Thespectrum of this star matches anO-type main-sequence star with astellar classification of O9.5V.[10] It is unusual for a star of this class to have formed so far away from the galaxy'sstar forming regions.[9]Absorption lines in its spectrum indicate ametallicity that is inconsistent with being apopulation II star,[10] which are typically found in thegalaxy halo. Likewise, HD 93521 is unlikely to be arunaway star or ahot subdwarf, either of which could explain its remote location. It may instead be ablue straggler that was formed as a result of amerger.[9] The resulting star likely began as a close binary system of lower mass, longer-lived stars that were ejected from the galactic disk. The merger would then have reset the evolutionary clock, producing a hotter, shorter-lived star.[7]
HD 93521 is one of the most rapidly rotating stars known,[11] with estimates of itsprojected rotational velocity ranging from 390[10] up to 435 km/s.[7] This is at least 90% of the star's breakup velocity, assuming it is being viewed from along the equator.[10] The rapid spin is creating anequatorial bulge with the radius at the equator being an estimated 7.4 times theSun's radius while the polar radius is 6.1 times that of the Sun. Due togravity darkening, thesurface temperature at the poles is34,600 K while the temperature at the equator is only28,700 K.[7]
The star may be undergoing mass loss from itsstellar wind[12] and have an equatorial disk of orbiting gas. The star shows evidence of non-radialpulsations, which may be the result of a more rapidly rotatingcore.[10]
The brightness, position, and rapid rotation of this star makes it particularly suited to examining the interstellar gas in theMilky Way halo.[13]
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