Ahymnwriter (orhymn writer,hymnist,hymnodist,hymnographer, etc.) is someone who writes the text, music, or both ofhymns. In theJudeo-Christian tradition, the composition of hymns dates back to before the time ofDavid, who is traditionally believed to have composed many of thePsalms.[1] The termhymnodist, in the United States more than in other regions, broadens the scope to include the study of hymns.[citation needed]
Many hymn writers in the early Church gained prominence and achievedcanonisation.Saint John of Damascus (c. 675 or 676 – 749) was noted for his work as a hymn writer; some of the most popular English hymns which are translations of his works includeCome ye faithful, raise the strain,Let us rise in early morning andThe day of resurrection, all associated with the season ofEastertide and all translated byJohn Mason Neale.[2]
Most early hymnists were anonymous, so it is uncertain how many of them were women.[3]Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179) is the earliest known female hymnist outside hymnists recorded in the Bible.[4]
Many leaders of the Reformation, includingMartin Luther (1483–1546) himself, were hymn writers;Luther's work included "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott" ("A mighty fortress is our God") and "Christ lag in Todesbanden (Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bonds)".[5] Lutherans continued to compose hymns, and some of the popular hymn writers of the 16th and 17th centuries included the threesaints commemorated in theAmerican Lutheran Calendar of Saints on 26 October:Philipp Nicolai (1556–1608),[6]Johann Heermann (1585–1647),[7] andPaul Gerhardt (1607–76).[8]Michael Praetorius (1571–1621),[9] andJohann Crüger (1598–1662)[10] also gained renown as German Lutheran hymn writers of that era.
In the English-speaking world, the art of writing hymns was brought to prominence by the approximately 750 hymns composed byIsaac Watts (1674–1748),[11] followed by the almost tenfold Watts' output[clarification needed] composed a generation later by co-founder ofMethodism,Charles Wesley (1707–88).[12]
Major modern publishers include theJubilate Group andStainer & Bell in the UK; CanticaNOVA Publications, World Library Publications andOregon Catholic Press in the US; and Willow Publishing in Australia.
Leading British hymn writers have includedJohn Henry Newman (1801–1890),John Mason Neale (1818–1866),William Herbert Jude (1851–1922),Timothy Dudley-Smith (1926–2024),Michael Perry (1942–96),Michael Saward (1932–2015),Christopher Idle (born 1938),Fred Pratt Green (1903–2000), as well asJames Quinn (1919–2010) andBrian Foley (1919–2000). More recent evangelical hymn/songwriters have includedStuart Townend (born 1963),Keith Getty (born 1974) and his wifeKristyn Getty (born 1980).
Other modern hymn writers include French-AmericanLucien Deiss (1921–2007) and Australian duoJames McAuley (1917–76) andRichard Connolly (born 1927). In the 21st century,Lu Xiaomin composed over 1,800 songs of praise for Chinese house churches, called theCanaan Hymns.