The current city, originally known as Joviniacum in Latin, was founded during Roman times byFlavius Jovinus prefect of the Roman militia in Gaul in AD 369.
During medieval times, it was fortified as a stronghold at the end of the 10th century byRenard I the Old [fr], Count of Sens, on part of the lands of the Sainte-Marie du Charnier de Sens Abbey. The Porte du Bois, a gateway with two massive flanking towers, is a relic of the castle.[3]
After passing through several hands, it came into the possession of the family of Villeroi in the 18th century. A fragment of a ladder preserved in the church of St André commemorates the successful resistance offered by thetown to the English in 1429.
The church of St Jean (16th century), which once stood within theenceinte of the old castle, contains a representation (15th century) of theHoly Sepulchre in white marble.
The church of St André (12th, 16th and 17th centuries), of which the best feature is the Renaissance portal with its finebas-reliefs.
The church of St Thibault (16th century), in which the stone crown suspended from thechoirvaulting is chiefly noticeable.[3]
Saint Andrew Church, Pietà
Saint John Church, Deposition of Christ (16th century)