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Genus of flowering plants

Crossberry (Grewia occidentalis)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification

Numerous, seetext orComplete list

  • Arsis Lour.
  • Balmeda Steud.
  • Chadara Forsk.
  • Chadra T.Anders. (orth. var.)
  • Charadra Scop. (orth. var.)
  • Fallopia Lour. (nonAdans.:preoccupied)
  • Graevia Neck.
  • Greuia Stokes. (orth. var.)
  • Grevia L. (orth. var.)
  • Inodapnhis[verification needed] Miq.
  • Mallococca J.R.Forster & G.Forster
  • Sasali Adans.
  • Syphomeris Steud
  • Tridermia Rafin.
  • Vincentia Boj.
  • Vinticena Steud.
  • Viticena Benth. (orth. var.)
Grewia damine flowers inHyderabad, India
Grewia flavescens flowers in Hyderabad
Grewia tiliaefolia flowers in Hyderabad

Grewia/ˈɡriə/ is a largeflowering plantgenus in the mallowfamilyMalvaceae, in the expanded sense as proposed by theAngiosperm Phylogeny Group. Formerly,Grewia was placed in either the familyTiliaceae or theSparrmanniaceae. However, these were both notmonophyletic with respect to otherMalvales - as already indicated by the uncertainties surrounding placement ofGrewia and similar genera - and have thus been merged into theMalvaceae. Together with the bulk of the formerSparrmanniaceae,Grewia is in thesubfamilyGrewioideae and therein thetribeGrewieae, of which it is thetype genus.[2]

The genus was named byCarl Linnaeus, in honor of the botanistNehemiah Grew (1641-1712) from England. Grew was one of the leading plantanatomists andmicroscope researchers of his time, and his study ofpollen laid the groundwork for modern-daypalynology.

Ecology and uses


SeveralLepidopteracaterpillars are found to feed onGrewia species. These include thecommon nawab (Polyura athamas) and theswift mothEndoclita malabaricus. TheBucculatricidaeleaf minerBucculatrix epibathra is apparently only found onG. tiliaefolia.

Theparasitic waspAprostocetus psyllidis of theEulophidae occurs on and aroundphalsa (G. asiatica). Its larvae areparasitoids of other insects - possiblypests of the plant, but this is not known for sure.

Several species, namely phalsa, are known for their edible fruit, which are of local commercial importance. Theastringent and refreshingGrewiadrupes are particularly popular in summertime.Folk medicine makes use of some species, which are reputed to cure upset stomachs and some skin and intestinal infections, and seem to have mildantibiotic properties.G. mollis is reputed to containβ-carbolinealkaloids,[3] though whether such compounds occur in other species too and whether they are produced in quantities to render the plantspsychoactive has not been thoroughly studied.

InMyanmar, the bark of the tree ofGrewia polygama (Burmese: တရော်) orGrewia eriocarpa (Burmese: ပင်တရော်) is mixed with the soapykinpun (Senegalia rugata) fruit and sometimeslime to make the traditional shampootayaw kinpun,[4] which remains widely used by the Burmese people and commonly sold in the country's open-air markets, typically in plastic bags.[5][6]

ExplorerLudwig Leichhardt described preparing a refreshing drink from the seeds of native Australian speciesG. polygama.[7]

Selected species

Main article:List of Grewia species

Formerly placed here


Some species once placed inGrewia (or genera synonymous with it) have since been moved elsewhere, particularly toMicrocos:[11]

Kleinhovia hospita was formerly known asGrewia meyeniana


  1. ^Hinsley (2008a)
  2. ^Heywoodet al. (2007)
  3. ^Brown (2001)
  4. ^Yadu (31 August 2019)."မှေးမှိန်လာနေတဲ့ တရော်ကင်ပွန်းသုံးစွဲခြင်း အလေ့အထ".The Myanmar Times (in Burmese).Archived from the original on 20 February 2021. Retrieved2 August 2022.
  5. ^"Myanmar Shampoo" 13 November 2018.Archived from the original on 17 August 2022. Retrieved2 August 2022.
  6. ^"Yan Win (Taung Da Gar) – Myanmar Shampoo".THIT HTOO LWIN (Daily News) (in Burmese). 16 April 2011.Archived from the original on 8 September 2019. Retrieved2 August 2022.
  7. ^Maiden, Joseph H. (1889).The useful native plants of Australia : Including Tasmania. Turner and Henderson, Sydney. p. 34.
  8. ^Barrett, R. L. (2019).Three new species of Corchorus L. and Grewia L. (Sparmanniaceae / Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae) from northern Australia, an earlier name in Grewia, and recircumscription of Triumfetta kenneallyi HalfordAustrobaileya 10(3): 458–472 (2019).
  9. ^Kristy Sexton-McGrath (2019-09-09)."'Dog's balls' shrub to be recognised as a new species, but colloquial name to remain". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved2019-09-09.
  10. ^Bussmann, R. W., et al. (2006).Plant use of the Maasai of Sekenani Valley, Maasai Mara, Kenya.J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 2 22.
  11. ^Hinsley (2008a), USDA (2008a)
  12. ^Hinsley (2008b)


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