The guru-smiti relationship. Watercolour, Punjab Hills, India, 1740.
Guru (/ˈɡuːruː/Sanskrit:गुरु;IAST:guru) is aSanskrit term for a "mentor,guide,expert, or master" of certain knowledge or field.[1] In pan-Indian traditions, a guru is more than a teacher: traditionally, the guru is a reverential figure to the disciple (orshisya in Sanskrit, literallyseeker [of knowledge or truth]) or student, with the guru serving as a "counselor, who helps mold values, sharesexperiential knowledge as much asliteral knowledge, anexemplar in life, an inspirational source and who helps in the spiritual evolution of a student".[2] Whatever language it is written in,Judith Simmer-Brown says that atantric spiritual text is often codified in an obscuretwilight language so that it cannot be understood by anyone without the verbal explanation of a qualified teacher, the guru.[3] A guru is also one's spiritual guide, who helps one to discover the same potentialities that theguru has already realized.[4]
The tradition of the guru is also found inJainism, referring to a spiritual preceptor, a role typically served by aJainascetic.[8][9] InSikhism, theguru tradition has played a key role since its founding in the 15th century, its founder is referred to asGuru Nanak, and its scripture asGuru Granth Sahib.[10][11] The guru concept has thrived inVajrayāna Buddhism, where the tantric guru is considered a figure to worship and whose instructions should never be violated.[12][13]
The wordguru (Sanskrit:गुरु), a noun, connotes "teacher" inSanskrit, but inancient Indian traditions it has contextual meanings with significance beyond what teacher means in English.[2] Theguru is more than someone who teaches a specific type of knowledge, and included in the term's scope is someone who is also a "counselor, a sort of parent of mind (Citta) and Self (Atman), who helpsmold values (Yamas andNiyamas) and experiential knowledge as much asspecific knowledge, an exemplar in life, an inspirational source and who reveals themeaning of life."[2] The word has the same meaning in other languages derived from or borrowing words from Sanskrit, such asHindi,Marathi,Punjabi,Tamil,Telugu,Kannada,Malayalam,Odia,Bengali,Gujarati andNepali. The Malayalam term Acharyan orAsan is derived from the Sanskrit wordAcharya.
As a noun the word means the imparter of knowledge (jñāna; alsoPali:ñāna). As an adjective, it means 'heavy,' or 'weighty,' in the sense of "heavy with knowledge,"[Note 1] heavy with spiritual wisdom,[15] "heavy with spiritual weight,"[16] "heavy with the good qualities of scriptures and realization,"[17] or "heavy with a wealth of knowledge."[18] The word has its roots in the Sanskritgri (to invoke, or to praise), and may have a connection to the wordgur, meaning 'to raise, lift up, or to make an effort'.[19]
Sanskritguru iscognate with Latingravis 'heavy; grave, weighty, serious'[20] and Greek βαρύςbarus 'heavy'. All three derive from theProto-Indo-European root*gʷerə-, specifically from thezero-grade form *gʷr̥ə-.[21]
गुशब्दस्त्वन्धकारः स्यात्रुशब्दस्तन्निरोधकः । अन्धकारनिरोधित्वात्गुरुरित्यभिधीयते ॥ १६॥ The syllablegu means darkness, the syllableru, he who dispels them, Because of the power to dispel darkness, the guru is thus named.
A popular etymological theory considers the term "guru" to be based on the syllablesgu (गु) andru (रु), which it claims stands for darkness and "light that dispels it", respectively.[Note 2] The guru is seen as the one who "dispels the darkness of ignorance."[Note 3][Note 4][26]
Joel Mlecko states, "Gu means ignorance, andRu means dispeller," withguru meaning the one who "dispels ignorance, all kinds of ignorance", ranging from spiritual to skills such as dancing, music, sports and others.[2] Karen Pechilis states that, in the popular parlance, the "dispeller of darkness, one who points the way" definition forguru is common in the Indian tradition.[28]
InWestern Esotericism and the Science of Religion, Pierre Riffard makes a distinction between "occult" and "scientific" etymologies, citing as an example of the former the etymology of 'guru' in which the derivation is presented asgu ("darkness") andru ('to push away'); the latter he exemplifies by "guru" with the meaning of 'heavy.'[29]
The Guru is an ancient and central figure in the traditions ofHinduism.[2] Ultimate liberation ormoksha and inner perfection is considered achievable in Hinduism with the help of aguru.[2] The Guru can also serve as a teacher of skills, a counselor, one who helps in the realization of one's Self (Atma), who instills values and experiential knowledge, an exemplar, an inspiration and one who helps guide a student's (śiṣya) spiritual development.[2] At a social and religious level, the Guru helps continue the religion and Hindu way of life.[2] Guru thus has a historic, reverential and an important role in the Hindu culture.[2]
The word Guru is mentioned in the earliest layer ofVedic texts. The hymn 4.5.6 of Rigveda describes the guru as, "the source and inspirer of the knowledge of the Self, the essence of reality," for one who seeks.[30]
In chapter 4.4 within theChandogya Upanishad, a guru is described as one whom one attains knowledge that matters, the insights that lead to Self-knowledge.[31] Verse 1.2.8 of theKatha Upanisad declares the guru "as indispensable to the acquisition of knowledge."[31] In chapter 3 ofTaittiriya Upanishad, human knowledge is described as that which connects the teacher and the student through the medium of exposition, just like a child is the connecting link between the father and the mother through the medium of procreation.[32][33] In the Taittiriya Upanishad, theguru then urges a student to "struggle, discover and experience the Truth, which is the source, stay and end of the universe."[31]
The ancient tradition of reverence for theguru in Hindu scriptures is apparent in 6.23 of theShvetashvatara Upanishad, which equates the need of reverence and devotion forguru to be the same as for god,[34][35]
यस्य देवे परा भक्तिः यथा देवे तथागुरौ । तस्यैते कथिता ह्यर्थाः प्रकाशन्ते महात्मनः ॥ २३ ॥[36] He who has highestBhakti (love, devotion)[37] ofDeva (god), just like hisDeva, so for hisGuru, To him who is high-minded, these teachings will be illuminating.
TheBhagavad Gita also exemplifies the importance of a guru withinHinduism.Arjuna when faced with the realization of having to wage war with his kin is paralyzed with grief and remorse. Overwhelmed he lays down his weapons and refuses to fight. Despite his intellectual prowess and skill in warfare he finds himself lacking inDharmic (moral) clarity. At this moment he turns to Krishna for guidance and in essence seeks Krishna as his guru. This interaction exemplifies the importance within the Hindu tradition for a disciple to seek guidance from an experienced spiritual guru.[40] Additionally, other references to the role of a guru in theBhagavad Gita include verse 4.34 - those who know their subject well are eager for good students, and the student can learn from such aguru through reverence, service, effort and the process of inquiry.[41][42]
Capabilities, role and methods for helping a student
The 8th century Hindu textUpadesasahasri of theAdvaita Vedanta philosopherAdi Shankara discusses the role of the guru in assessing and guiding students.[43][44] In Chapter 1, he states that teacher is the pilot as the student walks in the journey of knowledge, he is the raft as the student rows. The text describes the need, role and characteristics of a teacher,[45] as follows,
When the teacher finds from signs that knowledge has not been grasped or has been wrongly grasped by the student, he should remove the causes of non-comprehension in the student. This includes the student's past and present knowledge, want of previous knowledge of what constitutes subjects of discrimination and rules of reasoning, behavior such as unrestrained conduct and speech, courting popularity, vanity of his parentage, ethical flaws that are means contrary to those causes. The teacher must enjoin means in the student that are enjoined by theŚruti andSmrti, such as avoidance of anger,Yamas consisting ofAhimsa and others, also the rules of conduct that are not inconsistent with knowledge. He [teacher] should also thoroughly impress upon the student qualities like humility, which are the means to knowledge.
The teacher is one who is endowed with the power of furnishing arguments pro and con, of understanding questions [of the student], and remembers them. The teacher possesses tranquility, self-control, compassion and a desire to help others, who is versed in the Śruti texts (Vedas,Upanishads), and unattached to pleasures here and hereafter, knows the subject and is established in that knowledge. He is never a transgressor of the rules of conduct, devoid of weaknesses such as ostentation, pride, deceit, cunning, jugglery, jealousy, falsehood, egotism and attachment. The teacher's sole aim is to help others and a desire to impart the knowledge.
Adi Shankara presents a series of examples wherein he asserts that the best way to guide a student is not to give immediate answers, but posit dialogue-driven questions that enable the student to discover and understand the answer.[49]
Reverence for the guru is a fundamental principle in Hinduism, as illustrated in theGuru Gita by the following shloka[50]
गुरु ब्रह्मा गुरु विष्णु गुरु देवो महेश्वरः।
गुरु साक्षात् परम ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः।
Transliteration: Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara,Guru Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah.
Meaning: This shloka praises the Guru, identifying them as the creator (Brahma), the preserver (Vishnu), and the destroyer (Shiva), ultimately recognizing the Guru as the supreme reality.
— Guru Gita Shloka 22
Other notable examples of devotion to the guru within Hinduism include the religious festival ofGuru Purnima.[51][52]
Traditionally, theGuru would live a simple married life, and acceptshishya (student, Sanskrit: शिष्य) where he lived. A person would begin a life of study in theGurukula (the household of theGuru). The process of acceptance included proffering firewood and sometimes a gift to the guru, signifying that the student wants to live with, work and help theguru in maintaining thegurukul, and as an expression of a desire for education in return over several years.[35][53] At the Gurukul, the working student would study the basic traditionalvedic sciences and various practical skills-oriented shastras[54] along with the religious texts contained within theVedas andUpanishads.[5][55][56] The education stage of a youth with aguru was referred to asBrahmacharya, and in some parts of India this followed theUpanayana orVidyarambha rites of passage.[57][58][59]
The gurukul would be a hut in a forest, or it was, in some cases, a monastery, called amatha orashram orsampradaya in different parts of India.[7][60][61] Each ashram had a lineage of gurus, who would study and focus on certain schools of Hindu philosophy or trade,[54][55] also known as theguru-shishyaparampara (teacher-student tradition).[5] Thisguru-driven tradition included arts such as sculpture, poetry and music.[62][63]
Inscriptions from 4th century CE suggest the existence ofgurukuls aroundHindu temples, calledGhatikas orMathas, where theVedas were studied.[64] In south India, 9th century Vedic schools attached to Hindu temples were calledCalai orSalai, and these provided free boarding and lodging to students and scholars.[65] Archaeological and epigraphical evidence suggests that ancient and medieval era gurukuls near Hindu temples offered wide range of studies, ranging from Hindu scriptures to Buddhist texts, grammar, philosophy, martial arts, music and painting.[6][7]
Theguru-shishya parampara, occurs where knowledge is passed down through succeeding generations. It is the traditional, residential form of education, where the Shishya remains and learns with his Guru as a family member.[66][67][68]
The Hindu texts offer a conflicting view of whether access toguru and education was limited to men and to certainvarna (castes).[69][70] The Vedas and the Upanishads never mention any restrictions based either on gender orvarna.[69] The Yajurveda and Atharvaveda texts state that knowledge is for everyone, and offer examples of women and people from all segments of society who areguru and participated in vedic studies.[69][71] The Upanishads assert that one's birth does not determine one's eligibility for spiritual knowledge, only one's effort and sincerity matters.[70]
The early Dharma-sutras and Dharma-sastras, such as Paraskara Grhyasutra, Gautama Smriti and Yajnavalkya smriti, state all four varnas are eligible to all fields of knowledge while verses of Manusmriti state that Vedic study is available only to men of three varnas, unavailable to Shudra and women.[69][70][Note 6] Kramrisch, Scharfe, and Mookerji state that the guru tradition and availability of education extended to all segments of ancient and medieval society.[63][74][75] Lise McKean states theguru concept has been prevalent over the range of class and caste backgrounds, and the disciples a guru attracts come from both genders and a range of classes and castes.[76] During thebhakti movement of Hinduism, which started in about mid 1st millennium CE, thegurus included women and members of allvarna.[77][78][79]
TheAdvayataraka Upanishad states that the true teacher is a master in the field of knowledge, well-versed in theVedas, is free from envy, knowsyoga, lives a simple life that of a yogi, has realized the knowledge of theAtman (Self).[80] Some scriptures and gurus have warned against false teachers, and have recommended that the spiritual seeker test the guru before accepting him.Swami Vivekananda said that there are many incompetent gurus, and that a true guru should understand the spirit of the scriptures, have a pure character and be free from sin, and should be selfless, without desire for money and fame.[81]
According to the IndologistGeorg Feuerstein, in some traditions of Hinduism, when one reaches the state of Self-knowledge, one's own Self becomes theguru.[80] In Tantra, states Feuerstein, the guru is the "ferry who leads one across the ocean of existence."[82] A true guru guides and counsels a student's spiritual development because, statesYoga-Bija, endless logic and grammar leads to confusion, and not contentment.[82] However, various Hindu texts caution prudence and diligence in finding the right guru, and avoiding the wrong ones.[83] For example, inKula-Arnava text states the following guidance:
Gurus are as numerous as lamps in every house. But, O-Goddess, difficult to find is a guru who lights up everything like a sun. Gurus who are proficient in the Vedas, textbooks and so on are numerous. But, O Goddess, difficult to find is a guru who is proficient in the supreme Truth. Gurus who rob their disciples of their wealth are numerous. But, O Goddess, difficult to find is a guru who removes the disciples' suffering. Numerous here on earth are those who are intent on social class, stage of life and family. But he who is devoid of all concerns is a guru difficult to find. An intelligent man should choose a guru by whom supreme Bliss is attained, and only such a guru and none other.
— Kula-Arnava, 13.104 - 13.110, Translated by Georg Feuerstein[83]
A true guru is, assertsKula-Arnava, one who lives the simple virtuous life he preaches, is stable and firm in his knowledge, master yogi with the knowledge of Self (Atma Gyaan) andBrahman (ultimate reality).[83] The guru is one who initiates, transmits, guides, illuminates, debates and corrects a student in the journey of knowledge and of self-realization.[84] The attribute of the successful guru is to help make the disciple into another guru, one who transcends him, and becomes a guru unto himself, driven by inner spirituality and principles.[84]
In modern neo-Hinduism, Kranenborg statesguru may refer to entirely different concepts, such as aspiritual advisor, or someone who performs traditional rituals outside a temple, or anenlightened master in the field of tantra or yoga or eastern arts who derives his authority from his experience, or a reference by a group of devotees of a sect to someone considered a god-likeAvatar by the sect.[27]
The tradition of reverence forguru continues in several denominations within modern Hinduism, but rather than being considered as a prophet, the guru is seen as a person who points the way to spirituality, oneness of being, and meaning in life.[85][86][88]
In some forms ofBuddhism, states Rita Gross, the concept of Guru is of supreme importance.[89] Guru is called as Garu in Pali. The Guru is the teacher, who teaches the spiritual and religious knowledge. Guru can be anyone who teach this knowledge and not generally need to beAcariya orUpajjhaya. Guru can also be a personal teacher. Buddha is called as Lokagaru, meaning "the teacher of the world".
InVajrayana Buddhism'sTantric teachings, the rituals require the guidance of a guru.[12] The guru is considered essential and to the Buddhist devotee, the guru is the "enlightened teacher and ritual master", states Stephen Berkwitz.[12] The guru is known as thevajra guru (literally "diamond guru").[90] Initiations or ritualempowerments are necessary before the student is permitted to practice a particulartantra, in Vajrayana Buddhist sects found in Tibet and South Asia.[12] The tantras state that the guru is equivalent to Buddha, states Berkwitz, and is a figure to worship and whose instructions should never be violated.[12][13][91]
The guru is theBuddha, the guru is theDhamma, and the guru is theSangha. The guru is the gloriousVajradhara, in this life only the guru is the means [to awakening]. Therefore, someone wishing to attain the state of Buddhahood should please the guru.
There are Four Kinds ofLama (Guru) or spiritual teacher[92] (Tib. lama nampa shyi) inTibetan Buddhism:
gangzak gyüpé lama — the individual teacher who is the holder of thelineage
gyalwa ka yi lama — the teacher which is the word of the buddhas
nangwa da yi lama — the symbolic teacher of all appearances
rigpa dön gyi lama — the absolute teacher, which isrigpa, the true nature of mind
In various Buddhist traditions, there are equivalent words forguru, which includeShastri (teacher),Kalyana Mitra (friendly guide, Pali:Kalyāṇa-mittatā),Acarya (master), andVajra-Acarya (hierophant).[93] Theguru is literally understood as "weighty", states Alex Wayman, and it refers to the Buddhist tendency to increase the weight of canons and scriptures with their spiritual studies.[93] In Mahayana Buddhism, a term for Buddha isBhaisajya guru, which refers to "medicine guru", or "a doctor who cures suffering with the medicine of his teachings".[94][95]
Guru is the spiritualpreceptor inJainism, and typically a role served byJain ascetics.[8][9] Theguru is one of three fundamentaltattva (categories), the other two beingdharma (teachings) anddeva (divinity).[96] Theguru-tattva is what leads a lay person to the other twotattva.[96] In some communities of theŚvētāmbara sect of Jainism, a traditional system ofguru-disciple lineage exists.[97]
Theguru is revered in Jainismritually withGuru-vandan orGuru-upashti, where respect and offerings are made to theguru, and theguru sprinkles a small amount ofvaskep (a scented powder mixture of sandalwood, saffron, and camphor) on the devotee's head with a mantra or blessings.[98]
TheTemporal Lord, who created Shiva, the Yogi; who created Brahma, the Master of the Vedas; The Temporal Lord who fashioned the entire world; I salute the same Lord. The Temporal Lord, who created the whole world; who created angels, demons and yakshas; He is the only one form the beginning to the end;I consider Him only my Guru.
The Sikh gurus were fundamental to the Sikh religion, however the concept in Sikhism differs from other usages. ThePunjabi wordSikh derives from theSanskrit wordshishya, or disciple and is all about the relationship between the teacher and a student.[102] The concept of Guru in Sikhism stands on two pillars i.e.Miri-Piri (ਮੀਰੀ-ਪੀਰੀ). 'Piri' means spiritual authority and 'Miri' means temporal authority.[103] Traditionally, the concept of Guru is considered central in Sikhism, and its main scripture is prefixed as aGuru, calledGuru Granth Sahib, the words therein calledGurbani.[11]
As an alternative to established religions in the West, some people in Europe and the US looked to spiritual guides and gurus from India and other countries. Gurus from many denominations traveled to Western Europe and the US and established followings.
In particular during the 1960s and 1970s many gurus acquired groups of young followers in Western Europe and the US. According to the American sociologistDavid G. Bromley this was partially due to the repeal of theChinese Exclusion Act in 1965 which permitted Asian gurus entrance to the US.[104] According to the Dutch Indologist Albertina Nugteren, the repeal was only one of several factors and a minor one compared with the two most important causes for the surge of all things 'Eastern': the post-war cross-cultural mobility and the general dissatisfaction with established Western values.[105]
According to the professor insociologyStephen A. Kent at theUniversity of Alberta and Kranenborg (1974), one of the reasons why in the 1970s young people includinghippies turned to gurus was because they found that drugs had opened for them the existence of the transcendental or because they wanted to gethigh without drugs.[107][108] According to Kent, another reason why this happened so often in the US then, was because some anti-Vietnam Warprotesters and political activists became worn out or disillusioned of the possibilities to change society through political means, and as an alternative turned to religious means.[108] One example of such group was theHare Krishna movement (ISKCON) founded byA.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1966, many of whose followers voluntarily accepted the demanding lifestyle ofbhakti yoga on a full-time basis, in stark contrast to much of the popular culture of the time.[Note 7]
Some gurus and the groups they lead attract opposition from theAnti-Cult Movement.[110] According to Kranenborg (1984),Jesus Christ fits the Hindu definition and characteristics of a guru.[111]
Environmental activists are sometimes called "gurus" or "prophets" for embodying a moral or spiritual authority and gathering followers. Examples of environmental gurus areJohn Muir,Henry David Thoreau,Aldo Leopold,George Perkins Marsh, andDavid Attenborough. Abidin et al. wrote that environmental gurus "merge the boundaries" between spiritual and scientific authority.[112]
Jiddu Krishnamurti, groomed to be a world spiritual teacher by the leadership of theTheosophical Society in the early part of the 20th century, publicly renounced this role in 1929 while also denouncing the concept of gurus, spiritual leaders, and teachers, advocating instead the unmediated and direct investigation ofreality.[113]
U. G. Krishnamurti, [no relation to Jiddu], sometimes characterized as a spiritualanarchist, denied both the value of gurus and the existence of any related worthwhile teaching.[114]
Dr.David C. Lane proposes a checklist consisting of seven points to assess gurus in his book,Exposing Cults: When the Skeptical Mind Confronts the Mystical. One of his points is that spiritual teachers should have high standards of moral conduct and that followers of gurus should interpret the behavior of a spiritual teacher by followingOckham's razor and by usingcommon sense, and, should not naively use mystical explanations unnecessarily to explain immoral behavior. Another point Lane makes is that the bigger the claim a guru makes, such as the claim to be God, the bigger the chance is that the guru is unreliable. Dr. Lane's fifth point is that self-proclaimed gurus are likely to be more unreliable than gurus with a legitimate lineage.[115]
Highlighting what he sees as the difficulty in understanding the guru fromEastern tradition in Western society,IndologistGeorg Feuerstein writes in the chapterUnderstanding the Guru in his bookThe Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and practice: "The traditional role of the guru, or spiritual teacher, is not widely understood in the West, even by those professing to practice Yoga or some other Eastern tradition entailing discipleship. [...] Spiritual teachers, by their very nature, swim against the stream of conventional values and pursuits. They are not interested in acquiring and accumulating material wealth or in competing in the marketplace, or in pleasing egos. They are not even about morality. Typically, their message is of a radical nature, asking that we live consciously, inspect our motives, transcend our egoic passions, overcome our intellectual blindness, live peacefully with our fellow humans, and, finally, realize the deepest core of human nature, the Spirit. For those wishing to devote their time and energy to the pursuit of conventional life, this kind of message is revolutionary, subversive, and profoundly disturbing".[116] In hisEncyclopedic Dictionary of Yoga (1990), Dr. Feuerstein writes that the importation ofyoga to the West has raised questions as to the appropriateness of spiritual discipleship and the legitimacy of spiritual authority.[80]
A British professor of psychiatry,Anthony Storr, states in his book,Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus, that he confines the word guru (translated by him as "revered teacher") to persons who have "special knowledge" who tell, referring to their special knowledge, how other people should lead their lives. He argues that gurus share common character traits (e.g. being loners) and that some suffer from a mild form ofschizophrenia. He argues that gurus who are authoritarian,paranoid,eloquent, or who interfere in the private lives of their followers are the ones who are more likely to be unreliable and dangerous. Storr also refers toEileen Barker's checklist to recognize false gurus. He contends that some so-called gurus claim special spiritual insights based on personal revelation, offering new ways of spiritual development and paths to salvation. Storr's criticism of gurus includes the possible risk that a guru may exploit his or her followers due to the authority that he or she may have over them, though Storr does acknowledge the existence of morally superior teachers who refrain from doing so. He holds the view that the idiosyncratic belief systems that some gurus promote were developed during a period ofpsychosis to make sense of their own minds and perceptions, and that these belief systems persist after the psychosis has gone. Storr notes that gurus generalize their experience to all people. Some of them believe that all humanity should accept their vision, while others teach that when the end of the world comes, only their followers will be saved, and the rest of the people will remain unredeemed. According to him, this ″apparently arrogant assumption″ is closely related and other characteristics of various gurus. Storr applies the term "guru" to figures as diverse asJesus,Muhammad,Buddha,Gurdjieff,Rudolf Steiner,Carl Jung,Sigmund Freud,Jim Jones andDavid Koresh.[117]
Rob Preece, apsychotherapist and a practicing Buddhist, writes inThe Noble Imperfection that while the teacher/disciple relationship can be an invaluable and fruitful experience, the process of relating to spiritual teachers also has its hazards. He writes that these potential hazards are the result ofnaiveté amongst Westerners as to the nature of the guru/devotee relationship, as well as a consequence of a lack of understanding on the part of Eastern teachers as to the nature of Western psychology. Preece introduces the notion oftransference to explain the manner in which the guru/disciple relationship develops from a more Western psychological perspective. He writes: "In its simplest sense transference occurs when unconsciously a person endows another with an attribute that actually is projected from within themselves." In developing this concept, Preece writes that, when we transfer an inner quality onto another person, we may be giving that person a power over us as a consequence of the projection, carrying the potential for great insight and inspiration, but also the potential for great danger: "In giving this power over to someone else they have a certain hold and influence over us it is hard to resist, while we become enthralled or spellbound by the power of the archetype".[118]
The psychiatristAlexander Deutsch performed a long-term observation of a smallcult, calledThe Family (not to be confused withFamily International), founded by an American guru calledBaba orJeff inNew York in 1972, who showed increasinglyschizophrenic behavior. Deutsch observed that this man's mostlyJewish followers interpreted the guru's pathological mood swings as expressions of different Hindu deities and interpreted his behavior asholy madness, and his cruel deeds as punishments that they had earned. After the guru dissolved the cult in 1976, his mental condition was confirmed by Jeff's retrospective accounts to an author.[119][120]
Jan van der Lans (1933–2002), a professor of thepsychology of religion at theCatholic University of Nijmegen, wrote, in a book commissioned by the Netherlands-basedCatholic Study Center for Mental Health, about followers of gurus and the potential dangers that exist when personal contact between the guru and the disciple is absent, such as an increased chance of idealization of the guru by the student (myth making and deification), and an increase of the chance of falsemysticism. He further argues that the deification of a guru is a traditional element of Eastern spirituality but, when detached from the Eastern cultural element and copied by Westerners, the distinction between the person who is the guru and that which he symbolizes is often lost, resulting in the relationship between the guru and disciple degenerating into a boundless, uncriticalpersonality cult.[Note 8]
In their 1993 book,The Guru Papers, authors Diana Alstad and Joel Kramer reject theguru-disciple tradition because of what they see as its structural defects. These defects include the authoritarian control of the guru over the disciple, which is in their view increased by the guru's encouragement ofsurrender to him. Alstad and Kramer assert that gurus are likely to behypocrites because, in order to attract and maintain followers, gurus must present themselves as purer than and superior to ordinary people and other gurus.[123]
According to the journalist Sacha Kester, in a 2003 article in the Dutch newspaperDe Volkskrant, finding a guru is a precarious matter, pointing to the many holy men in India and the case ofSathya Sai Baba whom Kester considers a swindler. In this article he also quotes the bookKarma Cola describing that in this book a German economist tells authorGita Mehta, "It is my opinion that quality control has to be introduced for gurus. Many of my friends have become crazy in India". She describes a comment by Suranya Chakraverti who said that some Westerners do not believe in spirituality and ridicule a true guru. Other westerners, Chakraverti said, on the other hand believe in spirituality but tend to put faith in a guru who is a swindler.[124]
^"Guru: a spiritual master; one who is heavy with knowledge of the Absolute and who removes nescience with the light of the divine."[14]
^"[...] the term is a combination of the two wordsgu(darkness) andru (light), so together they mean 'divine light that dispels all darkness.'" [...] "Guru is the light that disperses the darkness of ignorance."[24]
^"The etymological derivation of the word guru is in this verse fromGuru Gita: 'The rootgu stands for darkness;ru for its removal. The removal of the darkness of ignorance in the heart is indicated by the word "guru'" (Note: Guru Gita is a spiritual text in theMarkandeya Purana, in the form of a dialog between Siva and Parvati on the nature of the guru and the guru/disciple relationship.) [...] the meanings ofgu andru can also be traced to thePanini-sutras gu samvarane andru himsane, indicating concealment and its annulment."[25]
^"Guru: remover of darkness, bestower of light'"[25]
^Dutch original: "a. De goeroe als geestelijk raadsman Als we naar het verschijnsel goeroe in India kijken, kunnen we constateren dat er op zijn minst vier vormen van goeroeschap te onderscheiden zijn. De eerste vorm is die van de 'geestelijk raadsman'. Voordat we dit verder uitwerken eerst iets over de etymologie. Het woord goeroe komt uit het Sanskriet, wordt geschreven als 'guru' en betekent 'zwaar zijn', 'gewichtig zijn', vooral in figuurlijk opzicht. Zo krijgt het begrip 'guru' de betekenis van 'groot', 'geweldig' of 'belangrijk', en iets verdergaand krijgt het aspecten van 'eerbiedwaardig' en 'vererenswaardig'. Al vrij snel word dit toegepast op de 'geestelijk leraar'. In allerlei populaire literatuur, ook in India zelf, wordt het woord 'guru' uiteengelegd in 'gu' en 'ru', als omschrijvingen voor licht en duister; de goeroe is dan degene die zijn leerling uit het materiële duister overbrengt naar het geestelijk licht. Misschien doe een goeroe dat ook inderdaad, maar het heeft niets met de betekenis van het woord te maken, het is volksetymologie." English translation "a. The guru as spiritual adviser: If we look at the phenomenon of gurus in India then we can see that there are at least four forms of guruship that can be distinguished. The first form is that of the "spiritual adviser." Before we will elaborate on this, first something about the etymology. The wordguru comes from Sanskrit, is written as 'guru' and connotes philosophically 'being heavy' or 'being weighty'. In that way, the concept of guru gets the meaning of 'big', 'great', or 'important' and somewhat further it also gets aspects of 'respectable' and 'honorable'. Soon it is applied to the 'spiritual adviser'. In various popular literature, in India herself too, the word 'guru' is explained in the parts 'gu' and 'ru', as descriptions for light and darkness: the guru is then the person who bring the student from the material darkness into the spiritual light. A guru may indeed do that, but it has nothing to do with the meaning of the word, it is folk etymology."[27]
^Patrick Olivelle notes the modern doubts about the reliability of Manusmriti manuscripts. He writes, "Manusmriti was the first Indian legal text introduced to the western world through the translation of Sir William Jones in 1794. (...) This was based on the Calcutta manuscript with the commentary of Kulluka. It was Kulluka's version that has been assumed to be the original [vulgate version] and translated repeatedly from Jone (1794) andDoniger (1991). The belief in the authenticity of Kulluka's text was openly articulated by Burnell. This is far from the truth. Indeed, one of the great surprises of my editorial work has been to discover how few of the over 50 manuscripts that I collated actually follow the vulgate in key readings."[72] Sinha writes, in case of Manusmriti, that "certain verses discouraged, but others allowed women to read Vedic scriptures."[73]
^"Devotees don't have such an easy time. They who choose to live in the temples – now a very small minority -chant theHare Krishna mantra 1,728 time a day. […] Those living in an ashram – far fewer than in the 1970s – have to get up at 4am for worship. All members have to give up meat, fish and eggs; alcohol, tobacco, drugs, tea and coffee; gambling, sports, games and novels; and sex except for procreation with marriage […] It's a demanding lifestyle. Outsiders may wonder why people join."[109]
^"WatVan der Lans hier signaleert, is het gevaar dat de goeroe een instantie van absolute overgave en totale overdracht wordt. De leerling krijgt de gelegenheid om zijn grootheidsfantasieën op de goeroe te projecteren, zonder dat de goeroe daartegen als kritische instantie kan optreden. Het lijkt er zelfs vaak eerder op dat de goeroe in woord, beeld en geschrift juist geneigd is deze onkritische houding te stimuleren. Dit geldt zeker ook voor goeroe Maharaji, maar het heeft zich -gewild en ongewild ook voorgedaan bij Anandamurti en Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. [..] De vergoddelijking van de goeroe is 'een traditioneel element in de Oosterse spiritualiteit, maar, losgemaakt, uit dit cultuurmilieu en overgenomen door Westerse mensen, gaat het onderscheid vaak verloren tussen de persoon van de goeroe en dat wat hij symboliseert en verwordt tot een kritiekloze persoonlijkheidsverheerlijking' (Van der Lans 1981b, 108)"[121][122]
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^abcGeorge Michell (1988),The Hindu Temple: An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms, University of Chicago Press,ISBN978-0226532301, pages 58-60
^abJeffery D Long (2009), Jainism: An Introduction, IB Tauris,ISBN978-1845116262, pages 110, 196
^abChristopher Partridge (2013),Introduction to World Religions, Augsburg Fortress,ISBN978-0800699703, page 252
^William Owen Cole (1982), The Guru in Sikhism, Darton Longman & Todd,ISBN9780232515091, pages 1-4
^abKranenborg, Reender (Dutch language)Neohindoeïstische bewegingen in Nederland : een encyclopedisch overzicht page 50 (En:Neo-Hindu movements in the Netherlands, published by Kampen Kok cop. (2002)ISBN90-435-0493-9 Kranenborg, Reender (Dutch language) Neohindoeïstische bewegingen in Nederland : een encyclopedisch overzicht (En: Neo-Hindu movements in the Netherlands, published by Kampen Kok cop. (2002)ISBN90-435-0493-9 page 50
^Karen Pechilis (2004),The Graceful Guru, Oxford University Press,ISBN978-0195145373, pages 25-26
^Riffard, Pierre A. inWestern Esotericism and the Science of Religion Faivre A. &Hanegraaff W. (Eds.) Peeters Publishers( 1988),ISBN90-429-0630-8
^Sanskrit original:इदं मे अग्ने कियते पावकामिनतेगुरुं भारं न मन्म । बृहद्दधाथ धृषता गभीरं यह्वं पृष्ठं प्रयसा सप्तधातु ॥६॥ –Rigveda 4.5.6 Wikisource English Translation: Joel Mlecko (1982),The Guru in Hindu Tradition Numen, Volume 29, Fasc. 1, page 35
^Eknath, Easwaran, ed. (2007).The Bhagavad Gita. The classics of Indian spirituality (2nd ed.). Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Press. pp. Chapter 2.ISBN978-1-58638-019-9.
^Christopher Key Chapple (Editor) and Winthrop Sargeant (Translator),The Bhagavad Gita: Twenty-fifth–Anniversary Edition, State University of New York Press,ISBN978-1438428420, page 234
^Jeaneane D. Fowler (2012), The Bhagavad Gita, Sussex Academic Press,ISBN978-1845193461, page 87
^Ludo Rocher (2003), The Dharmaśāstas, inThe Blackwell Companion to Hinduism (Editor: Gavin Flood), Blackwell Publishing Oxford,ISBN0-631-21535-2, page 102-104
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^abSamuel Parker (1987), Artistic practice and education in India: A historical overview,Journal of Aesthetic Education, pages 123-141
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