Ahexagonal window (also Melnikov's or honeycomb window)[1] is ahexagon-shapedwindow, resembling a bee cell or crystal lattice of graphite. The window can be vertically or horizontally oriented, openable or fixed. It can also be regular or elongately-shaped and can have a separator (mullion).
Typically, the cellular window[2] is used for an attic or as a decorative feature, but it can also be a major architectural element to provide the natural lighting insidebuildings. The hexagonal window is relatively rare and associated with such architectural styles asconstructivism,[3]functionalism[4] and, occasionally,cubism.
Attic hexagonal windows were occasionally used in the Northern European manor architecture of the 19th century. The concept became popular thanks to the Russian constructivist architectKonstantin Melnikov,[5][6] whose ownfamous house had 124 hexagonal windows, which were the main source of light as ceiling lights were not provided in many rooms.[7][8] Cellular windows are also a feature of the Scandinavianfunctionalism architecture of the 1940s–1960s and are a kind of synthesis of tradition and modernism in the architecture.
^Rogers, Wally (February 29, 2016).Close-Up View of Froebel's Kindergarten with Frank Lloyd Wright at the Drawing Table. Xlibris Corporation. p. 505.ISBN978150358180-7.