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Aninterconnector (also known as aDC tie in the USA[1]) is a structure which enables high voltage DC electricity to flow betweenelectrical grids. An electrical interconnector allows electricity to flow between separate AC networks, or to linksynchronous grids.[2][3] They can be formed ofsubmarine power cables orunderground power cables oroverhead power lines.
The longest interconnection as of July 2022 was the 2,210 kmHami - Zhengzhou delivering 8 GW ofhigh voltage direct current power. The longest proposed connector is the 3,800 km, 3.6 GWXlinks Morocco-UK Power Project.[4]
Interconnectors allow thetrading of electricity between territories. For example, theEast–West Interconnector allows the trading of electricity betweenGreat Britain andIreland. A territory which generates more energy than it requires for its own activities can therefore sell surplus energy to a neighbouring territory.
Interconnectors also provide increasedresilience. Within theEuropean Union there is a movement towards asingle market for energy, which makes interconnectors viable.[5] They are essential to achieve security of supply.[6] As such, the Nordic and Baltic energy exchangeNord Pool Spot rely on multiple interconnectors. The fullest possible implementation of this is the proposedEuropean super grid which would include numerous interconnectors between national networks.
Interconnectors are used to increase the security of the energy supply and to manage peak demand. They enable cross-border access to the producers and consumers of electricity, thus increasing the competition in energy markets. They also help integrate more electricity generated from renewable sources,[7] thus reducing the use of fossil fuel power plants and CO2 emissions. Interconnectors aid adaptation to changing demand patterns such as the uptake of electric vehicles.
Interconnectors may run across a land border or connect two land areas separated by water. As of July 2022 there are at least 35 international connectors and many more intra-national connectors, seehigh-voltage direct-current (HVDC) projects.