The conflict was triggered by the infiltration of Pakistani troops—disguised asKashmiri militants—into strategic positions on the Indian side of the LoC,[21][22] which serves as thede facto border between the two countries in thedisputed region of Kashmir. During its initial stages, Pakistan blamed the fighting entirely on independent Kashmiri insurgents, but documents left behind by casualties and later statements by Pakistan'sPrime Minister andChief of Army Staff showed the involvement of Pakistani paramilitary forces,[23][24][25] led byGeneral Ashraf Rashid.[26] The Indian Army, later supported by the Indian Air Force, recaptured a majority of the positions on the Indian side of the LoC; facing international diplomatic opposition, Pakistani forces withdrew from all remaining Indian positions along the LoC.
Before thePartition of India in 1947, Kargil was atehsil ofLadakh, a sparsely populated region with diverse linguistic, ethnic and religious groups, living in isolated valleys separated by some of the world's highest mountains. TheIndo-Pakistani War of 1947-1948 concluded with the Line of Control bisecting the Ladakh district, with theSkardu tehsil going to Pakistan (now part ofGilgit-Baltistan).[27] After Pakistan's defeat in theIndo-Pakistani War of 1971, the two nations signed theSimla Agreement promising not to engage in armed conflict with respect to that boundary.[28]
The town ofKargil is located 205 km (127 mi) fromSrinagar, facing theNorthern Areas across the LOC.[29] Like other areas in theHimalayas, Kargil has a continental climate. Summers are cool with frigid nights, while winters are long and chilly with temperatures often dropping to −48 °C (−54 °F).[30]
An Indiannational highway (NH 1) connecting Srinagar toLeh cuts through Kargil. The military outposts on the ridges above the highway were generally around 5,000 m (16,000 ft) high, with a few as high as 5,485 m (17,995 ft).[31] The rough terrain and narrow roads slowed down traffic, and the high altitude, which affected the ability of aircraft to carry loads, made control of NH 1 (the actual stretch of the highway which was under Pakistani fire) a priority for India. From their 130+ covertly occupiedobservation posts, the occupants had a clear line-of-sight.[32]
Kargil was targeted partly because the terrain was conducive to thepreemptive seizure of several unoccupied military positions.[33] With tactically vital features and well-prepared defensive posts atop the peaks, a defender on the high ground would enjoy advantages akin to that of a fortress. Any attack to dislodge a defender from high ground inmountain warfare requires a far higher ratio of attackers to defenders,[34] and the difficulties would be exacerbated by the high altitude and freezing temperatures.[35]
Kargil is just 173 km (107 mi) from the Pakistani-controlled town ofSkardu, which was capable of providing logistical and artillery support to Pakistani combatants. Aroad between Kargil and Skardu exists, which was closed in 1949.[36]
After theIndo-Pakistani war of 1971, there had been a long period with relatively few direct armed conflicts involving the military forces of the two neighbours—notwithstanding the efforts of both nations to control theSiachen Glacier by establishing military outposts on the surrounding mountains ridges and the resulting military skirmishes in the 1980s.[37] During the 1990s, however, escalatingtensions and conflict due toseparatist activities in Kashmir, some of which were supported by Pakistan,[38][39][40][41][42][43][44] as well as the conducting ofnuclear tests by both countries in 1998, led to an increasingly belligerent atmosphere. In an attempt to defuse the situation, both countries signed theLahore Declaration in February 1999, promising to provide a peaceful and bilateral solution to theKashmir conflict.
During the winter of 1998–1999, some elements of thePakistani Armed Forces were covertly training and sending Pakistani troops and paramilitary forces, some allegedly in the guise ofmujahideen, into territory on the Indian side of the LOC. The infiltration wascodenamed "Operation Badr";[45][46][47] its aim was to sever the link between Kashmir and Ladakh, and cause Indian forces to withdraw from theSiachen Glacier, thus forcing India to negotiate a settlement of the broader Kashmir dispute. Pakistan also believed that any tension in the region would internationalise the Kashmir issue, helping it to secure a speedy resolution. Yet another goal may have been to boost the morale of the decade-long rebellion inJammu and Kashmir by taking a proactive role.
PakistaniLieutenant GeneralShahid Aziz, and then head ofISI analysis wing, has confirmed there were no mujahideen but only regular Pakistan Army soldiers who took part in the Kargil War.[48] "There were no Mujahideen, only taped wireless messages, which fooled no one. Our soldiers were made to occupy barren ridges, with hand held weapons and ammunition", Lt Gen Aziz wrote in his article inThe Nation daily in January 2013.[49]
Some writers have speculated that the operation's objective may also have been retaliation for India'sOperation Meghdoot in 1984 that seized much of Siachen Glacier.[50]
According to India's thenarmy chief (COAS)Ved Prakash Malik, and many scholars,[51][52] much of the background planning, including construction of logistical supply routes, had been undertaken much earlier. On several occasions during the 1980s and 1990s, the army had given Pakistani leaders (Zia ul Haq andBenazir Bhutto) similar proposals for infiltration into the Kargil region, but the plans had been shelved for fear of drawing the nations into all-out war.[53][54][55]
Some analysts believe that the blueprint of attack was reactivated soon after Pervez Musharraf was appointedchief of army staff in October 1998.[45][56] After the war,Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan during the Kargil conflict, claimed that he was unaware of the plans, and that he first learned about the situation when he received an urgent phone call fromAtal Bihari Vajpayee, his counterpart in India.[57] Sharif attributed the plan to Musharraf and "just two or three of hiscronies",[58] a view shared by some Pakistani writers who have stated that only four generals, including Musharraf, knew of the plan.[53][21] Musharraf, however, asserted that Sharif had been briefed on the Kargil operation 15 days ahead of Vajpayee's journey toLahore on 20 February.[59]
Occupation by Pakistan
Infiltration and military build-up
During February 1999, thePakistan Army sent forces to occupy some posts on the Indian side of the LOC.[60] Troops from the eliteSpecial Services Group as well as four to sevenbattalions[22][61] of theNorthern Light Infantry (a paramilitary regiment not part of the regular Pakistani army at that time) covertly and overtly set up bases on 132 vantage points of the Indian-controlled region.[62] According to some reports, these Pakistani forces were backed by Kashmiriguerrillas and Afghanmercenaries.[63] According to GeneralVed Malik, the bulk of the infiltration occurred in April.[64]
Pakistani intrusions took place in the heights of the lower Mushkoh Valley, along theMarpo La ridgeline in Dras, in Kaksar near Kargil, in the Batalik sector east of theIndus River, on the heights above of theChorbat La sector where the LOC turns North and in theTurtuk sector south of theSiachen area.
Discovery of infiltration and mobilisation
Initially, these incursions were not detected for a number of reasons: Indian patrols were not sent into some of the areas infiltrated by the Pakistani forces and heavy artillery fire by Pakistan in some areasprovided cover for the infiltrators. But by the second week of May, the ambushing of an Indian patrol team led by CaptSaurabh Kalia, who acted on a tip-off by a local shepherd in the Batalik sector, led to the exposure of the infiltration.[65] Initially, with little knowledge of the nature or extent of the infiltration, the Indian troops in the area assumed that the infiltrators were jihadis and claimed that they would evict them within a few days.[21][66][67] At the time of the discovery of these attacks, COAS of Indian Army Gen V. P. Malik was on a visit toPoland and was receiving information regarding the discoveries. On 12 May, the estimate reported by the DGMO to Gen Malik was "some militants" but by 15 May, the estimate had risen to 250-300. The 8 Mountain Division under the command of Maj Gen Mohinder Puri was mobilized to be ready for engagement.[68] The estimate grew to over a 1000 by 21 May.[69]
The true scale of the incursions was only recognized by the high command after theCCS meeting on 18 May after which heavy mobilization began and division level movement was ordered. Several divisions were ordered to halt counterinsurgency activity and position to engage the infiltrators.[70] The total area seized by the ingress is generally accepted to between 130 and 200 km2 (50 and 80 sq mi).[21][66][67]
The clear line of sight provided by the ridges was a serious problem for the Indian Army as the highway was the main logistical and supply route.[71] The Pakistani shelling of thearterial road threatened to cut Leh off, though an alternative (and longer) road to Leh existed viaHimachal Pradesh, theLeh–Manali Highway.[citation needed]
Indian soldiers after winning a battle during the Kargil War
TheGovernment of India responded with Operation Vijay, a mobilisation of 200,000 Indian troops. However, because of the nature of the terrain,division andcorps operations could not be mounted; subsequent fighting was conducted mostly at the brigade orbattalion level. In effect, twodivisions of the Indian Army,[75] numbering 20,000, plus several thousand from theParamilitary forces of India and the air force were deployed in the conflict zone. The total number of Indian soldiers that were involved in themilitary operation on the Kargil-Drass sector was thus close to 30,000. The number of infiltrators, including those providing logistical backup, has been put at approximately 5,000 at the height of the conflict.[21]
TheIndian Air Force launchedOperation Safed Sagar in support of the mobilisation of Indian land forces on 26 May. The Indian government cleared limited use of Air Power only on 25 May, for fear of undesirable escalation, with the fiat that IAF fighter jets were not to cross the LOC under any circumstance.[76] This was the first time any air war was fought at such high altitudes globally, with targets at altitudes between 1,800 to 5,500 metres (6,000 to 18,000 ft)above sea level. The rarified air at these altitudes affected ballistic trajectories of air to ground weapons, such as rockets, dumb and laser guided bombs. There was no opposition at all by the Pakistani Air Force, leaving the IAF free to carry out its attacks with impunity.[77] The total air dominance of the IAF gave the aircrew enough time to modify aiming indices and firing techniques, increasing its effectiveness during the high altitude war. Poor weather conditions and range limitations intermittently affected bomb loads and the number ofairstrips that could be used, except for theMirage 2000 fleet, which commenced operations on 30 May.[78]
The task of repelling the Pakistani forces was given to the15th Corps under the command of Lt Gen Kishan Pal.[88] The Kargil area, before the commencement of the engagement, was primarily enforced by 121 (I) infantry brigade commanded by Brig. Surinder Singh but Brig Singh was dismissed of his position when the infiltrations were discovered. In his place, Brig O. P. Nandrajog took command of the brigade. The 56 Mountain Brigade under the command of Brig A. N. Aul of the 8 Mountain Division was also inducted into the area.[89][90]
Battle of Tololing
The Indian Army's first priority was to recapture peaks that were in the immediate vicinity of NH 1. This resulted in Indian troops first targeting the Tiger Hill and Tololing complex in Dras, which dominated the Srinagar-Leh route.[91] TheBattle of Tololing, amongst other assaults, slowly tilted the combat in India's favour. By 22 May, 18 Grenadiers, 1 Naga and Garhwal under the command of Col Kushal Thakur had begun an assault on Tololing and were awaiting reinforcements. The battle lasted till 14 May. Along with reinforcements from 2 Rajputana Rifles under Lt Col M.B. Ravindranath and 16 Grenadiers, the Indian forces had to carry out several assaults in difficult terrain. Several senior Indian army officers were killed in action but the Tololing peak and surrounding points like points P4590 were captured.[92] The recapture of Point 4590 on Tololing by Indian troops on 14 June was significant, notwithstanding the fact that it resulted in the Indian Army suffering the most casualties in a single battle during the conflict.[93]
TheIndian Air Force was tasked to act jointly withground troops on 25 May.[76] Thecode name assigned to their role wasOperation Safed Sagar[94] It was in this type of terrain thataerial attacks were used, initially with limited effectiveness. On 27 May, the IAF lost aMiG-27 aircraft piloted by Flt. Lt.K Nachiketa, which it attributed to anengine failure, and aMiG-21fighter piloted by Sqn LdrAjay Ahuja which was shot down by the Pakistani army, both over Batalik sector.[95][96] Initially Pakistan said it shot down both jets after they crossed into its territory.[97] According to reports, Ahuja had bailed out of his stricken plane safely but was apparently killed by his captors as his body was returned riddled with bullet wounds.[98] One IndianMi-8 helicopter was also lost due toStingerSAMs. French madeMirage 2000H of the IAF were tasked to droplaser-guided bombs to destroy well-entrenched positions of the Pakistani forces[citation needed] and flew its first sortie on 30 May.[99] The effects of the pinpoint non-stop bombing by the Mirage-2000, by day and by night, became evident with almost immediate effect.[100]
By 15 June, India had mobilised a huge portion of its army near the international border and Indian commanders were on order to be ready for crossing the International border. The Pakistani DGMO Tauqir Zia communicated to the Indian DGMONirmal Chander Vij that Pakistan was uncomfortable with the escalations. According to then COAS of India VP Malik, Pakistan did not want to escalate further.[101]
On 17 June, 13 JnK Rifles was tasked withcapturing points 5140. Under the command ofLt Col YK Joshi, the battalion carried the operation out on 20 June and successfully captured the point after an intenseclose-quarters battle. Gen Malik called Lt Vikram Batra's for his contribution to the battle and success signal - "Yeh Dil mange More" became legendary.[102] Area adjacent to point 5140, namely and Area Rocky and Black tooth were captured by 1 Naga by 22 June.[103]
The infiltrators evicted from 5140 and Tololing had regrouped at point 4700 and 18 Grenadiers were tasked with removing them. This attack was successfully carried out from 28 to 30 June. This attack enabled the Indian forces to finally focus on point 5100 and Area three pimples.[103]
Capture of Three Pimples
IAFMiG-21s were used extensively in the Kargil War.
As the operation was fully underway, about 250 artillery guns were brought in to clear the infiltrators in the posts that were in theline-of-sight. TheBoforsFH-77B field howitzer played a vital role, with Indian gunners making maximum use of the terrain. However, its success was limited elsewhere due to the lack of space and depth to deploy it.
Area three pimples consisted of the Knoll, Lone Hill and Three Pimples. 2 Rajputana Rifles of Lt. Col. Ravindranath was tasked to recapture it on 28 June. Gen Malik personally talked with Ravindranath before the battle. The battle began 2 hours later and lasted 2 days. Area three pimples was captured on 29 June.[104]
By last week of June, most of fire power was concentrated to the highest peak in the surrounding, Tiger Hill. 18 Grenadiers was placed under 192 Mountain brigade commanded by Brig. MPS Bajwa and 41 Field regiment was given the primary responsibility of artillery operations. The air force also concentrated its strikes within Tiger hill. This was the first battle in India to be telecasted live.[105] TheBattle of Tiger Hill began on 3 July. After 2 days of intense warfare, it was deemed impossible to just conclude the attack with one battalion so 8 Sikh was ordered to move from the west into Tiger Hill. By 5 July, several objectives were completed and major Pakistani commanders were killed. By 8 July the entire Tiger Hill feature was captured by 18 Grenadiers and 8 Sikh and Gen VP Malik addressed the media informing the world.[106]
Two months into the conflict, Indian troops had slowly retaken most of the ridges that were encroached upon by the infiltrators;[107][108] according to the official count, an estimated 75–80% of the intruded area and nearly all the high ground were back under Indian control.[45]
After the battle of Tiger Hill, the next important objective was to capture point 4875 North-West of Mashkoh. The 13 JnK Rifles was assigned to 79 Mountain brigade of Brig. Ramesh Kakar. Lt. Col. Joshi regrouped in the Mashkoh valley on 1 July and the Battle began on 4 July. After hours of intense battle, Lt. Col. Joshi was unable to capture the point due to the fortification disadvantage and two companies of the battalion found themselves stuck in daylight.
An injuredLt. Vikram Batra volunteered to reinforce the companies and was deployed as a platoon commander. Throughout the night 5 July, the battle raged in close-quatres. "The opposing troops were so close that, besides the staccato of small arms, verbal exchanges carried on throughout the night." noted Gen Malik. While assaulting the peak, Capt. Naveen Nagappa was injured. It then became clear that the point directly north of 4875 was also to be captured. Capt. Batra led the final assault on this point, rescuing Capt. Nagappa but himself succumbed to Sniper and RPG fire on 7 July. Capt Batra's attack ensured an Indian victory at point 4875.[109]
First Ceasefire
Between 4 and 12 July, 17 Jat and 2 Naga continued to attack peaks adjacent to 4875 and had success. 6 and 7 Para SF attacked point 4700 but had to suspend their operations on 12 July when the ceasefire came into effect.[110] After the Pakistani forces failed to honor the ceasefire and withdraw forces, the Indian forces resumed operations and point 4700 was captured by Para SF.[111]
Battle of Zulu Spur
After the Pakistani forces refused to withdraw, Indian forces under the command of Brig MPS Bajwa of 192 Mountain Brigade launched an attack on the Zulu Spur on 22 July. The 3 Gurkha Rifles and 9 Para SF carried the operation out and forced the Pakistani forces to retreat by 25 July.[111]
Operations in Batalik sector
Battle of point 5203
On 29 May, operations in Batalik sector began as 1 Bihar regiment from 70 Infantry Brigade captured several posts including point 5203 in the western portion of the frontier but had to eventually retreat. The forces then had to focus on the eastern side. Operations resumed on 1 June when 12 JnK Rifles and 5 Para SF attacked and captured point 5390 and then decided to attack 5203 again. The assault was launched on 6 June. It resulted in an intense battle with heavy casualties. The battled continued till 21 June, when Ladakh Scouts had to join the Indian side and the point was captured. The brigade commander Brig. Devinder Singh was also injured in this assault.[112]
Battle of point 4812
The next most important objective was to capture Point 4812, which was an important dominating position of Pakistani forces. Four battalions of the 70 Infantry Brigade was tasked with a multidirectional attack on 30 June. By 6 July, all these forces completed their individual objectives and linked up.[113]
Battle of Jubar
The final objective in the Batalik frontier was the Jubar peak which was isolated from the neighboring dominating structures. Attack was launched by 1 Bihar on 29 June and with the assistance of Air force and artillery, the peak was captured on 7 July.[114]
Final Ceasefire
On 27 July, the Pakistani forces requested for a flag meeting and sought permission to collect dead bodies. Maj Gen Mohinder Puri granted this request. At the end of this venture, the Pakistani forces stood down and agreed to abide by the terms of the ceasefire in full.[115]
Washington Accord and final battles
Following the outbreak of armed fighting, Pakistan sought American help in de-escalating the conflict.Bruce Riedel, who was then an aide to PresidentBill Clinton, reported that US intelligence had imaged Pakistani movements of nuclear weapons to forward deployments for fear of the Kargil hostilities escalating into a wider conflict. However, President Clinton refused to intervene until Pakistan had removed all forces from the Indian side of the LOC.[116]
Following the Washington accord of 4 July 1999, when Sharif agreed to withdraw Pakistani troops, most of the fighting came to a gradual halt, but some Pakistani forces remained in positions on the Indian side of the LoC. In addition, theUnited Jihad Council (an umbrella for extremist groups) rejected Pakistan's plan for a climb-down, instead deciding to fight on.[117]
The Indian army launched its final attacks in the last week of July in co-ordination with relentless attacks by the IAF, both by day and night, in their totally successfulOperation Safed Sagar; as soon as the Drass subsector had been cleared of Pakistani forces, the fighting ceased on 26 July. The day has since been marked asKargil Vijay Diwas (Kargil Victory Day) in India. In the wake of its successive military defeats in Kargil, diplomatic isolation in the international arena, its precarious economic situation, and the mounting international pressure, thePakistani establishment was compelled to negotiate a face saving withdrawal from the residual areas on the Indian side of the LoC, thereby restoring the sanctity of the LoC, as was established in July 1972 as per theSimla Agreement.[118][119]
Kargil War officially comes to an end. Indian Army announces the complete withdrawal of Pakistani irregular and regular forces.
World opinion
Pakistan was heavily criticised by other countries for instigating the war, as itsparamilitary forces andinsurgents had crossed the LOC (Line of Control).[125] Pakistan's primary diplomatic response, one ofplausible deniability linking the incursion to what it officially termed as "Kashmirifreedom fighters", was in the end not successful.[126] Veteran analysts argued that the battle was fought at heights where only seasoned troops could survive, so poorly equipped "freedom fighters" would neither have the ability nor the wherewithal to seize land and defend it. Moreover, while the army had initially denied the involvement of its troops in the intrusion, two soldiers were awarded theNishan-E-Haider (Pakistan's highest military honour). Another 90 soldiers were also givengallantry awards, most of themposthumously, confirming Pakistan's role in the episode. India also releasedtaped phone conversations between the Army Chief and a senior Pakistani general where the latter is recorded saying: "the scruff of [the militants] necks is in our hands",[127] although Pakistan dismissed it as a "total fabrication". Concurrently, Pakistan made several contradicting statements, confirming its role in Kargil, when it defended the incursions saying that the LOC itself was disputed.[128] Pakistan also attempted to internationalise the Kashmir issue, by linking the crisis in Kargil to the largerKashmir conflict, but such a diplomatic stance found few backers on the world stage.[129]
As the Indian counter-attacks picked up momentum, Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif flew to meet US President Bill Clinton on 4 July to obtain support from the United States. Clinton rebuked Sharif, however, and asked him to use his contacts to rein in the militants and withdraw Pakistani soldiers from Indian territory. Clinton would later reveal inhis autobiography that "Sharif's moves were perplexing" since the Indian Prime Minister had travelled to Lahore to promote bilateral talks aimed at resolving the Kashmir problem and "by crossing the Line of Control, Pakistan had wrecked the [bilateral] talks".[130] On the other hand, he applauded Indian restraint for not crossing the LOC and escalating the conflict into an all-out war.[131]
G8 nations supported India and condemned the Pakistani violation of the LOC at theCologne summit. TheEuropean Union also opposed Pakistan's violation of the LOC.[132]China, a long-time ally of Pakistan, insisted on a pullout of forces to the pre-conflict positions along the LOC and settling border issues peacefully. Other organisations like theASEAN Regional Forum too supported India's stand on the inviolability of the LOC.[129]
Faced with growing international pressure, Sharif managed to pull back the remaining soldiers from Indian territory. The joint statement issued by Clinton and Sharif conveyed the need to respect the LOC and resume bilateral talks as the best forum to resolve all disputes.[133][134]
Gallantry awards
Operation Vijay Medal – Awarded to armed forces of India who were deployed during Operation Vijay
The Kargil War was significant for the impact and influence of the mass media on public opinion in both nations. Coming at a time of exploding growth inelectronic journalism in India, the Kargil news stories and war footage were often telecast live on TV, and many websites provided in-depth analysis of the war.[169] The conflict became the first "live" war in South Asia and it was given such detailed media coverage that one effect was the drumming up ofjingoistic feelings.[170]
The conflict soon turned into anews propaganda war, in which press briefings given by government officials of each nation produced conflicting claims and counterclaims. The Indian government placed a temporaryNews Embargo on information from Pakistan, banning the telecast of thestate-run Pakistani channelPTV[171] and blocking access to online editions of theDawn newspaper.[172] The Pakistani media criticised this apparent curbing offreedom of the press in India, while India media claimed it was in the interest ofnational security. The Indian government ran advertisements in foreign publications includingThe Times andThe Washington Post detailing Pakistan'srole in supporting extremists in Kashmir in an attempt to garner political support for its position.
As the war progressed, media coverage of the conflict was more intense in India than in Pakistan.[173] Many Indian channels showed images from the battle zone in a style reminiscent ofCNN's coverage of theGulf War (one of the shells fired by Pakistan troops even hit aDoordarshan transmission centre in Kargil; coverage continued, however).[174] Reasons for India's increased coverage included the greater number of privately owned electronic media in India compared to Pakistan and relatively greatertransparency in theIndian media. At a seminar inKarachi, Pakistani journalists agreed that while the Indian government had taken the press and the people into its confidence, Pakistan had not.[175]
The print media in India and abroad was largely sympathetic to the Indian cause, with editorials in newspapers based in the west and other neutral countries observing that Pakistan was largely responsible for the conflict. Some analysts believe that Indian media, which was both larger in number and more credible, may have acted as aforce multiplier for the Indian military operation in Kargil and served as a morale booster.[3][176] As the fighting intensified, the Pakistani version of events found little backing on the world stage. This helped India gain valuablediplomatic recognition for its position.
WMDs and the nuclear factor
Since Pakistan and India each hadweapons of mass destruction, many in the international community were concerned that if the Kargil conflict intensified, it could lead tonuclear war. Both countries had tested their nuclear capability in 1998 (India conducted itsfirst test in 1974 while it was Pakistan's first-evernuclear test). Manypolitical pundits believed the tests to be an indication of the escalating stakes in the scenario in South Asia. When the Kargil conflict started just a year after the nuclear tests, many nations desired to end it before it intensified.
International concerns increased when Pakistaniforeign secretaryShamshad Ahmad made a statement on 31 May warning that an escalation of the limited conflict could lead Pakistan to use "any weapon" in its arsenal.[177] This was immediately interpreted as a threat of nuclear retaliation by Pakistan in the event of an extended war, and the belief was reinforced when the leader ofPakistan's senate noted, "The purposeof developing weapons becomes meaningless if they are not used when they are needed".[178] Many such ambiguous statements from officials of both countries were viewed as warnings of an impending nuclear crisis where the combatants would consider use of their limited nuclear arsenals in "tactical" nuclear warfare in the belief that it would not have ended inmutual assured destruction, as could have occurred in a nuclear conflict between the United States and theUSSR. Some experts believe that following nuclear tests in 1998, the Pakistani military was emboldened by its nuclear deterrent to markedly increase coercion against India.[179]
The nature of the India-Pakistan conflict took a more sinister turn when the United States received intelligence that Pakistani nuclearwarheads were being moved towards the border. Bill Clinton tried to dissuade Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif from nuclearbrinkmanship, even threatening Pakistan of dire consequences. According to aWhite House official, Sharif seemed to be genuinely surprised by this supposed missile movement and responded that India was probably planning the same. In an article published in a defence journal in 2000, Sanjay Badri-Maharaj, a security expert, claimed while quoting another expert that India too had readied at least five nuclear-tippedballistic missiles.[180]
Sensing a deteriorating military scenario, diplomatic isolation, and the risks of a larger conventional and nuclear war, Sharif ordered the Pakistani army to vacate the Kargil heights. He later claimed in his official biography that General Pervez Musharraf had moved nuclear warheads without informing him.[181] Recently however, Pervez Musharraf revealed in his memoirs that Pakistan's nuclear delivery system was not operational during the Kargil war;[66] something that would have put Pakistan under serious disadvantage if the conflict went nuclear.
The threat ofWMD includedchemical and evenbiological weapons. Pakistan accused India of using chemical weapons andincendiary weapons such asnapalm against the Kashmiri fighters. India, on the other hand, showcased a cache ofgas masks as proof that Pakistan may have been prepared to use non-conventional weapons. US official and theOrganisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons determined that Pakistani allegations of India using banned chemicals in its bombs were unfounded.[182]
From the end of the war until February 2000, theIndian stock market rose by more than 30%. The nextIndian national budget included major increases in military spending.
There was a surge in patriotism, with many celebrities expressing their support for the Kargil cause.[183] Indians were angered by media reports of the death of pilotAjay Ahuja, especially after Indian authorities reported that Ahuja had been murdered and his bodymutilated by Pakistani troops. The war had produced higher than expected fatalities for the Indian military, with a sizeable percentage of them including newlycommissioned officers. One month after conclusion of the Kargil War, theAtlantique Incident, in which aPakistan Navy plane was shot down by India, briefly reignited fears of a conflict between the two countries.
After the war, the Indian government severed ties with Pakistan and increased defence preparedness. India increased its defence budget as it sought to acquire more state of the art equipment.[184] Media reported about military procurement irregularities[185] and criticism ofintelligence agencies likeResearch and Analysis Wing, which failed to predict the intrusions or the identity and number of infiltrators during the war. An internal assessment report by the armed forces, published in an Indian magazine, showed several other failings, including "a sense of complacency" and being "unprepared for aconventional war" on the presumption thatnuclearism would sustain peace. It also highlighted the lapses incommand and control, the insufficient troop levels and the dearth of large-calibre guns like the Bofors.[186] In 2006, retiredAir Chief Marshal, A. Y. Tipnis, alleged that the Indian Army did not fully inform the government about the intrusions, adding that the army chief Ved Prakash Malik, was initially reluctant to use the full strike capability of the Indian Air Force, instead requesting onlyhelicopter gunship support.[187] Soon after the conflict, India also decided to complete the project, previously stalled by Pakistan, to fence the entire LOC.[188]
Soon after the war theAtal Bihari Vajpayeegovernment set up an inquiry into its causes and to analyse perceived Indian intelligence failures. The high-powered committee was chaired by eminent strategic affairs analystK. Subrahmanyam and given powers to interview anyone with current or past associations with Indian security, including formerPrime Ministers. The committee's final report (also referred to as the "Subrahmanyam Report")[191] led to a large-scale restructuring ofIndian Intelligence.[192] It, however, came in for heavy criticism in the Indian media for its perceived avoidance of assigning specific responsibility for failures over detecting the Kargil intrusions.[193] The committee was also embroiled in controversy for indictingBrigadier Surinder Singh of the Indian Army for his failure to report enemy intrusions in time, and for his subsequent conduct. Many press reports questioned or contradicted this finding and claimed that Singh had in fact issued early warnings that were ignored by senior Indian Army commanders and, ultimately, higher government functionaries.[194][195][196]
In a departure from the norm the final report was published and made publicly available.[197] Some chapters and all annexures, however, were deemed to contain classified information by the government and not released. K. Subrahmanyam later wrote that the annexures contained information on the development of India'snuclear weapons program and the roles played by Prime MinistersRajiv Gandhi,P. V. Narasimha Rao andV. P. Singh.[198]
Shortly after declaring itself a nuclear weapons state, Pakistan had been humiliated diplomatically and militarily.[199] Faced with the possibility ofinternational isolation, the already fragilePakistan economy was weakened further.[200][201] The morale of Pakistan forces after the withdrawal declined as many units of theNorthern Light Infantry suffered heavy casualties.[31][202] The government refused to accept the dead bodies of many officers,[203][204] an issue that provoked outrage and protests in the Northern Areas.[205][206] Pakistan initially did not acknowledge many of its casualties, but Sharif later said that over 4,000 Pakistani troops were killed in the operation.[10] Responding to this, Pervez Musharraf said, "It hurts me when an ex-premier undermines his own forces", and claimed that Indian casualties were more than that of Pakistan.[207] The legacy of Kargil war still continues to be debated on Pakistan's news channels and television political correspondents, which Musharraf repeatedly appeared to justify.[208][209]
Many in Pakistan had expected a victory over theIndian military based on Pakistani official reports on the war,[200] but were dismayed by the turn of events and questioned the eventual retreat.[53][210] The military leadership is believed to have felt let down by the prime minister's decision to withdraw the remaining fighters. However, some authors, including Musharraf's close friend and former AmericanCENTCOM Commander GeneralAnthony Zinni, and former Prime minister Nawaz Sharif, state that it was General Musharraf who requested that Sharif withdraw Pakistani troops.[211][212] In 2012, Musharraf's senior officer and retired major-generalAbdul Majeed Malik maintained that Kargil was a "total disaster" and bitterly criticised General Musharraf.[213] Pointing out the fact that Pakistan was in no position to fight India in that area; the Nawaz Sharif government initiated the diplomatic process by involving the US PresidentBill Clinton and got Pakistan out of the difficult scenario.[213] Malik maintained that soldiers were not "Mujaheddin" but active-duty serving officers and soldiers of thePakistan Army.[213]
In a national security meeting with Prime minister Nawaz Sharif at theJoint Headquarters, General Musharraf became heavily involved with serious altercations withChief of Naval Staff AdmiralFasih Bokhari who ultimately called for a court-martial against General Musharraf.[214] With Sharif placing the onus of the Kargil attacks squarely on the army chief Pervez Musharraf, there was an atmosphere of uneasiness between the two. On12 October 1999, General Musharraf staged a bloodlesscoup d'état, ousting Nawaz Sharif.
Benazir Bhutto, anopposition leader in theparliament and former prime minister, called the Kargil War "Pakistan's greatest blunder".[215] Many ex-officials of the military and theInter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan's principalintelligence agency) also believed that "Kargil was a waste of time" and "could not have resulted in any advantage" on the larger issue of Kashmir.[216]A retired Pakistan Army's Lieutenant-GeneralAli Kuli Khan, lambasted the war as "a disaster bigger than theEast Pakistan tragedy",[217] adding that the plan was "flawed in terms of its conception, tactical planning and execution" that ended in "sacrificing so many soldiers".[217][218] The Pakistani media criticised the whole plan and the eventual climbdown from the Kargil heights since there were no gains to show for the loss of lives and it only resulted in international condemnation.[219][220]
Despite calls by many,[who?] no public commission of inquiry was set up in Pakistan to investigate the people responsible for initiating the conflict. ThePakistan Muslim League (PML(N)) published awhite paper in 2006, which stated that Nawaz Sharif constituted an inquiry committee that recommended acourt martial for General Pervez Musharraf, but Musharraf "stole the report" after toppling the government, to save himself.[221] The report also claims that India knew about the plan 11 months before its launch, enabling a complete victory for India on military, diplomatic and economic fronts.[222] A statement in June 2008 by a formerX Corps commander andDirector-General ofMilitary Intelligence (M.I.) that time,Lieutenant-General (retired)Jamshed Gulzar Kiani said that: "As Prime minister, Nawaz Sharif "was never briefed by the army" on the Kargil attack,[223] reignited the demand for a probe of the episode by legal and political groups.[224][225]
Though the Kargil conflict had brought the Kashmir dispute into international focus, which was one of Pakistan's aims, it had done so in negative circumstances that eroded its credibility, since the infiltration came just after a peace process between the two countries had been concluded. The sanctity of the LOC too received international recognition. President Clinton's move to ask Islamabad to withdraw hundreds of armed militants from Indian-administered Kashmir was viewed by many in Pakistan as indicative of a clear shift in US policy against Pakistan.[226]
After the war, a few changes were made to the Pakistan armed forces. In recognition of the Northern Light Infantry's performance in the war, which even drew praise from a retired Indian Lt. General, the regiment was incorporated into the regular army.[32] The war showed that despite a tactically sound plan that had the element of surprise, little groundwork had been done to gauge the political ramifications.[227] And like previous unsuccessful infiltrations attempts, such asOperation Gibraltar, which sparkedthe 1965 war, there was little co-ordination or information sharing among the branches of thePakistani Armed Forces. One US Intelligence study is reported to have stated that Kargil was yet another example of Pakistan's (lack of)grand strategy, repeating the follies of the previous wars.[228] In 2013, General Musharraf's close collaborator and confidential subordinateLieutenant General (retired)Shahid Aziz revealed to Pakistan'snews televisions andelectronic media, that "[Kargil] adventure' was India's intelligence failure and Pakistan's miscalculated move, the Kargil operation was known only to General Parvez Musharraf and four of his close collaborators".[229][230][231]
Memorial of Operation Vijay
Pakistani army losses have been difficult to determine. Pakistan confirmed that 453 soldiers were killed. TheUS Department of State had made an early, partial estimate of close to 700 fatalities. According to numbers stated by Nawaz Sharif there were over 4,000 fatalities. His PML (N) party in its "white paper" on the war mentioned that more than 3,000 Mujahideens, officers and soldiers were killed.[232] Another major Pakistani political party, thePakistan Peoples Party, also says that "thousands" of soldiers andirregulars died.[233] Indian estimates stand at 1,042 Pakistani soldiers killed.[234] Musharraf, in hisHindi version of his memoirs, titled "Agnipath", differs from all the estimates stating that 357 troops were killed with a further 665 wounded.[235] Apart from General Musharraf's figure on the number of Pakistanis wounded, the number of people injured in the Pakistan camp is not yet fully known although they are at least more than 400 according to Pakistan army's website.[236] One Indian pilot was officially captured during the fighting, while there were eight Pakistani soldiers who were captured during the fighting, and were repatriated on 13 August 1999.[237]India gave its official casualty figures as 527 dead and 1,363 wounded.
The Kargil War memorial, built by the Indian Army, is located in Dras, in the foothills of the Tololing Hill. The memorial, located about 5 km from the city centre across the Tiger Hill, commemorates the martyrs of the Kargil War. A poem "Pushp Kii Abhilasha"[238] (Wish of a Flower) byMakhanlal Chaturvedi, a renowned 20th centuryneo-romantic Hindi poet, is inscribed on the gateway of the memorial greets visitors. The names of the soldiers who lost their lives in the War are inscribed on the Memorial Wall and can be read by visitors. A museum attached to the Kargil War Memorial, which was established to celebrate the victory of Operation Vijay, houses pictures of Indian soldiers, archives of important war documents and recordings, Pakistani war equipments and gear, and official emblems of the Army from the Kargil war.
A giant national flag, weighing 15 kg was hoisted at the Kargil war memorial onKargil Vijay Diwas to commemorate the 13th anniversary of India's victory in the war.[239]
Popular culture
Lord John Marbury is a 1999 episode in the first season ofThe West Wing which depicts a fictionalised representation of the Kargil conflict.
Pentagram's single, 'Price of Bullets', released in 1999 dealt with the Kargil War.
Shaheed-E-Kargil (2001), a Hindi movie directed by Dilip Gulati was released in 2001, based on the incident of Kargil conflict.
LOC: Kargil (2003), a Hindi movie which depicts many incidents from the war was one of the longest in Indian movie history, running for more than four hours.[240]
Lakshya (2004), another Hindi movie portraying a fictionalised account of the conflict.Movie critics have generally appreciated the realistic portrayal of characters.[241] The film also received good reviews in Pakistan because it portrays both sides fairly.[242]
Sainika (2002),[243] the Kannada film directed by Mahesh Sukhdhare depicted the life of a soldier with Kargil war as one of the events. Starring C.P.Yogishwar andSakshi Shivanand.
Dhoop (2003), Hindi film directed by Ashwini Chaudhary depicted the life ofAnuj Nayyar's parents after his death. Anuj Nayyar was a captain in the Indian army and was awardedMaha Vir Chakra posthumously.Om Puri plays the role of S.K. Nayyar, Anuj's father.
Mission Fateh – Real Stories of Kargil Heroes, a TV series telecast onSahara channel chronicling the Indian Army's missions.
Fifty Day War – A theatrical production on the war, directed byAamir Raza Husain, the title indicating the length of the Kargil conflict. This was claimed to be the biggest production of its kind in Asia, budget of Rs. 15 million, involving real aircraft and explosions in an outdoor setting.[244]
Kurukshetra (2008) – A Malayalam film directed by a former Indian Army Major Ravi (Retd) based on his experience of Kargil War.
Laag (2000) – A Pakistani film-drama based on the armed intrusions and struggle of Pakistan army soldiers in the conflict.
Kargil Kartoons (1999) – With the support of eight leading cartoonists,Shekhar Gurera compiled a collection of cartoons dedicated to the Indian defence forces.[245] He also coordinatedKargil Kartoons (A Collection of Cartoons and a chain of Cartoon Exhibition), the solidarity gesture of drawing on-the-spot cartoons ofarmy men who passing through the New Delhi railway station on their way to Kargil. The cartoons on Kargil War were later exhibited at The Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi. 25–31 July 1999, followed by the chain exhibition of cartoons atJaipur, Chandigarh,Patna andIndore.[246]
Stumped (2003) – A film expressing the mixed emotions of1999 Cricket World Cup celebrations and mourning associated with individual's casualty in the Kargil war.[247]
Mausam (2011), romantic drama film directed byPankaj Kapoor, spanned over the period between 1992 and 2002 covering major events.
Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl (2020) – An Indian biographical film was based on life of Indian Air Force pilotGunjan Saxena, the first Indian female air force pilot in combat during Kargil War.[248]
The impact of the war in the sporting arena was visible during the India-Pakistan clash in the1999 Cricket World Cup, which coincided with the Kargil timeline. The game witnessed heightened passions and was one of the most viewed matches in the tournament.[250]
^Shakoor, Farzana. “The Kargil Crisis: An Analysis.” Pakistan Horizon, vol. 52, no. 3, 1999, pp. 49–65. JSTOR, Accessed 23 Mar. 2025."However, the groups sustaining the insurgency in Kashmir appear to be in no mood to call it a day, and hold a view contrary to both Indian stance and the USline of thinking. For the same reason they rejected the Washington Declaration as a spokesman for Hizb-ul-Mujahideen said, "We are no bound to (follow) any agreement between Pakistan and the US. Kargil is our land and why should we be asked to withdraw (from there)"
^Tavares, Rodrigo (2006).Understanding Regional Peace and Security. Göteborg University. p. 297.ISBN978-9187380679.the US State Department quoted the Pakistani military casualties at 700, but according to the then PM Nawaz Sharif (quoted in Gulf News, February 2002), the entire Northern Light Infantry of Pakistan was wiped out during the conflict claiming 2,700 lives.
^Pubby, Manu (19 November 2010)."Kargil: Pak suffered most casualties at Batalik".The Indian Express.Archived from the original on 27 June 2018. Retrieved27 June 2018.Indian records say a total of 249 bodies of Pakistani soldiers were recovered during the battle but estimates of total enemy casualties is put around 1000–1200.
^Kanwal, Gurmeet (2009)."Pakistan's Strategic Blunder at Kargil"(PDF).CLAWS Journal: 72. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 18 August 2019. Retrieved27 June 2018.The army recovered 249 dead bodies of Pakistani regular soldiers from the area of operations in Kargil; 244 dead bodies were buried as per military norms with religious rites; five bodies were accepted by Pakistan and taken back
^It is also sometimes referred to asOperation Vijay Kargil so as to distinguish it fromOperation Vijay, the 1961 operation by themilitary of India that led to the capture of Goa, Daman and Diu and Anjidiv Islands.
^Robert G. Wirsing (2003).Kashmir in the Shadow of War: regional rivalries in a nuclear age. M.E. Sharpe. p. 38.ISBN0-7656-1090-6.
^Ludra, Kuldip S. (2001).Operation Badr:Mussharef's contribution to Pakistan's thousand years war against India. Institute for Strategic Research and AnalysisChandigarh.
^Low Intensity Conflicts in India By Vivek Chadha, United Service Institution of India Published by SAGE, 2005,ISBN0-7619-3325-5
^ Note (I): Names for the conflict: There have been various names for the conflict. During the actual fighting in Kargil, the Indian Government was careful not to use the term "war", calling it a "war-like situation", even though both nations indicated that they were in a "state of war". Terms like Kargil "conflict", Kargil "incident" or the official military assault, "Operation Vijay", were thus preferred. After the end of the war however, the Indian Government increasingly called it the "Kargil War", even though there had been no official declaration of war. Other less popularly used names included "Third Kashmir War" and Pakistan's codename given to the infiltration: "Operation Badr".
Malik, V. P. (2006).Kargil: From Surprise to Victory. HarperCollins.ISBN9788172236359.
Muhammad Ayub (January 2005).An Army; Its role and Rule (A History of the Pakistan Army From Independence to Kargil 1947–1999). Rosedog Books, Pittsburgh, PA.ISBN0-8059-9594-3.
Mazari, Shireen M. (2003).The Kargil conflict, 1999 : separating fact from fiction (1st ed.). Islamabad: Institute of Strategic Studies.ISBN978-9698772000.
Hilali, A.Z. (2005). "Renewal of US–Pakistan Partnership: President BIll Clinton in Kargil War".US–Pakistan relationship : Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.ISBN978-0754-642206.
Aziz, Mazhar (2008). "L'État, c'est militaire'".Military control in Pakistan: The parallel state. London: Routledge.ISBN978-0-203-93357-2.
Kiani, P.A., Jameshed Gulzar."Making an example". GEO Television Press Publishers. Archived fromthe original on 6 June 2008. Retrieved1 February 2013.
Siddiqa, Ayesha (2007).Military Inc. London: Pluto Press.ISBN978-0745325453.