AGospel Book,Evangelion, orBook of the Gospels (Greek:Εὐαγγέλιον,Evangélion) is acodex or bound volume containing one or more of the fourGospels of theChristianNew Testament – normally all four – centering on the life ofJesus of Nazareth and the roots of the Christian faith. The term is also used for aliturgical book, also called theEvangeliary, from which are read the portions of the Gospels used in the Mass and other services, arranged according to the order of theliturgical calendar.[1]
Liturgical use in churches of a distinct Gospel book remains normal, often compulsory, inEastern Christianity, and very common inRoman Catholicism and some parts ofAnglicanism andLutheranism.
In theMiddle Ages, the production of copies of theBible in its entirety was rare because of the huge expense of theparchment required. Individual books or collections of books were produced for specific purposes. From the 4th century Gospel Books were produced for liturgical use, as well as private study and as "display books" for ceremonial and ornamental purposes.[2] TheCodex Washingtonianus (Freer gospels) is an early example of a book containing only the four gospels, in Greek, written in the 4th or 5th century. By the 7th century particular gospel texts were allocated to days in theliturgical calendar; previously gospel readings had often worked through the books in sequence.[3] Many of these volumes were elaborate; the Gospel Book was the most common form of heavilyilluminated manuscript until about the 11th century, when the Romanesque Bible andPsalter largely superseded it in the West. In the East they remained a significant subject for illumination until the arrival of printing. TheEvangelist portrait was a particular feature of their decoration.[4] Most of the masterpieces of bothInsular andOttonian illumination are Gospel Books.[5]
But most Gospel Books were never illuminated at all, or only with decoratedinitials and other touches. They often contained, in addition to the text of the Gospels themselves, supporting texts includingCanon Tables, summaries, glossaries, and other explanatory material. Latin books often include theLetter of Jerome to Pope Damasus whereJerome set out to the Pope the reasoning behind his newVulgate translation and arrangement of the texts, and many Greek ones theEpistula ad Carpianum (Letter to Carpian) ofEusebius of Caesarea explaining theEusebian Canons he had devised.[6]
Luxuriously illuminated gospel books were mainly a feature of theEarly Middle Ages, as the evangeliary or a generallectionary gradually became more common for liturgical use, and other texts became most favoured for elaborate decoration.[7]
In currentRoman Catholic usage, the Book of the Gospels orEvangeliary[1] contains the full text of the passages from all fourgospels that thedeacon orpriest is to read or chant atMass in the course of theliturgical year. However, use of the Book of the Gospels is not mandatory, and the gospel readings are also included in the standardLectionary.[8][9]
The Book of the Gospels, if used, is brought to the altar in the entrance procession, while the Lectionary may not be.[10] When carried in procession, the Book of the Gospels is held slightly elevated, though not over the head. It is particularly proper for the deacon to carry the Book of the Gospels in procession, as the reading of the gospel is his particular province. When there is no deacon, the Book may be carried by alector.[11] Upon reaching thealtar, the deacon or lector bows in veneration of the altar, then places the Book upon the altar, where it remains until theAlleluia.[12]
During the singing of the Alleluia, the deacon (who before proclaiming the gospel receives the presiding priest's blessing), or in his absence, a priest, removes the Book from the altar and processes with it to theambo. Ifincense is used, the Book of the Gospels iscensed by the deacon before the reading or chanting. Analtar server oracolyte will swing the censer slowly during the reading or chanting.[13] The Book of the Gospels remains on the ambo until the Mass concludes, unless it is taken to a bishop to be kissed, after which it may be placed on the credence table or another appropriate and dignified place.[14]
In theLutheran Churches, the Book of the Gospels is "carried in procession".[15][16]
In theEpiscopal Church in the United States of America the practice of using a Gospel Book was recovered with the1979Book of Common Prayer, which suggests that the lessons and gospel "be read from a book or books of appropriate size and dignity".[17]
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Among gestures included are also actions and processions: of the priest going with the deacon and ministers to the altar; of the deacon carrying theEvangeliary orBook of the Gospels to the ambo before the proclamation of the Gospel ...