Jacob Sturm (21 March 1771 – 28 November 1848) was a leadingengraver ofentomological andbotanical scientific publications inGermany at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. He was born and lived inNuremberg and was the only son of engraverJohann Georg Sturm (1742-1793), who trained him in drawing and copperplate engraving.[1]
Sturm became a celebrated insect collector and founded the Nuremberg Society for Natural History. His entomological and botanical plates are very accurately drawn, show minute details, and enjoyed a great popularity among naturalists. As most of his works were published in a small format, they could be purchased by a larger public and they were very popular. During this period, Nuremberg was the centre of natural history book production in Germany.
"The bookDeutschlands Flora,[2] 1798–1862. 163 parts (in 136 volumes) contains... neat and attractive little engravings, no more than 5 in. by 3½ inches in size... He thus deliberately chose this minute format in order to make a knowledge of the German flora available by pictures to as many as possible and as cheaply as possible. Despite their smallness, they carry a surprising amount of detail. Jacob Sturm learnt his art from his father,Johann Georg Sturm, who was also a Nuremberg engraver" (Blunt & Stearn pp. 258–260). His sonsJohann Heinrich Christian Friedrich Sturm andJohann Wilhelm Sturm also contributed to his works.
la traduction en allemand de l’Entomologie deGuillaume-Antoine Olivier (1756–1814) parJohann Karl Wilhelm Illiger (1775–1813),Abbildungen zu Karl Illigers Uebersetzung von Oliviers Entomologie (1802–1803, Nuremberg) ;
Beschreibung der Gräser nebst ihren Abbildungen nach der Natur de J.C.D. von Schreber (1766–1779, Leipzig) ;
Deutschlands Insectenfaune etKritische Revision der Insectenfaune Deutschlands... deGeorg Wolfgang Franz Panzer (Nuremberg, 1805–1806) ;
Catalecta Botanica quibus Plantae Novae et Minus Cognitae Describuntur atque Illustrantur d’Albrecht Wilhelm Roth (1757–1834) (trois volumes, Leipzig, 1797–1806) ;
Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt (Leipzig, 1820–1838) etRevisio Saxifragarum Iconibus Illustrata (Regensberg, 1810–1822, Leipzig, 1831) du comteKaspar Maria von Sternberg ;
System der Pilze und Schwämme (Wurbzerg, 1816) etBryologia Germanica, oder Beschreibung der in Deutschland und in der Schweiz wachsenden Laubmoose (Nuremberg, 1823–1831) deChristian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck ;
Caricologia Germanica, oder Beschreybungen und Abbildungen aller in Deutschland wildwachsenden Seggen (Nüremberg, 1835) de D.H. Hoppe.