This article needs to beupdated. The reason given is: Most scientific articles/reviews of literature here are from before 2015. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.(February 2025)
Medical condition
Other names
veisalgia fromNorwegian:kveis, "discomfort following overindulgence", andGreek:ἄλγοςálgos, "pain"[1]
Though many possible remedies and folk cures have been suggested, there is no compelling evidence to suggest that any are effective for preventing or treating hangovers.[5][6] Avoiding alcohol or drinking in moderation are the most effective ways to avoid a hangover.[5]The socioeconomic consequences of hangovers include workplaceabsenteeism, impairedjob performance, reducedproductivity and pooracademic achievement. A hangover may also impair performance during potentially dangerous daily activities such as driving a car or operatingheavy machinery.[7]
One of the signs of a severe hangover is a headache.A painting from 1681 showing a person affected by vomiting, a typical symptom of alcohol hangover
An alcohol hangover is associated with a variety ofsymptoms that may include drowsiness, headache, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, sweating,nausea, hyper-excitability,anxiety, and a feeling of general discomfort that may last more than 24 hours.[8] Alcohol hangover symptoms develop whenblood alcohol concentration falls considerably and peak when it returns to almost zero.[7][9] Hangover symptoms validated incontrolled studies include generalmalaise, thirst,headache, feeling dizzy or faint, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, stomach ache, and feeling as though one's heart is racing. Some symptoms such as changes in sleep pattern and gastrointestinal distress are attributed to direct effects of the alcohol intoxication, orwithdrawal symptoms.[10]Drowsiness and impairedcognitive function are the two dominant features of alcohol hangover.[9]
The processes which lead to hangovers are still poorly understood.[3] Several pathophysiological changes may give rise to the alcohol hangover including increased levels of acetaldehyde, hormonal alterations of thecytokine pathways and decrease of the availability ofglucose. Additional associated phenomena aredehydration,metabolic acidosis, disturbedprostaglandin synthesis, increasedcardiac output,vasodilation, sleep deprivation and insufficient eating.[2] Some complex organic molecules found in alcoholic beverages known ascongeners may play an important role in producing hangover effects because some, such asmethanol, are metabolized to the notably toxic substancesformaldehyde andformic acid.[2]
Alcohol also induces theCYP2E1 enzyme, which metabolizes ethanol and other substances into more reactive toxins. In particular, inbinge drinking the enzyme is activated and plays a role in creating a harmful condition known asoxidative stress which can lead to cell death.[12]
Acetaldehyde, the first by-product of ethanol, is between 10 and 30 times more toxic thanalcohol itself[13] and can remain at an elevated plateau for many hours after initial ethanol consumption.[14] In addition, certain genetic factors can amplify the negative effects of acetaldehyde. For example, some people (predominantlyEast Asians) have amutation in theiralcohol dehydrogenasegene that makes this enzyme unusually fast at converting ethanol to acetaldehyde. In addition, about half of all East Asians convert acetaldehyde to acetic acid more slowly (viaacetaldehyde dehydrogenase), causing a higher buildup of acetaldehyde than normally seen in other groups.[15] The high concentration of acetaldehyde causes thealcohol flush reaction, colloquially known as the "Asian Flush". Since the alcohol flush reaction is highly uncomfortable and the possibility of hangovers is immediate and severe, people with this gene variant are less likely to becomealcoholics.[16][17]
In addition to ethanol and water, most alcoholic drinks also containcongeners, either as flavoring or as a by-product offermentation and thewine aging process. While ethanol is by itself sufficient to produce most hangover effects, congeners may potentially aggravate hangover and other residual effects to some extent. Congeners include substances such asamines,amides,acetones, acetaldehydes,polyphenols, methanol,histamines,fusel oil,esters,furfural, andtannins, many but not all of which are toxic.[10] One study in mice indicates that fusel oil may have a mitigating effect on hangover symptoms,[20] while some whiskey congeners such asbutanol protect the stomach against gastric mucosal damage in the rat.[21] Different types of alcoholic beverages contain different amounts of congeners. In general, dark liquors have a higher concentration while clear liquors have a lower concentration. Whereasvodka has virtually no more congeners than pure ethanol,bourbon has a total congener content 37 times higher than that found in vodka.[10]
Several studies have examined whether certain types of alcohol cause worse hangovers.[22][23][24][25] All four studies concluded that darker liquors, which have higher congeners, produced worse hangovers. One even showed that hangovers were worseand more frequent with darker liquors.[22] In a 2006 study, an average of 14 standard drinks (330ml each) of beer was needed to produce a hangover, but only 7 to 8 drinks was required for wine or liquor (note that one standard drink has the same amount of alcohol regardless of type).[25] Another study ranked several drinks by their ability to cause a hangover as follows (from low to high): distilled ethanol diluted with fruit juice, beer, vodka, gin, white wine, whisky, rum, red wine and brandy.[24][25]
One potent congener ismethanol. It is naturally formed in small quantities during fermentation and it can be accidentally concentrated by improper distillation techniques.Metabolism of methanol produces some extremely toxic compounds, such asformaldehyde andformic acid, which may play a role in the severity of hangover.Ethanol slows the conversion of methanol into its toxic metabolites so that most of the methanol can be excreted harmlessly in the breath and urine without forming its toxic metabolites. This may explain the temporary postponement of symptoms reported in the common remedy of drinking more alcohol to relieve hangover symptoms.[10][26] Since methanol metabolism is effectively inhibited by consumption of alcohol, methanol accumulates during drinking and only begins to be metabolized once ethanol has been cleared. This delayed action makes it an attractive candidate explanation for delayed post-intoxication symptoms and correlations between methanol concentrations and the presence of hangover symptoms that have been found in studies.[4]
The metabolic processes required for alcohol elimination deplete essential vitamins[27] and electrolytes.[28] Furthermore, alcohol is adiuretic, causing excretion of electrolytes through urination. After a night of drinking, the resulting lack of key B and C vitamins, as well as potassium, magnesium, and zinc may cause fatigue, aching and other hangover-like symptoms.[citation needed]
Ethanol has adehydrating effect by causing increased urine production (diuresis), which could cause thirst, dry mouth,dizziness and may lead to anelectrolyte imbalance. Studies suggest that electrolyte changes play only a minor role in the genesis of the alcohol hangover and are caused by dehydration effects. Drinking water may help relieve symptoms as a result of dehydration but it is unlikely that rehydration significantly reduces the presence and severity of alcohol hangover.[4] Alcohol's effect on the stomach lining can account for nausea because alcohol stimulates the production ofhydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Studies show that alcohol hangover is associated with a decrease in blood glucose concentration (less than 70 mg/dl), but the relationship between blood glucose concentration and hangover severity is unclear.[4] Also known as insulin shock, hypoglycemia can lead to coma or even death.[29]
In current research, the significant relationship between immune factors and hangover severity is the most convincing among all factors so far studied.[4] An imbalance of theimmune system, in particular ofcytokine metabolism has been identified as playing a role in the pathophysiology of the hangover state. Especially the hangover symptoms nausea, headache, and fatigue have been suggested to be mediated by changes in the immune system. The concentration of several cytokines have been found to be significantly increased in the blood after alcohol consumption. These includeinterleukin 12 (IL-12),interferon gamma (IFNγ) andinterleukin 10 (IL-10).[30] Some pharmacological studies such as ontolfenamic acid[31] andOpuntia ficus-indica (OFI)[32] have also indicated an involvement of the immune system. These studies suggest that the presence and severity of hangover symptoms can probably be reduced by administration of acyclooxygenase inhibitor such asaspirin oribuprofen.[4]
Several factors which do not in themselves cause alcohol hangover are known to influence its severity. These factors include personality, genetics, health status, age, sex, associated activities during drinking such as smoking, the use of other drugs, physical activity such as dancing, as well as sleep quality and duration.[4]
Genetics:alleles associated with aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and flushingphenotypes (alcohol flush reaction) in Asians are known genetic factors that influence alcohol tolerance and the development of hangover effects. Existing data shows that drinkers withgenotypes known to lead to acetaldehyde accumulation are more susceptible to hangover effects.[33] The fact that about 25% of heavy drinkers claim that they have never had a hangover is also an indication that genetic variation plays a role in individual differences of hangover severity.[7]
Age: some people experience hangovers as getting worse as one ages. This is thought to be caused by declining supplies of alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme involved in metabolizing alcohol. Although it is actually unknown whether hangover symptoms and severity change with age, research shows that drinking patterns change across ages, and heavy drinking episodes that may result in hangover are much less often experienced as age increases.[7]
Sex: at the same number of drinks, women are more prone to hangover than men, and this is likely explained by sex differences in the pharmacokinetics of alcohol. Women attain a higherblood alcohol concentration (BAC) than men at the same number of drinks. At equivalent BACs, men and women appear to be indistinguishable with respect to most hangover effects.[33]
Cigarette smoking: acetaldehyde which is absorbed from cigarette smoking during alcohol consumption is regarded as a contributor to alcohol hangover symptoms.[12]
Hangovers are poorly understood from a medical point of view.[34] Health care professionals prefer to study alcohol abuse from a standpoint of treatment and prevention, and there is a view that the hangover provides a useful, natural and intrinsic disincentive to excessive drinking.[35]
Within the limited amount of serious study on the subject, there is debate about whether a hangover may be prevented or at least mitigated. There is also a vast body offolk medicine and simplequackery. A four-page literature review in theBritish Medical Journal concludes: "No compelling evidence exists to suggest that any conventional or complementary intervention is effective for preventing or treating alcohol hangover. The most effective way to avoid the symptoms of alcohol induced hangover is to avoid drinking."[5] Most remedies do not significantly reduce overall hangover severity. Some compounds reduce specific symptoms such as vomiting and headache, but are not effective in reducing other common hangover symptoms such as drowsiness and fatigue.[36]
Some sources indicate there is no evidence that any treatments for hangovers are effective.[5][36]
Rehydration: Drinking water before going to bed or during hangover may relieve dehydration-associated symptoms such as thirst, dizziness, dry mouth, and headache.[4][22][37][38][39][40]
Tolfenamic acid, an inhibitor ofprostaglandin synthesis, in a 1983 study reduced headache, nausea, vomiting, irritation but had no effect on tiredness in 30 people.[36]
Pyritinol: A 1973 study found that large doses (several hundred times the recommended daily intake) of Pyritinol, a syntheticVitamin B6 analog, can help to reduce hangover symptoms.[22] Possible side effects of pyritinol includehepatitis (liver damage) due tocholestasis andacute pancreatitis.[41][42]
Yeast-based extracts: The difference in the change for discomfort, restlessness, and impatience were statistically significant but no significant differences on blood chemistry parameters, blood alcohol or acetaldehyde concentrations have been found, and it did not significantly improve general well-being.[36]
Kudzu roots (Pueraria lobata), a common ingredient in herbal hangover remedies, may have harmful effects when combined with alcohol.
Recommendations for foods, drinks and activities to relieve hangover symptoms abound. The ancientRomans, on the authority ofPliny the Elder, favored rawowl's eggs or friedcanary,[43] while the "prairie oyster" restorative, introduced at the 1878 Paris World Exposition, calls for raw egg yolk mixed withWorcestershire sauce,Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper.[44] By 1938, theRitz-Carlton Hotel provided a hangover remedy in the form of a mixture ofCoca-Cola and milk[44] (Coca-Cola itself having been invented, by some accounts,[45][46] as a hangover remedy). Alcoholic writerErnest Hemingway relied on tomato juice and beer.[47] Other purported hangover cures include cocktails such asBloody Mary orBlack Velvet (consisting of equal partschampagne andstout).[47] A 1957 survey by an Americanfolklorist found widespread belief in the efficacy of heavy fried foods, tomato juice and sexual activity.[48]
Other untested or discredited treatments include:
Hair of the dog: The belief is that consumption of further alcohol after the onset of a hangover will relieve symptoms, based upon the theory that the hangover represents a form ofalcohol withdrawal[35] and that by satiating the body's need for alcohol the symptoms will be relieved. Social drinkers and alcoholics claim that drinking more alcohol gives relief from hangover symptoms, but research shows that the use of alcohol as a hangover cure seems to predict current or future problem drinking and alcohol use disorder, throughnegative reinforcement and the development ofphysical dependence.[26][33] While the practice is popular in tradition[48] and promoted by many sellers of alcoholic beverages,[49] medical opinion holds that the practice merely postpones the symptoms, and courts addiction.[50] Favored choices include aCorpse Reviver,Fernet Branca[51] andBloody Mary.[52]
Kudzu (葛): the root ("lobata") been touted in the West as a remedy, though it's the flower ("flos") that is actually used in traditional remedies. A 2007 review finds evidence for the flower beingpotentially useful, but the root being likely harmful, as the latter is an inhibitor ofALDH2.[53]
Artichoke: Research shows that artichoke extract does not prevent the signs and symptoms of alcohol-induced hangover.[36]
Sauna or steam-bath: Medical opinion holds this may be dangerous, as the combination of alcohol andhyperthermia increases the likelihood of dangerousabnormal heart rhythms.[54]
Oxygen: There have been anecdotal reports from those with easy access to a breathing oxygen supply—medical staff, and military pilots—that oxygen can also reduce the symptoms of hangovers sometimes caused by alcohol consumption. The theory is that the increased oxygen flow resulting from oxygen therapy improves the metabolic rate, and thus increases the speed at which toxins are broken down.[55] However, one source states that (in an aviation context) oxygen has no effect on physical impairment caused by hangover.[56]
Fructose andglucose: Glucose and fructose significantly inhibit the metabolic changes produced by alcohol intoxication; nevertheless they have no significant effect on hangover severity.[36]
Vitamin B6: No effects on alcohol metabolism, peak blood alcohol and glucose concentrations have been found and psychomotor function is not significantly improved when using Vitamin B6 supplements.[36]
Consuming solely one type of alcoholic beverage ("Grape or grain but never the twain"), or consuming different types in a specific order ("Beer before wine and you'll feel fine; wine before beer and you'll feel queer"): These do not have any significant effect on the intensity of a subsequent hangover when controlling forBAC.[58]
A 1990 study of students at a rural New England university found that 25% had experienced a hangover in the previous week and 8% reported missing classes.[59]
Fifteen percent of men and women who have consumed alcohol experience hangovers at least monthly and 10% of British men reported hangover-related problems at work at least monthly.[22]
An estimated 9.23% (11.6 million workers) of the U.S. labor force work with a hangover.[60]
About 23% of drinkers do not report any hangover after drinking to intoxication.[10]
A somewhat dated French idiomatic expression for hangover is "mal aux cheveux", literally "sore hair" (or "[even] my hair hurts").[61] Some terms for 'hangover' are derived from names for liquor, for example, inChile a hangover is known as acaña[62] from a Spanish slang term for a glass of beer.[63] Similar is the Irish 'brown bottle flu' derived from the type of bottle common to beer.[64] In German, the hangover is known as a "Kater", literally atomcat. The most likely origin of the term is apun oncatarrh. Nowadays, "Kater" often is understood literally, resulting in cat motifs as depictions of hangovers.[65]
Alcohol hangover has considerable economic consequences. InFinland, a country with a population of 5 million persons, over 1 million workdays are lost each year because of hangovers. The average annual opportunity cost due to hangovers are estimated as 2000 (USD) per working adult.[22] The socioeconomic implications of an alcohol hangover include workplace absenteeism, impaired job performance, reduced productivity and poor academic achievement. Potentially dangerous daily activities such as driving a car or operating heavy machinery are also negatively influenced.[7]
In mid-2017, it was reported that one company in theUK allows sick days when hung over.[66]
As of 2019, South Korea's 'hangover-cure product' market, which comes in various formulations such as beverages, pills, and jelly, is a 250 billion won (US$213 million) industry.[67]
In 2012, Éduc'alcool, aQuebec-based non-profit organization that aims to educate the public on the responsible use of alcohol, published a report noting hangovers have long-lasting effects that inhibit the drinker's capabilities a full 24 hours after heavy drinking.[69]
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^Sprince H, Parker CM, Smith GG, Gonzales LJ (April 1974). "Protection against acetaldehyde toxicity in the rat by L-cysteine, thiamin and L-2-methylthiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid".Agents and Actions.4 (2):125–130.doi:10.1007/BF01966822.PMID4842541.S2CID5924137.
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^Goso Y, Ueno M, Hotta K, Ishihara K (March 2007). "Protective effects of the whisky congeners on ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage".Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.31 (3):390–394.doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2006.00319.x.PMID17295722.
^abPawan GL (May 1973). "Alcoholic drinks and hangover effects".The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.32 (1): 15A.PMID4760771.
^abcVerster JC (2006). "Congeners and alcohol hangover: differences in severity among Dutch college students after consuming beer, wine or liquor".Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.30 (Suppl. 6): 53A.doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2006.00150.x.
^abVerster JC (January 2009). "The "hair of the dog": a useful hangover remedy or a predictor of future problem drinking?".Current Drug Abuse Reviews.2 (1):1–4.doi:10.2174/1874473710902010001.PMID19630732.
^Kaysen G, Noth RH (January 1984). "The effects of alcohol on blood pressure and electrolytes".The Medical Clinics of North America.68 (1):221–246.doi:10.1016/S0025-7125(16)31251-2.PMID6361414.
^Kim DJ, Kim W, Yoon SJ, Choi BM, Kim JS, Go HJ, et al. (November 2003). "Effects of alcohol hangover on cytokine production in healthy subjects".Alcohol.31 (3):167–170.doi:10.1016/j.alcohol.2003.09.003.PMID14693266.
^Wiese J, McPherson S, Odden MC, Shlipak MG (June 2004). "Effect of Opuntia ficus indica on symptoms of the alcohol hangover".Archives of Internal Medicine.164 (12):1334–1340.doi:10.1001/archinte.164.12.1334.PMID15226168.
^abPaulsen FM (April–June 1961). "A Hair of the Dog and Some Other Hangover Cures from Popular Tradition".The Journal of American Folklore.74 (292):152–168.doi:10.2307/537784.JSTOR537784.
^McGregor NR (November 2007). "Pueraria lobata (Kudzu root) hangover remedies and acetaldehyde-associated neoplasm risk".Alcohol.41 (7):469–478.doi:10.1016/j.alcohol.2007.07.009.PMID17980785. N.B. The termsPueraria flos andPueraria lobata as used in the reference refer to different parts of the samekudzu plant. These terms are herb names, not species names.
^Ylikahri R, Heikkonen E, Soukas A (1988). "The sauna and alcohol".Annals of Clinical Research.20 (4):287–291.PMID3218903.
^Meilman PW, Stone JE, Gaylor MS, Turco JH (September 1990). "Alcohol consumption by college undergraduates: current use and 10-year trends".Journal of Studies on Alcohol.51 (5):389–395.doi:10.15288/jsa.1990.51.389.PMID2232790. N.B. this source is cited by Wiese JG, Shlipak MG, Browner WS (2000), but the numbers were quoted incorrectly.
^Ling J, Stephens R, Heffernan TM (June 2010). "Cognitive and psychomotor performance during alcohol hangover".Current Drug Abuse Reviews.3 (2):80–87.doi:10.2174/1874473711003020080.PMID20712592.