Hoboken was first settled by Europeans as part of thePavonia, New Netherland colony in the 17th century. During the early 19th century, the city was developed byColonel John Stevens, first as a resort and later as a residential neighborhood. Originally part ofBergen Township and laterNorth Bergen Township, it became a separate township in 1849 and was incorporated as a city in 1855. Hoboken is the location of the first recorded game ofbaseball and of theStevens Institute of Technology, one of the oldest technological universities in the United States. It is also known as the birthplace and hometown ofFrank Sinatra; various streets and parks in the city have been named after him.
Located on theHudson Waterfront, the city was an integral part of thePort of New York and New Jersey and was home to major industries for most of the 20th century. The character of the city has changed from an artsy industrial vibe from the days when Maxwell House coffee, Lipton tea, Hostess Cupcakes, andWonder Bread called Hoboken home, to one of trendy shops and expensive condominiums.[28] It was ranked 2nd inNiche's "2019 Best Places to Live in Hudson County" list,[29] and 1st in 2022.[30]
The name Hoboken was chosen by ColonelJohn Stevens when he bought land, on a part of which the city still sits. TheLenape, later called Delaware Indian tribe ofNative Americans, referred to the area as the "land of the tobacco pipe", most likely to refer to thesoapstone collected there to carvetobacco pipes, and used a phrase that became "Hopoghan Hackingh".[31][32][33] LikeWeehawken, its neighbor to the north, as well asCommunipaw andHarsimus to the south, Hoboken had many variations in the folks-tongue.Hoebuck, old Dutch for high bluff, and likely referring to Castle Point, the district of the city highest above sea level, was used during the colonial era, and was later spelled asHobuck,[34]Hobock,[35]Hobuk[36] andHoboocken.[37] However, in the nineteenth century, the name was changed to Hoboken, influenced byFlemish immigrants, and afolk etymology had emerged, linking the town of Hoboken to the similarly-namedHoboken district ofAntwerp.[38]
Hoboken has been nicknamed the Mile Square City,[1] but it actually occupies about 1.25 sq mi (3.2 km2) of land.[2] During the late 19th/early 20th century the population and culture of Hoboken was dominated byGerman language speakers who sometimes called it "Little Bremen", many of whom are buried inHoboken Cemetery, North Bergen.[39][40]
Hoboken was originally an island which was surrounded by theHudson River on the east and tidal lands at the foot of theNew Jersey Palisades on the west. It was a seasonal campsite in the territory of theHackensack, aphratry of theLenni Lenape, who used the serpentine rock found there to carve pipes.[31]
The first recorded European to lay claim to the area wasHenry Hudson, an Englishman sailing for theDutch East India Company, who anchored his ship theHalve Maen (Half Moon) atWeehawken Cove on October 2, 1609.[41] An entry made in the journal of Hudson's mate, Robert Juet, on that date, is the earliest known reference to the area today known as Hoboken, and would be the last known such reference until twenty years later.[42] Soon after the area became part of the province ofNew Netherland.[citation needed]
In 1630,Michael Reyniersz Pauw, a burgemeester (mayor) ofAmsterdam and a director of theDutch West India Company, received a land grant aspatroon on the condition that he would plant a colony of not fewer than fifty persons within four years on the west bank of what had been named theNorth River. Three Lenape sold the land that became Hoboken and part of Jersey City for 80 fathoms (146 m) ofwampum, 20 fathoms (37 m) of cloth, 12 kettles, six guns, two blankets, one double kettle, and half a barrel of beer.[41] These transactions, variously dated as July 12, 1630 and November 22, 1630, represent the earliest known conveyance for the area. Pauw, whose Latinized name isPavonia, failed to settle the land, and he was obliged to sell his holdings back to the company in 1633.[citation needed]
It was later acquired by Hendrick Van Vorst, who leased part of the land to Aert Van Putten, a farmer. In 1643, north of what would be later known as Castle Point, Van Putten built a house and a brewery, North America's first. Inseries of Indian and Dutch raids and reprisals, Van Putten was killed and his buildings destroyed, and all residents of Pavonia, as the colony was then known, were ordered back to New Amsterdam.[43]
In 1664, the English took possession ofNew Amsterdam with little to no resistance, and in 1668 they confirmed a previous land patent by Nicolas Verlett. In 1674–1675, the area became part ofEast Jersey, and the province was divided into four administrative districts, Hoboken becoming part ofBergen County, where it remained until the creation ofHudson County on February 22, 1840. English-speaking settlers (some relocating from New England) interspersed with the Dutch, but it remained sparsely populated and agrarian.[citation needed]
Eventually, the land came into the possession of WilliamBayard, who originally supported the revolutionary cause, but became aLoyalist Tory after the fall of New York in 1776 when the city and surrounding areas, including the west bank of the renamed Hudson River, were occupied by the British. At the end of theRevolutionary War, Bayard's property was confiscated by the Revolutionary Government of New Jersey. In 1784, the land described as "William Bayard's farm at Hoebuck" was bought at auction by ColonelJohn Stevens for £18,360 (then $90,000).[41]
Hoboken in 1854Hoboken in 1860Astereoscopic image of ferries at Hoboken, 1865
In the early 19th century, ColonelJohn Stevens developed the waterfront as a resort for Manhattanites.[44] On October 11, 1811, Stevens' ship theJuliana, began to operate as aferry between Manhattan and Hoboken, making it the world's first commercial steam ferry.[45] In 1825, he designed and built asteam locomotive capable of hauling several passenger cars at his estate.[46]Sybil's Cave, a cave with a natural spring, was opened in 1832 and visitors came to pay a penny for a glass of water from the cave which was said to have medicinal powers.[47] In 1841, the cave became a legend, whenEdgar Allan Poe wrote "The Mystery of Marie Roget" about an event that took place there.[48] The cave was closed in the late 1880s after the water was found to be contaminated, and it was shut and in the 1930s and filled with concrete, before it was reopened in 2008.[49] Before his death in 1838, Stevens founded theHoboken Land and Improvement Company, which laid out a regular system of streets, blocks and lots, constructed housing, and developed manufacturing sites. In general, the housing consisted of masonry row houses of three to five stories, some of which survive to the present day, as does the street grid.[50]
Hoboken was originally formed as atownship on April 9, 1849, from portions ofNorth Bergen Township. As the town grew in population and employment, many of Hoboken's residents saw a need to incorporate as a full-fledged city, and in a referendum held on March 29, 1855, ratified an Act of theNew Jersey Legislature signed the previous day, and the City of Hoboken was born.[51] In the subsequent election, Cornelius V. Clickener becameHoboken's first mayor. On March 15, 1859, the Township of Weehawken was created from portions of Hoboken and North Bergen Township.[51]
By the late 19th century, shipping lines were using Hoboken as a terminal port, and theDelaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad (later theErie Lackawanna Railroad) developed a railroad terminal at the waterfront, with the presentNJ Transit terminal designed by architectKenneth Murchison constructed in 1907.[53] It was also during this time that German immigrants, who had been settling in town during most of the century, became the predominant population group in the city, at least partially due to its being a major destination port of theHamburg America Line, though anti-German sentiment during World War I led to a rapid decline in the German community.[54] In addition to the primary industry of shipbuilding, Hoboken became home toKeuffel and Esser's three-story factory and in 1884, to Tietjen and Lang Drydock (laterTodd Shipyards). Well-known companies that developed a major presence in Hoboken after the turn-of the-century includedMaxwell House,Lipton Tea, andHostess.[55]
By the 1850s, severalManhattan-based members of theNational Association of Base Ball Players were using the grounds as their home field while St. George's continued to organize international matches between Canada, England and the United States at the same venue. In 1859,George Parr's All England Eleven of professional cricketers played the United States XXII at Hoboken, easily defeating the local competition. Sam Wright and his sons Harry and George Wright played on the defeated United States team, a loss which inadvertently encouraged local players to take up baseball. Henry Chadwick believed that baseball and not cricket should become the national pastime after the game drawing the conclusion that amateur American players did not have the leisure time required to develop cricket skills to the high technical level required of professional players.Harry Wright andGeorge Wright then became two of the first professional baseball players in the United States when Aaron Champion raised funds to found theCincinnati Red Stockings in 1869.[citation needed]
In 1865, the grounds hosted a championship match between theMutual Club of New York City and theAtlantic Club ofBrooklyn that was attended by an estimated 20,000 fans and captured in theCurrier & Iveslithograph "The American National Game of Base Ball".[58]
With the construction of two significant baseball parks enclosed by fences inBrooklyn, enabling promoters there to charge admission to games, the prominence ofElysian Fields diminished. In 1868 the leadingManhattan club,Mutual, shifted its home games to theUnion Grounds in Brooklyn. In 1880, the founders of theNew York Metropolitans andNew York Giants finally succeeded in siting a ballpark in Manhattan that became known as thePolo Grounds.[citation needed]
Upper Bloomfield Street between 9th and 10th, 1900Hoboken Terminal shortly after it opened in 1907
Few nonwhites had settled in Hoboken by 1901. TheBrooklyn Eagle claimed that an unwrittensundown town policy prevented African Americans from residing or working there.[59]
When the U.S. enteredWorld War I, theHamburg-American Line piers in Hoboken andNew Orleans were taken undereminent domain.[60] Federal control of the port and anti-German sentiment led to part of the city being placed under martial law, and many German immigrants were forcibly moved toEllis Island or left the city of their own accord.[61] Hoboken became the major point of embarkation and more than three million soldiers, known as "doughboys", passed through the city.[62] Their hope for an early return led toGeneral Pershing's slogan, "Heaven, Hell or Hoboken... by Christmas."[63]
Following the war,Italians, mostly stemming from theAdriatic port city ofMolfetta, became the city's major ethnic group, with theIrish also having a strong presence.[64] While the city experienced theGreat Depression, jobs in the ships yards and factories were still available, and the tenements were bustling. Middle-European Jews, mostly German-speaking, also made their way to the city and established small businesses. ThePort Authority of New York and New Jersey, which was established on April 30, 1921, oversaw the development of theHolland Tunnel (completed in 1927) and theLincoln Tunnel (in 1937), allowing for easier vehicular travel between New Jersey and New York City, bypassing the waterfront.[citation needed]
The war facilitated economic growth in Hoboken, as the many industries located in the city were crucial to the war effort. As men went off to battle, more women were hired in the factories, some (most notably,Todd Shipyards), offering classes and other incentives to them. Though some returning service men took advantage of GI housing bills, many with strong ethnic and familial ties chose to stay in town. During the 1950s, the economy was still driven by Todd Shipyards,Maxwell House,[65]Lipton Tea,Hostess andBethlehem Steel and companies with big plants were still not inclined to invest in major infrastructure elsewhere.[citation needed]
Hoboken historic district
In the 1960s, working pay and conditions began to deteriorate: turn-of-the century housing started to look shabby and feel crowded, shipbuilding was cheaper overseas, and single-story plants surrounded by parking lots made manufacturing and distribution more economical than old brick buildings on congested urban streets. The city appeared to be in the throes of inexorable decline as industries sought (what had been) greener pastures, port operations shifted to larger facilities onNewark Bay, and the car, truck and plane displaced the railroad and ship as the transportation modes of choice in the United States. Many Hobokenites headed to the suburbs, often the close by ones inBergen andPassaic Counties, and real-estate values declined. Hoboken sank from its earlier incarnation as a lively port town into a rundown condition and was often included in lists with other New Jersey cities experiencing the same phenomenon, such asPaterson,Elizabeth,Camden, and neighboringJersey City.[66]
The old economic underpinnings were gone and nothing new seemed to be on the horizon. Attempts were made to stabilize the population by demolishing the so-called slums along River Street and build subsidized middle-income housing at Marineview Plaza, and in midtown, at Church Towers. Heaps of long uncollected garbage and roving packs of semi-wild dogs were not uncommon sights.[67] Though the city had seen better days, Hoboken was never abandoned. New infusions of immigrants, most notablyPuerto Ricans, kept the storefronts open with small businesses and housing stock from being abandoned, but there wasn't much work to be had. Washington Street, commonly called "the avenue", was never boarded up, and the tight-knit neighborhoods remained home to many who were still proud of their city. Stevens remained a premier technology school, Maxwell House kept chugging away, and Bethlehem Steel still housed sailors who were dry-docked on its piers. Italian-Americans and other came back to the "old neighborhood" to shop for delicatessen.[citation needed]
In 1975, the western part of theKeuffel and Esser Manufacturing Complex (known as "Clock Towers") was converted into residential apartments, after having been an architectural, engineering and drafting facility from 1907 to 1968;[68] the eastern part portion became residential apartments in 1984 (now called the Grand Adams).[68]
TheHudson Waterfront defined Hoboken as an archetypal port town and powered its economy from the mid-19th to mid-20th century, by which time it had become essentially industrial (and mostly inaccessible to the general public). The large production plants of Lipton Tea and Maxwell House, and thedrydocks ofBethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation andTodd Shipbuilding dominated the northern portion for many years. On June 30, 1900,a large fire at theNorddeutscher Lloyd piers killed numerous people and caused almost $10 million in damage.[69][70] The southern portion (which had been a U.S. base of theHamburg-American Line) was seized by the federal government undereminent domain at the outbreak ofWorld War I, after which it became (with the rest of the Hudson County) a major East Coast cargo-shipping port.[citation needed]
Pier A Park
With the development of theInterstate Highway System andcontainerization shipping facilities (particularly atPort Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal), the docks became obsolete, and by the 1970s were more or less abandoned.[41] A large swath of River Street, known as theBarbary Coast for its taverns and boarding houses (which had been home for many dockworkers, sailors, merchant mariners, and other seamen) was leveled as part of anurban renewal project. Though control of the confiscated area had been returned to the city in the 1950s, complex lease agreements with thePort Authority gave it little influence on its management. In the 1980s, the waterfront dominated Hoboken politics, with various civic groups and the city government engaging in sometimes nasty, sometimes absurd politics and court cases. By the 1990s, agreements were made with thePort Authority of New York and New Jersey, various levels of government, Hoboken citizens, and private developers to build commercial and residential buildings and "open spaces" (mostly along the bulkhead and on the foundation of un-utilizedPier A).[71]
The northern portion, which had remained in private hands, has also been re-developed. While most of the dry-dock and production facilities[72][73] were razed to make way for mid-rise apartment houses, many sold as investment condominiums, some buildings were renovated for adaptive re-use (notably the Tea Building, formerly home to Lipton Tea,[74] and the Machine Shop, home of the Hoboken Historic Museum).[75] Zoning requires that new construction follow the street grid and limits the height of new construction to retain the architectural character of the city and open sight-lines to the river. Downtown,Frank Sinatra Park andSinatra Drive honor the man most consider to be Hoboken's most famous son, while uptown the name Maxwell recalls the factory with its smell of roasting coffee wafting over town and its huge neon "Good to the Last Drop" sign, so long a part of the landscape. The midtown section is dominated by theserpentine rock outcropping atop of which sits Stevens Institute of Technology (which also owns some, as yet, undeveloped land on the river). At the foot of the cliff isSybil's Cave (where 19th century day-trippers once came to "take the waters" from a natural spring), long sealed shut, though plans for its restoration are in place. The promenade along the river bank is part of theHudson River Waterfront Walkway, a state-mandated master plan to connect the municipalities from theBayonne Bridge toGeorge Washington Bridge and provide contiguous unhindered access to the water's edge and to create an urban linear park offering expansive views of the Hudson with the spectacular backdrop of the New York skyline. As of 2017, the city was considering usingeminent domain to take over the last operating maritime industry in the city, the Union Dry Dock.[76][77]
During the late 1970s and 1980s, the city witnessed a speculation spree, fueled by transplanted New Yorkers and others who bought many turn-of-the-20th-century brownstones in neighborhoods that the still solid middle and working class population had kept intact and by local and out-of-town real-estate investors who bought up late 19th century apartment houses often considered to be tenements. Hoboken experienced a wave of fires, some of which were arson.[78][79][80] Applied Housing, a real-estate investment firm, used federal government incentives to renovate "sub-standard" housing and receive subsidized rental payments (commonly known asSection 8), which enabled some low-income, displaced, and disabled residents to move within town. Hoboken attracted artists, musicians, upwardly mobile commuters, and "bohemian types" interested in the socioeconomic possibilities and challenges of a bankrupt New York and who valued the aesthetics of Hoboken's residential, civic and commercial architecture, its sense of community, and relatively (compared to Lower Manhattan) less expensive rents, all a quick, train hop away.
These trends in development resembled similar growth and change patterns inBrooklyn and downtownJersey City and Manhattan'sEast Village—and to a lesser degree,SoHo andTriBeCa—which previously had not been residential. Empty lots were built on, tenements were transformed into luxury condominiums. Hoboken felt the impact of the destruction of theWorld Trade Center intensely, many of its newer residents having worked there. Re-zoning encouraged new construction on former industrial sites on the waterfront and the traditionally more impoverished low-lying west side of the city where, in concert with Hudson-Bergen Light Rail and New Jersey State land-use policy,transit villages are now being promoted.[81] Once ablue collar town characterized by live poultry shops and drab taverns, it has since been transformed into a town filled with gourmet shops and luxury condominiums.[79]
In October 2012,Hurricane Sandy caused widespread flooding in Hoboken, leaving 1,700 homes flooded and causing $100 million in damage after the storm "filled up Hoboken like a bathtub",[82] leaving the city without electricity for days, and requiring the summoning of theNational Guard.[83] Workers in Hoboken had the highest rate of public transportation use in the nation, with 56% commuting daily via mass transit.[84] Hurricane Sandy caused seawater to flood half the city, crippling the PATH station at Hoboken Terminal when more than 10 million gallons of water dumped into the system. In December 2013 Mayor Dawn Zimmer testified before a U.S. Senate Committee on the impact the storm had on Hoboken's businesses and residents,[85][86] and in January 2014 she stated that Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno and Richard Constable, a member of governorChris Christie's cabinet, deliberately held back Hurricane Sandy relief funds from the city in order to pressure her to approve a Christie ally's developmental project,[87][88] a charge that the Christie administration denied.[89][90][91] In June 2014, theUnited States Department of Housing and Urban Development allocated $230 million to Hoboken as part of its Rebuild by Design initiative, adding levees, parks, green roofs,retention basins and other infrastructure to help the low-lying riverfront city protect itself from ordinary flooding and build a network of features to help Hobokenfuture-proof itself against subsequent storms.[92]
The project included expanding the city's sewer capacity, incorporatingcisterns and basins into parks and playgrounds, redesigning streets to minimize traffic accidents, and collect and redirect waster. By September 2023, the improvements were so successful that when a storm hit the area that month, depositing 3.5 inches on the city, including 1.44 inches during the hour coinciding with high tide, only a few inches of standing water remains at three of the city's 277 intersections by the evening, resulting in only three towed cars, and no cancelation of any city events. In an article that November forThe New York Times, Michael Kimmelman compared this to the storm's effects in New York City, whose government focused onflood walls andbreakwaters, but not rainwater, resulting in several subway lines being submerged in water, and thigh-high water levels in Brooklyn streets. For this, the article hailed Hoboken as a "climate change success story."[83]
According to theUnited States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 2 square miles (5.2 square kilometres), including 1.25 sq mi (3.2 km2) of land and 0.75 sq mi (1.9 km2) of water (37.50%).[93]
Hoboken is laid out in agrid. North–south streets are named (Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Harrison, and Clinton, for example). The numbered streets running east–west start two blocks north ofObserver Highway with First Street, with the grid ending close to 16th nearWeehawken Cove and the city line.[96]Castle Point (or Stevens Point[97]),The Projects,Hoboken Terminal, andHudson Tea are distinct enclaves at the city's periphery. The "Northwest" is a name being used for that part of the city as it transforms from its previous industrial use into a residential district.[98][99]
Hoboken's temperatures hover around an average in winter, rising and falling, rather than a consistent pattern with a clear coldest time of year, with minimums occurring in late December and early-mid February, rising and falling repeatedly throughout January.[101]Just like neighboring New York City, the climate is humid subtropical (Cfa).
Of the 28,175 households, 20.9% had children under the age of 18; 33.2% were married couples living together; 30.3% had a female householder with no spouse or partner present. 34.5% of households consisted of individuals and 5.7% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older.[113] The average household size was 2.1 and the average family size was 2.7.[117] The percent of those with a bachelor’s degree or higher was estimated to be 57.0% of the population.[118]
15.6% of the population was under the age of 18, 9.8% from 18 to 24, 53.3% from 25 to 44, 15.1% from 45 to 64, and 6.3% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 31.7 years. For every 100 females, there were 99.2 males.[113] For every 100 females ages 18 and older, there were 99.9 males.[113]
The 2016-2020 5-yearAmerican Community Survey estimates show that the median household income was $153,438 (with a margin of error of +/- $9,118). The median family income was $200,132 (+/- $18,994).[119] Males had a median income of $100,368 (+/- $5,816) versus $77,081 (+/- $3,810) for females. The median income for those above 16 years old was $86,005 (+/- $2,370).[120] Approximately, 2.4% of families and 7.0% of the population were below thepoverty line, including 3.1% of those under the age of 18 and 11.0% of those ages 65 or over.[121][122]
The2010 United States census counted 50,005 people, 25,041 households, and 9,465 families in the city. Thepopulation density was 39,212.0 per square mile (15,139.8/km2). There were 26,855 housing units at an average density of 21,058.7 per square mile (8,130.8/km2). The racial makeup was 82.24% (41,124)White, 3.53% (1,767)Black or African American, 0.15% (73)Native American, 7.12% (3,558)Asian, 0.03% (15)Pacific Islander, 4.29% (2,144) fromother races, and 2.65% (1,324) from two or more races.Hispanic or Latino residents of any race were 15.20% (7,602) of the population.[24]
Of the 25,041 households, 15.5% had children under the age of 18; 28.8% were married couples living together; 6.9% had a female householder with no husband present and 62.2% were non-families. Of all households, 39.7% were made up of individuals and 5.8% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 1.93 and the average family size was 2.68.[24]
12.2% of the population were under the age of 18, 12.1% from 18 to 24, 55.9% from 25 to 44, 13.5% from 45 to 64, and 6.3% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 31.2 years. For every 100 females, the population had 101.8 males. For every 100 females ages 18 and older there were 100.7 males.[24]
The Census Bureau's 2006–2010American Community Survey showed that (in 2010inflation-adjusted dollars)median household income was $101,782 (with a margin of error of +/− $3,219) and the median family income was $121,614 (+/− $18,466). Males had a median income of $90,878 (+/− $6,412) versus $67,331 (+/− $3,710) for females. Theper capita income for the city was $69,085 (+/− $3,335). About 9.6% of families and 11.0% of the population were below thepoverty line, including 20.7% of those under age 18 and 24.4% of those age 65 or over.[123]
As of the2000 census, there were 38,577 people, 19,418 households, and 6,835 families residing in the city. The population density was 30,239.2 inhabitants per square mile (11,675.4/km2), fourth highest in the nation after neighboring communities ofGuttenberg,Union City andWest New York.[124] There were 19,915 housing units at an average density of 15,610.7 per square mile (6,027.3/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 80.82%White, 4.26%African American, 0.16%Native American, 4.31%Asian, 0.05%Pacific Islander, 7.63% fromother races, and 2.78% from two or more races. Furthermore, 20.18% of residents considered themselves to beHispanic orLatino.[111][125]
There were 19,418 households, out of which 11.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 23.8% weremarried couples living together, 9.0% had a female householder with no husband present, and 64.8% were non-families. 41.8% of all households were made up of individuals, and 8.0% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 1.92 and the average family size was 2.73.[111][125]
In the city the age distribution of the population showed 10.5% under the age of 18, 15.3% from 18 to 24, 51.7% from 25 to 44, 13.5% from 45 to 64, and 9.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 30 years. For every 100 females, age 18 and over, there were 103.9 males.[111][125]
The median income for a household in the city as of the 2000 census was $62,550, while the median income for a family was $67,500. Males had a median income of $54,870 versus $46,826 for females. Theper capita income for the city was $43,195. 11.0% of the population and 10.0% of families were below thepoverty line. Out of the total population, 23.6% of those under the age of 18 and 20.7% of those 65 and older were living below the poverty line.[111][125]
The city is abedroom community of New York City, where most of its employed residents work. Based on the 2000 Census Worker Flow Files, about 53% of the employed residents of Hoboken (13,475 out of 25,306) worked in one of the five boroughs of New York City, as opposed to about 15% working within Hoboken.[126]
The first centrally air-conditioned public space in the United States was demonstrated at Hoboken Terminal.[127] The firstBlimpie restaurant opened in 1964 at the corner of Seventh and Washington Streets.[128][129] Hoboken is home to one of the headquarters of publisherJohn Wiley & Sons, which moved from Manhattan in 2002.[130]
A 2014 study showed thatStevens Institute of Technology contributed $117 million to Hoboken's economy in 2014, reflecting the university's nearly $100 million payroll for salaries and wages, as well as other goods and services acquired, construction and off-campus spending by students and visitors. The university is responsible for 1,285 full-time jobs.[133]
More recently built parks throughout the city include Pier C,[135] a reconstructed pier accessed by a curving walkway along lower Sinatra Drive. A multi-use sports field called 1600 Park opened in 2013,[136] while the one-acre Southwest Park was completed along Jackson Street and Paterson Avenue in 2017.[137] As of 2019, the city was considering expanding the park to a property across the street.[138]
A two-acre park and public plaza called 7th and Jackson Resiliency Park opened in 2019. It includes a playground, an acre of open lawn space, a new indoor gymnasium, play sculptures, and infrastructure to capture over 450,000 gallons of rainwater to reduce flooding.[139]
Construction of the 5.4-acre (2.2 ha) Northwest Resiliency Park broke ground in 2019. Amenities in the $90 million park's design include a great lawn, a stage, a central fountain that can be converted into a seasonal ice skating rink, a pavilion, playgrounds, and athletic fields. Also incorporated into the park are a number of environmentally friendly provisions, including both underground and above groundstormwater detention system that can store up to 2 million US gallons (7,600,000 litres) of water to help mitigate flooding. The park, which is located at 12th and Adams Streets,[140] opened in June 2023.[141]
A 2014 renovation to the14th Street Viaduct near the city's northwest edge saw the creation of several recreational areas underneath the structure that include a dog park, passive recreation areas, and street hockey and basketball courts amid a new cobblestone streetscape.[142]
TheHudson River Waterfront Walkway is a state-mandated master plan to connect the municipalities from theBayonne Bridge to theGeorge Washington Bridge creating an 18 mi (29 km)-long urban linear park and provide contiguous unhindered access to the water's edge. By law, any development on the waterfront must provide a public promenade with a minimum width of 30 ft (9.1 m). To date, completed segments in Hoboken and the new parks and renovated piers that abut them are atHoboken Terminal,Pier A, the promenade and bike path from Newark to 5th Streets,Frank Sinatra Park,Castle Point Park, Sinatra Drive to 12th to 14th Streets, New York Waterway Pier, 14th Street Pier, and 14th Street north to southern side of Weehawken Cove. Other segments of river-front held privately are not required to build a walkway until the land is re-developed.[143]
Since 1992, theHudson Shakespeare Company has been the residentShakespeare Festival ofHudson County performing a free Shakespeare production for each month of the summer. Since 1998, the group has performed "Shakespeare Mondays" atFrank Sinatra Park (410 Frank Sinatra Drive) as part of their annualShakespeare in the Park tour.[144] Hoboken is also home to cultural attractions such as Barsky Gallery[145] and creative institutions such as the Hoboken Historical Museum[146] and the Monroe Center.[147]
Hoboken has many annual events such as the Frank Sinatra Idol Contest,[148] Hoboken Comedy Festival,[149] Hoboken House Tour,[150]Hoboken International Film Festival,[151] Hoboken Studio Tour,[152]Hoboken Arts and Music Festival, Hoboken (Secret) Garden Tour[153] and Movies Under the Stars.[154] The Hoboken Farmer's Market occurs every Tuesday, June through October.[155] There are also numerous festivals such as the Saint Patrick's Day Parade,[156] Feast of Saint Anthony's,[157] Saint Ann's Feast[158] and the Hoboken Italian Festival.[159]
From the 1960s until 2011, Hoboken was home to the Macy's Parade Studio, which houses many of the floats for theMacy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.[160][161][162] Many Stevens students, alumni, and staff members volunteer in the preparation and piloting of the parade floats.[163] The studio was moved out of Hoboken and into a converted former Tootsie Roll Factory inMoonachie, New Jersey 2011.[160]
Hoboken City Hall on Washington Street between First Street and Newark Street
The City of Hoboken is governed within theFaulkner Act (formally known as the Optional Municipal Charter Law) under themayor-council (Plan D) system of municipal government, implemented based on the recommendations of aCharter Study Commission as of January 1, 1953.[164] The city is one of 71 municipalities (of the 564) statewide that use this form of government.[165] The governing body is comprised of the Mayor and the nine-member City Council. The city council includes three members electedat-large from the city as a whole, and six members who each represent one of the city's sixwards.[166] All of the members of the city council are elected to four-year terms of office innon-partisan elections on a staggered basis in odd-numbered years, with the six ward seats up for election together and the three at-large and mayoral seats up for vote two years later.[8][167]
In July 2011, the city council voted to move municipal elections from May to November. The first shifted election were held in November 2013, with all officials elected in 2009 and 2011 having their terms extended by six months.[168]
As of 2025[update], themayor of Hoboken isRavinder Bhalla, whose term of office ends December 31, 2025.[4] Members of the city council are Council President Michael Russo (2027; 3rd Ward), Council Vice President Emily Jabbour (2025; at-large), Phil Cohen (2027; 5th Ward), Paul Presinzano (2027; 1st Ward), James J. Doyle (2025; at-large), Tiffanie Fisher (2027; 2nd Ward), Joe Quintero (2025; at-large) andRuben J. Ramos Jr. (2027; 4th Ward).[169][170][171][172][173] The 6th Ward is vacant after the sudden and unexpected passing of 5 time elected council woman Jen Giattino.[174][175][176]
In the 2017 general election, Ravinder Bhalla was elected to succeedDawn Zimmer becoming the state's firstSikh mayor; Zimmer had chosen not to run for re-election to a third term and had endorsed Bhalla for the post. Bhalla's running mates, incumbents James Doyle and Emily Jabbour, won two of the at-large seats, while the third seat was won Vanessa Falco who had been aligned with the slate of mayoral candidate Michael DeFusco.[177][178] Zimmer had been the city council president and first took office as mayor on July 31, 2009, after her predecessor,Peter Cammarano,[179] was arrested on allegations of corruption stemming from a decade-long FBI operation.[180] Zimmer, who lost a June 9, 2009, runoff election to Cammarano by 161 votes, served as acting mayor starting on July 31, 2009, making her the city's first female mayor.[181] She won a special election to fill the remainder of the term on November 3, 2009, and was sworn in as mayor on November 6.[182] Zimmer won re-election in November 2013 to a second term of office and began her second term in January 2014.[183]
Hudson County's constitutional officers are County Clerk E. Junior Maldonado (D, Jersey City, 2027),[212][213]Register Jeffrey Dublin (D, Jersey City, 2026)[214][215][216]Sheriff Frank X. Schillari (D, Jersey City, 2025)[217][218] and Surrogate Tilo E. Rivas (D, Jersey City, 2029)[219][220][221]
As of March 2011, there were a total of 35,532 registered voters in Hoboken, of which 14,385 (40.5%) were registered asDemocrats, 3,881 (10.9%) were registered asRepublicans and 17,218 (48.5%) were registered asUnaffiliated. There were 48 voters registered to other parties.[222]
In the2012 presidential election, DemocratBarack Obama received 66.1% of the vote (14,443 cast), ahead of RepublicanMitt Romney with 32.4% (7,078 votes), andLibertarian andGreen candidates with 1.5% (325 votes), among the 22,018 ballots cast by the city's 40,209 registered voters (172 ballots werespoiled), for a turnout of 54.8%.[223][224] In the2008 presidential election, DemocratBarack Obama received 71.0% of the vote here (17,051 cast), ahead of RepublicanJohn McCain with 27.5% (6,590 votes) and other candidates with 0.9% (225 votes), among the 24,007 ballots cast by the city's 38,970 registered voters, for a turnout of 61.6%.[225] In the2004 presidential election, DemocratJohn Kerry received 65.0% of the vote here (13,436 ballots cast), outpolling RepublicanGeorge W. Bush with 33.4% (6,898 votes) and other candidates with 0.5% (161 votes), among the 20,668 ballots cast by the city's 31,221 registered voters, for a turnout percentage of 66.2.[226]
In the2013 gubernatorial election, RepublicanChris Christie received 53.0% of the vote (6,562 cast), ahead of DemocratBarbara Buono with 45.0% (5,565 votes), and other candidates with 2.0% (243 votes), among the 16,331 ballots cast by the city's 41,094 registered voters (3,961 ballots were spoiled), for a turnout of 39.7%.[233][234] In the2009 gubernatorial election, DemocratJon Corzine received 62.3% of the vote here (9,095 ballots cast), ahead of Republican Chris Christie with 29.5% (4,307 votes), IndependentChris Daggett with 4.6% (673 votes) and other candidates with 0.9% (138 votes), among the 14,593 ballots cast by the city's 34,844 registered voters, yielding a 41.9% turnout.[235]
On November 7, 2017, City CouncilmemberRavinder Bhalla was elected as mayor, making him the firstSikh mayor in the state's history.[236] He was re-elected in November 2021.[237]
The city is protected by the 132 paid firefighters of the city of Hoboken Fire Department (HFD). Established in 1891, the HFD currently operates under the command of a Department Chief, to whom two Deputy Chiefs report.[238] The department reported to 3,352 emergency calls in 2010, arriving in an average of 2.6 minutes from the time the original call was received.[239] The HFD has been a Class 1 rated fire department since 1996 as determined by theInsurance Services Office, one of only three inNew Jersey, joiningHackensack andCherry Hill.[240][241] HFD's firehouses, including its fire museum, are listed on theNational Register of Historic Places.[242]
The department is part of the MetroUSAR Strike Team, which consists of nine North Jersey fire departments and other emergency services divisions working to address major emergency rescue situations.[243]
EMS in the city of Hoboken is provided primarily by the members of theHoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps (HVAC), which was established in 1971. HVAC does not charge for the services it provides. HVAC has seven emergency vehicles, in addition to six bicycles that can be used to provide coverage at outdoor events.[248]
Hoboken University Medical Center, founded in 1863 as St. Mary's Hospital, is a historic hospital and the oldest in continuous operation in the state.[249] It is a community hospital and part of the CarePoint Health System.[250]
HOPES Community Action Partnership, Incorporated (HOPES CAP, Inc. / HOPES) was established in 1964 under President Lyndon B. Johnson's administration signing the Economic Opportunity Act.[251] The majority of HOPES program participants have incomes below the federal poverty threshold. Services include those for youth enrichment, adults, senior assistance, and early childhood development.[252]
Homelessness in the city is addressed by the Hoboken Homeless Shelter, one of the three homeless shelters in the county.[253] In December 2018, the city of Hoboken installed eight parking meters in high foot-traffic areas, painted orange, to collect donations to benefit homelessness initiatives.[254]
Hoboken has the highestpublic transportation use of any city in the United States, with 56% of working residents using public transportation for commuting purposes each day.[255]Hoboken Terminal, located at the city's southeastern corner, is anational historic landmark originally built in 1907 by theDelaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad.[256] The terminal is the origination/destination point for several modes of transportation and an important hub within the NY/NJ metropolitan region's public transit system.[citation needed]
The number of residents parking on Hoboken streets decreased from 2010 to 2015.[257] Hudson Bike Share, abicycle sharing system operated bynextbike, opened[258] in October 2015.[259] Amid conflicts with Jersey City, which usedCiti Bike,[260] Hoboken ceased using Hudson Bike Share in May 2021, and adopted Citi Bike itself, thus connecting the town's bicycle sharing network with the ones already operating in Jersey City and New York City.[261]
In the late 2010s, Hoboken implemented a number of improvements to make certain intersections and roads safer. These include giving pedestrians lead time before turning traffic lights green; installing vertical delineator post or a flexible bollard to prevent cars from parking within 25 feet of intersections, thus improving sightlines for motorists in order to allow them to avoid cyclists, pedestrians, and other cars. By 2022, the city had not seen a traffic death in four years.[262][263]
Academy Bus Lines has a garage in Hoboken, operating most of theirNYC services from there.[citation needed]Taxi service is available for a flat fare within city limits and negotiated fare for other destinations.Zipcar is located downtown at the Center Parking Garage on Park Avenue, between Newark Street and Observer Highway.[271]
View east along the 14th Street Viaduct entering Hoboken
As of May 2010[update], the city had a total of 31.79 mi (51.16 km) of roadways, of which 26.71 mi (42.99 km) were maintained by the municipality and 5.08 mi (8.18 km) by Hudson County.[272]
Hoboken has a highly educated population. Based on data from theAmerican Community Survey, it was ranked in 2019 as one of the top 15 most-educated municipalities in New Jersey with a population of at least 10,000, placing first on the list, with 50.2% of residents having bachelor's degree or higher, more than double the 23.4% of residents in New Jersey and 19.1% nationwide who have reached that educational level.[275]
As of the 2023–24 school year, the district, comprised of five schools, had an enrollment of 3,531 students and 240.0 classroom teachers (on anFTE basis), for astudent–teacher ratio of 14.7:1.[280] Schools in the district (with 2023–24 enrollment data from theNational Center for Education Statistics[281]) are Joseph F. Brandt Elementary School[282] with 611 students in grades K–5, Thomas G. Connors Elementary School[283] with 328 students in grades K–5, Wallace Elementary School[284] with 594 students in grades PreK–5, Hoboken Middle School[285] with 432 students in grades 6–8 andHoboken High School[286] with 607 students in grades 9–12.[287][288][289]
Stevens Institute of Technology, which was founded in 1870, is located in the Castle Point section of Hoboken.[52] Theuniversity is comprised of three schools and one college; the Charles V. Schaefer Jr. School of Engineering and Science, School of Business, School of Systems and Enterprises and the College of Arts and Letters.[294] Total enrollment is more than 8,800 undergraduate and graduate students across all schools.[295] Stevens is home to threenational research centers of excellence and joint research programs focusing on healthcare, energy, finance, defense, STEM education and coastal stability. Stevens also owns most ofCastle Point, which is the highest point in Hoboken.[296]
Carlo's Bake Shop, which is the setting for the reality television showCake Boss, is a local tourist attraction.
Hoboken is located within theNew York media market; most of its daily papers available for sale or delivery. Local,county, and regional news is covered byThe Jersey Journal, a daily newspaper long based in nearby Jersey City and now based inSecaucus. TheJournal, along with other sister newspapers, operatesNJ.com, which includes the blog Hoboken Now.[297]The Hoboken Reporter was the first local weekly published byThe Hudson Reporter group of papers,[298] which was based in Hoboken from 1983 - 2016. It then moved its headquarters to Bayonne,[299] before closing in January 2023.[300][301][302] Other weeklies, theRiver View Observer and the Spanish-languageEl Especialito,[303] also cover local news, as doesThe Stute, the campus newspaper at Stevens Institute of Technology. Magazines that cover Hoboken include the lifestyle magazine hMAG, which launched in 2009,[304] andThe Digest, which covers local restaurants and events.[305]
The city is home toCarlo's Bake Shop, which was featured from 2009 to 2020 in theTLC reality showCake Boss. The popularity of the show resulted in increased business for Carlo's Bake Shop, and increased tourism to the Hoboken area,[312] although the long lines drove away some of the shop's local customers.[313]
The fourth season ofA&E'sParking Wars, which documents the lives and duties of parking enforcement personnel, was filmed in Hoboken, in addition to its usual venues of Detroit and Philadelphia.[314] The ABC Primetime magazinePrimetime: What Would You Do? has filmed multiple episodes of their social experiments in Hoboken's shops and restaurants.[315][316]
The 1989 television seriesDream Street was set and shot in Hoboken.[317]
^abRodas, Steven."Is Hoboken officially the 'Mile Square City'? Delving into the longstanding nickname"Archived November 7, 2017, at theWayback Machine,The Hudson Reporter, January 17, 2016. Accessed June 2, 2016. "The same way New Yorkers call their city The Big Apple, many people refer to Hoboken as the 'Mile-Square City' or 'Mile Square City'. Despite the fact that the city covers 1.27 square miles on land (close to 2 if you count the water), the nickname has stuck through the years and made it into the appellations of local businesses, a bar, and a theater company."
^"Diversity, density and change in Hoboken and other Hudson County municipalities", Fund for a Better Waterfront, September 7, 2021. Accessed January 18, 2023. "Hudson is the most densely populated county in New Jersey, which is the most densely populated state in the country. Hudson County also contains the four most densely populated cities in the nation: Guttenberg, Union City, West New York and Hoboken. According to the 2020 U.S. Census, Hoboken has 47,202 people per square mile, in fourth place behind the three other Hudson municipalities."
^History of HobokenArchived July 14, 2014, at theWayback Machine,WNET. Accessed September 1, 2015. "The following description of Hobuk, as it was then known, comes from a letter written in 1685 by a George Scott, of Edinburg"
^"History: Steamboats"Archived June 16, 2012, at theWayback Machine, Stevens Institute of Technology. Accessed April 16, 2012. "Thus, in 1811 the Colonel purchased a commercial ferry license in New York state and operated a horse powered ferry while building a steam ferry, theJuliana. When theJuliana was put into service from Hoboken to New York, the Stevenses inaugurated what is reputed to be the first regular commercially operated steam ferry in the world."
^Baldwin, Carly."Sybil's Cave reopened -- amid controversy"Archived August 1, 2020, at theWayback Machine,The Jersey Journal/NJ.com, October 21, 2008, updated April 2, 2019. Accessed November 13, 2019. "Hoboken Mayor Dave Roberts celebrated the re-opening of the historic Sybil's Cave this morning. But, as Hoboken wrestles with a state takeover and residents face a 47 percent tax hike, some say Sybil's Cave is just another example of what they call the mayor's spendthrift ways."
^Colrick, Patricia Florio.HobokenArchived August 3, 2020, at theWayback Machine. p. 6.Arcadia Publishing, 1999.ISBN0-7385-3730-6. Accessed April 16, 2012. "Hoboken was laid out in a grid pattern in 1804, on the Loss Map by the inventor and the owner of much of the land, Colonel John Stevens."
^abLeading Innovation: A Brief History of StevensArchived November 7, 2017, at theWayback Machine,Stevens Institute of Technology. Accessed November 5, 2017. "When inventor Edwin A. Stevens died in 1868, his will provided for the establishment of the university that now bears his family's name. Two years later, in 1870, Stevens Institute of Technology opened, offering a rigorous engineering curriculum leading to the degree of Mechanical Engineer following a course of study firmly grounded both in scientific principles and the humanities."
^Hughes, C. J."Reviving the Glory of Hoboken Terminal"Archived October 5, 2013, at theWayback Machine,The New York Times, December 21, 2005. Accessed April 16, 2012. "The Hoboken Terminal, built in 1907, is a two-story Beaux-Arts structure designed by Kenneth Murchison, an architect with the firm of McKim, Mead & White, which designed the original Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan."
^Skontra, Alan."A History of Hoboken's Immigrants: Dr. Christina Ziegler-McPherson presented her new book at the museum."Archived June 19, 2022, at theWayback Machine, HobokenPatch, July 18, 2011. Accessed April 16, 2012. "Hoboken's population started to grow when shipping companies built docks and warehouses along the waterfront, notably the Hamburg America line in 1863. With this development came jobs, which attracted immigrants. The city's population jumped from 2,200 in 1850 to 20,000 in 1870 and 43,000 in 1890.... Ziegler-McPherson said she learned just how much the city was a German enclave at the turn of the 20th century. A quarter of the city's residents had German roots, earning Hoboken the nickname of 'Little Bremen.'"
^"Colored Folk Shun Hoboken"Archived June 19, 2022, at theWayback Machine,Brooklyn Daily Eagle, September 29, 1901, viaNewspapers.com. Accessed November 13, 2019. "Hoboken, that unique suburb of New York, which has been maligned by many and spoken of derisively from Maine to California, has one claim to distinction: It has only one negro family within its borders. This is all the more remarkable because its neighbor, Jersey City, is full of colored people and outlying sections also have a large quota. ... Of the hundred and one reasons given for the diminutive size of the negro population of Hoboken, probably the correct one is that there is no way for negroes to earn a livelihood in the city.... There seems to be a sort of unwritten law in the town that negroes are to be barred out. This feeling permeates of everything. The Hobokenese are proud of the distinction conferred on their town by the absence of negroes."
^History of Hoboken: Post-IndustrialArchived June 5, 2011, at theWayback Machine,WNET. Accessed April 16, 2012. "Yet when the United States entered World War I on the side of Britain and France, this all changed. The U.S. government seized control of Hoboken's piers and the German ships docked there. Martial law was declared in sections of the city, and many Germans were sent to Ellis Island. Thousands of Germans left Hoboken, and soon the city became known for its large Italian population."
^"Doughboys".DoughboysOfNYC.com.Archived from the original on July 10, 2011. RetrievedOctober 19, 2017.
^Heaven, Hell or Hoboken: Exhibit, Lecture Series Bring Hoboken's World War I Experience to LifeArchived January 29, 2012, at theWayback Machine, Hoboken Historical Museum & Cultural Center, August 27, 2008. Accessed November 27, 2011. "The designation meant national fame for Hoboken – General John J. Pershing's promise to the troops that they'd be in 'Heaven, Hell or Hoboken' by Christmas of 1917 became a national rallying cry for a swift end to the war, which actually dragged on for another year."
^Baldwin, Carly."2009 Hoboken Italian Festival begins tomorrow!"Archived August 2, 2014, at theWayback Machine,NJ.com, September 9, 2009. Accessed September 1, 2015. "To bless their local industry, fishermen and sailors of Molfetta would carry the Madonna through the streets of town. Later generations would later emigrate from Molfetta and the surrounding region to Hoboken, where the centuries-old tradition continues."
^Martin, Antoinette."In the Region/New Jersey; Residences Flower in a Once-Seedy Hoboken Area"Archived July 1, 2016, at theWayback Machine,The New York Times, August 10, 2003. Accessed February 1, 2012. "The area back from the Hudson River, along streets named for presidents -- Adams, Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe -- wassketchy, Mr. Geibel said, and marked by 'old warehouses, boarded-up windows, raw sewage coming out of pipes and packs of wild dogs running in the streets.'"
^Points of Interest, Hoboken Historical Museum, backed up by theInternet Archive as of October 8, 2014. Accessed November 13, 2019. "The Machine Shop was in use around-the-clock, employing as many as 11,000 workers. The shop closed in 1984. The building was recently incorporated into the Shipyard development and now houses luxury apartments, retail shops, and the Hoboken Historical Museum."
^"Mayor Zimmer Seeks to Acquire Union Dry Dock Property for Waterfront Park", City of Hoboken, September 28, 2017, backed up by theInternet Archive as of October 5, 2017. Accessed November 13, 2019. "Based on discussions and written communications with Union Dry Dock, Mayor Dawn Zimmer has determined that it is important to expeditiously move ahead with the tools necessary to acquire the Union Dry Dock property for open space.... As a result, the City Council will be asked to authorize the use of eminent domain for the acquisition of Union Dry Dock at next week's City Council meeting. The authorization simply provides the City with the tools necessary to facilitate negotiations and does not mean that eminent domain will be implemented."
^Strunsky, Steve."Hoboken a step closer to seizing waterfront property using eminent domain"Archived August 1, 2020, at theWayback Machine, NJ Advance Media forNJ.com, October 5, 2017, updated January 16, 2019. Accessed November 13, 2019. "The City Council moved forward Wednesday with plans to seize through eminent domain a waterfront property occupied by Hoboken's last working shipyard, Union Dry Dock.... Mayor Dawn Zimmer, who is not seeking re-election, has tried unsuccessfully to negotiate the purchase of the Union Dry Dock property on Sinatra Drive for use as a park and the final stretch of the city's Hudson River waterfront walkway."
^Gottlieb, Dylan (September 1, 2019). "Hoboken Is Burning: Yuppies, Arson, and Displacement in the Postindustrial City".Journal of American History.106 (2):390–416.doi:10.1093/jahist/jaz346.ISSN0021-8723.
^Jaffe, Eric."The Water Next Time; How nature itself could become a city's best defense against extreme weather"Archived December 24, 2017, at theWayback Machine,The Atlantic, December 2014. Accessed November 4, 2015. "During Sandy's storm surge, in October 2012, river water breached the town's northern and southern tips and spilled into its low areas. On the west side of the city, still more water tumbled down the Palisades, the steep cliffs that run along the Hudson River.... Sandy flooded more than 1,700 Hoboken homes, knocked out the city's power grid, and halted trains into New York; in total, the storm caused more than $100 million in damages.... Together, these parts should be capable of withstanding a once-in-500-years storm."
^Raum, John O.The History of New Jersey: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Volume 1, p. 276, J. E. Potter and company, 1877. Accessed July 31, 2013. "Hoboken contained a population of 2,668 in 1850; in 1860, 9,659; and in 1870, 20,297. In the city of Hoboken are the celebrated Elysian Fields a place of great resort for the denizens of New York City and other places being opposite to that city and about two miles north of Jersey City. It has extensive establishments for the construction of steamers. Several steam ferries connect it with New York city. The scenery in the vicinity of the Elysian Fields is delightful and it is one of the most pleasant spots that can be conceived for the denizens of a crowded city."
^Kleinfeld, N.R."Trying to Build a Bigger Blimpie"Archived August 7, 2016, at theWayback Machine,The New York Times, December 13, 1987. Accessed December 30, 2014. "Next, they borrowed $2,000 from a friend and $500 from the man who ran the jukeboxes in Jersey City and opened the first Blimpie in Hoboken, N.J."
^Fried, Joseph P."Metro Business; John Wiley Leases Office in Hoboken"Archived July 25, 2017, at theWayback Machine,The New York Times, August 10, 2000. Accessed June 2, 2016. "John Wiley & Sons, a leading publisher of scientific, medical and technical books based in Manhattan, has signed a lease for office space in Hoboken, N.J., where it plans to move its headquarters and 800 of its employees."
^Kiefer, Eric."Stevens Institute Contributed $117 million to Hoboken's Economy in 2014, Study Claims; Read about the ways that the university added to the city's coffers last year."Archived November 18, 2015, at theWayback Machine, Hoboken Patch, May 27, 2015. Accessed November 17, 2015. "According to a study conducted by Appleseed, a New York City-based economic consulting firm, the university was responsible for $117.2 million in city-wide economic output in fiscal year 2014. Taking into account the impact of university spending on payroll, purchased goods and services, construction, and off-campus spending by students and visitors, Stevens was responsible for 1,285 full time equivalent jobs in Hoboken and nearly $99.3 million in wages and salaries, the study claimed."
^Hortillosa, Summer Dawn."Hoboken Secret Gardens Tour returning Sunday"Archived January 12, 2016, at theWayback Machine,The Jersey Journal, June 2, 2015. Accessed September 1, 2015. "The Hoboken Secret Gardens Tour is back!... The guided tour is organized by the Hoboken Historical Museum, which started the event as a tribute to Colonel John Stevens of the historic Stevens family."
^abShkolnikova, Svetlana."NJ students get behind-the-scenes tour of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade studio"Archived April 29, 2019, at theWayback Machine,The Record, November 13, 2018. Accessed November 13, 2019. "The floats are all built in-house by a team of about 50 full-time designers, sculptors, technicians and painters working year-round out of Moonachie, the parade's newest home. For 40 years, until 2011, the magic began in a converted Tootsie Roll factory in Hoboken."
^Musat, Stephanie."Hoboken council majority moves next election from May 2013 to November 2013"Archived February 3, 2014, at theWayback Machine,The Jersey Journal, July 21, 2011. Accessed July 31, 2013. "By a 5-4 vote, the Hoboken City Council voted to move municipal elections to November. Moving the elections to November means the council's term, including Mayor Dawn Zimmer's, will be extended by six months. The change will be in place for 10 years. ... The next election will be in November 2013."
^McDonald, Corey W."Ravi Bhalla wins Hoboken election, becomes N.J.'s first Sikh mayor"Archived November 9, 2017, at theWayback Machine,The Jersey Journal, November 7, 2017. Accessed November 8, 2017. "City Councilman Ravi Bhalla has emerged victorious in the six-person mayoral race, becoming the first Sikh mayor of the Mile Square City -- and the state of New Jersey. Bhalla, an Indian-American born in New Jersey, was endorsed by current Mayor Dawn Zimmer, who in a surprising decision announced she would not seek a third term in office.... In the race for three at-large seats on the City Council, two members of Bhalla's slate -- James Doyle and Emily Jabbour -- were victorious, while DeFusco team member Vanessa Falco was also elected, according to the unofficial election results."
^Clark, Amy Sara."Dawn Zimmer sworn in as mayor of Hoboken",The Jersey Journal, November 6, 2009. Accessed September 15, 2023. "Dawn Zimmer, Hoboken's acting mayor who was elected to the permanent position Tuesday, was sworn-in as mayor at 2:20 p.m. in a private ceremony."
^Biography, Hudson County Clerk. Accessed January 31, 2025.
^Members List: Clerks, Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey. Accessed January 31, 2025.
^Register Dublin's Bio, Hudson County Register of Deeds and Mortgages. Accessed October 13, 2024.
^About Us, Hudson County Register of Deeds & Mortgages. Accessed January 31, 2025. "The Hudson County Register is elected by the people of Hudson County for a five-year term. The Office of the Register is responsible for the recording of all formal written documents which affect real property throughout the 12 municipalities that make up the County."
^Members List: Registers, Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey. Accessed January 31, 2025.
^Home, Hudson County Sheriff. Accessed January 31, 2025
^Members List: Sheriffs, Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey. Accessed January 31, 2025.
^"Governor - Hudson County"(PDF). New Jersey Department of Elections. January 29, 2014.Archived(PDF) from the original on September 24, 2015. RetrievedDecember 24, 2014.
^Greenwood, Max."Hoboken elects first Sikh mayor in New Jersey state history",The Hill, November 7, 2017. Accessed September 13, 2018. "Hoboken, N.J. City Councilman Ravi Bhalla won the city's mayoral race on Tuesday, making him the first Sikh mayor in the state's history,The Jersey Journal reported."
^About Us, Hoboken Fire Department, backed up by theInternet Archive as of September 26, 2008. Accessed November 13, 2019. "Effective July 1, 1996, the Insurance Service Organization (ISO), a Commercial Fire Insurance Rating Agency, designated the Hoboken Fire Department as the 24th Class 1 Fire Department in the country. Hoboken Fire Department is the only Class 1 Department in New Jersey."
^abSteadman, Andrew."Bayonne firefighters participate in mock disaster drills in Newark"Archived August 8, 2016, at theWayback Machine,The Jersey Journal, May 1, 2012. Accessed June 6, 2016. "According to the press release, the Metro USAR Strike Team is made up of nine fire departments from Bayonne, Elizabeth, Hackensack, Hoboken, Jersey City, Newark, Paterson, Morristown as well as the five-municipality North Hudson Regional Fire and Rescue Agency."
^Hack, Charles."After 150 years the Hoboken University Medical Center 'continues to blossom,' Franciscan sister says",The Jersey Journal / NJ Advance Media forNJ.com, October 3, 2013. Accessed June 20, 2022. "Some 120 worshipers, including 10 sisters from the Franciscan order that founded St. Mary Hospital in 1863, attended the 150th Celebration Mass Anniversary of the Hoboken University Medical Center at Our Lady of Grace Church today.... Mayor Dawn Zimmer read from her proclamation to the hospital that highlighted its history, calling it 'the oldest continuing hospital in New Jersey.'"
^About, CarePoint Health System. Accessed June 20, 2022.
^Zeitlinger, Ron."Can you spare some change? Hoboken unveils meters to help fight homelessness"Archived June 8, 2020, at theWayback Machine,The Jersey Journal, December 14, 2018, updated January 29, 2019. Accessed November 13, 2019. "In the never-ending fight to end homelessness, Hoboken officials unveiled a new instrument Tuesday -- homelessness donation meters scattered across the city. Mayor Ravi Bhalla, who announced the program in September, said 100 percent of the donations collected by the eight meters will directly benefit Hoboken homelessness initiatives. The funds will be administered by the United Way."
^Vardi, Nathan."America's Top Public Transportation Cities"Archived June 19, 2022, at theWayback Machine,Forbes, August 1, 2011. Accessed May 31, 2015. "In fact, their use of public transportation is higher than any other city in the nation. An estimated 56% of Hoboken's working men and women commute each day by public transportation."
^"Nearby Airports".Stevens Institute of Technology. RetrievedJanuary 25, 2025.
^Raychaudhuri, Disha."The 15 most educated towns in New Jersey, ranked"Archived January 12, 2020, at theWayback Machine, NJ Advance Media for NJ.com, July 17, 2019. Accessed January 12, 2020. "A note about the data: Ranking based on educational attainment of population age 25 years and above according to the latest American Community Survey by the Census Bureau. The ranking only includes towns with populations above 10,000, as lower population areas tend to skew rates and have high margins of error. Towns where the margin of error was higher than 10 percent were also excluded.... 1. Hoboken, Hudson County - Percent with bachelor's degree and above: 50.2"
^Hoboken Board of Education District Policy 0110 - Identification, Hoboken Public Schools, adopted June 13, 2017. Accessed February 4, 2025. "Purpose: The Board of Education exists for the purpose of providing a thorough and efficient system of free public education in grades Pre-Kindergarten through twelve in the Hoboken School District. Composition: The Hoboken School District is comprised of all the area within the municipal boundaries of Hoboken."
^What We Do: History,New Jersey Schools Development Authority. Accessed March 1, 2022. "In 1998, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in theAbbott v. Burke case that the State must provide 100 percent funding for all school renovation and construction projects in special-needs school districts. According to the Court, aging, unsafe and overcrowded buildings prevented children from receiving the "thorough and efficient" education required under the New Jersey Constitution.... Full funding for approved projects was authorized for the 31 special-needs districts, known as 'Abbott Districts'."
^History of HobokenArchived June 5, 2011, at theWayback Machine,WNET. Accessed December 30, 2014. "Filmed almost entirely on location in Hoboken, Elia Kazan'sOn The Waterfront used actual longshoremen as extras."
^Henault, Bob."Construction Workers Harass Woman: What Would You Do?"Archived August 2, 2020, at theWayback Machine,ABC News, January 13, 2011. Accessed September 1, 2015. "In light of these startling numbers, ABC News'What Would You Do? rigged hidden cameras on a busy Hoboken, N.J., street corner and hired three male actors to portray construction workers on a coffee break and an actress playing the victim."
^Sharbutt, Jay."Dream Street (U.S. TV series)",Los Angeles Times, March 2, 1989. Accessed June 9, 2014. "Welcome to headquarters for the makers of NBC'sDream Street, a coming dramatic series about the lives of young blue-collar men and women in this venerable, hard-nosed waterfront town of 42,500, right across the Hudson River from Manhattan.... Their association withStreet has caused some speculation that the new one-hour series, which is being filmed entirely in Hoboken, is but the working-class edition of ABC's venture."
^Testa, Jim."Hoboken's Bongos ride the Phantom Train back to the future",The Jersey Journal, October 3, 2013. Accessed October 7, 2017. "The Bongos – the first Hoboken band to garner national attention from the nascent Maxwell's scene back in the early Eighties - started working onPhantom Train back in 1986, as the follow-up to their RCA Records full-lengthBeat Hotel."
^Testa, Jim."Yo La Tengo biography delves deeply into the history of Hoboken",The Jersey Journal, June 8, 2012. Accessed February 6, 2013. "Since the story of Yo La Tengo is inextricably intertwined with the city of Hoboken, Jarnow begins the book by looking back at the city's past, including the fascinating story of how professional baseball was born on Elysian Field, which today is the corner of Washington and Eleventh Streets and the home of Maxwell's."
Brooks, Steve B. (September 2019). "Built to Serve: Damaged by Superstorm Sandy, New Jersey post opens new facility with six apartments for homeless veterans".The American Legion Magazine. Vol. 187, no. 3. Indianapolis, Ind.:The American Legion. pp. 46–48.ISSN0886-1234.
Ziegler-McPherson, Christina A. (2011).Immigrants in Hoboken, One-Way Ticket, 1845–1985. Charleston: History Press.ISBN978-1-60949-163-5.
City of Hoboken Official Website - Offers resources, updates, and historical information on Hoboken’s municipal services, government, and city planning.
Hoboken Public Library - Provides local events, historical resources, and community programs in Hoboken, both digitally and in-person.
Hoboken Historical Museum - Contains exhibits and information on Hoboken’s industrial and community heritage.
Hoboken Public Library Friends & Foundation - Supports the Hoboken Public Library through events, funding, and volunteer programs, promoting community culture and education.