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Josef Mach

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Josef Mach (25 February 1909, inProstějov – 7 July 1987, inPrague) was aCzech actor, screenwriter and film director.

Josef Mach worked as a journalist and stage performer at the beginning of his career, then in 1938 was appointed assistant director of short films at Grafo Film Studio[1] working with directorVáclav Kubásek. From 1946 Mach directed many feature films forBarrandov Studios in Prague. He is best known forThe Sons of Great Bear, a 1966Red Western film that he directed for the East GermanDEFA film studio.


YearCzech title (original title)English titleNotes
1920Nikyho velebné dobrodružstvíactor
1934Rozpustilá nocactor
The Last Manactor
1937Naši furiantiactor
1939Dvojí životassistant-director; directed byVáclav Kubásek
Mořská pannaassistant-director; directed byVáclav Kubásek
Ženy u benzinuwriter
1940Okénko do nebewriter
Dceruška k pohledáníwriter
1941Advokát chudýchwriter
1942Městečko na dlaniwriter
Host do domuwriter
1943Čtrnáctý u stoluwriter
Skalní plemenoassistant-director; directed byLadislav Brom
1945Bludná pouťwriter
1946V horách duníThunder in the Hillswriter; co-director withVáclav Kubásek; a.k.a.The Mountains Are Rumbling
Velký případA Big Casewriter; director
1947Nikdo nic nevíNobody Knows Anythingdirector
Na dobré stopědirector
Zelená knížkaThe Green Notebookwriter; director
1949Vzbouření na vsiThe Village Revoltwriter; director
Rodinné trampoty oficiála Tříškywriter; director
1950Racek má zpožděnídirector
1952Akce BAction Bdirector
1953Rodná zemOur Native Landwriter; director
1956Hrátky s čertemPlaying with the Devilwriter; director
Muž v povětříwriter
1957Florenc 13:30writer; director
1958Hořká láskaBitter Lovewriter; director
O věcech nadpřirozenýchwriter
Tři přání cestujícíactor
Zatoulané děloThe Lost Gunwriter; director; a.k.a.The Missing Cannon
1960Valčík pro miliónWaltz for a Millionwriter; director
1961Floriánwriter; director
1962Medailonograf Frantiska Filipovskéhodirector; documentary short film
Prosím, nebudit!writer; director
1963Tři chlapi v chalupědirector;serial film
1966Die Söhne der großen BärinThe Sons of Great Beardirector; a.k.a.The Sons of the Great Mother Bear; German language film;Czech title:Synové Velké medvědice
Der schwarze Pantherdirector; German language film;Czech title:Černý panther
1968ObjížďkaThe Detourwriter; director
1970Na kolejích čeká vrahwriter; director
1971Člověk není sámwriter; director
1973Tři nevinníwriter; director
1976Paleta láskyPalette of Lovewriter; director
1977Tichý Američan v PrazeQuiet American in Praguewriter; director




  1. ^Josef Mach at the DEFA Film Library CatalogArchived 9 July 2011 at theWayback Machine Retrieved 25 July 2010.

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