Gun metal, also known asred brass in the United States, is a type ofbronze – analloy ofcopper,tin, andzinc. Proportions vary but 88% copper, 8–10% tin, and 2–4% zinc is an approximation. Originally used chiefly for makingguns, it has largely been replaced bysteel for that purpose. Gunmetal casts and machines well, and is resistant to corrosion fromsteam andsalt water.[1] It is used to make steam and hydraulic castings, valves, gears, statues, and various small objects, such as buttons. It has a tensile strength of 221 megapascals (32,100 psi) to 310 megapascals (45,000 psi), a specific gravity of 8.7, aBrinell hardness of 65 to 74, and a melting point of around 1,000 degreesCelsius.[citation needed]
Gunmetal can also mean steel treated to simulate gunmetal bronze.[7]Bushings made of this metal are used in machinery.
Gun money, Irish late 17th-century emergency coins, contain gunmetal, as worn and scrapped guns were used to make them; but also many other metals, in particular brass and bronze, as people donated pots and pans and other metal objects.
External doors and windows of offshore rock lighthouses are often made of gunmetal due to its corrosion resistant properties.