsobelow)
Kallenfelser Straße 2 – Villa Andres; Late Historicist plastered building with mezzanine, about 1890/1900
Kasinoweg 3 –Baroque Revival building with mansard roof, partly slated timber framing, 1930, architect Otto, Kirn
Kasinoweg 5 – formercasino; Late Classicist villa, 1876
Kirchstraße 3 – formerPiarist monastery (town hall); three-floor Late Baroque three-wing complex, 1765–1769, architect Johann Thomas Petri; former rectory and schoolhouse, 1753, floor added in 1768 (see alsobelow)
Kolpingweg 1 – Catholic rectory,Gothic Revival plastered building, about 1900
Linke Hahnenbachstraße 10 – house; Gründerzeit sandstone-block building with knee wall, late 19th century
Linke Hahnenbachstraße 11 – “An der Bach”inn; partly timber-frame, late 16th or early 17th century, in alteration 19th century
Marktplatz 7 – formersummer house; eight-sidedRococo pavilion, 1776, architect Johann Thomas Petri
Marktplatz 4, 5, 6, 7, (8), 9 (monumental zone) – two- to three-floor shophouses, partly timber-frame, from the 16th to 19th centuries, form the marketplace's west side
Nahegasse 2 – shophouse; three-floor Late Gothic building with half-hip roof, partly timber-frame, possibly from the 16th century, altered in the 18th or 19th century
At Steinweg 15 –relief stone of a Late Baroque portal, marked 1769
Steinweg 16 – “Haus Fuchs”; former Salm-Salm government chancellery, 1760–1765, architect Johann Thomas Petri; Late Baroque building with hipped mansard roof, marked destroyed 1798/renewed 1933, architect Friedrich Otto, Kirn (?)
Steinweg 17 – shophouse; three-floor Baroque Revival building with hipped mansard roof, 1920s/1930s, architect Otto, Kirn
Steinweg 41 – “Haus Benkelberg”; shophouse; three-floor building with hipped mansard roof, Art Nouveau, about 1900/1910
Sulzbacher Straße – former garden enclosure; Art Nouveau, about 1905
Sulzbacher Straße 15 – one-and-a-half-floor three-wing Late Classicist house, about 1880
Teichweg 3 – three-floor corner building formerly belonging to Schloss Amalienlust, about 1780/1790, upper floor 1920s
Teichweg 6/8 – two-and-a-half-floor Late Classicist pair of semi-detached houses, latter half of the 19th century
Teichweg 7 – former Schloss Amalienlust, pavilion; Late Baroque building with hipped mansard roof, about 1780/1790; see also no. 11
Teichweg 11a – house, Late Baroque building with hipped mansard roof, 18th century
Teichweg 11 – former Schloss Amalienlust, pavilion; Late Baroque building with hipped mansard roof, about 1780/1790; see also no. 7
Teichweg 12 –theatre of the former Schloss Amalienlust; Late Baroque-Early Classicist building with hip roof, about 1780/1790
Teichweg 24 – Historicized Art Nouveau building, 1906
Teichweg 26 – house, Heimatstil with Gothic Revival motifs, about 1900/1905
Teichweg 28 – Late Classicist house, latter half of the 19th century
Teichweg 30 – villalike Late Classicist house, latter half of the 19th century
Übergasse 6 – house, building with mansard roof, clinker brick, Renaissance Revival, about 1900
Übergasse 7 – shophouse; Baroque timber-frame building, late 17th century
At Übergasse 8a – armorial stone, at the former Piarist College, “Haus Holinga”, Late Baroque, marked 1770
Übergasse 10 – two shophouses, timber-frame, partly slated, 16th century and about 1800
Übergasse 12 – Late Baroque building with mansard roof, possibly from the latter half of the 18th century
Übergasse 14 – three-floor timber-frame house, partly slated, 17th century
Übergasse 18 – three-floor shophouse with knee wall, about 1800
Übergasse 20 – three-floor shophouse with knee wall, timber-frame, about 1800
Denkmalzone Übergasse 5–9, 10–14, 18, 20, Kirchstraße 1, 2, Sackgasse 2 – mostly continuous two- to three-floor row of buildings from the 16th to 19th centuries, among them mainly timber-frame houses
Wassergasse 3 – timber-frame house, partly solid, about 1800
Wilhelm-Dröscher-Platz 1 – formerAmt court; three-floor sandstone building, Renaissance Revival, 1876; sculptural adornment, sculptor Hanna Cauer, Bad Kreuznach; entrance design Friedrich Otto sen.
Wörther Weg 10–14 (monumental zone) – façade made less tight byspire lights,oriel windows and timber-frame sections of five one-and-a-half- to two-and-a-half-floor houses, about 1905
Wörtherweg 13 – Late Gründerzeit house, 1907, buildingentrepreneur Franz Reuther
Bismarck Column on the Gauskopf, melaphyre-block building, 1901
Castle Kyrburg ruin (monumental zone)[14] – mentioned in 1128, expansion into palatial castle in the 16th century, destroyed in 1734; preserved a Baroque dwelling building, 18th century (about 1764?), ruin of a Renaissance building; slope retaining walls,vaulted cellar, remnants of round towers, former gunpowder tower, marked 1526,Eselsbrunnen (“Ass’s Fountain”) (see alsobelow)
Castle Steinkallenfels ruin[14] – mentioned in 1158, in 1682/1684 blown up, remnants of the three castles “Stock im Hane”, “Kallenfels” withkeep and wall remnants, “Stein” with gate tower, shield and ringwalls, round towers and so on (see alsobelow)
Evangelical Church, Kirner Straße 62 –Baroqueaisleless church, essentially from the 18th century
Saint Joseph Calasanz'sCatholic Church (Kirche St. Josef Calasanza) – inside Kirner Straße 79, two Baroque stone altars, endowed in 1753, design possibly by Johann Thomas Petri, execution by Johann Philipp Maringer
Kirner Straße, at the graveyard – warriors’ memorial 1914–1918,stele withrelief, 1920s, expanded after 1945
ThisGothic Revivalhall church, originally consecrated toSaint Pancras, with itsLate Gothic quire andRomanesque steeple from the 11th or 12th century was renovated in 1992 and 1993 to give it back its original form and interior design. Inside are found several tombs ofWalgraves-Rhinegraves that are worth seeing. Between 1681 and 1892, the church served bothProtestants andCatholics as asimultaneous church. During this time, a wall split off the Protestant section of the church from the sanctuary, which was reserved for the Catholics. After the frightful flood of 1875, new building was required at the church. As a result of this, the Catholics thought it best to build themselves their own church on Halmer Weg.
The princely winery building was built about 1771 on Prince Dominik von Salm-Kyrburg's orders. The horseshoe-shaped building, whose front is still adorned with the princely family'scoat of arms in its original form, was built by master builder Johann Thomas Petri fromSchneppenbach. After theSecond World War and until 1990, the building housed a fruitjuicing plant. After standing empty for several years, the left wing, along with the main entrance, was converted into ahotel with arestaurant in 2005. The rest of the building is now used as dwellings.
The Kyrburg in the 17th century, painting at Schloss Anholt
Kirn's foremost landmark, standing above the town, is the Kyrburg (also written “Kirburg”), a formerhill castle, now aruin. It lies between theNahe and Hahnenbach valleys high above Kirn. In 1128, the Kyrburg had its first documentary mention in a document from CountEmich de Kirberc. The castle was one of the seats held by theWaldgraves (whose successors were theEmichones). By the late 13th century, the Waldgraves had split into several lines, one of which named itself after the Kyrburg. In 1409, the Rhinegraves took over the holding through marriage. In theThirty Years' War, after beingoccupied by theSpaniards, theSwedes andImperial troops, it fell intoFrench hands in 1681. Eight years later, a replacement of the defensive complexes was undertaken. In 1734, the stronghold was once again under French occupation, and in the course of theWar of the Polish Succession, it was blown up. The ruin thereafter served the townsfolk as a stone quarry. In 1764, Prince Johann Dominik had the garrison house built, which nowadays houses theRestaurant Kyrburg, and in thecellar, the well knownwhiskymuseum. In 1908, the castle complex past into the ownership of the Princes of Salm-Salm; since 1988, it has been owned by the town of Kirn. As an outdoor stage, the ruin offers a dramatic backdrop for cultural events. In the past, severaloperas have been staged there (mainly ones byGiuseppe Verdi). It is also a venue for plays, concerts and celebrations.
The Kyrburg above Kirn, Stein-Kallenfels and Schloss Wartenstein in the background
Steinkallenfels (also written “Stein-Kallenfels”) is yet another hill castle ruin in Kirn, this one in outlying Kallenfels. In 1158, thecastle had its first documentary mention. It was originally afief held by the Lords of Stein, later called the Lords of Steinkallenfels, who died out in 1778. Beginning in the 14th century, it was a jointly held castle. As long ago as 1615, the castle was described as being in a state of disrepair. Eventually, in either 1682 or 1684, it was blown up by the French and has been a ruin ever since. The castle uses the spectacular natural ledge, of which the nearby formation, the Oberhauser Felsen (also called the “Kirner Dolomiten”), is also a part, that lies athwart the Hahnenbach valley. The castle is actually three castle complexes on separate crags. Standing on the lowest crag is a castle that had fallen into disrepair as early as the 16th century, called “Stock im Hane”. It has no appreciable wall remnants. On another crag stands the Kallenfels with a squarekeep, but there is no access to this site. Highest up sits the castle Stein, which with itsneck ditch,gate tower,bastions,shield wall and five-sided keep set back from the side of any expected attack. The three castles were joined together by defensive passages, of which only a few remnants have been preserved. The complex is now under private ownership, and is not reachable to visitors all the way down to the lowest crags. The ruins can, however, be seen quite well from the road.
Today's town hall was built in the years from 1752 to 1771. The master builder Johann Thomas Petri built here, once again on Prince Dominik's orders, aPiaristmonastery, which was nevertheless used as such for only a few years. The building later served for more than a century as aProgymnasium or aRealschule, before it was obtained by the town administration in 1938. The former monasterychapel now houses the council chamber. Belonging to the complex is a pavilion that originally stood in the extensivegarden complex. Today the eight-sided building stands on the Hahnenbach's right bank at the marketplace.
From the country house named “St. Johannisberg” is an outstanding view, dominated as it is by the Hellberg, the biggeststone run north of theAlps. Although it is in an area where stone has long been quarried, it is a natural formation made up of weathered stone. The stones slowly slide down the slope over time. Quarrying is not allowed, as the Hellberg lies within a conservation area.[15]
Beginning in the early 1870s there was aJewish prayer room in Kirn. Rented for this purpose was a backyard behind theinn “Zur Krone” on Übergasse (a lane), which had once been used as agymnasium (today a carpark occupies this spot). In 1887, the foundation stone was laid for asynagogue on Amthofstraße, whosearchitects andbuilding contractors were the Brothers Benkelberg from Kirn. On 24 and 25 February 1888, the synagogue was festively consecrated. The building was conjoined with its neighbours, which all stood in an unbroken row, and its eaves faced the street. The side with the eaves was framed withlesenes between which were found windows,Rundbogen windows in both the outer fields and above thesetracery-filled round windows, while in both the inner fields, twinned windows withmullions, also topped with tracery. A report appeared about the consecration in theKirner Zeitung on 26 February 1888:
“On 24 and 25 February, on the part of the local Jewish religious community, the consecration of its newly built synagogue took place. From near and far, a great number of coreligionists attended to participate in this lovely festival. The consecration unfolded according to a programme. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon in the old synagogue, the farewell service took place amid the removal of theTorah scrolls. Hereupon, the procession made its way to the new synagogue, which was made up of the following: schoolchildren and teachers, music, synagogue choir, the community elders with the Torah scrolls, accompanied by the festival virgins,rabbis andcantors, Mr. Mayor and the synagogue board, the guests of honour, the members of the worship community and a great number of festival participants. Having reached the new synagogue, Rabbi Dr. Goldschmidt held a short but apt speech, whereupon Mr. Michel II’s little daughter, who had borne the key to the new synagogue on a cushion in the festive procession, passed this to the building contractor Mr. Benkelberg. He thereupon handed the key over to the mayor, Mr. Rau, who as representative of the town handed it to the synagogue board, who then delivered it to the rabbi for the purpose of opening the synagogue. After all the festival participants had entered the new temple, the consecration and the festive service took place, at which we cannot fail to express our full approval to Rabbi Dr. Goldschmidt for his exceedingly bold consecration speech. After the conclusion of this celebration came a service and following this at the community hall was a great festive meal, partaking of which were not only festival attenders but also a great number of local citizens. The festive meal proceeded in the nicest way and theGregorius’sche Musikkapelle (orchestra) contributed much to its beautification. The job of food catering was given to a Jewish restaurateur fromKreuznach, while the drink catering was taken care of by a local innkeeper. Yesterday morning, there was once again a festive service at the synagogue. The concert announced for 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the community hall was attended by quite a number and spread with its precise presentation of the individual musical pieces on the part of theGregorius’sche Musikkapelle a special enjoyment. At the ball set for the evening many participants likewise showed up and, young and old, kept together merrily through the course of the evening until the early morning hours.”
In February 1928, a commemorative service was held for the synagogue's 40th anniversary. Participating at the celebration were the town's dignitaries, led by Mayor Bongartz. On 28 February 1928, theKirner Zeitung also published a report about this:
“Memorial service at the synagogue on the occasion of the 40-year anniversary of the existence of the place of worship. On 26 February 1888, theKirner Zeitung reported on the consecration festivities of the newly built synagogue, which ran a pleasant course amid great participation of the whole citizenry. The former Jewish house of worship was housed before 1888 at the former gymnasium, Übergasse (owner Mr. Nonweiler). Of the generation of that time when the house of worship was built, the last, Mr. L. Rothschild died only a short time ago. In the sermon on Saturday the 25th of this month, Cantor Demant, among others, commemorated the time forty years ago, when the building work was carried out at great sacrifice. The donations flowed richly. It was received as an especially fine stroke of noble humanity that even those fellow townsfolk of other beliefs took part in the donations in great measure, thus earning themselves the Jewish community’s thanks for ever. Certainly a sign of the good comity that prevails among the local citizenry, whatever their faith, then and now. Subsequently, after the sermon, a prayer of thanks was offered for salvation, in which all late donors of any belief were included.”
Ten years later, onKristallnacht (9–10 November 1938),Brownshirt thugs thrust their way into the synagogue and destroyed the whole institution. Pews andJudaica were dragged outside and burnt. On 13 April 1939, the Jewish community was forced to sell the synagogue property for 5,358 ℛℳ. In connection with the restitution proceedings in 1950, a further payment of 4,000 DM was made. That same year, the building was torn down. Acinema was built there instead. A memorial has recalled the fate of the town's Jewish community and its synagogue since 9 November 1988 – the fiftieth anniversary of Kristallnacht. This can be found on Steinweg between Neue Straße and Langgasse. Another memorial plaque dating from earlier – 1978 – can be found at the memorial to the war dead at the graveyard. The synagogue's address was Amthofstraße 2.[16]
A Jewish graveyard in Kirn was being mentioned as of 1555 (cadastral area called “off'm Judenkirchhof”), which presumably meant a graveyard for themediaeval Jewish community. Its whereabouts are now unknown. In 1870, a new graveyard was laid out. It was expanded in 1915. The graveyard's area is 1 000 m2. Preserved on part 1 are 33 graves, and on part 2, 21. In the 1990s, the graveyard was desecrated several times. It lies on Kallenfelser Straße right next to the municipal (Christian) graveyard. The Jewish graveyard actually comprises the north corner of the municipal graveyard, but lies outside the graveyard wall.[17]
At the community hall (Gesellschaftshaus), which was built in 1879 by the leather company of Carl Simon & Söhne in theClassicist style,concert,cabaret andtheatrical events are held the year round byKulturinitiative Kirn. Twice each year, the hall, big enough for up to 500 people, converts itself into an exhibition hall where, for a fortnight each time, paintings and sculptures, mostly by local artists, are put on display. After intensive conversion work, the family leisure pool “Jahnbad” was opened again in the spring of 2002. Besides the 50 m-long main basin, there is now a leisure basin with a slide, a flow channel and massage couches as well as a wading pool with a little slide. The Kirn townlibrary has been housed since January 2002 at Wilhelm-Dröscher-Haus on the Hahnenbach's left bank. On a floor area of 145 m2, some 5,800 books are available to readers. Thematic specialization involves, besidesbelles lettres, mainlychildren's andyouth literature.
Kirn is a starting point for theHunsrück Schiefer- und Burgenstraße (“Hunsrück Slate and Castle Road”), theSoonwaldsteig (hiking trail), theKeltenweg Nahe–Mosel (likewise) and theLützelsoon-Radweg (cycle path), as well as being a stage on theNahe-Hunsrück-Mosel-Radweg (another cycle path).
Given its central geographical location, Kirn was always a lively market centre. Still preserved today, alongside the flea markets held on the first Monday of each month, are two prominent markets: theAndreasmarkt – which celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2000 – on the last weekend in November, and theThomasmarkt on the second Saturday in December. These markets are quite a boon for Kirn in that they always draw many visitors from the surrounding region. At theHandwerker- und Bauernmarkt (“Craftsmen’s and Farmers’ Market”) in October, small businesses from the Kirn area present their handmade wares and offer them for sale. There is also aWochenmarkt (weekly market – which despite this name is held twice weekly) on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Kirn once earned itself countrywide fame as the “Town of Leather”. Most of the tanneries and leather-finishing plants of yore are now long gone, and all that remains of them in town is their head offices. Because such a great deal of the production has been shifted to countries where wages are low, very few people are now employed in the leather industry in Kirn itself. World-famous among what little is left of the industry are theMüller & Meirer LederwarenfabrikGmbH (locally known as “Müller Hein” and its products marketed under the name Maître) and the Braun GmbH & Co. KG (local name and marketing brand: Braun Büffel).[19] ThroughoutRhineland-Palatinate, the town is also well known for its localbrewery and thebeer that it brews, Kirner Pils. Kirn's biggest employer is SIMONAAG, a worldwide-active manufacturer and distributor ofthermoplastic semi-finished products, which originally grew out of the leatherware field. Further important branches of the economy are woodworking, plant construction, the hard-rock industry, packaging and automotive supply. Many small and midsize craft andretail businesses are also represented in town. Over the last few years,tourism, too, has been growing in importance.
For a town of its size, Kirn has a rather comprehensive offering of educational institutions. Besides fivedaycare centres and twoprimary schools, there is the municipalHauptschule, which as of 1 August 2011 became aRealschule plus. Also available are aGymnasium (Gymnasium Kirn), aRealschule and theWilhelm-Dröscher-Schule for pupils with special needs. Thevocational schools of theBad Kreuznachdistrict are represented in Kirn in the fields ofmechanics, commerce and industry, home economics, economics and administration. The programmes offered by thefolk high school and themusic school round out Kirn's educational offerings.[20]
Medical services are supplied by thehospital run by thekreuznacher diakonie (always written with lowercase initials), many general and specialized healthcare professionals who have located in town and fivepharmacies. For seniors, the town has two homes for the elderly, both under church sponsorship.
Appearing in Kirn are two local editions of regional dailynewspapers: theKirner Zeitung (Rhein-Zeitung,Koblenz) and theAllgemeine Zeitung (Kirn edition) (Verlagsgruppe Rhein Main, Mainz).
Like many places in the region, Kirn can claim to have had its dealings with the notorious outlawSchinderhannes (or Johannes Bückler, to use his true name). He often found himself in Kirn and the surrounding area. In 1796, he and his accomplices went about stealingmutton several times around Kirn, which they sold to abutcher in town. For other misdeeds, he was punished with 25 strokes of the cane at the marketplace. On 10 December 1796 he was caught and locked up in the dungeon at Kirn town hall, only to escape that very night by way of the roof. On 22 December 1797 he amused himself at the KirnChristkindchen-Markt (Christmas market) and shortly thereafter committed his firstmurder inHundheim.[21]