Lee Ji-hye, the producer of the musical 'Infinite Power,' premiered the webtoon of the same name in 2015. It was later adapted and composed with actor Im in mind for the role of Jin Ki-han. However, Im couldn't do the premiere due to a scheduling conflict. In the encore, Im Cheol-soo shares the role of Jin Ki-han with Ahn Ji-hwan. The musical opened on the 24th at Chungmu Arts Center's Black Theater in Sindang-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul. It revolves around the story of Jin Ki-han, job seeker Jang Seon-jae, and dance major dropout Kim Sol, who reside together in the boarding house of inventor Han Won-sik.[2]
Im made his small screen debut in 2016 with tvN'sReply 1988. Since then, he has appeared in dramas such as tvN'sSignal (2016), SBS'sSix Flying Dragons (2016), tvN'sMr. Sunshine (2018), and SBS'sYour Honor (2018). He has also showcased his acting skills in works like 'Dear Me' (2018) and has been gradually building his filmography by appearing in popular works such as the dramaMr. Sunshine (2011 TV series).[3][4]
In 2020, Im gained recognition for his role as Park Soo-chan, the life insurance manager of Yoon Se-ri (played by Son Ye-jin), in tvN'sCrash Landing on You.[4]
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