The name is most possibly related to the name of the stream Hustets or Husztica, which means "kerchief". It is also conceivable that the name of the city comes from aRomanian traditional food ingredient – husti.
There is also a fairy tale about the town's name: Once achort (demon) was walking around the town and then a mountain appeared. A moment later, it fell on his tail. He shouted,Hvust (Transcarpathian dialect, "Хвіст" in Ukrainian,tail in English). Another chort heard "Khust"... In that way, the name of the town was formed.[citation needed]
The settlement was first mentioned asterraHuzth, in 1324.[2] Itscastle, supposed to be built in 1090 by the kingSt. Ladislaus of Hungary as a defence against theCumans and destroyed during the Mongol invasion of Hungary, was mentioned in 1353. The town got privileges in 1329.[2]
In 1458King Matthias imprisoned his uncle, the rebelliousMihály Szilágyi in the castle. In 1514, duringGyörgy Dózsa's peasant revolt local peasants captured the castle. In 1526 the area became a part ofTransylvania.
The army ofFerdinand I captured the town in 1546. In 1594, the Tartars destroyed the town, but could not take the castle. The castle was besieged in 1644 by the army ofGeorge I Rákóczi, in 1657 by the Polish, and in 1661–62 by the Ottoman and Tartar hordes. CountFerenc Rhédey, the ruling prince of Transylvania and high steward ofMáramaros County died in the castle on 13 May 1667.
The castle surrendered to theKurucs on 17 August 1703, and the independence of Transylvania was proclaimed here. It was the last castle the Habsburgs occupied when suppressing the freedom fight of the Kurucs, in 1711. The seriously damaged castle was struck by lightning and burnt down on 3 July 1766; a storm brought down its tower in 1798, it has been in ruins ever since then. Khust was renamed asCsebreny in 1882 duringMagyarization process. In 1861, RabbiMoshe Schick, established what was, at that time, the largestyeshiva in the world, with over 800 students.
In 1910 Khust had 10,292 citizens, 5,230 Ukrainians, 3,505Hungarians and 1,535Germans.[citation needed] Until theTreaty of Trianon it belonged toHungary and was the seat of the Khust district of Máramaros county. After World War I, in summer 1919 the Rumanian troops took over the territory. But according to the St.-Germain treatyCzechoslovakia received the city, as part of newly formed Podkarpatsko ("under the Carpathians") region (Subcarpathia).[3] Czechoslovakia had to provide the region a wide autonomy, but autonomy was realised only in 1938. In Autumn 1938 an autonomous government was organized. The day after the collapse of Czechoslovakia on 14 March 1939, the Khust city government proclaimed, by the will of the local population, independence as Carpathian Ukraine on 15 March 1939. The next day, 16 March 1939, Hungarian troops invaded Khust and claimed it as part of Hungary.[4] On 24 October 1944 Soviet troops occupied the city, and annexed it into the Soviet Union. The Soviet government deported much of the city's German and Hungarian populations.
Holocaust Victims Memorial (Holon, Israel)Interior of the Khust Synagogue
Prior to 1939, Jews thrived in Khust and owned many businesses. When the city became part of Hungary in March 1939 again, many Jewish citizens were forced into labor camps. A ghetto was established, and Jews from other regions were forced to live there. Additional ghettos were established nearby inIza and Szeklence (now Sokyrnytsia,Ukraine).[5] By April 1944,[6] most Jewish residents were killed atAuschwitz.[7][8] Prior to the war, there were 8 synagogues in the city. One survives and is in use today.[5]
Protestant fortress church 13th–14th century, Protestant since 1524, fortified in 1616, 1644, 1661 and 1670, restored in 1773 and 1888. Its belfry is from the 15th century; until 1861 it had four pinnacles.
Jenő Benda, writer, and journalist was born here in 1882.
Leslie Buck (bornLaszlo Büch), American business executive and Holocaust survivor, designer of theAnthoracoffee cup, was born in Khust in 1922.[12][13]
Rabbi Zeev ben Moshe Feuerlicht (born 1918), studied in yeshiva of Satu-Mare Rebbe, Romania, during the Liberation of Czechoslovakia from Nazi Germany he joined as an active fighter the Gen.Ludvík Svoboda Army, served in Prague synagogueAlt-neu Shul as a Rabbi, educator andshochet. Rabbi Feuerlicht, together with Rabbi Karol Efraim Sidon, is credited for the survival of the Jewish Orthodox community in Czechoslovakia after WWII.
Rachel Ta-Shma, scientist at Hebrew University, Jerusalem
^PRECLÍK, Vratislav: "Profesor Masaryk a Podkarpatská Rus právě před sto lety" (Professor Masaryk and Subcarpatian Russia just hundred years ago), in Čas: časopis Masarykova demokratického hnutí, leden - březen 2019, roč.XXVII. čís. 125. ISSN 1210-1648, str.18 – 23
^"Spare My Son". Murphysboro, Illinois: The Daily Independent. Apr 8, 1939. p. 2.