Jharkhand suffers from what is sometimes termed aresource curse: it accounts for more than 40% ofIndia's mineral production but 39.1% of its population is below the poverty line and 19.6% of children under five years of age are malnourished.[12][13][14]
The word "Jhar" means 'forest' and "Khand" means 'land' in variousIndo-Aryan languages. Thus "Jharkhand" meansforest land.[15]
In the ancient period, in theMahabharata, the region was referred as Kark Khand due to location near Kark Rekha, that is,Tropic of Cancer.[16][verification needed] During the Medieval period, the region was known asJharkhand. According toBhavishya Purana (1200 CE), Jharkhand was one of the sevenPundra desa. The name is first found on a 13th-century copper plate inKendrapada, Odisha region from the reign of Narasimha Deva II ofEastern Ganga dynasty. Forest land fromBaidhnath dham toPuri was known as Jharkhand. InAkbarnama, fromPanchet in the east toRatanpur to west,Rohtasgarh to the north and the frontier of Odisha to the south was known as Jharkhand.[17][18]
In the Mahabharata, the region was referred as Kark Khand due to its location near Tropic of Cancer.[16] During the age of Mahajanpadas around 500 BCE, Jharkhand state was a part ofMagadha andAnga.[24][citation needed] In the Mauryan period, this region was ruled by a number of states, which were collectively known as the Atavika (forest) states. These states were subdued and were forced to accept thehegemony of theMaurya empire duringAshoka's reign (c. 232 BCE). In the ancient site ofSaridkel, burnt brick houses, red ware pottery, copper tools, coins and iron tools have been found which belong to the early centuries CE.[25] Brahmi inscriptions have been found in Khunti district which are from the 3rd century BCE.[26]Samudragupta, while marching through the present-day Chotanagpur region (North andSouth), directed the first attack against the kingdom ofDakshina Kosala in theMahanadi valley.[27]
Medieval period
In the 7th century, the Chinese travellerXuanzang passed through the region. He described the kingdom asKarnasuvarna, withShashanka as its ruler. To the north of Karn-Suberna was Magadha, Champa was in the east, Mahendra in the west, and Orissa in the south.[28]
During the medieval period, the region was governed byNagvanshi,Pala,Khayaravala,Ramgarh Raj andChero rulers.[29][30] A Buddhist monastery has been found inHazaribagh which was built during the Pala period in the 10th century.[31]Bhim Karn was a Nagvanshi king during medieval period. He defeated theRaksel dynasty of Surguja when they invaded the region with cavalry.[32]
Khakparta Temple, a 9th-century Shiva temple in Lohardaga
Modern period
Mughal influence reachedPalamu during the reign of EmperorAkbar when it was conquered byRajputRaja Mansingh in 1574. Several invasions took place during Mughal rule.[33] During the reign of the Nagvanshi KingMadhu Singh, Akbar's general invadedKhukhra. Also there was an invasion during the reign ofDurjan Shah.[34]
KingRam Shah ruled Navratangarh from 1640 to 1663. He built theKapilnath Temple in 1643. He was succeeded by his sonRaghunath Shah. ThakurAni Nath Shahdeo built the Jagannath temple of Ranchi in 1691.[35] The KingMedini Ray ruled from 1658 to 1674 in Palamu.[36] His rule extended to areas in SouthGaya andHazaribagh. He attacked Navratangarh and defeated theNagvanshi Maharaja ofChhotanagpur.[37] Chero rule in thePalamu region lasted until the 19th century until internal conflict between various factions weakened the Cheros and they were defeated by theEast India Company. Later Palamu estates were sold by the British.[38]
During the 18th century, regions under the Kings of the Chero dynasty, Nagvanshi dynasty,Ramgarh andKharagdiha became parts of territories ofEast India Company. Ramgarh Raj along with estates of other chiefs in the regions were permanently settled as Zamindari estates. TheKharagdihaRajas were settled as Rajas of Raj Dhanwar in 1809, and the Kharagdiha gadis were separately settled as zamindari estates. Some of the notable Kharagdiha Zamindari estates wereKoderma,Gadi Palganj andLedo Gadi.[39] The princely states in theChota Nagpur Plateau came within thesphere of influence of theMaratha Empire, but they became tributary states of British East India Company as a result of theAnglo-Maratha Wars and became known asChota Nagpur Tributary States.[40]
Subjugation, colonisation and imposition of taxes by the British East India Company resulted in spontaneous resistance from the local people.Chuar Rebellion, the first revolt against the British East India Company led by Jagannath Singh Patar in 1767 with theBhumij tribals. The Bhumijes again revolted in 1769–71, led by their Sardar Ghatwals in Dhalbhum. In 1769,Raghunath Mahato also revolted against theBritish East India Company (EIC).[41]
In 1771, the revolt against the landlords and the British government was led byTilka Majhi, a Paharia leader in Rajmahal Hills. Soon after in 1779, theBhumij tribes again rose in arms against the British rule in Manbhum, called the Chuar Rebellion. In 1807, the Oraons in Barway murdered their landlord fromSrinagar. TheMunda tribe rose in revolt in 1811 and 1813.Bakhtar Say andMundal Singh, two landowners, fought against the British East India Company in 1812.[42]
The Hos in Singhbhum revolted in 1820 and aKol revolt occurred in 1832. Also in 1832 theBhumijs revolted again against the British, this time under the leadership ofGanga Narayan Singh, known as theBhumij Rebellion. During the 19th century, large numbers of santals fromManbhum,Hazaribagh,Midnapore were settled by British inDamin-i-koh to cultivate the land and generate revenue. But the Santal revolted against tax imposition.TheSanthal rebellion broke out in 1855 under the leadership of two brothersSidhu and Kanhu. Later the British renamed it as Santal Pargana.[43]
In 1936, all nine states were transferred to theEastern States Agency, the officials of which came under the direct authority of the Governor-General of India, rather than under that of any provinces.
At that time, under the leadership of NetajiSubhash Chandra Bose a conference against Samjhauta was also completed. In Ramgarh, Subhas Chandra Bose was seen as president of the All India Forward Block and M. N. Roy was seen as leader of the Radical democratic party.
Jawaharlal Nehru, industrialist Jamnalal Bajaj, Sarojini Naidu, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, and Maulana Azad at the 1940 Ramgarh session of the Indian National Congress.
Post Independence
After Indian independence in 1947, the rulers of many states chose to accede to theDominion of India.Changbhakar,Jashpur,Koriya,Surguja andUdaipur after that became part of the state ofMadhya Pradesh, butGangpur andBonai became part of the state ofOrissa andKharsawan andSaraikela became part of the state ofBihar.[57] In 1928, a separate state was demanded byUnnati Samaj, the political wing of the Christian Tribals Association, which submitted a memorandum to theSimon Commission to constitute a tribal state in eastern India.[17] Prominent leaders likeJaipal Singh Munda andRam Narayan Singh also demanded a separate state. In 1955, theJharkhand Party, led by Jaipal Singh Munda, submitted a memorandum to theStates Reorganization Commission for a separate Jharkhand state comprising the tribal area of South Bihar, but it was rejected because there were many languages, no link language in the region, tribals were in the minority, Hindustani was the majority language, and it risked adverse effect on the economy of Bihar.[58][59]
The central government formed a committee on the Jharkhand matter in 1989. It stressed the need for greater allocation of development funds for the area. There was a provision for limited internal autonomy in the hill area ofAssam. Othertribal areas were covered by the fifth schedule of the constitution. Chotanagpur andSantal Pargana development boards were constituted under the chairmanship of the then chief minister of Bihar under the provision of the fifth schedule in 1972. This failed to achieve the desired result. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha wanted more representation and the All Jharkhand Students Union was against it. Due to differences these parties broke away from each other. The All Jharkhand Students Union introduced elements of violence in the movement and called for a boycott of election while Jharkhand Mukti Morcha opposed this. The Jharkhand Area Autonomous Council bill passed in Bihar's legislative assembly in December 1994. The Jharkhand Area Autonomous Council were given responsibility for forty areas including agriculture, rural health, public work, public health and minerals. The council has power to recommend legislation to the Assembly through the state government and to frame bylaws and regulations.[30][58]
In 1998, when the separate state movement was falling apart, JusticeLal Pingley Nath Shahdeo was leading the movement. In 1998, theUnion government decided to send the bill concerning the formation of the state of Jharkhand to theBihar Legislative Assembly to whichLalu Prasad Yadav had said that the state would be divided over his dead body. A total of 16 political parties including theBharatiya Janata Party, Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, theAll Jharkhand Students Union, and theCongress came in one platform and formed the 'All Party Separate State Formation Committee' to start the movement. Shahdeo was elected as the convener of the committee. Voting on the Jharkhand Act was to be done on 21 September 1998 in the Bihar legislature. On that day the committee, under the leadership of Shahdeo called for Jharkhand Bandh and organised a protest march. Thousands of supporters of a separate state took to the streets led by Shahdeo. He was arrested and detained in a police station for hours along with many supporters.[62][63]
In 1999 the Bharatiya Janata party promised to form a separate Vanachal state if they won the state election with a majority of votes.[61] After the last Assembly election in the state resulted in a hung assembly,RJD's dependence on the Congress extended support on the precondition that RJD would not pose a hurdle to the passage of theBihar reorganisation Bill. Finally, with the support from both RJD andCongress, the ruling coalition at the Centre led by the Bharatiya Janata Party which had made statehood its main poll plank in the region in successive polls earlier, cleared the Bihar reorganisation Bill in the monsoon session of the Parliament on 2 and 11 August in Loksabha and Rajyasabha. This paved the way for the creation of a separate Vanachal state comprising theChota Nagpur Division andSanthal Pargana Division of South Bihar.[64]NDA formed the government withBabulal Marandi as chief minister. Later the name of the state was changed from Vanachal to Jharkhand.[61][65]Babulal Marandi took the oath of chief minister on 15 November 2000 on the anniversary of the birth of tribal leaderBirsa Munda.[30]
Jharkhand statehood
The dynamics of resources and the politics of development still influence the socio-economic structures in Jharkhand, which was carved out of the relatively underdeveloped southern part ofBihar. According to the 1991 census, the state has a population of over 20 million out of which 28% istribal while 12% of the people belong toscheduled castes. Jharkhand has 24 districts, 260 blocks, and 32,620 villages out of which only 45% have access to electricity while only 8,484 are connected by roads. Jharkhand is the leading producer of mineral wealth in the country afterChhattisgarh state, endowed as it is with a vast variety of minerals like iron ore, coal, copper ore, mica, bauxite, graphite, limestone, and uranium. Jharkhand is also known for its vast forest resources.[66]
Jharkhand has been at the centre of theNaxalite-Maoist insurgency. Since the uprising of theNaxalites in 1967, 6,000 people have been killed in fighting between the Naxalites and counter-insurgency operations by thepolice, and itsparamilitary groups such as theSalwa Judum.[67]
Despite having a presence in almost 7.80% of India's geographical area[68] (home to 5.50% of India's population), the state of Jharkhand is part of the "Red Corridor" comprising 92,000 square kilometres,[68] where the highest concentration of the groups estimated 20,000 combatants fight.[69] Part of this is due to the fact that the state harbours an abundance of natural resources, while its people live in abject poverty and destitution.[70] The impoverished state provides ample recruits forcommunist insurgents, who argue that they are fighting on behalf of the landless poor and tribals that see few benefits from the resource extractions.[70] As the federal government holds a monopoly on sub-surface resources in the state, thetribal population is prevented from staking any claim on the resources extracted from their land.[70] In response, the insurgents have recently begun a campaign of targeting infrastructure related to the extraction of resources vital for Indian energy needs, such as coal.[68]
Jharkhand is located in the eastern part of India and is enclosed byWest Bengal to the eastern side,Chhattisgarh andUttar Pradesh to the western side,Bihar to the northern part andOdisha to the southern part.
Jharkhand envelops a geographical area of 79,716 square kilometres (30,779 sq mi). Much of Jharkhand lies on theChota Nagpur Plateau. Many rivers pass through the Chota Nagpur plateau. They are:Damodar,North Koel,Barakar,South Koel,Sankh andSubarnarekha rivers. The higher watersheds of these rivers stretch out within the Jharkhand state. Much of the Jharkhand state is still enclosed by forest. Forests sustain the population of elephants and tigers.
Physical map of Jharkhand
Climate of Jharkhand varies fromHumid subtropical in the north totropical wet and dry in the south-east.[72] The main seasons are summer, rainy, autumn, winter and spring. The summer lasts from mid-April to mid-June. May, the hottest month, characterised by daily high temperatures around 37 °C (99 °F) and low temperatures around 25 °C (77 °F). Thesouthwest monsoon, from mid-June to October, brings nearly all the state's annual rainfall, which ranges from about 1,000 mm (40 in) in the west-central part of the state to more than 1,500 mm (60 in) in the southwest. Nearly half of the annual precipitation falls in July and August. The winter season lasts from November to February. The temperatures inRanchi in December usually vary from 10–24 °C (50–75 °F). Spring season lasts from mid-February to mid-April.[73]
Hills and mountain ranges
Parasnath: Parasnath Hill is also called asSri Sammed Sikharji by Jains andMarang Buru bySantal tribes. The Parasnath Hill is situated in Giridih district of Jharkhand. It is a chiefJain pilgrimage site and the holy place forJains. Additionally, forSantal tribes, their supreme deityMarang Buru is prayed andJug Jaher is the holy enshrine in its valley whereJaher Ayo being worshiped. It is believed in the Jain culture that 20 of the 24 Tirthankaras attained Moksha from this place. The height of the hill is 1,365 meters.
Netarhat: Netarhat is a town in Latehar district. Referred to as the "Queen of Chotanagpur", it is a hill station.Netarhat Residential School is located here. Netarhat Dam is also located in this area.
Rajmahal Hills: These hills are located inSahibganj andGodda districts of Eastern part of Jharkhand. TheRajmahal hills belong to the Jurassic era. These hills like others also have many waterfalls, lakes and greenery.
Trikut: Trikut Hill is located ten kilometres away from Deoghar and lies on the way to Dumka in Jharkhand. Trikut hill is also called Trikutchal because there are 3 major peaks on the hill. The height of Trikut hill is 2470 feet.
Tagore Hill: TheTagore Hill is also recognised as the Morabadi Hill. The Tagore hill is located in Morabadi, Ranchi. The brother of Rabindranath Tagore, Jyotirindranath Tagore had made a tour at Ranchi in the year 1908.[74]
Ganga River: Theholy river Ganga passes through the north-eastern district of Sahebganj. Cities on the banks of Ganga river in Jharkhand: Sahebganj, Rajmahal
Son River: Origin of Son River: Amarkantak, Cities on the Shore of Son River: Sidhi
Subarnarekha River: Origin of Subarnarekha River: (Nagdi Ranchi) Chota Nagpur Plateau, Cities on the Shore of Subarnarekha River: Ranchi, Chandil, Jamshedpur, Ghatshila, Gopiballavpur
Kharkai River: Origin of Kharkai River: Mayurbhanj District, Odisha; Cities on the Shore of Kharkai River: Rairangpur, Adityapur, and enters the Subarnarekha river in north-western Jamshedpur.
Damodar River: Origin of Damodar River: Chota Nagpur Plateau (Tori latehar), Cities on the Shore of Damodar River: latehar, lohardaga, Ramgarh, Gridih, Dhanbad, Bokaro, Asansol, Raniganj, Durgapur, Bardhaman
North Koel River: Origin of North Koel River: Chota Nagpur plateau, Cities on Shore of North Koel River: Daltonganj
South Koel River: Origin of South Koyal River: Chota Nagpur Plateau (Nagdi Ranchi), Cities on the Shore of South Koyal River: Manoharpur, Rourkela
Lilajan River: Also known as Falgu river. Origin of Lilajan River: Northern Chota Nagpur Plateau, City on the Shore: Gaya
Ajay River: Origin of Ajay River: Munger, Cities on the Shore of Ajay River: Purulia, Chittaranjan, Ilambazar, Jaydev Kenduli
Mayurakshi River: Origin of Mayurakshi River: Trikut hill, City on the Shore of Mayurakshi River: Suri
Barakar River: Origin: Padma in Hazaribagh, Barakar Nadi flows through the districts of Koderma, Giridih, Hazaribagh, etc.
For the list of dams built across these revere refer to[2]
According to the2011 Indian Census, Jharkhand has a population of 32.96 million, consisting of 16.93 million males and 16.03 million females.[79] Thesex ratio is 947 females to 1,000 males.[79] The literacy rate of the state was 67.63% withRanchi district being most educated at 77.13% compared to rural Pakur district being least at 50.17%.[79] In social demographics, Jharkhand'sScheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes populations are 3,985,644 (12.08%) and 8,646,189 (26.21%), respectively. Nationally, they rank 14th and 6th, comprising 1.98% and 8.29% of the total population within these social groups. They are predominantly concentrated in south-western districtSimdega (78.23%),Khunti (77.77%),Gumla (72.11%),Paschim Singhbhum (71.1%),Latehar (66.85%), and inLohardaga district (60.21%).
The other religions and persuasions mostly consists of adherents ofSarnaism.[b]
As per the2011 census,Hinduism is the majority religion in the state at 67.8%, followed byIslam at 14.5% andChristianity at 4.3%.[82] Other religions, primarilySarnaism, claim to be 12.8% of the population.[85]
The constitutional head of the government of Jharkhand is thegovernor, who is appointed by thepresident of India. The real executive power rests with thechief minister and the cabinet. The political party or the coalition of political parties having a majority in the Legislative Assembly forms the government.
Thejudiciary is headed by thechief justice. Jharkhand has aHigh Court which has been functioning since 2000. All the branches of the government are located in the state capital, Ranchi.
The state was formed with 18 districts that were formerly part of south Bihar. Some of these districts were reorganised to form 6 new districts, namely, Latehar, Saraikela Kharsawan, Jamtara, Pakur, Khunti and Ramgarh. At present, the state has 5 Divisions and 24 Districts. One interesting thing about Jharkhand is that all its districts, except Lohardaga and Khunti, share a border with a neighbouring state.[89]
Thegross domestic product of Jharkhand is estimated at₹3.83 lakh crore (US$44 billion) in 2020–21. The per capita GDP of Jharkhand in 2018–19 was₹82,430 (US$940).[91]
Jharkhand has several towns and innumerable villages with civic amenities. Urbanization ratio is 24.1%.[92] Jharkhand also has immensemineral resources: minerals ranging from (ranking in the country within bracket) fromironore (4th),coal (3rd),copper ore (1st),mica (1st),bauxite (3rd),manganese,limestone,china clay,fire clay,graphite (8th),kainite (1st),chromite (2nd),asbestos (1st),thorium (3rd),sillimanite,uranium (Jaduguda mines, Narwa Pahar) (1st) and evengold (Rakha Mines) (6th) andsilver and several other minerals. Large deposits of coal and iron ore support concentration ofindustry, in centres likeJamshedpur,Dhanbad,Bokaro and Ranchi.Tata Steel, aNSE NIFTY 500 conglomerate has its corporate office and main plant in Tatanagar, Jharkhand.[93] It reported a gross income of₹. 204,910 million for 2005. NTPC will start coal production from its captive mine in state in 2011–12, for which the company will be investing about Rs 18 billion.[94]
In February 2006, the government of Jharkhand established the Jharkhand Silk Textile and Handicraft Development Corporation (Jharcraft), which promotes local sericulture and weaving and the wider marketing of these products.[95][96]
Agriculture is another major economic sector. Farmers in Jharkhand produce several crops such as rice, wheat, maize, pulses, potatoes, and vegetables such as tomato, carrots, cabbage, brinjal, pumpkin, and papaya. Other important industries include the cottage industry and IT.[97]
Staple foods of Jharkhand arerice,dal,roti,vegetables, andtubers. Spices are sparingly used in cuisine. Famous dishes includeChhilka Roti,Malpua,Pitha,Dhooska, Arsa roti, Dudhauri, andPanipuri (Gupchup).[98][99] Rugra and Putoo is a type of edible mushroom that is grown extensively in Jharkhand and harvested during the rainy months. It has a hardened, white, edible shell and a softer dark coloured centre.Bamboo shoot are a versatile ingredient used in many culinary traditions, particularly in Jharkhand cuisine. They can be boiled, steamed, stir-fried, or pickled, making them a popular addition to dishes such as soups, curries, and salads. Bamboo shoots are known for their ability to absorb the flavours of the ingredients they are cooked with, enhancing the overall taste of the dishes.[100] The leaves of Munga (Moringa oleifera) and Koinar (Bauhinia variegata) trees are used as a leafy vegetable orSaag.[101]
Local alcoholic drinks include rice beer, originally known as Handi orHandia, named after the vessel, handi (earthen pot), used to make it. Handia is culturally associated with natives, i.e., Sadans and Tribals; this drink is consumed by both men and women on social occasions like marriage and festivals.[102][103] Another common liquor is calledMahuadaru, made from flowers of the Mahua tree (Madhuca longifolia).[104]
Sohrai and Khovar painting is a mural art form practised by women. Sohrai painting is traditionally done at theSohrai harvest festival, while Khovar painting is done at weddings.[106]
The tattoo making tradition ofGodna is an essential part of local tradition.[106]
Jharkhand produces many films in regional and Tribal languages includingNagpuri,Khortha,Santali,Ho, andKurukh.[107] The film industry in the state of Jharkhand is known asJhollywood.[108][109]
There are some television channels, newspapers, and radio stations which operate in Jharkhand.DD Jharkhand is an important channel in Jharkhand.All India Radio operates from Ranchi.[110]
Deoghar Airport is the second busiest airport located in the state of Jharkhand,India. It is the second operational airport in state of Jharkhand afterRanchi.[112]
Jharkhand is landlocked state but has numerous rivers and waterways.[117] Amulti-modal port has been planned atSahebganj where riverGanges flows.[118] The project is estimated to cost₹65,000 million and phase-1 is estimated to be completed by 2019.[119]
Jharkhand is very well connected by railways. The state has numerousrailway stations and railway junctions.[120]Dhanbad Junction is the largest railway station in the state which is connected to almost all big cities of India. Hilly regions of state are equipped with tunnels that form essential organ of railways.
As per the 2011 census conducted byGovernment of India the official literacy rate for the state was 66.41% (male: 76.84%; female: 55.42%) with nine districts above the average literacy rate:[121][122]
Since the formation of the new state, the Jharkhand Education Project Council (JEPC) has been implementing four projects to spread elementary education: DPEP, SSA, NPEGEL, and KGBV. The state has been moving towards the goal of universal elementary education but the target of 100% enrolment and retention of children in schools has not yet been attained.[123] Jharkhand has made primary education so accessible that 95% of children of ages 6–11 are enrolled in school, as opposed to 56% in 1993–94; this will likely improve literacy a great deal.[citation needed]
Because of its mild climate, Jharkhand, particularly its capital Ranchi, has been a health resort. As far back as 1918, facilities were set up for treatment ofmentally challenged.[126]
European Mental Hospital was established along with Indian Mental Hospital. Today they are called Central Institute of Psychiatry and Ranchi Institute of Neuro-psychiatry and Allied Sciences respectively.In certain areas of Jharkhand, poverty and consequent malnutrition have given rise to diseases liketuberculosis (TB). In fact, TB has assumedepidemic proportions in certain areas of the state. For management and treatment of such TB, Itki TB Sanatorium, Ranchi, established in 1928 has been doing work as a premier institute for clinical and programmatic management of TB. The Itki TB Sanatorium is well equipped and accredited by the Indian government for quality assurance and Culture and Drug Sensitivity Testing for M.TB. It provides free of cost treatment for TB as well as drug-resistant TB. Likewise, in the field of treatment of cancer, Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur,[127] is rendering pioneering work. In the same way, Bokaro General Hospital equipped with modern facilities for the treatment of cancer and heart-related problems with the capacity of 1100 beds one of the largest in eastern India.
Although several public and private health facilities are available in the state, overall infrastructure for dispensing health related services require improvements. An exception is the Tata Motors Hospital which is an example of an ISO 14001 and 18001 certified hospital with DNB teaching facilities.[citation needed]
Ranchi, the capital, has witnessed a sharp growth in the number of hospitals.
Fluoride in groundwater presents a public health problem in Jharkhand. A recent survey led by theBirla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi in collaboration withUNICEF in the northwest districts ofPalamau andGarhwa found fluoride levels above the drinkingWHO drinking water guidelines.[128] Excessive amounts of fluoride in drinking water can lead todental fluorosis, prevalent bone fractures, andskeletal fluorosis, an irreversible disabling condition.[129] Some work has focused on combating fluorosis through increased calcium intake by consuming local plants.[130] Researchers atPrinceton University and the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi are currently investigating defluoridation options, while performing an epidemiological survey to assess the extent of fluoride linked health problems and the impact of future interventions.[131][132]
Almost 80% of Jharkhand's people are farmers, although it contains 40% of India's mineral reserves it has some of India's poorest people, in Summer 2009 the state was threatened by drought, with people criticising the government for not providing food aid or assistance.[133]
AnInternational Cricket stadium with an indoor stadium and a practice ground has been constructed. This international stadium has hosted an International match between India and England on 19 January 2013.[135] Apart from that, this stadium has hosted twoIPL 6 matches forKKR and qualifier 2 ofIPL 8 betweenCSK andRCB and Celebrity Cricket League Matches for Bhojpuri Dabanggs. A tennis academy, which was inaugurated bySania Mirza andShoaib Malik, also runs besides the cricket stadium.[136] Ranchi is among six cities inHockey India League to be played in January 2013. Ranchi franchise was bought by Patel-Uniexcel Group and the team namedRanchi Rhinos which is now being co-hosted by Mahendra Singh Dhoni and named asRanchi Rays.[137]
Tattapani Hot Water Spring is located 8 km fromLatehar. The hot spring water come out from different places on the Sukari River bed. Rich in sulphur, the hot spring is believed to have medicinal properties and good for skin.[141]
^Other languages clubbed within the Hindi group of languages by the Indian census
^According to the2011 census of India, Jharkhand has 42,35,786 individuals who follow "Other religions and persuasions".[82] The major religion isSarna, with 41,31,282 adherents. TheOraon tribe has the highest number of followers at 10,00,016, followed by theSantal at 9,76,742,Ho at 8,68,133,Munda at 6,00,910, Lohar at 84,019, andBhumij at 77,319.[83] Similarly religionAddi Bassi has 42,422 adherents, primarily among the Oraon tribe (35,452).[83] Other religious denominations among theScheduled Tribes includeBidin (29,187),Adi (9,135),Gond (2,419) andBirsa (2,392). The remaining "Other religions and persuasions" areMunda, Ho, Oraon, Achinthar, Kharwar, Paharia, Sarvdharm, Krupa, Dupub, Malla,Tana Bhagat,Marangboro, Saranath, Kuir, Loco Bohra, andNature worship practised by various tribes. In summary,Sarna ranks as the third-largest religion with 12.4997%, whileAddi Bassi, Bidin, Adi, Gond andBirsa hold the sixth, seventh, tenth, eleventh and twelfth positions, respectively, with percentages of 0.1286%, 0.0885%, 0.0277%, 0.0073% and 0.0073% of the state's population.[84]
^"Jharkhand Profile 2011 Census"(PDF). Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India.Archived(PDF) from the original on 22 April 2016. Retrieved13 February 2017.
^Jha, Amar Nath (2009). "Locating the Ancient History of Santal Parganas".Proceedings of the Indian History Congress.70:185–196.ISSN2249-1937.JSTOR44147668.
^Mathur Das Ustad (1997). "The Role of Bishwanath Sahi of Lohardaga district, During the Revolt of 1857 in Bihar".Proceedings of the Indian History Congress.58:493–500.JSTOR44143953.
^"Districts of Jharkhand".www.jharkhand.gov.in. Government of Jharkhan.Archived from the original on 3 February 2017. Retrieved4 February 2017.
^"Jharkhand". Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner. 18 March 2007.Archived from the original on 15 September 2008. Retrieved23 July 2008.
^"NHAI".www.nhai.org. National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), Government of India. Archived fromthe original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved9 December 2017.
^"Introduction to Cip, Ranchi". Archived fromthe original on 4 April 2005. Retrieved4 April 2005.The British established this hospital on 17th May 1918 with the name of Ranchi European Lunatic Asylum.
^Khandare, AL; Harikumar, R; Sivakumar, B (2005). "Severe bone deformities in young children from vitamin D deficiency and fluorosis in Bihar-India".Calcified Tissue International.76 (6):412–8.doi:10.1007/s00223-005-0233-2.PMID15895280.S2CID21536934.