Theprohibition of drugs throughsumptuary legislation orreligious law is a common means of attempting to prevent therecreational use of certain intoxicating substances.
An area has a prohibition of drugs when its government uses the force of law to punish the use or possession of drugs which have been classified as controlled. A government may simultaneously have systems in place to regulate both controlled and non controlled drugs. Regulation controls the manufacture, distribution, marketing, sale, and use of certain drugs, for instance through aprescription system. For example, in some states, the possession or sale ofamphetamines is a crime unless a patient has a physician's prescription for the drug; having a prescription authorizes a pharmacy to sell and a patient to use a drug that would otherwise be prohibited. Although prohibition mostly concernspsychoactive drugs (which affect mental processes such as perception, cognition, and mood), prohibition can also apply to non-psychoactive drugs, such asanabolic steroids. Many governments do not criminalize the possession of a limited quantity of certain drugs for personal use, while still prohibiting their sale or manufacture, or possession in large quantities. Some laws (or judicial practice) set a specific volume of a particular drug, above which is consideredipso jure to be evidence of trafficking or sale of the drug.[citation needed]
Some Islamic countries prohibit the use ofalcohol (seelist of countries with alcohol prohibition). Many governments levy a tax onalcohol andtobacco products, and restrict alcohol and tobacco from being sold or gifted to aminor. Other common restrictions include bans onoutdoor drinking andindoor smoking. In the early 20th century, many countries hadalcohol prohibition. These include theUnited States (1920–1933),Finland (1919–1932),Norway (1916–1927),Canada (1901–1948),Iceland (1915–1922) and theRussian Empire/USSR (1914–1925). In fact, the firstinternational treaty to control apsychoactive substance adopted in1890 actually concernedalcoholic beverages[1] (Brussels Conference).[2] Thefirst treaty on opium only arrived two decades later, in 1912.
Drugs, in the context ofprohibition, are any of a number ofpsychoactive substances whose use a government or religious body seeks to control. What constitutes adrug varies by century and belief system. What is apsychoactive substance is relatively well known to modern science.[3] Examples include a range fromcaffeine found in coffee, tea, and chocolate,nicotine in tobacco products; botanical extracts morphine and heroin, and synthetic compoundsMDMA andfentanyl. Almost without exception, these substances also have a medical use, in which case they are calledpharmaceutical drugs or justpharmaceuticals. The use ofmedicine to save or extend life or to alleviate suffering is uncontroversial in most cultures.Prohibition applies to certain conditions of possession or use.Recreational use refers to the use of substances primarily for their psychoactive effect outside of aclinical situation or doctor's care.
In the twenty-first century, caffeine has pharmaceutical uses.Caffeine is used to treatbronchopulmonary dysplasia. In most cultures, caffeine in the form of coffee or tea is unregulated. Over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world every day.[4] Some religions, includingthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, prohibit coffee.[5] They believe that it is both physically and spiritually unhealthy to consume coffee.[6]
A government's interest to control a drug may be based on its negative effects on its users, or it may simply have a revenue interest. TheBritish parliament prohibited the possession of untaxed tea with the imposition of theTea Act of 1773. In this case, as in many others, it is not a substance that is prohibited, but the conditions under which it is possessed or consumed. Those conditions include matters of intent, which makes the enforcement of laws difficult. In Colorado possession of "blenders, bowls, containers, spoons, and mixing devices" is illegal if there wasintent to use them with drugs.[citation needed]
Many drugs, beyond their pharmaceutical and recreational uses, have industrial uses.Nitrous oxide, orlaughing gas is a dental anesthetic, also used to prepare whipped cream, fuel rocket engines, and enhance the performance of race cars. Ethanol, or drinking alcohol, is also used as a fuel, industrial solvent and disinfectant.
The cultivation, use, and trade ofpsychoactive and otherdrugs has occurred since ancient times. Concurrently, authorities have often restricted drug possession and trade for a variety of political and religious reasons. In the 20th century, the United States led a major renewed surge in drug prohibition called the "War on Drugs".
The prohibition onalcohol under IslamicSharia law, which is usually attributed to passages in theQur'an, dates back to the early seventh century. Although Islamic law is often interpreted as prohibiting allintoxicants (not only alcohol), the ancient practice ofhashish smoking has continued throughout thehistory of Islam, against varying degrees of resistance. A major campaign against hashish-eatingSufis were conducted inEgypt in the 11th and 12th centuries resulting among other things in the burning of fields ofcannabis.[citation needed]
Though the prohibition ofillegal drugs was established under Sharia law, particularly against the use of hashish as arecreational drug, classicaljurists of medievalIslamic jurisprudence accepted the use of hashish formedicinal and therapeutic purposes, and agreed that its "medical use, even if it leads tomental derangement, should remain exempt [from punishment]". In the 14th century, the Islamic scholar Az-Zarkashi spoke of "the permissibility of its use for medical purposes if it is established that it is beneficial".[7]
In theOttoman Empire,Murad IV attempted to prohibitcoffee drinking to Muslims asharaam, arguing that it was anintoxicant, but this ruling was overturned soon after he died in 1640.[8] The introduction of coffee in Europe from Muslim Turkey prompted calls for it to be banned as the devil's work, althoughPope Clement VIII sanctioned its use in 1600, declaring that it was "so delicious that it would be a pity to let the infidels have exclusive use of it".Bach'sCoffee Cantata, from the 1730s, presents a vigorous debate between a girl and her father over her desire to consume coffee. The early association betweencoffeehouses and seditious political activities in England led to the banning of such establishments in the mid-17th century.[9]
A number of Asian rulers had similarly enacted early prohibitions, many of which were later forcefully overturned by Western colonial powers during the 18th and 19th centuries. In 1360, for example, KingRamathibodi I, ofAyutthaya Kingdom (nowThailand), prohibited opium consumption and trade. The prohibition lasted nearly 500 years until 1851 when KingRama IV allowed Chinese migrants to consume opium. The Konbaung Dynasty prohibited allintoxicants andstimulants during the reign of King Bodawpaya (1781–1819). After Burma became aBritish colony, the restrictions on opium were abolished and the colonial government established monopolies selling Indian-produced opium.[10]
In lateQing China,opium imported by foreign traders, such as those employed byJardine Matheson and theEast India Company, was consumed by all social classes inSouthern China. Between 1821 and 1837, imports of the drug increased fivefold. The wealth drain and widespread social problems that resulted from this consumption prompted the Chinese government to attempt to end the trade. This effort was initially successful, withLin Zexu ordering thedestruction of opium at Humen in June 1839. However, the opium traders lobbied the British government to declare war on China, resulting in theFirst Opium War. The Qing government was defeated and the war ended with theTreaty of Nanking, which legalized opium trading in Chinese law[11]
The first modern law in Europe for the regulating of drugs was thePharmacy Act 1868 in the United Kingdom. There had been previous moves to establish the medical and pharmaceutical professions as separate, self-regulating bodies, but theGeneral Medical Council, established in 1863, unsuccessfully attempted to assert control over drug distribution.[12] The Act set controls on the distribution of poisons and drugs. Poisons could only be sold if the purchaser was known to the seller or to an intermediary known to both, and drugs, includingopium and all preparations of opium or ofpoppies, had to be sold in containers with the seller's name and address.[13]Despite the reservation of opium to professional control, general sales did continue to a limited extent, with mixtures with less than 1 percent opium being unregulated.
After the legislation passed, the death rate caused by opium immediately fell from 6.4 per million population in 1868 to 4.5 in 1869. Deaths among children under five dropped from 20.5 per million population between 1863 and 1867 to 12.7 per million in 1871 and further declined to between 6 and 7 per million in the 1880s.[14]
In the United States, the first drug law was passed inSan Francisco in 1875, banning the smoking of opium inopium dens. The reason cited was "many women and young girls, as well as young men of a respectable family, were being induced to visit the Chinese opium-smoking dens, where they were ruined morally and otherwise." This was followed by other laws throughout the country, and federal laws that barred Chinese people from trafficking in opium. Though the laws affected the use and distribution of opium by Chinese immigrants, no action was taken against the producers of such products aslaudanum, atincture of opium and alcohol, commonly taken as apanacea by white Americans. The distinction between its use by white Americans and Chinese immigrants was thus a form ofracial discrimination as it was based on the form in which it was ingested: Chinese immigrants tended to smoke it, while it was often included in various kinds of generally liquid medicines often (but not exclusively) used by Americans of European descent. The laws targeted opium smoking, but not other methods of ingestion.[15]
Britain passed the All-India Opium Act of 1878, which limited recreational opium sales to registered Indian opium-eaters and Chinese opium-smokers and prohibiting its sale to emigrant workers from British Burma.[16]
Following the passage of a regional law in 1895, Australia's1897 Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act addressed opium addiction amongAborigines, though it soon became a general vehicle for depriving them of basic rights by administrative regulation. Opium sale was prohibited to the general population in 1905, and smoking and possession were prohibited in 1908.[17]
Despite these laws, the late 19th century saw an increase in opiate consumption. This was due to the prescribing and dispensing of legal opiates by physicians and pharmacists to relievemenstruation pain. It is estimated that between 150,000 and 200,000 opiate addicts lived in the United States at the time, and a majority of these addicts were women.[18]
Foreign traders, including those employed byJardine Matheson and theEast India Company, smuggled opium into China in order to balance high trade deficits. Chinese attempts to outlaw the trade led to theFirst Opium War and the subsequent legalization of the trade at theTreaty of Nanking. Attitudes towards the opium trade were initially ambivalent, but in 1874 theSociety for the Suppression of the Opium Trade was formed in England byQuakers led by theRev. Frederick Storrs-Turner. By the 1890s, increasingly strident campaigns were waged byProtestantmissionaries in China for its abolition. The first such society was established at the 1890 Shanghai Missionary Conference, where British and American representatives, includingJohn Glasgow Kerr,Arthur E. Moule,Arthur Gostick Shorrock andGriffith John, agreed to establish the Permanent Committee for the Promotion of Anti-Opium Societies.[19]
Due to increasing pressure in theBritish parliament, theLiberal government underWilliam Ewart Gladstone approved the appointment of aRoyal Commission on Opium to India in 1893.[20][21] The commission was tasked with ascertaining the impact of Indian opium exports to theFar East, and to advise whether the trade should be banned and opium consumption itself banned in India. After an extended inquiry, the Royal Commission rejected the claims made by the anti-opium campaigners regarding the supposed societal harm caused by the trade and the issue was finalized for another 15 years.[22][23]
The missionary organizations were outraged over theRoyal Commission on Opium's conclusions and set up the Anti-Opium League in China; the league gathered data from every Western-trained medical doctor in China and publishedOpinions of Over 100 Physicians on the Use of Opium in China. This was the first anti-drug campaign to be based on scientific principles, and it had a tremendous impact on the state of educated opinion in the West.[24] In England, the home director of theChina Inland Mission,Benjamin Broomhall, was an active opponent of the opium trade, writing two books to promote the banning of opium smoking:The Truth about Opium Smoking andThe Chinese Opium Smoker. In 1888, Broomhall formed and became secretary of the Christian Union for the Severance of the British Empire with the Opium Traffic and editor of its periodical,National Righteousness. He lobbied the British parliament to ban the opium trade. Broomhall andJames Laidlaw Maxwell appealed to the London Missionary Conference of 1888 and the Edinburgh Missionary Conference of 1910 to condemn the continuation of the trade. As Broomhall lay dying, an article fromThe Times was read to him with the welcome news that an international agreement had been signed ensuring the end of the opium trade within two years.
In 1906, a motion to 'declare the opium trade "morally indefensible" and remove Government support for it', initially unsuccessfully proposed byArthur Pease in 1891, was put before theHouse of Commons. This time the motion passed. The Qing government banned opium soon afterward.[25]
These changing attitudes led to the founding of theInternational Opium Commission in 1909. AnInternational Opium Convention was signed by 13 nations atThe Hague on January 23, 1912, during the First International Opium Conference. This was the first internationaldrug control treaty and it was registered in theLeague of Nations Treaty Series on January 23, 1922.[26] The Convention provided that "The contracting Powers shall use their best endeavors to control or to cause to be controlled, all person manufacturing, importing, selling, distributing, and exporting morphine, cocaine, and their respective salts, as well as the buildings in which these persons carry such an industry or trade."
The treaty became international law in 1919 when it was incorporated into theTreaty of Versailles. The role of the commission was passed to theLeague of Nations, and all signatory nations agreed to prohibit the import, sale, distribution, export, and use of allnarcotic drugs, except for medical and scientific purposes.
In the UK theDefence of the Realm Act 1914, passed at the onset of theFirst World War, gave the government wide-ranging powers to requisition the property and to criminalize specific activities. Amoral panic was whipped up by the press in 1916 over the alleged sale of drugs to the troops of theBritish Indian Army. With the temporary powers of DORA, theArmy Council quickly banned the sale of all psychoactive drugs to troops, unless required for medical reasons. However, shifts in the public attitude towards drugs—they were beginning to be associated withprostitution,vice andimmorality—led the government to pass further unprecedented laws, banning and criminalising the possession and dispensation of all narcotics, including opium and cocaine. After the war, this legislation was maintained and strengthened with the passing of theDangerous Drugs Act 1920 (10 & 11 Geo. 5. c. 46).Home Office control was extended to includeraw opium,morphine,cocaine,ecogonine andheroin.[27][28]
Hardening of Canadian attitudes towardChinese-Canadian opium users and fear of a spread of the drug into the white population led to the effective criminalization of opium for nonmedical use in Canada between 1908 and the mid-1920s.[29]
TheMao Zedong government nearly eradicated both consumption and production of opium during the 1950s using social control and isolation.[30] Ten million addicts were forced into compulsory treatment, dealers were executed, and opium-producing regions were planted with new crops. Remaining opium production shifted south of the Chinese border into theGolden Triangle region.[31] The remnant opium trade primarily served Southeast Asia, but spread to American soldiers during theVietnam War, with 20 percent of soldiers regarding themselves as addicted during the peak of the epidemic in 1971. In 2003, China was estimated to have four million regular drug users and one million registered drug addicts.[32]
In the US, theHarrison Act was passed in 1914, and required sellers ofopiates and cocaine to get a license. While originally intended to regulate the trade, it soon became a prohibitive law, eventually becominglegal precedent that any prescription for a narcotic given by a physician or pharmacist – even in the course of medical treatment foraddiction – constituted conspiracy to violate the Harrison Act. In 1919, theSupreme Court ruled inDoremus that the Harrison Act was constitutional and inWebb that physicians could not prescribe narcotics solely for maintenance.[18] InJin Fuey Moy v. United States,[33] the court upheld that it was a violation of the Harrison Act even if a physician provided prescription of a narcotic for an addict, and thus subject to criminalprosecution.[34] This is also true of the laterMarijuana Tax Act in 1937. Soon, however, licensing bodies did not issue licenses, effectively banning the drugs.[35]
The American judicial system did not initially accept drug prohibition. Prosecutors argued that possessing drugs was a tax violation, as no legal licenses to sell drugs were in existence; hence, a person possessing drugs must have purchased them from an unlicensed source. After some wrangling, this was accepted as federal jurisdiction under theinterstate commerce clause of theU.S. Constitution.
The prohibition of alcohol commenced in Finland in 1919 and in the United States in 1920. Because alcohol was the most popular recreational drug in these countries, reactions to its prohibition were far more negative than to the prohibition of other drugs, which were commonly associated with ethnic minorities, prostitution, and vice. Public pressure led to the repeal of alcohol prohibition in Finland in 1932, and in the United States in 1933. Residents of many provinces ofCanada also experienced alcohol prohibition for similar periods in the first half of the 20th century.[36]
In Sweden,a referendum in 1922 decided against an alcohol prohibition law (with 51% of the votes against and 49% for prohibition), but starting in 1914 (nationwide from 1917) and until 1955 Sweden employed an alcohol rationing system with personal liquor ration books ("motbok").
In response to rising drug use among young people and thecounterculture movement, government efforts to enforce prohibition were strengthened in many countries from the 1960s onward. Support at an international level for the prohibition ofpsychoactive drug use became a consistent feature of United States policy during both Republican and Democratic administrations, to such an extent that US support for foreign governments has often been contingent on their adherence to USdrug policy.[citation needed] Major milestones in this campaign include the introduction of theSingle Convention on Narcotic Drugs in 1961, theConvention on Psychotropic Substances in 1971 and theUnited Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in 1988. A few developing countries where consumption of the prohibited substances has enjoyed longstanding cultural support, long resisted such outside pressure to pass legislation adhering to these conventions.Nepal only did so in 1976.[37][38]
In 1972, United States PresidentRichard Nixon announced the commencement of the so-called "War on Drugs". Later,President Reagan added the position ofdrug czar to thePresident's Executive Office. In 1973,New York introducedmandatory minimum sentences of 15 years tolife imprisonment for possession of more than 113 grams (4 oz) of a so-calledhard drug, called theRockefeller drug laws after New York Governor and later Vice PresidentNelson Rockefeller. Similar laws were introduced across the United States.
California's broader 'three strikes and you're out' policy adopted in 1994 was the firstmandatory sentencing policy to gain widespread publicity and was subsequently adopted in most United States jurisdictions. This policy mandates life imprisonment for a third criminal conviction of any felony offense. A similar 'three strikes' policy was introduced to the United Kingdom by the Conservative government in 1997. This legislation enacted a mandatory minimum sentence of seven years for those convicted for a third time of a drug trafficking offense involving a class A drug.
The terms relegalization, legalization, legal regulations, or decriminalization are used with very different meanings by different authors, something that can be confusing when the claims are not specified. Here are some variants:
There are efforts around the world to promote therelegalization anddecriminalization of drugs. These policies are often supported by proponents ofliberalism andlibertarianism on the grounds of individual freedom, as well as byleftists who believe prohibition to be a method of suppression of the working class by the ruling class.
Prohibition of drugs is supported by proponents ofconservatism as well variousNGOs. A number of NGOs are aligned in support of drug prohibition as members of theWorld Federation Against Drugs.[39][40] In the WFAD constitution, the "Declaration of the World Forum Against Drugs" (2008) advocates for "no other goal than a drug-free world", and states that a balanced policy of drug abuse prevention, education, treatment, law enforcement, research, and supply reduction provides the most effective platform to reduce drug abuse and its associated harms and calls on governments to considerdemand reduction as one of their first priorities. It supports the UN drug conventions, the inclusion of cannabis as one of the "hard drugs", and the use of criminal sanctions "when appropriate" to deter drug use. It opposes legalization in any form, andharm reduction in general.[41]
According to some critics, drug prohibition is responsible for enriching "organised criminal networks"[42] while the hypothesis that the prohibition of drugs generates violence is consistent with research done over long time-series and cross-country facts.[43]
In the United Kingdom, where the principal piece of drug prohibition legislation is theMisuse of Drugs Act 1971,[44] criticism includes:
In February 2008 the then-president ofHonduras,Manuel Zelaya, called on the world to legalize drugs, in order, he said, to prevent the majority of violent murders occurring in Honduras. Honduras is used bycocaine smugglers as a transiting point betweenColombia and the US. Honduras, with a population of 7 million, suffers an average of 8–10 murders a day, with an estimated 70% being a result of this international drug trade. The same problem is occurring inGuatemala,El Salvador,Costa Rica and Mexico, according to Zelaya.[49] In January 2012Colombian PresidentJuan Manuel Santos made a plea to the United States and Europe to start a global debate about legalizing drugs.[50] This call was echoed by theGuatemalan PresidentOtto Pérez Molina, who announced his desire to legalize drugs, saying "What I have done is put the issue back on the table."[51]
In a report dealing withHIV in June 2014, theWorld Health Organization (WHO) of theUN called for the decriminalization of drugs particularly including injected ones. This conclusion put WHO at odds with broader long-standing UN policy favoring criminalization.[52] Eight states of the United States (Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington), as well as the District of Columbia, have legalized the sale of marijuana for personal recreational use as of 2017, although recreational use remains illegal under U.S. federal law. The conflict between state and federal law is, as of 2018, unresolved.
Since Uruguay in 2014 and Canada in 2018 legalized cannabis, the debate has known a new turn internationally.
On March 14th, 2025, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs decided to create a panel of independent experts to rethink the global drug control regime.[53]
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The following individual drugs, listed under their respective family groups (e.g., barbiturates, benzodiazepines, opiates), are the most frequently sought after by drug users and as such are prohibited or otherwise heavily regulated for use in many countries:
The regulation of the above drugs varies in many countries. Alcohol possession and consumption by adults is today widely banned only inIslamic countries andcertain states of India. Although alcohol prohibition was eventually repealed in the countries that enacted it, there are, for example, still parts of the United States that do not allow alcohol sales, though alcohol possession may be legal (seedry counties). New Zealand has banned the importation ofchewing tobacco as part of theSmoke-free Environments Act 1990. In some parts of the world,[where?] provisions are made for the use of traditionalsacraments likeayahuasca,iboga, andpeyote. InGabon, iboga (tabernanthe iboga) has been declared a national treasure and is used in rites of theBwiti religion. The active ingredient,ibogaine,[54] is proposed as a treatment of opioid withdrawal and various substance use disorders.
In countries where alcohol and tobacco are legal, certain measures are frequently undertaken to discourage use of these drugs. For example, packages of alcohol and tobacco sometimes communicate warnings directed towards the consumer, communicating the potential risks of partaking in the use of the substance. These drugs also frequently have specialsin taxes associated with the purchase thereof, in order to recoup the losses associated with public funding for the health problems the use causes in long-term users. Restrictions on advertising also exist in many countries, and often a state holds amonopoly on manufacture, distribution, marketing, and/or the sale of these drugs.
The sentencing statutes in theUnited States Code that cover controlled substances are complicated. For example, a first-time offender convicted in a single proceeding for selling marijuana three times, and found to have carried a gun on him all three times (even if it were not used) is subject to a minimum sentence of 55 years in federal prison.[63]
InHallucinations: Behavior, Experience, and Theory (1975), senior US government researchersLouis Jolyon West andRonald K. Siegel explain how drug prohibition can be used for selective social control:
The role of drugs in the exercise of political control is also coming under increasing discussion. Control can be through prohibition or supply. The total or even partial prohibition of drugs gives the government considerable leverage for other types of control. An example would be the selective application of drug laws ... against selected components of the population such as members of certain minority groups or political organizations.[64]
LinguistNoam Chomsky argues that drug laws are currently, and have historically been, used by the state to oppress sections of society it opposes:[65][66]
Very commonly substances are criminalized because they're associated with what's called the dangerous classes, poor people, or working people. So for example in England in the 19th century, there was a period whengin was criminalized andwhiskey wasn't, because gin is what poor people drink.
In 2013 theEuropean Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction reported that there are 280 new legal drugs, known as "legal highs", available in Europe.[67] One of the best known,mephedrone, was banned in the United Kingdom in 2010.[68] On November 24, 2010, the U.S.Drug Enforcement Administration announced it would use emergency powers to ban manysynthetic cannabinoids within a month.[69] An estimated 73 new psychoactive synthetic drugs appeared on the UK market in 2012. The response of theHome Office has been to create a temporary class drug order which bans the manufacture, import, and supply (but not the possession) of named substances.[70]
In certain countries,[which?] there is concern that campaigns against drugs and organized crime are a cover for corrupt officials tied to drug trafficking themselves. In the United States,Federal Bureau of Narcotics chiefHarry Anslinger's opponents accused him of taking bribes from theMafia to enact prohibition and create ablack market for alcohol.[71] More recently inthe Philippines, one death squad hitman told author Niko Vorobyov that he was being paid by military officers to eliminate those drug dealers who failed to pay a 'tax'.[vague][72] UnderPresidentRodrigo Duterte, the Philippines has waged a bloodywar against drugs that may have resulted in up to 29,000 extrajudicial killings.[73]
When it comes to social control with cannabis, there are different aspects to consider. Not only do we assess legislative leaders and the way they vote on cannabis, but we also must consider the federal regulations and taxation that contribute to social controls. For instance, according to a report on the U.S. customs and border protections, the American industry, although banned the main usage of marijuana, was still using products similar such as hemp seeds, oils etc. leading to the previously discussed marijuana tax act.[74]
The Tax act provisions[75] required importers to register and pay an annual tax of $24 and receive an official stamp. Stamps for Products were then affixed to each original order form and recorded by the state revenue collector. Then, a customs collector[76] was to maintain the custody of imported marijuana at entry ports until required documents were received, reviewed and approved.Shipments were subject to searches, seizures and forfeitures if any provisions of the law were not met. Violations would result in fines of no more than $2000 or potential imprisonment for up to 5 years. Oftentimes, this created opportunity for corruption, stolen imports that would later lead to smuggling, oftentimes by state officials and tight knit elitists.
Drug possession is the crime of having one or more illegal drugs in one's possession, either for personal use, distribution, sale or otherwise. Illegal drugs fall into different categories and sentences vary depending on the amount, type of drug, circumstances, and jurisdiction. In the U.S., the penalty for illegal drug possession and sale can vary from a small fine to a prison sentence. In some states, marijuana possession is considered to be a petty offense, with the penalty being comparable to that of a speeding violation. In some municipalities, possessing a small quantity of marijuana in one's own home is not punishable at all. Generally, however, drug possession is an arrestable offense, although first-time offenders rarely serve jail time. Federal law makes even possession of "soft drugs", such as cannabis, illegal, though some local governments have laws contradicting federal laws.
In the U.S., theWar on Drugs is thought to be contributing to aprison overcrowding problem. In 1996, 59.6%[77] of prisoners were drug-related criminals. The U.S. population grew by about +25% from 1980 to 2000. In that same 20 year time period, the U.S. prison population tripled, making the U.S. the world leader in both percentage and absolute number of citizens incarcerated. The United States has 5% of the world's population, but 25% of the prisoners.[78]
About 90% ofUnited States prisoners are incarcerated in state jails. In 2016, about 572,000, over 44%, of the 1.3 million people in these state jails, were serving time for drug offenses. 728,000 were incarcerated for violent offenses.[79]
The data fromFederal Bureau of Prisons online statistics page states that 45.9% of prisoners were incarcerated for drug offenses, as of December 2021.[80]
In 2004, theCouncil of the European Union adopted aframework decision harmonizing the minimum penal provisions for illicit drug-related activities.[81] In particular, article 2(9) stipulates that activities may be exempt from the minimum provisions "when it is committed by its perpetrators exclusively for their own personal consumption as defined by national law." This was made, in particular, to accommodate more liberal national systems such as the Dutch coffee shops (see below) or the SpanishCannabis Social Clubs.
In the Netherlands, cannabis and other "soft" drugs are decriminalised in small quantities. The Dutch government treats the problem as more of a public health issue than a criminal issue. Contrary to popular belief, cannabis is still technically illegal.Coffee shops that sell cannabis to people 18 or above are tolerated, and pay taxes like any other business for their cannabis and hashish sales, although distribution is a grey area that the authorities would rather not go into as it is not decriminalised. Many "coffee shops" are found inAmsterdam and cater mainly to the large tourist trade; the local consumption rate is far lower than in the US.
The administrative bodies responsible for enforcing the drug policies include the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, and the Ministry of Finance. Local authorities also shape local policy, within the national framework.
When compared to other countries, Dutch drug consumption falls in the European average at six per cent regular use (twenty-one per cent at some point in life) and considerably lower than the Anglo-Saxon countries headed by the United States with an eight per cent recurring use (thirty-four at some point in life).
A Nielsen poll in 2012 found that only 27% of voters favoured decriminalisation.[82] Australia has steep penalties for growing and using drugs even for personal use.[83][84][85] with Western Australia having the toughest laws.[86] There is an associated anti-drug culture amongst a significant number of Australians. Law enforcement targets drugs, particularly in theparty scene.[87] In 2012, crime statistics in Victoria revealed that police were increasingly arresting users rather than dealers,[88] and theLiberal government banned the sale ofbongs that year.[89]
Indonesia carries a maximum penalty ofdeath for drug dealing, and a maximum of 15 years prison for drug use. In 2004, Australian citizenSchapelle Corby was convicted of smuggling 4.4 kilograms of cannabis intoBali, a crime that carried a maximum penalty of death. Her trial reached the verdict of guilty with a punishment of 20 years imprisonment. Corby claimed to be an unwittingdrug mule. Australian citizens known as the "Bali Nine" were caught smugglingheroin. Two of the nine, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, were executed April 29, 2015 along with six other foreign nationals. In August 2005, Australian modelMichelle Leslie was arrested with twoecstasy pills. She pleaded guilty to possession and in November 2005 was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment, which she was deemed to have already served, and was released from prison immediately upon her admission of guilt on the charge of possession.
At the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, Indonesia, along with India, Turkey, Pakistan and some South American countries opposed the criminalisation of drugs.[90]
Taiwan carries a maximum penalty of death for drug trafficking, whilesmoking tobacco andwine are classified as legal entertainment drug. TheDepartment of Health is in charge of drug prohibition.[91]
In 2020, the direct cost of drug prohibition to United States taxpayers was estimated at over $40 billion annually.[92] Prohibition can increaseorganized crime,government corruption, andmass incarceration via the trade in illegal drugs, while racial and gender disparities in enforcement are evident.[93][94][95]
Although drug prohibition is often portrayed by proponents as a measure to improvepublic health, evidence is lacking. In 2016, theJohns Hopkins–Lancet Commission concluded that the "harms of prohibition far outweigh the benefits", citing increased risk ofoverdoses andHIV infection and detrimental effects on thesocial determinants of health.[93] Some proponents argue that drug prohibition's effect on suppressing usage rates (although the magnitude of this effect is unknown) outweighs the negative effects of prohibition.[93]
Alternative approaches to prohibition includedrug legalization,drug decriminalization,[96] andgovernment monopoly.[97]
US specific:
Although the Royal Commission killed opium suppression as an active political issue for the next fifteen years, the anti-opium crusaders continued their campaign, denouncing the commission as a whitewash and attempting to counter it with data of their own.