Punjabi,[g] sometimes spelledPanjabi,[h] is anIndo-Aryan language native to thePunjab region ofPakistan andIndia. It is one of the most widely spoken native languages in the world, with approximately 150 million native speakers.[16][i]
The wordPunjabi (sometimes spelledPanjabi) has been derived from the wordPanj-āb,Persian for 'Five Waters', referring to the five major easterntributaries of theIndus River. The name of the region was introduced by theTurko-Persian conquerors[17] ofSouth Asia and was a translation of theSanskrit name,Panchanada, which means 'Land of the Five Rivers'.[18][19]
Tilla Jogian, Jhelum District, Punjab, Pakistan, a hilltop associated with many Nath jogis (considered among compilers of earlier Punjabi works)
Punjabi developed fromPrakrit languages and laterApabhraṃśa (Sanskrit:अपभ्रंश, 'deviated' or 'non-grammatical speech')[20] From 600 BC,Sanskrit developed as the standard literary and administrative language andPrakrit languages evolved into many regional languages in different parts of India. All these languages are called Prakrit languages (Sanskrit:प्राकृत,prākṛta) collectively.Paishachi Prakrit was one of these Prakrit languages, which was spoken in north and north-western India and Punjabi developed from this Prakrit. Later in northern India Paishachi Prakrit gave rise to PaishachiApabhraṃśa, a descendant of Prakrit.[1][21] Punjabi emerged as an Apabhramsha, a degenerated form of Prakrit, in the 7th century AD and became stable by the 10th century. The earliest writings in Punjabi belong to theNath Yogi-era from 9th to 14th century.[22] The language of these compositions is morphologically closer toShauraseni Apbhramsa, though vocabulary and rhythm is surcharged with extreme colloquialism and folklore.[22] Writing in 1317–1318,Amir Khusrau referred to the language spoken by locals around the area of Lahore asLahauri.[23] The precursor stage of Punjabi between the 10th and 16th centuries is termed 'Old Punjabi', whilst the stage between the 16th and 19th centuries is termed as 'Medieval Punjabi'.[2][3][4][5][6][7]
TheArabic andModern Persian influence in the historicalPunjab region began with the late first millenniumMuslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent.[24] Since then, manyPersian words have been incorporated into Punjabi[25][26] (such aszamīn,śahir etc.) and are used with a liberal approach. Through Persian, Punjabi also absorbed many Arabic-derived words likedukān,ġazal and more, as well asTurkic words likeqēncī,sōġāt, etc. After the fall of theSikh empire,Urdu was made the official language ofPunjab under the British (inPakistani Punjab, it is still the primary official language) and influenced the language as well.[27]
In thesecond millennium, Punjabi waslexically influenced byPortuguese (words likealmārī),Greek (words likedām),Japanese (words likerikśā),Chinese (words likecāh,līcī,lukāṭh) andEnglish (words likejajj,apīl,māsṭar), though these influences have been minor in comparison to Persian and Arabic.[28] In fact, the sounds /z/ (ਜ਼ /ز ژ ذ ض ظ), /ɣ/ (ਗ਼ /غ), /q/ (ਕ਼ /ق), /ʃ/ (ਸ਼ /ش), /x/ (ਖ਼ /خ) and /f/ (ਫ਼ /ف) are all borrowed from Persian, but in some instances the latter three arise natively. Later, the letters ਜ਼ /ز, ਸ਼ /ش and ਫ਼ /ف began being used in English borrowings, with ਸ਼ /ش also used inSanskrit borrowings.
Note: In more formal contexts,hypercorrectSanskritized versions of these words (ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨpradhān for ਪਰਧਾਨpardhān and ਪਰਿਵਾਰparivār for ਪਰਵਾਰparvār) may be used.
Modern Punjabi emerged in the 19th century from the Medieval Punjabi stage.[3] Modern Punjabi has two main varieties,Western Punjabi andEastern Punjabi, which have many dialects and forms, altogether spoken by over 150 million people. TheMajhi dialect, which is transitional between the two main varieties, has been adopted as standard Punjabi in India and Pakistan for education and mass media. The Majhi dialect originated in theMajha region of the Punjab.
InIndia, Punjabi is written in theGurmukhī script in offices, schools, and media. Gurmukhi is the official standard script for Punjabi, though it is often unofficially written in the Latin scripts due to influence fromEnglish, one of India's two primary official languages at theUnion-level.
In Pakistan, Punjabi is generally written using theShahmukhī script, which in literary standards, is identical to theUrdu alphabet, however various attempts have been made to create certain, distinct characters from a modification of the PersianNastaʿlīq characters to representPunjabi phonology, not already found in theUrdu alphabet. In Pakistan, Punjabi loans technical words fromPersian andArabic, just likeUrdu does.
Geographic distribution
Punjabi is the most widely spoken language inPakistan, the eleventh-most widely spoken inIndia, and also present in the Punjabi diaspora in various countries.
Approximate distribution of native Punjabi speakers (inc.Lahndic dialects) (assuming a rounded total of 157 million) worldwide.
Punjabi is the most widely spoken languagein Pakistan, being the native language of 88.9 million people, or approximately 37% of the country's population.
Census history of Punjabi speakers in Pakistan[29][30]
Population of Pakistan
Punjabi speakers
Beginning with the 1981 and 2017 censuses respectively, speakers of theWestern Punjabi'sSaraiki andHindko varieties were no longer included in the total numbers for Punjabi, which explains the apparent decrease.Pothwari speakers however are included in the total numbers for Punjabi.[31]
In the 2011 census of India, 31.14 million reported their language as Punjabi. The census publications group this with speakers of related "mother tongues" likeBagri andBhateali to arrive at the figure of 33.12 million.[32]
Punjabi is also spoken as aminority language in several other countries wherePunjabi people have emigrated in large numbers, such as the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada.[31]
There were 670,000 native Punjabi speakers in Canada in 2021,[34] 300,000in the United Kingdom in 2011,[35] 280,000 in the United States[36] and smaller numbers in other countries.
Punjabi speakers by country
Approximate number of Punjabi speakers by country[citation needed]
Standard Punjabi (sometimes referred to as Majhi) is the standard form of Punjabi used commonly ineducation andnews broadcasting, and is based on theMajhi dialect. Such as the variety used onGoogle Translate, Standard Punjabi is also often used in official online services that employ Punjabi. It is widely used in the TV and entertainment industry of Pakistan, which is mainly produced inLahore.
The Standard Punjabi used in India and Pakistan have slight differences. In India, it discludes many of the dialect-specific features of Majhi. In Pakistan, the standard is closer to the Majhi spoken in the urban parts of Lahore.[citation needed]
Depending on context, the terms Eastern and Western Punjabi can simply refer to all the Punjabi varieties spoken in India and Pakistan respectively, whether or not they are linguistically Eastern/Western.
While avowel length distinction between short and long vowels exists, reflected in modernGurmukhi orthographical conventions, it is secondary to the vowel quality contrast betweencentralised vowels/ɪəʊ/ and peripheral vowels/iːeːɛːaːɔːoːuː/ in terms of phonetic significance.[41]
The peripheral vowels havenasal analogues.[42] There is a tendency with speakers to insert /ɪ̯/ between adjacent "a"-vowels as a separator. This usually changes to /ʊ̯/ if either vowel is nasalised.
Note: for the tonal stops, refer to the next section about Tone.
The three retroflex consonants/ɳ,ɽ,ɭ/ do not occur initially, and the nasals[ŋ,ɲ] most commonly occur as allophones of/n/ in clusters with velars and palatals (there are few exceptions). The well-established phoneme/ʃ/ may be realised allophonically as thevoiceless retroflex fricative[ʂ] in learned clusters with retroflexes. Due to its foreign origin, it is often also realised as[s], in e.g.shalwār/salᵊ.ʋaːɾᵊ/. The phonemic status of the consonants/f,z,x,ɣ,q/ varies with familiarity withHindustani norms, more so with the Gurmukhi script, with the pairs/f,pʰ/,/z,d͡ʒ/,/x,kʰ/,/ɣ,g/, and/q,k/ systematically distinguished in educated speech,[46] /q/ being the most rarely pronounced. Theretroflex lateral is most commonly analysed as anapproximant as opposed to aflap.[47][48][49] Some speakerssoften the voiceless aspirates /t͡ʃʰ, pʰ, kʰ/ into fricatives /ɕ, f, x/ respectively.[citation needed]
In rare cases, the /ɲ/ and /ŋ/ phonemes in Shahmukhi may be represented with letters fromSindhi.[citation needed] The /ɲ/ phoneme, which is more common than /ŋ/, is written asنی orنج depending on its phonetic preservation, e.g.نیاݨا /ɲaːɳaː/ (preservedñ) as opposed toکنج /kiɲd͡ʒ/ (assimilated intonj). /ŋ/ is always written asنگ.
LikeHindustani, the diphthongs /əɪ/ and /əʊ/ have mostly disappeared, but are still retained in some dialects.
Phonotactically, long vowels /aː, iː, uː/ are treated as doubles of their short vowel counterparts /ə, ɪ, ʊ/ rather than separate phonemes. Hence, diphthongs likeai andau getmonophthongised into /eː/ and /oː/, andāi andāu into /ɛː/ and /ɔː/ respectively.[citation needed]
The phoneme /j/ is very fluid in Punjabi. /j/ is only truly pronounced word-initially (even then it often becomes /d͡ʒ/), where it is otherwise /ɪ/ or /i/.
Unusually for an Indo-Aryan language, Punjabi distinguisheslexical tones.[50] Three tones are distinguished in Punjabi (some sources have described these as tone contours, given in parentheses): low (high-falling), high (low-rising), and level (neutral or middle).[51][52][53] The transcriptions and tone annotations in the examples below are based on those provided inPunjabi University, Patiala'sPunjabi-English Dictionary.[54]
Level tone is found in about 75% of words and is described by some as absence of tone.[51] There are also some words which are said to have rising tone in the first syllable and falling in the second. (Some writers describe this as a fourth tone.)[51] However, a recent acoustic study of six Punjabi speakers in the United States found no evidence of a separate falling tone following a medial consonant.[60]
ਮੋਢਾ /موڈھا,móḍà (rising-falling), "shoulder"
Some Punjabi distinct tones for gh, jh, ḍh, dh, bh
It is considered that these tones arose when voiced aspirated consonants (gh, jh, ḍh, dh, bh) lost their aspiration.
In Punjabi, tone is induced by the loss of [h] in tonal consonants. Tonal consonants are anyvoiced aspirates /ʱ/ and thevoiced glottal fricative /ɦ/. These include the five voiced aspirated plosivesbh,dh,ḍh,jh andgh (which are represented by their own letters in Gurmukhi), theh consonant itself and any voiced consonants appended with [h] (Gurmukhi: ੍ਹ"perī̃ hāhā", Shahmukhi:ھ"dō-caśmī hē"); usuallyṛh,mh,nh,rh andlh.
Tonal consonants induce a rising tone (also called "high tone") before them or a falling tone (also called "low tone") after them.
E.g.kaḍḍh >káḍḍ "remove",he >è "is"
In cases where a vowel is present on both sides of a tonal consonant, the stressed vowel receives the tone.
E.g.paṛhāī >paṛā̀ī "study",mōḍhā >mṓḍā "shoulder"
The five tonal plosives also become voiceless word-initially. E.g.ghar >kàr "house",ḍhōl >ṭṑl "drum" etc.[53]
Tonogenesis in Punjabi forfeits the sound of [h] for tone. Thus, the more [h] is realised, the less "tonal" a word will be pronounced, and vice versa. Tone is often reduced or rarely deleted when words are said with emphasis or on their own as a form of more exact identification.[citation needed]
Sequences with the consonanth have some additional gimmicks:
The sequencesih,uh,ahi andahu change into the vowels /eː˩˥/, /oː˩˥/, /ɛː˩˥/ and /ɔː˩˥/ respectively and acquire a rising tone.
E.g.muhrā >mṓrā "chessman",rahiṇ >réṇ "stay"
In the stressed sequenceah, the vowel lengthens (ā) and acquires a rising tone /aː˩˥/.
E.g.qahvā >qā́vā "coffee",dah >dā́ "ten"
In the final unstressed sequenceah, the vowel becomes nasalised and long (ā̃).
E.g.bā́rah >bā́rā̃ "twelve",tárah >tárā̃ "way"
When h is preceded by a short vowel, proceeded by a long vowel and the latter is stressed, the former vowel becomes weak or blends into the latter.
The consonanth on its own is now silent or very weakly pronounced except word-initially.[61] However, certain dialects which exert stronger tone, particularly more northern Punjabi varieties andDogri, pronounceh as very faint (thus tonal) in all cases. E.g.hatth >àtth.
TheJhangvi andShahpuri dialects of Punjabi (as they transition intoSaraiki) show comparatively less realisation of tone than other Punjabi varieties,[citation needed] and do not induce the devoicing of the main five tonal consonants (bh,dh,ḍh,jh,gh).
TheGurmukhi script which was developed in the 16th century has separate letters for voiced aspirated sounds, so it is thought that the change in pronunciation of the consonants and development of tones may have taken place since that time.[53]
Some other languages in Pakistan have also been found to have tonal distinctions, includingBurushaski,Gujari,Hindko,Kalami,Shina, andTorwali,[62] though these (besides Hindko) seem to be independent of Punjabi.
All consonants except six (ṇ,ṛ,h,r,v,y) are regularly geminated. The latter four are only geminated inloan words from other languages.[k]
There is a tendency to irregularly geminate consonants which follow long vowels, except in the final syllable of a word, e.g.menū̃ >mennū̃.[l] It also causes the long vowels to shorten but remain peripheral, distinguishing them from the central vowels /ə, ɪ, ʊ/. This gemination is less prominent than the literarily regular gemination represented by the diacritics mentioned above.
Before a non-final prenasalised consonant,[m] long vowels undergo the same change but no gemination occurs.
The true gemination of a consonant after a long vowel is unheard of but is written in some English loanwords to indicate short /ɛ/ and /ɔ/, e.g. ਡੈੱਡڈَیڈّ /ɖɛɖː/ "dead".
Adjectives, when declinable, are marked for the gender, number, and case of the nouns they qualify.[67] There is also aT-V distinction.Upon theinflectionalcase is built a system ofparticles known aspostpositions, which parallel English'sprepositions. It is their use with a noun or verb that is what necessitates the noun or verb taking theoblique case, and it is with them that the locus of grammatical function or "case-marking" then lies. The Punjabiverbal system is largely structured around a combination ofaspect andtense/mood. Like the nominal system, the Punjabi verb takes a single inflectional suffix, and is often followed by successive layers of elements like auxiliary verbs and postpositions to the right of thelexical base.[68]
The Punjabi language is written in multiple scripts (a phenomenon known assynchronic digraphia). Each of the major scripts currently in use is typically associated with a particular religious group,[71][72] although the association is not absolute or exclusive.[73]In India, PunjabiSikhs useGurmukhi, a script of theBrahmic family, which has official status in the state of Punjab. In Pakistan, Punjabi Muslims useShahmukhi, a variant of thePerso-Arabic script and closely related to theUrdu alphabet. Sometimes Punjabi is recorded in theDevanagari script in India, albeit rarely.[74] ThePunjabi Hindus in India had a preference for Devanagari, another Brahmic script also used for Hindi, and in the first decades since independence raised objections to the uniform adoption of Gurmukhi in the state of Punjab,[75] but most have now switched to Gurmukhi[76] and so the use of Devanagari is rare.[77] Often in literature, Pakistani Punjabi (written in Shahmukhi) is referred as Western-Punjabi (or West-Punjabi) and Indian Punjabi (written in Gurmukhi) is referred as Eastern-Punjabi (or East-Punjabi), although the underlying language is the same with a very slight shift in vocabulary towards Islamic and Sikh words respectively.[78]
The written standard forShahmukhi also slightly differs from that of Gurmukhi, as it is used for western dialects, whereas Gurumukhi is used to write eastern dialects.
Historically, various localBrahmic scripts includingLaṇḍā and its descendants were also in use.[77][79]
ThePunjabi Braille is used by the visually impaired. There is an altered version ofIAST often used for Punjabi in which thediphthongsai andau are written ase ando, and the long vowelse ando are written asē andō.
Sample text
This sample text was adapted from the Punjabi Wikipedia article onLahore.
لہور پاکستانی پنجاب دی راجدھانی ہے۔ لوک گݨتی دے نالؕ کراچی توں بعد لہور دوجا سبھ توں وڈا شہر ہے۔ لہور پاکستان دا سیاسی، رہتلی کاروباری اتے پڑھائی دا گڑھ ہے اتے، ایسے لئی ایہنوں پاکستان دا دل وی کہا جاندا ہے۔ لہور راوی دریا دے کنڈھے تے وسدا ہے۔ ایسدی لوک گݨتی اک کروڑ دے نیڑے ہے۔
Lahaur Pākistānī Panjāb dī rājtā̀ni ài. Lok giṇtī de nāḷ Karācī tõ bāad Lahaur dūjā sáb tõ vaḍḍā šáir ài. Lahaur Pākistān dā siāsī, kārobāri ate paṛā̀ī dā gáṛ ài te ise laī ínū̃ Pākistān dā dil vī kihā jāndā ài. Lahaur Rāvī dariā de káṇḍè te vassdā ài. Isdī lok giṇtī ikk karoṛ de neṛe ài.
Lahore is the capital city of Pakistani Punjab. AfterKarachi, Lahore is the second largest city. Lahore is Pakistan's political, cultural, and educational hub, and so it is also said to be the heart ofPakistan. Lahore lies on the bank of theRavi River. Its population is close to ten million people.
TheSikh religion originated in the 15th century in the Punjab region and Punjabi is the predominant language spoken by Sikhs.[81] Most portions of theGuru Granth Sahib use the Punjabi language written inGurmukhi, though Punjabi is not the only language used inSikh scriptures.
TheJanamsakhis, stories on the life and legend ofGuru Nanak (1469–1539), are early examples of Punjabi prose literature.
The Punjabi language is famous for its rich literature ofqisse, most of which are about love, passion, betrayal, sacrifice, social values and a common man's revolt against a larger system. The qissa ofHeer Ranjha byWaris Shah (1706–1798) is among the most popular of Punjabi qissas. Other popular stories includeSohni Mahiwal by Fazal Shah,Mirza Sahiban by Hafiz Barkhudar (1658–1707),Sassui Punnhun by Hashim Shah (c. 1735–c. 1843), andQissa Puran Bhagat byQadaryar (1802–1892).[82]
Heroic ballads known asVaar enjoy a rich oral tradition in Punjabi. FamousVaars areChandi di Var (1666–1708),Nadir Shah Di Vaar by Najabat and theJangnama ofShah Mohammad (1780–1862).[83]
Despite Punjabi's rich literary history, it was not until 1947 that it would be recognised as an official language. Previous governments in the area of the Punjab had favoured Persian, Hindustani, or even earlier standardized versions of local registers as the language of the court or government. After the annexation of theSikh Empire by theBritish East India Company following theSecond Anglo-Sikh War in 1849, the British policy of establishing a uniform language for administration was expanded into the Punjab. The British Empire employed Urdu in its administration of North-Central and Northwestern India, while in the North-East of India,Bengali language was used as the language of administration. Despite its lack of official sanction, the Punjabi language continued to flourish as an instrument of cultural production, with rich literary traditions continuing until modern times. The Sikh religion, with itsGurmukhi script, played a special role in standardising and providing education in the language viaGurdwaras, while writers of all religions continued to produce poetry, prose, and literature in the language.
In Pakistan, noregional ethnic language has been granted official status at the national level, and as such Punjabi is not an official language at the national level, even though it is the most spoken language in Pakistan. It is widely spoken inPunjab, Pakistan,[84] the second largest and the most populous province of Pakistan, as well as inIslamabad Capital Territory. The only two official languages in Pakistan areUrdu andEnglish.[85]
A demonstration by Punjabis at Lahore, Pakistan, demanding to make Punjabi as official language of instruction in schools in Punjab
WhenPakistan was created in 1947, despite Punjabi being the majority language inWest Pakistan andBengali the majority inEast Pakistan andPakistan as whole, English andUrdu were chosen as the official languages. The selection of Urdu was due to its association with South Asian Muslim nationalism and because the leaders of the new nation wanted a unifying national language instead of promoting one ethnic group's language over another, due to this thePunjabi elites started identifying withUrdu more than Punjabi because they saw it as a unifying force on anethnoreligious perspective.[86] Broadcasting in Punjabi language byPakistan Broadcasting Corporation decreased on TV and radio after 1947. Article 251 of theConstitution of Pakistan declares that these two languages would be the only official languages at the national level, while provincial governments would be allowed to make provisions for the use of other languages.[87] However, in the 1950s the constitution was amended to include theBengali language.
Punjabi is not a language of instruction for primary or secondary school students in Punjab Province (unlike Sindhi and Pashto in other provinces).[88] Pupils in secondary schools can choose the language as an elective, while Punjabi instruction or study remains rare in higher education. One notable example is the teaching of Punjabi language and literature by theUniversity of the Punjab in Lahore which began in 1970 with the establishment of its Punjabi Department.[89][90]
In the cultural sphere, there are many books, plays, and songs being written or produced in the Punjabi-language in Pakistan. Until the 1970s, there were a large number of Punjabi-language films being produced by theLollywood film industry, however since then Urdu has become a much more dominant language in film production. Additionally, television channels in Punjab Province (centred on the Lahore area) are broadcast in Urdu. The preeminence of Urdu in both broadcasting and theLollywood film industry is seen by critics as being detrimental to the health of the language.[91][92]
The use of Urdu and English as the near-exclusive languages of broadcasting, the public sector, and formal education have led some to fear that Punjabi in Pakistan is being relegated to a low-status language and that it is being denied an environment where it can flourish. Several prominent educational leaders, researchers, and social commentators have echoed the opinion that the intentional promotion of Urdu and the continued denial of any official sanction or recognition of the Punjabi language amounts to a process of "Urdu-isation" that is detrimental to the health of the Punjabi language[93][94][95] In August 2015, the Pakistan Academy of Letters, International Writer's Council (IWC) and World Punjabi Congress (WPC) organised theKhawaja Farid Conference and demanded that a Punjabi-language university should be established inLahore and that Punjabi language should be declared as the medium of instruction at the primary level.[96][97] In September 2015, a case was filed inSupreme Court of Pakistan againstGovernment of Punjab, Pakistan as it did not take any step to implement the Punjabi language in the province.[98][99] Additionally, several thousand Punjabis gather inLahore every year onInternational Mother Language Day. Thinktanks, political organisations, cultural projects, and individuals also demand authorities at the national and provincial level to promote the use of the language in the public and official spheres.[100][101][102]
In India
At the federal level, Punjabi has official status via theEighth Schedule to the Indian Constitution,[103] earned after thePunjabi Suba movement of the 1950s.[104] At the state level, Punjabi is the sole official language of the state of Punjab, while it has secondary official status in the states of Haryana and Delhi.[105] In 2012, it was also made additional official language ofWest Bengal in areas where the population exceeds 10% of a particular block, sub-division or district.[12]
Both union and state laws specify the use of Punjabi in the field of education. The state of Punjab uses the Three Language Formula, and Punjabi is required to be either the medium of instruction, or one of the three languages learnt in all schools in Punjab.[106] Punjabi is also a compulsory language in Haryana,[107] and other states with a significant Punjabi speaking minority are required to offer Punjabi medium education.[dubious –discuss]
There are vibrant Punjabi language movie and news industries in India, however Punjabi serials have had a much smaller presence within the last few decades in television up to 2015 due to market forces.[108] Despite Punjabi having far greater official recognition in India, where the Punjabi language is officially admitted in all necessary social functions, while in Pakistan it is used only in a few radio and TV programs, attitudes of the English-educated elite towards the language are ambivalent as they are in neighbouring Pakistan.[103]: 37 There are also claims of state apathy towards the language in non-Punjabi majority areas like Haryana and Delhi.[109][110][111]
Punjabi University was established on 30 April 1962, and is only the second university in the world to be named after a language, afterHebrew University of Jerusalem. The Research Centre for Punjabi Language Technology, Punjabi University, Patiala[112] is working for development of core technologies for Punjabi, Digitisation of basic materials, online Punjabi teaching, developing software for office use in Punjabi, providing common platform to Punjabi cyber community.[113]Punjabipedia, an online encyclopaedia was also launched by Patiala university in 2014.[114][115]
The Dhahan Prize was created to award literary works produced in Punjabi around the world. The Prize encourages new writing by awarding $25,000 CDN annually to one "best book of fiction" published in either of the two Punjabi scripts, Gurmukhi or Shahmukhi. Two second prizes of $5,000 CDN are also awarded, with the provision that both scripts are represented among the three winners. The Dhahan Prize is awarded by Canada India Education Society (CIES).[116]
Governmental academies and institutes
The Punjabi Sahit academy,Ludhiana, established in 1954[117][118] is supported by thePunjab state government and works exclusively for promotion of the Punjabi language, as does the Punjabi academy in Delhi.[119] The Jammu and Kashmir academy of art, culture and literature[120] inJammu and Kashmir UT, India works for Punjabi and other regional languages like Urdu, Dogri, Gojri etc. Institutions in neighbouring states[121] as well as inLahore, Pakistan[122] also advocate for the language.
Punjabi Sahit Academy, Ludhiana, 1954
Punjabi Academy, Delhi, 1981–1982
Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Literature
Punjab Institute of Language, Art and Culture, Lahore, 2004
Software is available for the Punjabi language on almost all platforms. This software is mainly in theGurmukhi script. Nowadays, nearly all Punjabi newspapers, magazines, journals, and periodicals are composed on computers via various Punjabi software programmes, the most widespread of which isInPage Desktop Publishing package.Microsoft has included Punjabi language support in all the new versions of Windows and bothWindows Vista,Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 and 2013, are available in Punjabi through theLanguage Interface Pack[123] support. MostLinux Desktop distributions allow the easy installation of Punjabi support and translations as well.[124]Apple implemented the Punjabi language keyboard acrossMobile devices.[125] Google also provides many applications in Punjabi, likeGoogle Search,[126]Google Translate[127] and Google Punjabi Input Tools.[128]
Guru Granth Sahib in Gurmukhi
Punjabi Gurmukhi script
Punjabi Shahmukhi script
Bulleh Shah poetry in Punjabi (Shahmukhi script)
Munir Niazi poetry in Punjabi (Shahmukhi script)
Gurmukhi alphabet
A sign board in Punjabi language along with Hindi atHanumangarh, Rajasthan, India
^abHaldar, Gopal (2000).Languages of India. New Delhi: National Book Trust, India. p. 149.ISBN9788123729367.The age of Old Punjabi: up to 1600 A.D. […] It is said that evidence of Old Punjabi can be found in the Granth Sahib.
^abcBhatia, Tej K. (2013).Punjabi: A Cognitive-Descriptive Grammar (Reprint ed.). London: Routledge. p. XXV.ISBN9781136894602.As an independent language Punjabi has gone through the following three stages of development: Old Punjabi (10th to 16th century). Medieval Punjabi (16th to 19th century), and Modern Punjabi (19th century to Present).
^abChristopher Shackle; Arvind Mandair (2013). "0.2.1 – Form".Teachings of the Sikh Gurus : selections from the Scriptures (First ed.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.ISBN9781136451089.Surpassing them all in the frequent subtlety of his linguistic choices, including the use of dialect forms as well as of frequent loanwords from Sanskrit and Persian, Guru Nanak combined this poetic language of the Sants with his native Old Punjabi. It is this mixture of Old Punjabi and Old Hindi which constitutes the core idiom of all the earlier Gurus.
^abFrawley, William (2003).International encyclopedia of linguistics (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 423.ISBN9780195139778.
^abAustin, Peter (2008).One thousand languages : living, endangered, and lost. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 115.ISBN9780520255609.
^abBraj B. Kachru; Yamuna Kachru; S. N. Sridhar (2008).Language in South Asia. Cambridge University Press. p. 411.ISBN9781139465502.
^"NCLM 52nd Report"(PDF). NCLM. 15 November 2016. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 15 November 2016. Retrieved13 January 2020.
^Canfield, Robert L. (1991).Persia in Historical Perspective.Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. p. 1 ("Origins").ISBN978-0-521-52291-5.
^Murphy, Anne (29 November 2020). "13: The Territorialisation of Sikh Pasts". In Jacobsen, Knut A. (ed.).Routledge Handbook of South Asian Religions. Routledge. pp. 206–207.ISBN9780429622069.
^"CCI defers approval of census results until elections".Dawn. 21 March 2021.Archived from the original on 20 June 2020. Retrieved10 March 2021. The figure of 80.54 million is calculated from the reported 38.78% for the speakers of Punjabi and the 207.685 million total population of Pakistan.
^Zograph, G. A. (2023). "Chapter 3".Languages of South Asia: A Guide (Reprint ed.). Taylor & Francis. p. 52.ISBN9781000831597.LAHNDA – Lahnda (Lahndi) or Western Panjabi is the name given to a group of dialects spread over the northern half of Pakistan. In the north, they come into contact with the Dardic languages with which they share some common features, In the east, they turn gradually into Panjabi, and in the south into Sindhi. In the south-east there is a clearly defined boundary between Lahnda and Rajasthani, and in the west a similarly well-marked boundary between it and the Iranian languages Baluchi and Pushtu. The number of people speaking Lahnda can only be guessed at: it is probably in excess of 20 million.
^abUsed in conjunction with another consonant, commonlyج orی
^ArLaam (similar to ArNoon) has been added to Unicode since Unicode 13.0.0, which can be found inUnicodeArchived 28 February 2020 at theWayback MachineArabic Extended-A 08C7, PDF Pg 73 under "Arabic Letter for Punjabi"08C7 : ࣇ Arabic Letter Lam With Small Arabic Letter Tah Above
^Ladefoged, Peter; Maddieson, Ian (1996).The Sounds of the World's Languages. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 190–191.ISBN978-0631198154.
^Bhatia, Tej (1999). "Lexican Anaphors and Pronouns in Punjabi". In Lust, Barbara; Gair, James (eds.).Lexical Anaphors and Pronouns in Selected South Asian Languages. Walter de Gruyter. p. 637.ISBN978-3-11-014388-1. Other tonal Indo-Aryan languages includeHindko,Dogri,Western Pahari,Sylheti and someDardic languages.
^abFrawley, William (2003).International Encyclopedia of Linguistics: 4-Volume Set.Oxford University Press. p. 423.ISBN978-0-19-513977-8.Hindus and Sikhs generally use the Gurmukhi script; but Hindus have also begun to write Punjabi in the Devanagari script, as employed for Hindi. Muslims tend to write Punjabi in the Perso-Arabic script, which is also employed for Urdu. Muslim speakers borrow a large number of words from Persian and Arabic; however, the basic Punjabi vocabulary is mainly composed oftadbhava words, i.e. those descended from Sanskrit.
^Bhatia, Tej K. (1993).Punjabi: A Conginitive-descriptive Grammar. Psychology Press. p. xxxii.ISBN978-0-415-00320-9.Punjabi vocabulary is mainly composed oftadbhav words, i.e., words derived from Sanskrit.
^Zograph, G. A. (2023). "Chapter 3".Languages of South Asia: A Guide (Reprint ed.). Taylor & Francis. p. 52.ISBN9781000831597.Devanagari itself is also used for Panjabi, if more rarely.
^"Facts about Pakistan".opr.gov.pk. Government of Pakistan – Office of the Press Registrar. Archived fromthe original on 4 February 2022. Retrieved4 February 2022.
^Masood, Tariq (21 February 2015)."The colonisation of language".The Express Tribune.Archived from the original on 12 September 2015. Retrieved19 September 2015.
^abKhokhlova, Liudmila (January 2014)."Majority Language Death"(PDF).Language Endangerment and Preservation in South Asia.Archived(PDF) from the original on 25 May 2017. Retrieved29 April 2017.Punjabi was nonetheless included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India and came to be recognized as one of the fifteen official languages of the country.
^Kumar, Ashutosh (2004). "Electoral Politics in Punjab: Study of Akali Dal".Economic & Political Weekly.39 (14/15):1515–1520.JSTOR4414869.Punjabi was made the first compulsory language and medium of instruction in all the government schools whereas Hindi and English as second and third language were to be implemented from the class 4 and 6 respectively
^52nd Report of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India(PDF) (Report). National Commission on Linguistic Minorities. 2015. p. 25. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 25 May 2017. Retrieved28 April 2017.Languages taught in the State under the Three Language Formula: First Language : Hindi Second Language : Punjabi Third language : English
^Singh, Jasmine (13 September 2015)."Serial killer".The Tribune.Archived from the original on 16 September 2015. Retrieved15 September 2015.
Bhatia, Tej K. (2008), "Major regional languages", in Braj B. Kachru; Yamuna Kachru; S.N. Sridhar (eds.),Language in South Asia, Cambridge University Press, pp. 121–131,doi:10.1017/CBO9780511619069.008,ISBN9780511619069.
Grierson, George A. (1916).Linguistic Survey of India. Vol. IX Indo-Aryan family. Central group, Part 1,Specimens of western Hindi and Pañjābī. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India.
Jain, Dhanesh (2003), "Sociolinguistics of the Indo-Aryan Languages", in Cardona, George; Jain, Dhanesh (eds.),The Indo-Aryan Languages, Routledge, pp. 46–66,ISBN978-0-415-77294-5.
Shackle, Christopher (2003),"Panjabi", in Cardona, George; Jain, Dhanesh (eds.),The Indo-Aryan Languages, Routledge, pp. 581–621,ISBN978-0-415-77294-5,archived from the original on 2 April 2023, retrieved7 October 2020.
Further reading
Bhatia, Tej. 1993 and 2010.Punjabi : a cognitive-descriptive grammar. London: Routledge. Series: Descriptive grammars.
Gill H.S. [Harjit Singh] and Gleason, H.A. 1969. A reference grammar of Punjabi. Revised edition. Patiala, Punjab, India: Languages Department, Punjab University.
Chopra, R. M., Perso-Arabic Words in Punjabi, in: Indo-Iranica Vol.53 (1–4).
Chopra, R. M.., The Legacy of The Punjab, 1997, Punjabee Bradree, Calcutta.
Singh, Chander Shekhar (2004). Punjabi Prosody: The Old Tradition and The New Paradigm. Sri Lanka: Polgasowita: Sikuru Prakasakayo.
Singh, Chander Shekhar (2014). Punjabi Intonation: An Experimental Study. Muenchen: LINCOM EUROPA.