This article shouldspecify the language of its non-English content, using{{langx}},{{transliteration}} for transliterated languages, and{{IPA}} for phonetic transcriptions, with an appropriateISO 639 code. Wikipedia'smultilingual support templates may also be used - notablyko for Korean.See why.(June 2024)
Hangul was created in 1443 bySejong the Great, fourth king of theJoseon dynasty. It was an attempt to increase literacy by serving as a complement toHanja, which wereChinese characters used to writeLiterary Chinese in Korea by the 2nd century BCE, and had been adapted to write Korean by the 6th century CE.[10]
ModernHangul orthography uses 24 basic letters: 14 consonant letters[d] and 10 vowel letters.[e] There are also 27 complex letters that are formed by combining the basic letters: 5 tense consonant letters,[f] 11 complex consonant letters,[g] and 11 complex vowel letters.[h] Four basic letters in the original alphabet are no longer used: 1 vowel letter[i] and 3 consonant letters.[j] Korean letters are written in syllabic blocks with the alphabetic letters arranged in two dimensions. For example,Seoul is written as서울, notㅅㅓㅇㅜㄹ.[11] The syllables begin with a consonant letter, then a vowel letter, and then potentially another consonant letter called abatchim (Korean: 받침). If the syllable begins with a vowel sound, the consonantㅇ (ng) acts as a silent placeholder. However, whenㅇ starts a sentence or is placed after a long pause, it marks aglottal stop. Syllables may begin with basic or tense consonants but not complex ones. The vowel can be basic or complex, and the second consonant can be basic, complex or a limited number of tense consonants. How the syllables are structured depends solely if the baseline of the vowel symbol is horizontal or vertical. If the baseline is vertical, the first consonant and vowel are written above the second consonant (if present), but all components are written individually from top to bottom in the case of a horizontal baseline.[11]
As in traditionalChinese andJapanese writing, as well as many other texts in East and Southeast Asia, Korean texts were traditionally written top to bottom, right to left, as is occasionally still the way for stylistic purposes. However, Korean is now typically written from left to right withspaces between words serving asdividers, unlike in Japanese and Chinese.[8] Hangul is the official writing system throughout both North and South Korea. It is a co-official writing system in theYanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture andChangbai Korean Autonomous County inJilin Province,China. Hangul has also seen limited use by speakers of theCia-Cia language inButon,Indonesia.[12]
The word "Hangul" and the basic jamo of the Korean alphabet
The Korean alphabet was originally namedHunminjeongeum (훈민정음;訓民正音) by KingSejong the Great in 1443.[13] Hunminjeongeum is also the document that explained logic and science behind the script in 1446.
The namehangeul (한글) was coined by Korean linguistJu Si-gyeong in 1912. The name combines the ancient Korean wordhan (한), meaning great, andgeul (글), meaning script. The wordhan is used to refer to Korea in general, so the name also means Korean script.[14] It has beenromanized in multiple ways:
Han'gŭl in theMcCune–Reischauer system, is often capitalized and rendered without thediacritics when used as an English word, Hangul, as it appears in many English dictionaries.
Hān kul in theYale romanization, a system recommended for technical linguistic studies.
Until the mid-20th century, the Korean elite preferred to write usingChinese characters calledHanja. They referred to Hanja asjinseo (진서;眞書) meaning true letters. Some accounts say the elite referred to the Korean alphabet derisively asamkeul (암클) meaning women's script, andahaetgeul (아햇글) meaning children's script, though there is no written evidence of this.[16]
Supporters of the Korean alphabet referred to it asjeongeum (정음;正音) meaning correct pronunciation,gungmun (국문;國文) meaning national script, andeonmun (언문;諺文) meaningvernacular script.[16]
Koreans primarily wrote usingLiterary Chinese alongside native phonetic writing systems that predate Hangul by hundreds of years, includingIdu script,Hyangchal,Gugyeol and Gakpil.[17][18][19][20] However, many lower class uneducated Koreans were illiterate due to the difficulty of learning the Korean and Chinese languages, as well as the large number of Chinese characters that are used.[21] To promote literacy among the common people, the fourth king of theJoseon dynasty,Sejong the Great, personally created and promulgated a new alphabet.[4][21][22] Although it is widely assumed that King Sejong ordered theHall of Worthies to invent Hangul, contemporary records such as theVeritable Records of King Sejong andChŏng Inji's preface to theHunminjeongeum Haerye emphasize that he invented it himself.[23]
The project was completed sometime between December 1443 and January 1444, and described in a 1446 document titledHunminjeongeum (The Proper Sounds for the Education of the People), after which the alphabet itself was originally named.[16] The publication date of theHunminjeongeum, October 9, becameHangul Day in South Korea. Its North Korean equivalent, Chosŏn'gŭl Day, is on January 15.
Another document published in 1446 and titledHunminjeongeum Haerye (Hunminjeongeum Explanation and Examples) was discovered in 1940. This document explains that the design of the consonant letters is based onarticulatory phonetics and the design of the vowel letters is based on the principles ofyin and yang andvowel harmony.[24] After the creation of Hangul, people from the lower class or the commoners had a chance to be literate. They learned how to read and write Korean, not just the upper classes and literary elite. They learn Hangul independently without formal schooling or such.[25]
The Korean alphabet was designed so that people with little education could learn to read and write.[26] According toHunminjeongeum Haerye, KingSejong expressed his intention to understand the language of the people in his country and to express their meanings more conveniently in writing. He noted that the shapes of the traditional Chinese characters, as well as factors such as the thickness, stroke count, and order of strokes in calligraphy, were extremely complex, making it difficult for people to recognize and understand them individually. A popular saying about the alphabet is, "A wise man can acquaint himself with them before the morning is over; even a stupid man can learn them in the space of ten days."[27][28]
The opening page ofHunminjeongeum Haerye and its printed formHunminjeongeum Haeryebon contains King Sejong's foreword written in Literary Chinese, which reads:
The opening page ofHunminjeongeum Haeryebon written in Literary Chinese, reading from top to bottom and right to left. The second to fifth columns are transcribed in this article. The final column depicts the letterㄱ, and that its sound is the initial of theSino-Korean pronunciation of君 (Korean: 군;RR: gun;MR: kun).
國之語音。異乎中國。與文字不相流通。故愚民。有所欲言而終不得伸其情者。多矣。予。爲此憫然。新制二十八字。欲使人人易習。便於日用矣。[k] [Because] the spoken language of this country is different from that of China, it does not flow well with the [Chinese] characters. Therefore, even if the ignorant want to communicate, many of them in the end cannot state their concerns. Saddened by this, I have [had] 28 letters newly made. It is my wish that all the people may easily learn these letters and that [they] be convenient for daily use.
A page from theHunminjeongeum Eonhae, translating King Sejong's foreword in theHunminjeongeum Haerye from the original Literary Chinese to what is now calledMiddle Korean. The Hangul-only column, third from the left (나랏말ᄊᆞ미), has pitch-accent diacritics to the left of the syllable blocks.
The Korean alphabet faced opposition in the 1440s by the literary elite, includingChoe Manri and otherKorean Confucian scholars. They believedHanja was the only legitimate writing system. They also saw the circulation of the Korean alphabet as a road to break away from theSinosphere as well as a threat to their status.[21][29][30] However, the Korean alphabet enteredpopular culture as King Sejong had intended, used especially by women and writers of popular fiction.[31]
Prince Yeonsan banned the study and publication of the Korean alphabet in 1504 during his kingship, after a document criticizing him was published.[32] Similarly,King Jungjong abolished the Ministry of Eonmun, a governmental institution related to Hangul research, in 1506.[33]
The late 16th century, however, saw a revival of the Korean alphabet asgasa andsijo poetry flourished. In the 17th century, the Korean alphabet novels became a majorgenre.[34] However, the use of the Korean alphabet had gone withoutorthographical standardization for so long that spelling had become quite irregular.[31]
Songangasa, a collection of poems in mixed script byJeong Cheol, printed in 1768
Thanks to growingKorean nationalism, theGabo Reformists' push, and Western missionaries' promotion of the Korean alphabet in schools and literature,[39] the Hangul Korean alphabet was adopted in official documents for the first time in 1894.[32] Elementary school texts began using the Korean alphabet in 1895, andTongnip sinmun, established in 1896, was the first newspaper printed in both Korean and English.[40]
After the Japanese annexation, which occurred in 1910,Japanese was made the official language of Korea. However, the Korean alphabet was still taught in Korean-established schools built after the annexation and Korean was written in amixed Hanja-Hangul script, where most lexical roots were written in Hanja and grammatical forms in the Korean alphabet. Japan banned earlier Korean literature from public schooling, which becamemandatory for children.[41]
Theorthography of the Korean alphabet was partially standardized in 1912, when the vowelarae-a (ㆍ) — was restricted toSino-Korean roots: theemphatic consonants were standardized toㅺ,ㅼ,ㅽ,ㅆ,ㅾ, and final consonants restricted toㄱ,ㄴ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅂ,ㅅ,ㅇ,ㄺ,ㄻ, andㄼ.Long vowels were marked by a diacritic dot to the left of the syllable, but this was dropped in 1921.[31]
A second colonial reform occurred in 1930. Thearae-a was abolished: the emphatic consonants were changed toㄲ,ㄸ,ㅃ,ㅆ,ㅉ, and more final consonantsㄷ,ㅈ,ㅌ,ㅊ,ㅍ,ㄲ,ㄳ,ㄵ,ㄾ,ㄿ, andㅄ were allowed, making the orthography moremorphophonemic. The double consonantㅆ was written alone (without a vowel) when it occurred between nouns, and the nominative particle가 was introduced after vowels, replacing이.[31]
Thearae-a, in any case, begun to be merged with other vowels starting from the 15th century and the merging process was mostly complete by the 16th century[42]. In the 21st century it only survives in theJeju language which is mutually unintelligible with mainland South Korean varieties[43].
Ju Si-gyeong, the linguist who had coined the term Hangul to replaceEonmun or Vulgar Script in 1912, established the Korean Language Research Society (later renamed theHangul Society), which further reformed orthography withStandardized System of Hangul in 1933. The principal change was to make the Korean alphabet as morphophonemically practical as possible given the existing letters.[31] A system fortransliterating foreign orthographies was published in 1940.
Japan banned the Korean language from schools and public offices in 1938 and excluded Korean courses from the elementary education in 1941 as part of a policy ofcultural assimilation andgenocide.[44][45]
Both North Korea and South Korea have used the Korean alphabet ormixed script as their official writing system, with ever-decreasing use of Hanja especially in the North.
Beginning in the 1970s, Hanja began to experience a gradual decline in commercial or unofficial writing in the South due to government intervention, chiefly with PresidentPark Chung Hee's 5 Year Plan for Hangul Exclusivity (Korean: 한글전용 5개년 계획안;Hanja: 한글專用 5個年 計劃案;RR: hangeuljeonyong ogaenyeon gyehoegan),[46] with some South Korean newspapers now only using Hanja as abbreviations or disambiguation of homonyms. However, as Korean documents, history, literature and records throughout its history until the contemporary period were written primarily inLiterary Chinese using Hanja as its primary script, a good working knowledge of Chinese characters especially in academia is still important for anyone who wishes to interpret and study older texts from Korea, or anyone who wishes to read scholarly texts in the humanities.[47]
A high proficiency in Hanja is also useful for understanding the etymology ofSino-Korean words as well as to enlarge one's Korean vocabulary.[47]
North Korea instated Hangul as its exclusive writing system in 1949 on the orders ofKim Il Sung of theWorkers' Party of Korea, and officially banned the use of Hanja.[48]
A number of Indonesian Cia-Cia speakers who visited Seoul generated large media attention in South Korea, and they were greeted on their arrival byOh Se-hoon, themayor of Seoul.[57]
Letters in the Korean alphabet are calledjamo (자모;字母). There are 14consonants (자음;子音) and 10vowels (모음;母音) used in the modern alphabet. They were first named inHunmongjahoe [ko], aHanja textbook written byChoe Sejin. Additionally, there are 27 complex letters that are formed by combining the basic letters: 5 tense consonant letters, 11 complex consonant letters, and 11 complex vowel letters.
In typography design and inIME automata, the letters that make up a block are calledjaso (자소;字素).
The chart below shows all 19 consonants in South Korean alphabetic order withRevised Romanization equivalents for each letter and pronunciation inIPA (seeKorean phonology for more).
All Korean obstruents arevoiceless in that the larynx does not vibrate when producing those sounds and are further distinguished by degree of aspiration and tenseness. The tensed consonants are produced by constricting the vocal cords while heavily aspirated consonants (such as the Koreanㅍ,/pʰ/) are produced by opening them.[58]
The chart below shows the 21 vowels used in the modern Korean alphabet in South Korean alphabetic order withRevised Romanization equivalents for each letter and pronunciation inIPA (seeKorean phonology for more).
The vowels are generally separated into two categories:monophthongs anddiphthongs. Monophthongs are produced with a single articulatory movement (hence the prefix mono), while diphthongs feature an articulatory change. Diphthongs have two constituents: aglide (or a semivowel) and a monophthong. There is some disagreement about exactly how many vowels are considered Korean's monophthongs;[citation needed] the largest inventory features ten, while some scholars[who?] have proposed eight or nine. This divergence reveals two issues: whether Korean has two front rounded vowels (i.e. /ø/ and /y/); and, secondly, whether Korean has three levels of front vowels in terms of vowel height (i.e. whether /e/ and /ɛ/ are distinctive).[59] Actual phonological studies done by studying formant data show that current speakers of Standard Korean do not differentiate between the vowelsㅔ andㅐ in pronunciation.[60]
Alphabetic order in the Korean alphabet is called theganada order (가나다순), after the first three letters of the alphabet. The alphabetical order of the Korean alphabet does not mix consonants and vowels. Rather, first arevelar consonants, thencoronals,labials,sibilants, etc. The vowels come after the consonants.[61]
Thecollation order of Korean in Unicode is based on the South Korean order.
This is the basis of the modern alphabetic orders. It was before the development of the Korean tense consonants and the double letters that represent them, and before the conflation of the lettersㅇ (null) andㆁ (ng). Thus, when the North Korean and South Korean governments implemented full use of the Korean alphabet, they ordered these letters differently, with North Korea placing new letters at the end of the alphabet and South Korea grouping similar letters together.[63][64]
Unlike when it is initial, thisㅇ is pronounced, as the nasalㅇng, which occurs only as a final in the modern language. The double letters are placed to the very end, as in the initial order, but the combined consonants are ordered immediately after their first element.[63]
In the Southern order, double letters are placed immediately after their single counterparts:
ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅇ ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ
ㅏ ㅐ ㅑ ㅒ ㅓ ㅔ ㅕ ㅖ ㅗ ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅛ ㅜ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅠ ㅡ ㅢ ㅣ
The modernmonophthongal vowels come first, with the derived forms interspersed according to their form:i is added first, theniotated, then iotated with addedi.Diphthongs beginning withw are ordered according to their spelling, asㅗ orㅜ plus a second vowel, not as separatedigraphs.
Every syllable begins with a consonant (or the silent ㅇ) that is followed by a vowel (e.g.ㄷ + ㅏ = 다). Some syllables such as달 and닭 have a final consonant or final consonant cluster (받침). Thus, 399 combinations are possible for two-letter syllables and 10,773 possible combinations for syllables with more than two letters (27 possible final endings), for a total of 11,172 possible combinations of Korean alphabet letters to form syllables.[63]
The sort order including archaic Hangul letters defined in the South Korean national standardKS X 1026-1 is:[65]
Letters in the Korean alphabet were named by Korean linguistChoe Sejin in 1527. South Korea uses Choe's traditional names, most of which follow the format ofletter + i + eu + letter. Choe described these names by listing Hanja characters with similar pronunciations. However, as the syllables윽euk,읃eut, and읏eut did not occur in Hanja, Choe gave those letters the modified names기역giyeok,디귿digeut, and시옷siot, using Hanja that did not fit the pattern (for 기역) or native Korean syllables (for 디귿 and 시옷).[66]
Originally, Choe gaveㅈ,ㅊ,ㅋ,ㅌ,ㅍ, andㅎ the irregular one-syllable names ofji,chi,ḳi,ṭi,p̣i, andhi, because they should not be used as final consonants, as specified inHunminjeongeum. However, after establishment of the new orthography in 1933, which let all consonants be used as finals, the names changed to the present forms.
The chart below shows names used in North Korea for consonants in the Korean alphabet. The letters are arranged in North Korean alphabetic order, and the letter names are romanised with theMcCune–Reischauer system, which is widely used in North Korea. The tense consonants are described with the word된toen meaning hard.
The chart below shows names used in South Korea for consonants of the Korean alphabet. The letters are arranged in the South Korean alphabetic order, and the letter names are romanised in theRevised Romanization system, which is the officialromanization system of South Korea. The tense consonants are described with the word쌍ssang meaning double.
Letters in the Korean alphabet have adopted certain rules ofChinese calligraphy, althoughㅇ andㅎ use a circle, which is not used in printed Chinese characters.[67][68]
ㄱ (giyeok기역)
ㄴ (nieun니은)
ㄷ (digeut디귿)
ㄹ (rieul리을)
ㅁ (mieum미음)
ㅂ (bieup비읍)
ㅅ (siot시옷)
ㅇ (ieung이응)
ㅈ (jieut지읒)
ㅊ (chieut치읓)
ㅋ (ḳieuk키읔)
ㅌ (ṭieut티읕)
ㅍ (p̣ieup피읖)
ㅎ (hieut히읗)
ㅏ (a)
ㅐ (ae)
ㅓ (eo)
ㅔ (e)
ㅗ (o)
ㅜ (u)
ㅡ (eu)
ㅣ (i)
For theiotated vowels, which are not shown, the short stroke is simply doubled.
For instance, the consonantㅌ ṭ[tʰ] is composed of three strokes, each one meaningful: the top stroke indicatesㅌ is a plosive, likeㆆʔ,ㄱg,ㄷd,ㅈj, which have the same stroke (the last is anaffricate, a plosive–fricative sequence); the middle stroke indicates thatㅌ is aspirated, likeㅎh,ㅋḳ,ㅊch, which also have this stroke; and the bottom stroke indicates thatㅌ is alveolar, likeㄴn,ㄷd, andㄹl. (It is said to represent the shape of the tongue when pronouncing coronal consonants, though this is not certain.) Two obsolete consonants,ㆁ andㅱ, have dual pronunciations, and appear to be composed of two elements corresponding to these two pronunciations:[ŋ]~silence forㆁ and[m]~[w] forㅱ.
With vowel letters, a short stroke connected to the main line of the letter indicates that this is one of the vowels thatcan be iotated; this stroke is then doubled when the vowelis iotated. The position of the stroke indicates which harmonic class the vowel belongs to,light (top or right) ordark (bottom or left). In the modern alphabet, an additional vertical stroke indicatesi mutation, derivingㅐ[ɛ],ㅚ[ø], andㅟ[y] fromㅏ[a],ㅗ[o], andㅜ[u]. However, this is not part of the intentional design of the script, but rather a natural development from what were originallydiphthongs ending in the vowelㅣ[i]. Indeed, in manyKorean dialects,[citation needed] including the standarddialect of Seoul, some of these may still be diphthongs. For example, in the Seoul dialect,ㅚ may alternatively be pronounced[we̞], andㅟ[ɥi]. (ㅔ[e] as a morpheme is ㅓ combined with ㅣ as a vertical stroke. As a phoneme, its sound is not by i mutation ofㅓ[ʌ].)
Beside the letters, the Korean alphabet originally employeddiacritic marks to indicatepitch accent. A syllable with a high pitch (거성) was marked with a dot (〮) to the left of it (when writing vertically); a syllable with a rising pitch (상성) was marked with a double dot, like a colon (〯). These are no longer used, as modern Seoul Korean has lost tonality.Vowel length has also been neutralized in Modern Korean[69] and is no longer written.
The consonant letters fall into fivehomorganic groups, each with a basic shape, and one or more letters derived from this shape by means of additional strokes. In theHunmin Jeong-eum Haerye account, the basic shapes iconically represent the articulations thetongue,palate,teeth, andthroat take when making these sounds.
The Korean alphabet does not have a letter forw sound. Since ano oru before ana oreo became a[w] sound, and[w] occurred nowhere else,[w] could always be analyzed as aphonemico oru, and no letter for[w] was needed. However, vowel harmony is observed: darkㅜu with darkㅓeo forㅝwo; brightㅗo with brightㅏa forㅘwa:
ㅘwa = ㅗo + ㅏa
ㅝwo = ㅜu + ㅓeo
ㅙwae = ㅗo + ㅐae
ㅞwe = ㅜu + ㅔe
The compound vowels ending inㅣi were originallydiphthongs. However, several have since evolved into pure vowels:
There is no letter fory. Instead, this sound is indicated by doubling the stroke attached to the baseline of the vowel letter. Of the seven basic vowels, four could be preceded by ay sound, and these four were written as a dot next to a line. (Through the influence of Chinese calligraphy, the dots soon became connected to the line:ㅓㅏㅜㅗ.) A precedingy sound, called iotation, was indicated by doubling this dot:ㅕㅑㅠㅛyeo, ya, yu, yo. The three vowels that could not be iotated were written with a single stroke:ㅡ,ㆍ, andㅣeu, (arae a), i.
The simple iotated vowels are:
ㅑya fromㅏa
ㅕyeo fromㅓeo
ㅛyo fromㅗo
ㅠyu fromㅜu
There are also two iotated diphthongs:
ㅒyae fromㅐae
ㅖye fromㅔe
The Korean language of the 15th century hadvowel harmony to a greater extent than it does today. Vowels in grammaticalmorphemes changed according to their environment, falling into groups that "harmonized" with each other. This affected themorphology of the language, and Korean phonology described it in terms ofyin andyang: If a root word hadyang ('bright') vowels, then most suffixes attached to it also had to haveyang vowels; conversely, if the root hadyin ('dark') vowels, the suffixes had to beyin as well. There was a third harmonic group called mediating (neutral in Western terminology) that could coexist with eitheryin oryang vowels.
The Korean neutral vowel wasㅣi. Theyin vowels wereㅡ,ㅜ,ㅓeu, u, eo; the dots are in theyin directions of down and left. Theyang vowels wereㆍㅗㅏə,o,a, with the dots in theyang directions of up and right. TheHunmin Jeong-eum Haerye states that the shapes of the non-dotted lettersㅡ,ㆍ, andㅣ were chosen to represent the concepts ofyin,yang, and mediation: Earth, Heaven, and Human. (The letterㆍə is now obsolete except in the Jeju language.)
The third parameter in designing the vowel letters was choosingㅡ as the graphic base ofㅜ andㅗ, andㅣ as the graphic base ofㅓ andㅏ. A full understanding of what these horizontal and vertical groups had in common would require knowing the exact sound values these vowels had in the 15th century.
The uncertainty is primarily with the three lettersㆍㅓㅏ. Some linguists reconstruct these as*a,*ɤ, and*e, respectively; others as*ə,*e, and*a. A third reconstruction is to make them all middle vowels as*ʌ,*ɤ, and*a.[70] With the third reconstruction, Middle Korean vowels line up in a vowel harmony pattern, but with only one front vowel and four middle vowels:
However, the horizontal lettersㅡㅜㅗeu, u, o do all appear to have been mid to highback vowels,[*ɯ,*u,*o], and thus to have formed a coherent group phonetically in every reconstruction.
The traditionally accepted account[m][71][unreliable source?] on the design of the letters is that the vowels are derived from various combinations of the following three components:ㆍ ㅡ ㅣ. Here,ㆍ symbolically stands for the (sun in) heaven,ㅡ stands for the (flat) earth, andㅣ stands for an (upright) human. The original sequence of the Korean vowels, as stated in Hunminjeongeum, listed these three vowels first, followed by various combinations. Thus, the original order of the vowels was:ㆍ ㅡ ㅣ ㅗ ㅏ ㅜ ㅓ ㅛ ㅑ ㅠ ㅕ. Two positive vowels (ㅗ ㅏ) including oneㆍ are followed by two negative vowels including oneㆍ, then by two positive vowels each including two ofㆍ, and then by two negative vowels each including two ofㆍ.
The same theory provides the most simple explanation of the shapes of the consonants as an approximation of the shapes of the most representative organ needed to form that sound. The original order of the consonants in Hunminjeong'eum was:ㄱ ㅋ ㆁ ㄷ ㅌ ㄴ ㅂ ㅍ ㅁ ㅈ ㅊ ㅅ ㆆ ㅎ ㅇ ㄹ ㅿ.
ㄱ representing the[k] sound geometrically describes its tongue back raised.
ㅋ representing the[kʰ] sound is derived fromㄱ by adding another stroke.
ㆁ representing the[ŋ] sound may have been derived fromㅇ by addition of a stroke.
ㄷ representing the[t] sound is derived fromㄴ by adding a stroke.
ㅌ representing the[tʰ] sound is derived fromㄷ by adding another stroke.
ㄴ representing the[n] sound geometrically describes a tongue making contact with an upper palate.
ㅂ representing the[p] sound is derived fromㅁ by adding a stroke.
ㅍ representing the[pʰ] sound is a variant ofㅂ by adding another stroke.
ㅁ representing the[m] sound geometrically describes a closed mouth.
ㅈ representing the[t͡ɕ] sound is derived fromㅅ by adding a stroke.
ㅊ representing the[t͡ɕʰ] sound is derived fromㅈ by adding another stroke.
ㅅ representing the[s] sound geometrically describes the sharp teeth.[citation needed]
ㆆ representing the[ʔ] sound is derived fromㅇ by adding a stroke.
ㅎ representing the[h] sound is derived fromㆆ by adding another stroke.
ㅇ representing the absence of a consonant geometrically describes the throat.
ㄹ representing the[ɾ] and[ɭ] sounds geometrically describes the bending tongue.
ㅿ representing a weakㅅ sound describes the sharp teeth, but has a different origin thanㅅ.[clarification needed]
A close-up of the inscription on a statue of King Sejong. It readsSejong Daewang세종대왕 and illustrates the forms of the letters originally promulgated by Sejong. Note the dots on the vowels, the geometric symmetry ofs andj in the first two syllables, the asymmetrical lip at the top-left of thed in the third, and the distinction between initial and finalieung in the last. (Top) 'Phags-pa letters[k,t,p,s,l], and their supposed Korean derivatives[k,t,p,t͡ɕ,l]. Note the lip on both 'Phags-pa[t] and the Korean alphabetㄷ. (Bottom) Derivation of 'Phags-paw,v,f from variants of the letter[h] (left) plus a subscript[w], and analogous composition of the Korean alphabetw,v,f from variants of the basic letter[p] plus a circle.
Although theHunminjeong'eum Haerye explains the design of the consonantal letters in terms ofarticulatory phonetics, as a purely innovative creation, several theories suggest which external sources may have inspired or influenced King Sejong's creation. ProfessorGari Ledyard of Columbia University studied possible connections between Hangul and the Mongol'Phags-pa script of theYuan dynasty. He, however, also believed that the role of 'Phags-pa script in the creation of the Korean alphabet was quite limited, stating it should not be assumed that Hangul was derived from 'Phags-pa script based on his theory:
It should be clear to any reader that in the total picture, that ['Phags-pa script's] role was quite limited ... Nothing would disturb me more, after this study is published, than to discover in a work on the history of writing a statement like the following: "According to recent investigations, the Korean alphabet was derived fromthe Mongol'sphags-pa script."[72]
Ledyard posits that five of the Korean letters have shapes inspired by 'Phags-pa; a sixth basic letter, the null initialㅇ, was invented by Sejong. The rest of the letters were derived internally from these six, essentially as described in theHunmin Jeong-eum Haerye. However, the five borrowed consonants were not the graphically simplest letters considered basic by theHunmin Jeong-eum Haerye, but instead the consonants basic to Chinese phonology:ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅂ,ㅈ, andㄹ.[citation needed]
TheHunmin Jeong-eum states that King Sejong adapted the古篆 (gojeon,Gǔ Seal Script) in creating the Korean alphabet. The古篆 has never been identified. The primary meaning of古gǔ is old (Old Seal Script), frustrating philologists because the Korean alphabet bears no functional similarity to Chinese篆字zhuànzìseal scripts. However, Ledyard believes古gǔ may be a pun on蒙古Měnggǔ "Mongol", and that古篆 is an abbreviation of蒙古篆字 "Mongol Seal Script", that is, the formal variant of the 'Phags-pa alphabet written to look like the Chinese seal script. There were 'Phags-pa manuscripts in the Korean palace library, including some in the seal-script form, and several of Sejong's ministers knew the script well. If this was the case, Sejong's evasion on the Mongol connection can be understood in light of Korea's relationship withMing China after the fall of the MongolYuan dynasty, and of the literati's contempt for the Mongols.[citation needed]
According to Ledyard, the five borrowed letters were graphically simplified, which allowed for consonant clusters and left room to add a stroke to derive the aspirate plosives,ㅋㅌㅍㅊ. But in contrast to the traditional account, the non-plosives (ㆁ ㄴ ㅁ ㅅ) were derived byremoving the top of the basic letters. He points out that while it is easy to deriveㅁ fromㅂ by removing the top, it is not clear how to deriveㅂ fromㅁ in the traditional account, since the shape ofㅂ is not analogous to those of the other plosives.[citation needed]
The explanation of the letterng also differs from the traditional account. Many Chinese words began withng, but by King Sejong's day, initialng was either silent or pronounced[ŋ] in China, and was silent when these words were borrowed into Korean. Also, the expected shape ofng (the short vertical line left by removing the top stroke ofㄱ) would have looked almost identical to the vowelㅣ[i]. Sejong's solution solved both problems: The vertical stroke left fromㄱ was added to the null symbolㅇ to createㆁ (a circle with a vertical line on top), iconically capturing both the pronunciation[ŋ] in the middle or end of a word, and the usual silence at the beginning. (The graphic distinction between nullㅇ andngㆁ was eventually lost.)
Another letter composed of two elements to represent two regional pronunciations wasㅱ, which transcribed the Chineseinitial微. This represented eitherm orw in various Chinese dialects, and was composed ofㅁ [m] plusㅇ (from 'Phags-pa [w]). In 'Phags-pa, a loop under a letter representedw after vowels, and Ledyard hypothesized that this became the loop at the bottom ofㅱ. In 'Phags-pa the Chinese initial微 is also transcribed as a compound withw, but in its case thew is placed under anh. Actually, the Chinese consonant series微非敷w,v,f is transcribed in 'Phags-pa by the addition of aw under three graphic variants of the letter forh, and the Korean alphabet parallels this convention by adding thew loop to the labial seriesㅁㅂㅍm,b,p, producing now-obsoleteㅱㅸㆄw,v,f. (Phonetic values in Korean are uncertain, as these consonants were only used to transcribe Chinese.)
As a final piece of evidence, Ledyard notes that most of the borrowed Korean letters were simple geometric shapes, at least originally, but thatㄷd [t] always had a small lip protruding from the upper left corner, just as the 'Phags-paꡊd [t] did. This lip can be traced back to the Tibetan letterདd.[citation needed]
There is also the argument that the original theory, which stated the Hangul consonants to have been derived from the shape of the speaker's lips and tongue during the pronunciation of the consonants (initially, at least), slightly strains credulity.[73]
Hankido [H.N-GI-DO], a martial art, using the obsolete vowelarae-a (top)
Numerous obsolete Korean letters and sequences are no longer used in Korean. Some of these letters were only used to represent the sounds of Chineserime tables. Some of the Korean sounds represented by these obsolete letters still exist in dialects.
66 obsolete clusters of two consonants: ᇃ, ᄓ /ng/ (like English think), ㅦ /nd/ (as English Monday), ᄖ, ㅧ /ns/ (as English Pennsylvania), ㅨ, ᇉ /tʰ/ (as ㅌ; nt in the language Esperanto), ᄗ /dg/ (similar to ㄲ; equivalent to the word 밖 in Korean), ᇋ /dr/ (like English indrive), ᄘ/ɭ/ (similar to French Belle), ㅪ, ㅬ /lz/ (similar to Englishtall zebra), ᇘ, ㅭ/t͡ɬ/ (tl or ll; as in Nahuatl), ᇚ /ṃ/ (mh or mg, mm in English hammer,Middle Korean: pronounced as 목 mog with the ㄱ in the word almost silent), ᇛ, ㅮ, ㅯ (similar to ㅂ in Korean 없다), ㅰ, ᇠ, ᇡ, ㅲ, ᄟ, ㅳ bd (assimilated later into ㄸ), ᇣ, ㅶ bj (assimilated later into ㅉ), ᄨ /bj/ (similar to 비추 in Korean verb 비추다bit-chu-da but without the vowel), ㅷ, ᄪ, ᇥ /ph/ (pha similar to Korean word 돌입하지dol ip-haji), ㅺ sk (assimilated later into ㄲ; English: pick), ㅻ sn (assimilated later into nn in English annal), ㅼ sd (initial position; assimilated later into ㄸ), ᄰ, ᄱ sm (assimilated later into nm), ㅽ sb (initial position; similar sound to ㅃ), ᄵ, ㅾ assimilated later into ㅉ), ᄷ, ᄸ, ᄹ /θ/, ᄺ/ɸ/, ᄻ, ᅁ, ᅂ /ð/, ᅃ, ᅄ /v/, ᅅ (assimilated later into ㅿ; English z), ᅆ, ᅈ, ᅉ, ᅊ, ᅋ, ᇬ, ᇭ, ㆂ, ㆃ, ᇯ, ᅍ, ᅒ, ᅓ, ᅖ, ᇵ, ᇶ, ᇷ, ᇸ
17 obsolete clusters of three consonants: ᇄ, ㅩ /rgs/ (similar to "rx" in English name Marx), ᇏ, ᇑ /lmg/ (similar to English Pullman), ᇒ, ㅫ, ᇔ, ᇕ, ᇖ, ᇞ, ㅴ, ㅵ, ᄤ, ᄥ, ᄦ, ᄳ, ᄴ
(also commonly found in theJeju language: /ɒ/, closely similar to vowel:ㅓeo)
Letter name
아래아 (arae-a)
formerly the base vowelㅡeu in the early development of Hangul when it was considered vowelless, later development into different base vowels for clarification; acts also as a mark that indicates the consonant is pronounced on its own, e.g.s-va-ha →ᄉᆞᄫᅡ 하
44 obsolete diphthongs and vowel sequences: ᆜ (/j/ or /jɯ/ or /jɤ/, yeu or ehyu); closest similarity to ㅢ, when follow by ㄱ on initial position, pronunciation does not produce any difference: ᄀᆜ /gj/),ᆝ (/jɒ/; closest similarity to ㅛ,ㅑ, ㅠ, ㅕ, when follow by ㄱ on initial position, pronunciation does not produce any difference: ᄀᆝ /gj/), ᆢ(/j/; closest similarity to ㅢ, see former example inᆝ (/j/), ᅷ (/au̯/; IcelandicÁ, aw/ow in English allow), ᅸ (/jau̯/; yao or iao;Chinese diphthong iao), ᅹ, ᅺ, ᅻ, ᅼ, ᅽ /ōu/ (紬 ᄎᅽ,ch-ieou; like Chinese:chōu), ᅾ, ᅿ, ᆀ, ᆁ, ᆂ (/w/, wo or wh, hw), ᆃ /ow/ (English window), ㆇ, ㆈ, ᆆ, ᆇ, ㆉ (/jø/; yue), ᆉ /wʌ/ or /oɐ/ (pronounced like u'a, in English suave), ᆊ, ᆋ, ᆌ, ᆍ (wu in Englishwould), ᆎ /juə/ or /yua/ (like Chinese: 元yuán), ᆏ /ū/ (like Chinese: 軍jūn), ᆐ, ㆊ /ué/ jujə (ɥe; like Chinese: 瘸qué), ㆋ jujəj (ɥej; iyye), ᆓ, ㆌ /jü/ or /juj/ (/jy/ orɥi; yu.i; like GermanJürgen), ᆕ, ᆖ (the same as ᆜ in pronunciation, since there is no distinction due to it extreme similarity in pronunciation), ᆗ ɰju (ehyu or eyyu; like Englishnews), ᆘ, ᆙ /ià/ (like Chinese: 墊diàn), ᆚ, ᆛ, ᆟ, ᆠ (/ʔu/), ㆎ (ʌj; oi or oy, similar to English boy).
In the original Korean alphabet system, double letters were used to represent Chinesevoiced (濁音) consonants, which survive in theShanghaineseslack consonants and were not used for Korean words. It was only later that a similar convention was used to represent the modern tense (faucalized) consonants of Korean.
The sibilant (dental) consonants were modified to represent the two series of Chinese sibilants,alveolar andretroflex, a round vs. sharp distinction (analogous tos vssh) which was never made in Korean, and was even being lost from southern Chinese. The alveolar letters had longer left stems, while retroflexes had longer right stems:
5 Place of Articulation (오음, 五音) in Chinese Rime Table
ㆍə (in Modern Korean calledarae-a아래아 "lowera"): Presumably pronounced[ʌ], similar to modernㅓ (eo). It is written as a dot, positioned beneath the consonant. Thearae-a is not entirely obsolete, as it can be found in various brand names, and in theJeju language, where it is pronounced[ɒ]. Theə formed a medial of its own, or was found in the diphthongㆎəy, written with the dot under the consonant andㅣ (i) to its right, in the same fashion asㅚ orㅢ.
ㅿz (bansiot반시옷 "halfs",banchieum반치음): An unusual sound, perhaps IPA[ʝ̃] (anasalizedpalatal fricative). Modern Korean words previously spelled withㅿ substituteㅅ orㅇ.
ㆁŋ (yedieung옛이응) "old ieung" : The original letter for[ŋ]; now conflated withㅇieung. (With some computerfonts such asArial Unicode MS,yesieung is shown as a flattened version ofieung, but the correct form is with a long peak, longer than what one would see on aserif version ofieung.)
ㅸβ (gabyeounbieup가벼운비읍,sungyeongeumbieup순경음비읍): IPA[f]. This letter appears to be a digraph ofbieup andieung, but it may be more complicated than that—the circle appears to be only coincidentally similar toieung. There were three other, less-common letters for sounds in this section of the Chineserime tables,ㅱw ([w] or[m]),ㆄf, andㅹff[v̤]. It operates slightly like a followingh in the Latin alphabet (one may think of these letters asbh, mh, ph, andpph respectively). Koreans do not distinguish these sounds now, if they ever did, conflating thefricatives with the correspondingplosives.
Two obsolete letters were restored:⟨ㅿ⟩ (리읃), which was used to indicate an alternation in pronunciation between initial/l/ and final/d/; and⟨ㆆ⟩ (히으), which was only pronounced between vowels.
Two modifications of the letterㄹ were introduced, one which is silent finally, and one which doubled between vowels. A hybridㅂ-ㅜ letter was introduced for words that alternated between those two sounds (that is, a/b/, which became/w/ before a vowel).
Finally, a vowel⟨1⟩ was introduced for variableiotation.
Hangul jamo characters in UnicodeHangul Compatibility Jamo block in Unicode
Hangul Jamo (U+1100–U+11FF) and Hangul Compatibility Jamo (U+3130–U+318F) blocks were added to theUnicode Standard in June 1993 with the release of version 1.1. A separateHangul Syllables block (not shown below due to its length) contains pre-composed syllable block characters, which were first added at the same time, although they were relocated to their present locations in July 1996 with the release of version 2.0.[75]
Hangul Jamo Extended-A (U+A960–U+A97F) and Hangul Jamo Extended-B (U+D7B0–U+D7FF) blocks were added to the Unicode Standard in October 2009 with the release of version 5.2.
2.ᄀ: Hanguljamo with a green background are modern-usage characters which can be converted intoprecomposed Hangul syllables underUnicode normalization form NFC. Hanguljamo with a white background are used for archaic Korean only, and there are no corresponding precomposed Hangul syllables. "Conjoining Jamo Behavior"(PDF).The Unicode Standard. March 2020.
Except for a few grammatical morphemes prior to the twentieth century, no letter stands alone to represent elements of the Korean language. Instead, letters are grouped intosyllabic ormorphemic blocks of at least two and often three: a consonant or a doubled consonant called theinitial (초성;初聲;choseongsyllable onset), a vowel ordiphthong called themedial (중성;中聲;jungseongsyllable nucleus), and, optionally, a consonant or consonant cluster at the end of the syllable, called thefinal (종성;終聲;jongseongsyllable coda). When a syllable has no actual initial consonant, thenull initialㅇieung is used as a placeholder. (In the modern Korean alphabet, placeholders are not used for the final position.) Thus, a block contains a minimum of two letters, an initial and a medial. Although the Korean alphabet had historically been organized into syllables, in the modern orthography it is first organized into morphemes, and only secondarily into syllables within those morphemes, with the exception that single-consonant morphemes may not be written alone.
The sets of initial and final consonants are not the same. For instance,ㅇng only occurs in final position, while the doubled letters that can occur in final position are limited toㅆss andㄲkk.
Not including obsolete letters, 11,172 blocks are possible in the Korean alphabet.[79]
The placement or stacking of letters in the block follows set patterns based on the shape of the medial.
Consonant and vowel sequences such asㅄbs,ㅝwo, or obsoleteㅵbsd,ㆋüye are written left to right.
Vowels (medials) are written under the initial consonant, to the right, or wrap around the initial from bottom to right, depending on their shape: If the vowel has a horizontal axis likeㅡeu, then it is written under the initial; if it has a vertical axis likeㅣi, then it is written to the right of the initial; and if it combines both orientations, likeㅢui, then it wraps around the initial from the bottom to the right:
med. 2
med. 1
A final consonant, if present, is always written at the bottom, under the vowel. This is called받침batchim "supporting floor":
med. 2
A complex final is written left to right:
final 1
final 2
final 1
final 2
med. 2
fin. 1
fin. 2
Blocks are always written in phonetic order, initial-medial-final. Therefore:
Syllables with a horizontal medial are written downward:읍eup;
Syllables with a vertical medial and simple final are written clockwise:쌍ssang;
Syllables with a wrapping medial switch direction (down-right-down):된doen;
Syllables with a complex final are written left to right at the bottom:밟balp.
Normally the resulting block is written within a square. Some recent fonts (for example Eun,[80]HY깊은샘물M,[citation needed] and UnJamo[citation needed]) move towards the European practice of letters whose relative size is fixed, and use whitespace to fill letter positions not used in a particular block, and away from the East Asian tradition of square block characters (方块字). They break one or more of the traditional rules:[clarification needed]
Do not stretch initial consonant vertically, but leavewhitespace below if no lower vowel or no final consonant.
Do not stretch right-hand vowel vertically, but leave whitespace below if no final consonant. (Often the right-hand vowel extends farther down than the left-hand consonant, like adescender in European typography.)
Do not stretch final consonant horizontally, but leave whitespace to its left.
Do not stretch or pad each block to afixed width, but allowkerning (variable width) where syllable blocks with no right-hand vowel and no double final consonant can be narrower than blocks that do have a right-hand vowel or double final consonant.
In Korean, typefaces that do not have a fixed block boundary size are called탈네모 글꼴 (tallemo geulkkol, 'out of square typeface'). If horizontal text in the typeface ends up looking top-aligned with aragged bottom edge, the typeface can be called빨랫줄 글꼴 (ppallaetjul geulkkol, 'clothesline typeface').[citation needed]
These fonts have been used as design accents on signs or headings, rather than for typesetting large volumes of body text.
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Computer Modern Unicode Oesol, a linear Hangul font with both uppercase and lowercase characters, using the Unicode Private Use Area. The text is a pangram that reads:"웬 초콜릿? 제가 원했던 건 뻥튀기 쬐끔과 의류예요." "얘야, 왜 또 불평?"
There was a minor and unsuccessful movement in the early twentieth century to abolish syllabic blocks and write the letters individually and in a row, in the fashion of writing theLatin alphabets, instead of the standard convention of모아쓰기 (moa-sseugi 'assembled writing'). For example,ㅎㅏㄴㄱㅡㄹ would be written for한글(Hangeul).[81] It is called 풀어쓰기 (pureo-sseugi 'unassembled writing').
Avant-garde typographerAhn Sang-soo created a font for the Hangul Dada exposition that disassembled the syllable blocks; but while it strings out the letters horizontally, it retains the distinctive vertical position each letter would normally have within a block, unlike the older linear writing proposals.[82]
Until the 20th century, no official orthography of the Korean alphabet had been established. Due to liaison, heavy consonant assimilation, dialectal variants and other reasons, a Korean word can potentially be spelled in multiple ways. Sejong seemed to prefermorphophonemic spelling (representing the underlying root forms) rather than aphonemic one (representing the actual sounds). However, early in its history the Korean alphabet was dominated by phonemic spelling. Over the centuries the orthography became partially morphophonemic, first in nouns and later in verbs. The modern Korean alphabet is as morphophonemic as is practical. The difference between phonetic romanization, phonemic orthography and morphophonemic orthography can be illustrated with the phrasemotaneun sarami:
Phonetic transcription and translation:
motaneun sarami [mo.tʰa.nɯɾa.mi] a person who cannot do it
After theGabo Reform in 1894,Joseon and later theKorean Empire started to write all official documents in the Korean alphabet. Under the government's management, proper usage of the Korean alphabet and Hanja, including orthography, was discussed, until the Korean Empire wasannexed by Japan in 1910.
TheGovernment-General of Korea popularised a writing style that mixed Hanja and the Korean alphabet, and was used in the later Joseon dynasty. The government revised the spelling rules in 1912 withOrthographic Rules for Vernacular Writing for Normal Schools [kr] (普通學校用諺文綴字法), 1921 withSummary of Orthographic Rules for Vernacular Writing for Normal Schools (普通學校用諺文綴字法大要), and again in 1930 withOrthographic Rules for Vernacular Writing (諺文綴字法), to be relatively phonemic.[83]
TheHangul Society, founded byJu Si-gyeong, announced a proposal for a new, strongly morphophonemic orthography in 1933, titledProposal for a Unified Hangul Orthography [kr] (한글 맞춤법 통일안),[84] which became the prototype of the contemporary orthographies in both North and South Korea.[how?] After Korea was divided, the North and South revised orthographies separately. The guiding text for orthography of the Korean alphabet is calledHangeul Matchumbeop (Spelling System of Hangul/The Rules of Korean Spelling), whose last South Korean enactment was published in 1988 by the Ministry of Education and whose last revision was published in 2017 by theMinistry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.[85]
Since the late Joseon period, variousHanja–Hangul mixed systems were used. In these systems, Hanja were used for lexical roots, and the Korean alphabet for grammatical words and inflections, much askanji andkana are used in Japanese. Hanja have been almost entirely phased out of daily use in North Korea, and in South Korea they are mostly restricted to parenthetical glosses for proper names and for disambiguating homonyms.
Because of syllable clustering, words are shorter on the page than their linear counterparts would be, and the boundaries between syllables are easily visible (which may aid reading, if segmenting words into syllables is more natural for the reader than dividing them into phonemes).[86] Because the component parts of the syllable are relatively simple phonemic characters, the number of strokes per character on average is lower than inChinese characters. Unlike syllabaries, such as Japanesekana, or Chinese logographs, none of which encode the constituent phonemes within a syllable, the graphic complexity of Korean syllabic blocks varies in direct proportion with the phonemic complexity of the syllable.[87] Like Japanese kana or Chinese characters, and unlike linear alphabets such asthose derived from Latin, Korean orthography allows the reader to utilize both the horizontal and vertical visual fields.[88] Since Korean syllables are represented both as collections of phonemes and as unique-looking graphs, they may allow for both visual and aural retrieval of words from thelexicon. Similar syllabic blocks, when written in small size, can be hard to distinguish from, and therefore sometimes confused with, each other. Examples include홋/훗/흣 (hot/hut/heut),퀼/퀄 (kwil/kwol),홍/흥 (hong/heung), and핥/핣/핢 (halt/halp/halm).
The Korean alphabet may be written either vertically or horizontally. The traditional direction is from top to bottom, right to left. Horizontal writing is also used.[89]
InHunmin Jeongeum, the Korean alphabet was printed in sans-serif angular lines of even thickness. This style is found in books published before about 1900, and can be found in stone carvings (on statues, for example).[89]
Over the centuries, an ink-brush style ofcalligraphy developed, employing the same style of lines and angles as traditional Korean calligraphy. This brush style is calledgungche (궁체;宮體), which means Palace Style because the style was mostly developed and used by the maidservants (궁녀;宮女;gungnyeo) of the Joseon court.
Modern styles that are more suited for printed media were developed in the 20th century. In 1993, new names for bothMyeongjo (明朝) andGothic styles were introduced when Ministry of Culture initiated an effort to standardize typographic terms, and the namesBatang (바탕, meaning background) andDotum (돋움, meaning "stand out") replaced Myeongjo and Gothic respectively. These names are also used inMicrosoft Windows.
A sans-serif style with lines of equal width is popular with pencil and pen writing and is often the default typeface of Web browsers. A minor advantage of this style is that it makes it easier to distinguish-eung from-ung even in small or untidy print, as thejongseong ieung (ㅇ) of such fonts usually lacks aserif that could be mistaken for the short vertical line of the letterㅜ (u).
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