In 1841,George Bentham describedApodytes andPogopetalum as newgenera and united them withIcacina, Gomphandra, andLeretia to create thetribe Icacineae of what would later be called the familyOlacaceae.[11] Olacaceae was at that time, and through the 20th century, defined broadly, encompassing several families in theorderSantalales.[12]Pogopetalum was latersynonymized withEmmotum.[13][14]
In 1852,John Miersargued that Bentham's Icacineae did not belong in Olacaceae and he raised them to thetaxonomic rank of family as Icacinaceae.[15]
Philippe van Tieghem realized that the family Icacinaceae, ascircumscribed by Miers, consisted of groups that were only distantly related, and in 1897, he divided it into seven families.[16][17] Van Tieghem's treatment in some ways anticipated the results of 21st centuryphylogeneticstudies, in particular, by his establishment of the families Emmotaceae and Leptaulaceae. His division of Icacinaceae into smaller families was not accepted and other authors continued to define Icacinaceae in the broad sense, known as Icacinaceaesensu lato.
Stemonuraceae is a family of 12 genera in the campanulid order Aquifoliales. It issister to Cardiopteridaceae.[6][25]
Before thephylogeny produced by Kårehed, Cardiopteridaceae contained onlyCardiopteris. Kårehed transferredCitronella,Gonocaryum, andLeptaulus from Icacinaceae to this family, and provisionally placedMetteniusa,Dendrobangia, andPseudobotrys there as well.Metteniusa was shown to be alamiid in 2007, and was placed in a family by itself.[26] The affinities ofDendrobangia andPseudobotrys remain obscure.
Some authors have continued to maintain Cardiopteridaceae as amonogeneric family, placingCitronella,Gonocaryum,Leptaulus,Dendrobangia, andPseudobotrys in Leptaulaceae.[27] The study by Kårehed showedCardiopteris to be embedded in Leptaulaceae, butstatistical support for this position was not strong.
^abcdKårehed, Jesper (2001). "Multiple origin of the tropical forest tree family Icacinaceae".American Journal of Botany.88 (12):2259–2274.doi:10.2307/3558388.JSTOR3558388.PMID21669659.
^abcStull, G. W., R. Duno de Stefano, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis (2015). Resolving Basal Lamiid Phylogeny and the Circumscription of Icacinaceae with a Plastome-Scale Data Set. American Journal of Botany 102, no. 11: 1794–1813. doi:10.3732/ajb.1500298.
^Timothy M.A. Utteridge, Hidetoshi Nagamasu, Stephen P. Teo, Lydia C. White, and Peter Gasson. 2005. "Sleumeria (Icacinaceae): A New Genus from Northern Borneo".Systematic Botany30(3):635-643.
^Sarr SO, Perrotey S, Fall I, Ennahar S, Zhao M, Diop YM, Candolfi E, Marchioni E.,"Icacina senegalensis (Icacinaceae), traditionally used for the treatment of malaria, inhibits in vitro Plasmodium falciparum growth without host cell toxicity."Malar J. 2011 Apr 11;10(1):85
^abManchester, S.R. (1994). "Fruits and Seeds of the Middle Eocene Nut Beds Flora, Clarno Formation, Oregon".Palaeontographica Americana.58:30–31.
^George Bentham. 1841. page 679. In: "Account of two new genera allied to Olacineae".Transactions of the Linnean Society of London18:671-686 & plates 41 and 42. (seeExternal links below).
^Valéry Malécot and Daniel L. Nickrent. 2008. "Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships of Olacaceae and Related Santalales".Systematic Botany33(1):97-106.
^Rodrigo Duno de Stefano, Diego F. Angulo, and Fred W. Stauffer. 2007. "Emmotum harleyi, a New Species from Bahia, Brazil, and Lectotypification of Other Icacinaceae".Novon17(3):306-309.
^Richard A. Howard. 1942. "Studies of the Icacinaceae. III. A revision ofEmmotum".Journal of the Arnold Arboretum23:479-494.
^John Miers. 1852. page 221. In: "Observations on the Affinities of the Icacinaceae".Annals and Magazine of Natural History, iccluding Zoology, Botany, and Geology, series 2.9:218-226. (seeExternal links below).
^Philippe E.L. van Tieghem. 1897. page 842. In: "Sur les inséminées à nucelle pourvu d'un seul tégument formant la subdivisions des Unitegminées ou Icacinées". Séance du Mardi 20 Avril 1897.Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences124:839-844.
^Philippe E.L. van Tieghem. 1897. "Sur les phanerogams sans graines, formant la divisions des inséminées".Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France44:99-139. (seeExternal links below).
^Hermann Sleumer. 1942. "Icacinaceae" pages 322-396. In: H.G. Adolf Engler and Karl A.E. Prantl, with Hermann Harms and Johannes Mattfeld (editors).Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien volume 20b. Duncker and Humblot: Berlin, Germany. 1960 reprint of 1942 publication.
^Hermann Sleumer. 1969. "Materials toward the knowledge of the Icacinaceae of Asia, Malesia, and adjacent areas".Blumea17(1):181-264.
^Hermann Sleumer. 1971. "Icacinaceae" pages 1-87. In: Cornelis G.G.J. van Steenis (editor).Flora Malesiana series 1, volume 7. Noordhoff International Publishing: Leyden, Holland.
^Gordon P. Guymer. 1984. "Icacinaceae" pages 204-211. In: Alexander S. George (executive editor).Flora of Australia volume 22. Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra, Australia.
^Hua Peng and Richard A. Howard. 2008. "Icacinaceae" pages 505-514. In: Zhengyi Wu, Peter H. Raven, and Deyuan Hong (editors).Flora of China volume 11. Science Press: Beijing, China; Missouri Botanical Garden Press: St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
^Jesper Kårehed. 2003. "The family Pennantiaceae and its relationships to Apiales".Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society141(1):1-24.
^Gregory M. Plunkett, Gregory T. Chandler, Porter P. Lowry, Steven M. Pinney, and Taylor S. Sprenkle. 2004. "Recent advances in understanding Apiales and a revised classification".South African Journal of Botany70(3):371-381.
^Douglas E. Soltis;Pamela S. Soltis; Peter K. Endress; Mark W. Chase (2005).Phylogeny and Evolution of the Angiosperms. Sunderland, MA, USA: Sinauer.ISBN978-0-87893-817-9.
^Favio González, Julio Betancur, Olivier Maurin, John V. Freudenstein, and Mark W. Chase. 2007. "Metteniusaceae, an early-diverging family in the lamiid clade".Taxon56(3):795-800.
^Timothy M.A. Utteridge and Richard K. Brummitt. 2007. "Leptaulaceae" pages 191-192. In: Vernon H. Heywood, Richard K. Brummitt, Ole Seberg, and Alastair Culham.Flowering Plant Families of the World. Firefly Books: Ontario, Canada. (2007).