TheLondon Beth Din (LBD) is theAshkenaziBeth Din of theUnited Synagogue, the largest Ashkenazi synagogal body inLondon,England. In its capacity asCourt of the Chief Rabbi, it is historically the supremehalakhic Authority forAshkenazim in severalCommonwealth countries and additionally is consulted by Batei Din throughout Europe. The current head (Rosh Beth Din) of the London Beth Din is Dayan Menachem Gelley, who joined the court in 1993 and was appointed to his current position in 2014,[1] succeedingChanoch Ehrentreu.[2]
The Beth Din has functioned as the central religious authority in Britain since the early eighteenth century.[3][better source needed] It has been headed by a number of illustrious Rabbis includingTevele Schiff andYehezkel Abramsky.[4] It is responsible for the largestkashruth organization in Europe, known as KLBD, under Rabbi Jeremy Conway.[5][better source needed]
The Beth Din's work includes genealogical research, divorce and the arbitration of civil disputes.[6]
The LBD program is supposed to take 2-3 years although at times it does take longer.[7] The Beth Din processes about 35 converts per annum from around theUK, with other Batei Din (such as Manchester sending their converts to LBD for final approval).[8] The process involves private tutoring from an approved list of teachers, and a six-month period where the candidate is expected to board with an approved family. The candidate is expected to pay for this. They are also expected to live within walking distance of anOrthodox Jewish community.[7][9]
Conversions have been terminated mid-process,[9][10][11] even for conversions affecting even those living outside of England.[12][13][14][15] Rabbis from outside London's Orthodox community have attempted to intervene; LBD calls it a private matter.[16] However, the Beth Din insist that their approach is necessary in keeping with theHalachic requirement for a prospective convert to commit to a full observance of the commandments.[17]
The highly centralised Orthodox community in London means that not going through them for a conversion could harm a family, such as not being permitted to attend a Jewish school.[18] There is an alternative pathway to conversion in London through the Spanish and Portuguese community.[19]
Preceded by RabbiChanoch Ehrentreu | Rosh Beth Din London Beth Din 1984-2014 | Succeeded by Rabbi Menachem Gelley |
Preceded by Rabbi Menachem Gelley | Rosh Beth Din London Beth Din | Succeeded by incumbent |
Dayan Ehrentreu was appointed to the post of Rosh Beth Din in London by Lord Jackobovits in 1984
British Jews have had their own "beth din" courts for more than a century.