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Position in ancient Rome
For the interrex of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, seeInterrex (Poland).

Theinterrex (pluralinterreges) was an extraordinarymagistrate during theRoman Kingdom andRepublic. Initially, the interrex was appointed after the death of theking of Rome until the election of his successor, hence its name—a ruler "between kings" (Latin:inter reges). The position was retained during the Republic when both consuls were unable to assume their duties, especially holding elections. Interreges ruled for only five days, which often led several of them to be appointed in succession, the record being 15 interreges in 326 BC. They were exclusively chosen from amongpatrician senators, and during theConflict of the Orders, their appointment was sometimes designed to hinderplebeians from reaching power or passing laws.

As with thedictatorship, interreges are mostly found until the time of theSecond Punic War. The position was only resurrected bySulla in 82 BC so he could become dictator, and between 55 and 52 BC, whenPompey disturbed theconstitution for his own benefit.



The office ofinterrex was supposedly created following the death of Rome's first kingRomulus, and thus its origin is obscured by legend. TheSenate of the Roman Kingdom was at first unable to choose a new king. For the purpose of continuing the government of the city, the Senate, which then consisted of one hundred members, was divided into tendecuriae (groups of ten); and from each of thesedecuriae one senator was nominated asdecurio. Each of the tendecuriones in succession held the regal power and its badges for five days asinterrex; and if no king had been appointed at the expiration of fifty days, the rotation began anew. The period during which they exercised their power was called aninterregnum, and on that occasion lasted for one year. ThereafterNuma Pompilius was elected as the new king.[1]

After the death of each subsequent king, aninterrex was appointed by the Senate. His function was to call a meeting of theComitia Curiata, which would elect a new king.[2]

Under theRepublic,interreges were appointed to hold thecomitia for the election of theconsuls when the consuls, through civil commotion or other cause such as death, had been unable to do so during their year of office. Eachinterrex held the office for only five days, as under the kings. During the briefinterregnum, they cumulated most of the original power of the king, or the power of the two consuls in the first years of the Republic.[3] Thecomitia were, as a general rule, not held by the firstinterrex, who was originally thecurio maximus, but more usually by the second or third; in one instance we read of an eleventh, and in another of a fourteenthinterrex. Thecomitia to elect the first consuls were held bySpurius Lucretius Tricipitinus either asinterrex or aspraefectus urbi.[4] Theinterreges under the Republic, at least from 482 BC, were elected from ex-consuls by the Senate, and were not confined to thedecem primi or ten chief senators as under the kings.Plebeians, however, were not admissible to this office; and consequently when the Senate included plebeians, thepatrician senators met together without the plebeian members to elect aninterrex. For this reason, as well as on account of the influence which theinterrex exerted in the election of the magistrates, we find that thetribunes of the plebs were strongly opposed to the appointment of aninterrex. The interrex hadjurisdictio.[clarification needed] It is possible thatinterreges were the only magistrates exempted from the veto power of atribune[5] - which would be exceptional, since evendictators were usually subject to the veto.[6]

Interreges continued to be appointed occasionally until the time of theSecond Punic War. After that nointerrex was appointed until the Senate, by command ofSulla, namedL. Valerius Flaccus to hold thecomitia for his election asDictator in 82 BC. In 55 BC, anotherinterrex was appointed to hold thecomitia in whichPompey andCrassus were elected consuls. There were multipleinterreges in 53 and 52 BC, the last known beingMarcus Aemilius Lepidus (triumvir);[7][8] in 52 aninterrex held thecomitia in which Pompey was appointed sole consul. The number ofinterreges during these two years was so high thatCicero ironised about it in a letter.[9]

List of Romaninterreges (509 - 52 BC)


Unless otherwise indicated, the names and dates of theinterreges are taken fromThomas Broughton'sThe Magistrates of the Roman Republic.[10]

509Sp. Lucretius Tricipitinus
482A. Sempronius Atratinus, 1st

Sp. Lartius Flavus, 2nd

462P. Valerius Poplicola
444T. Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus
420L. Papirius Mugillanus
413Q. Fabius Vibulanus
396L. Valerius Potitus

Q. Servilius Fidenas

M. Furius Camillus

391M. Furius Camillus II

P. Cornelius Scipio

L. Valerius Potitus II

389P. Cornelius Scipio II

M. Furius Camillus III

387M. Manlius Capitolinus

Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus

L. Valerius Potitus III

355Q. Servilius Ahala I & II

M. Fabius Ambustus I & II

Cn. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus

C. Fabius Ambustus

C. Sulpicius Peticus

L. Aemilius Mamercinus

Servilius & M. Fabius appointed twice
35211 unknowninterreges

L. Cornelius Scipio

Cornelius as the twelfth of a series ofinterreges
351C. Sulpicius Peticus II

M. Fabius Ambustus III

340M. Valerius Corvus

M. Fabius Ambustus IV?

orM. Fabius Dursuo

3324 unknowninterreges

M. Valerius Corvus II

Valerius as the fifth and last of a series ofinterreges
32613 unknowninterreges

L. Aemilius Mamercinus Privernas

Aemilius as the fourteenth of a series ofinterreges
320Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus

M. Valerius Corvus III

298Ap. Claudius Caecus

P. Sulpicius Saverrius

291L. Postumius Megellus
222Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus?Fabius was twice Interrex, both at unknown dates.

This is one possible date as suggested by Broughton.

216C. Claudius Centho

P. Cornelius Scipio Asina

Scipio held the comitia that elected the consulVarro
208?Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus II?Mommsen and Broughton suggests this as a possible

date for Fabius as interrex. Livy instead attributes the

elections to the Dictator,T. Manlius Torquatus

82L. Valerius Flaccus
55Marcus Valerius Messalla Niger
53numerous unknowninterreges

Marcus Valerius Messalla Niger

Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio

52Marcus Valerius Messalla Niger

Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (triumvir)


  1. ^Livy,Ab urbe condita, 1:17
  2. ^see e.g. Livy,Ab urbe condita, 1:32
  3. ^Cambridge, The Five Days Interregnum in the Roman Republic,
  4. ^Dionysius of Halicarnassus,Roman Antiquities 4.76.1; 4.84.5. Livy,Ab Urbe Condita 1.59.2; 1.60.4.
  5. ^Acta Triumphalia (CIL I.p.45), Livy (4–41.10; 8.23.12), and Suetonius (Jul. 51.4)
  6. ^Sherwin-White, AN; Lintott, Andrew (2012)."dictator". In Hornblower, Simon; Spawforth, Antony; Eidinow, Esther (eds.).The Oxford classical dictionary (4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 448.doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.2151.ISBN 978-0-19-954556-8.OCLC 959667246.
  7. ^Koptev, Aleksandr (2016)."The Five-Day Interregnum in the Roman Republic".The Classical Quarterly.66. Cambridge University:205–221.doi:10.1017/S000983881600032X.
  8. ^Bauman, Richard A. (1985).Lawyers in Roman Transitional Politics: A Study of the Roman Jurists in Their Political Setting in the Late Republic and Triumvirate. Beck, C.H.ISBN 9783406304859.
  9. ^Koptev, Aleksandr (2016)."The Five-Day Interregnum in the Roman Republic".The Classical Quarterly.66. Cambridge University:205–221.doi:10.1017/S000983881600032X.
  10. ^Broughton, T. Robert S. (1952).The magistrates of the Roman Republic. American Philological Association.OCLC 1120836609.



Drummond, Andrew (2015)."Interrex".Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford Research Encyclopedias.doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.3305.ISBN 9780199381135. Retrieved14 May 2019.

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