Jiibayaabooz (insyllabics:ᒋᐸᔮᐴᔅ) in a figure inOjibwe mythology, also known asChipiapoos orCheeby-aub-oozoo, meaning "Spirit Rabbit" or "Ghost of Rabbit". The figure also appears inAbenaki mythologyMateguas, meaning "Rabbit". This figure is a trickster spirit and figures prominently in their storytelling, including the story of the world's creation. Depending on the tradition, he was either the second[1] or third son[2]:37 ofWiininwaa ("Nourishment"),[a] a human mother, andE-bangishimog ("In the West"), a spirit father.
Stories regarding Jiibayaabooz are filled with all things mystical and spiritual. While alive, Jiibayaabooz was obsessed withmanitous and humans' interaction with each other. Through his regular communication with the manitous through dreams, he taught humans the importance of dreams and the methods of communication with the manitou. As with any little brother, he was subjected to his elder brotherMajiikiwis's taunts. However,Majiikiwis actions went further, as Jiibayaabooz died as a result of a dare from his elder brother.
Even in death, hisjiibay ("Ghost") continued with obsession with the manitous and taught the humans the rites and ceremonies ofvision quests and purification ceremonies.Basil Johnston also adds that Jiibayaabooz became the "Chief of the Underworld" and "bequeathed the spirit of music, chants, and poetry to theAnishinaubae peoples."[2]:49
Among theAbenakis, Mateguas from the dead taught his living brotherGluskab the rites and ceremonies ofvision quests and purification ceremonies to comfort his grieving brother. This became the core of theMidewiwin rituals thatGluskab then passed on to the humans.