Iapyx removing an arrowhead from the leg ofAeneas, with Aeneas's son, Ascanius (or Iulus), crying beside him.
InGreek andRoman mythology,Iapyx (fromGreek Ἰάπυξ,gen.: Ἰάπυγος),Iapux orIapis was a favorite ofApollo. The god wanted to confer upon him the gift of prophecy, the lyre, etc.; but Iapyx, wishing to prolong the life of his father, preferred the more tranquil art of healing to all the others.
Iapyx is also the name of a minor Greekwind god, the north-west or west-north-west wind. Virgil relates this Iapyx to the wind that carried the fleeingCleopatra home toEgypt after her loss at thebattle of Actium.[5] Horace[6] prays that Iapyx may safely carry his friend Virgil's ship to Greece.