Family of crickets
The familyGryllidae contains the subfamilies and genera whichentomologists now termtruecrickets . Having long, whip-likeantennae , they belong to theOrthopteran suborderEnsifera , which has been greatly reduced in the last 100 years (e.g. Imms [ 3] ): taxa such as thetree crickets ,spider-crickets and their allies,sword-tail crickets, wood or ground crickets andscaly crickets have been moved or elevated to family level.[ a] The type genus isGryllus and the first use of the family name "Gryllidae" was byFrancis Walker .[ 4]
They have a worldwide distribution (except Antarctica).[ 2] The most familiar field crickets (Gryllinae ) are characteristically robust brown or black insects;[ 5] the largest members of the family are the 5 cm (2 in)-long bull crickets (Brachytrupes ) which excavate burrows a metre or more deep.
The family is divided into these subfamily groups, subfamilies, and extinct genera (not placed within any subfamily):[ 2]
Subfamily groupGryllinae Laicharting, 1781 – common or field cricketsGryllinae Laicharting, 1781 (now includesSclerogryllini Gorochov, 1985 )GryllomiminaeGorochov, 1986 monotypic:Gryllomimus Chopard, 1936 (Africa) Gryllomorphinae Saussure, 1877 †Gryllospeculinae Gorochov, 1985 †Araripegryllus Martins-Neto 1987Crato Formation , Brazil,Aptian ?Weald Clay , United Kingdom,Hauterivian †Brontogryllus Martins-Neto 1991 Crato Formation, Brazil, Aptian †Gryllospeculum Gorochov 1985Dzun-Bain Formation , Mongolia, Aptian †Mongolospeculum Gorochov 1985 Dzun-Bain Formation, Mongolia, Aptian †Proararipegryllus Gorochov & Coram, 2022 Gryllinaeincertae sedis Capillogryllus Xie, Zheng & Liang, 2003 †Cratogryllus Martins-Neto, 1991 Crato Formation, Brazil, Aptian Neogryllodes Otte, 1994 Rhabdotogryllus Chopard, 1954 †Sharovella Gorochov, 1985 Spinogryllus Vasanth, 1993 †Trichogryllus Chopard, 1936 SubfamilyEneopterinae Saussure, 1893 – bush crickets (American usage), not to be confused with theTettigoniidae (katydids or bush crickets) Subfamily unplaced: most extinctgenus †Achetomorpha Gorochov, 2019 Bembridge Marls , United Kingdom,Priabonian genus †Eneopterotrypus – monotypicZeuner, 1937 Bembridge Marls, United Kingdom, Priabonian genus †Fanzus – monotypicZessin, 2019 [ 6] Fur Formation , Denmark,Ypresian genus †Gryllidium Westwood, 1854 genus †Lithogryllites Cockerell, 1908 Florissant Formation , United States, Eocene genusMenonia – monotypicM. cochinensis George, 1936 (tentative placement[ 7] ) genus †Nanaripegryllus – monotypicMartins-Neto, 2002 Crato Formation, Brazil, Aptian genus †Pherodactylus – monotypicPoinar, Su & Brown, 2020, Burmese amber , Myanmar,Cenomanian genus †Proeneopterotrypus Gorochov, 2019 – monotypic †P. danicus (Rust, 1999) Fur Formation, Denmark, Ypresian