Gollum is amonster[2] with a distinctive style of speech inJ. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world ofMiddle-earth. He was introduced in the 1937fantasy novelThe Hobbit, and became important in its sequel,The Lord of the Rings. Gollum was aStoor Hobbit[T 1][T 2] of the River-folk who lived near theGladden Fields. InThe Lord of the Rings, it is stated that he was originally known asSméagol, corrupted by theOne Ring, and later named Gollum after his habit of making "a horrible swallowing noise in his throat".[T 3]
Sméagol obtained the Ring by murdering his relativeDéagol, who found it in theRiver Anduin. Gollum called the Ring "my precious", and it extended his life far beyond natural limits. Centuries of the Ring's influence twisted Gollum's body and mind, and, by the time of the novels, he "loved and hated [the Ring], as he loved and hated himself."[T 4] Throughout the story, Gollum was torn between his lust for the Ring and his desire to be free of it.Bilbo Baggins found the Ring and took it for his own, and Gollum afterwards pursued it for the rest of his life. Gollum finally seized the Ring fromFrodo Baggins at the Cracks of Doom inMount Doom inMordor, but he fell into the fires of the volcano, where both he and the Ring were destroyed.
One suggestion is that "Gollum" derives fromgolem, a being in Jewish folklore (Prague golem pictured).[4]
The Tolkien scholarDouglas A. Anderson, editor ofThe Annotated Hobbit, suggests that Tolkien derived the name "Gollum" fromOld Norsegull/goll, meaning'gold'; this has thedative formgollum, which can mean'treasure'.[4] Another suggestion is that it derives fromgolem, a being in Jewish folklore.[4]
In Appendix F ofThe Lord of the Rings,Tolkien pretends that the name "Sméagol" is a "translation" of theMiddle-earth nameTrahald (having to do with the idea of "burrowing"), and rendered with a name based onOld Englishsmygel of similar meaning.[5]
The rhyming name of his relative "Déagol" is fromOld English:dēagol, meaning'secretive, hidden'.[6] In Tolkien'sRed Book of Westmarch, the name "Déagol" is again supposedly a translation of the "original" name in the author-invented language ofWestron,Nahald.[7]
Gollum was introduced inThe Hobbit as "a small, slimy creature" who lived on a small island in an underground lake at the roots of theMisty Mountains. He survived on cave fish, which he caught from a small boat, and smallgoblins who strayed too far from thestronghold of the Great Goblin. Over the years, his eyes adapted to the dark and became "lamp-like", shining with a sickly pale light.[T 3]
Bilbo Baggins stumbled upon Gollum's lair, having foundthe Ring in the network of goblin tunnels leading down to the lake. At his wits' end in the dark, Bilbo agreed to ariddle game with Gollum on the chance of being shown the way out of the mountains.[T 3] In the first edition ofThe Hobbit, Gollum's size is not stated.[8] Originally, he was also characterised as being less bound to the Ring than in later versions; he offered to give the Ring to Bilbo if he lost the riddle game, and he showed Bilbo the way out of the mountains after losing. To fit the concept of the ruling Ring that emerged during the writing ofThe Lord of the Rings, Tolkien revised later editions ofThe Hobbit. The version of the story given in the first edition became the lie that Bilbo made up to justify his possession of the Ring to theDwarves andGandalf.
In the new version, Gollum pretended that he would show Bilbo the way out if he lost the riddle-game, but he actually planned to use the Ring to kill and eat him. Discovering the Ring missing, he suddenly realised the answer to Bilbo's last riddle – "What have I got in my pocket?" – and flew into a rage. Bilbo inadvertently discovered the Ring's power of invisibility as he fled, allowing him to follow Gollum undetected to a back entrance of the caves. Gollum was convinced that Bilbo knew the way out all along, and hoped to intercept him near the entrance, lest the goblins apprehend Bilbo and find the Ring. Bilbo at first thought to kill Gollum in order to escape, but was overcome with pity, and so merely leaped over him. As Bilbo escaped, Gollum cried out, "Thief, Thief, Thief! Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!"[T 3]
Gollum's real name was Sméagol, and he had once been a member of the secluded branch of the early StoorishHobbits. He spent the early years of his life with his extended family under amatriarch, his grandmother. On Sméagol's birthday, he and his relative Déagol went fishing in theGladden Fields. There, Déagol found the Ring in the riverbed after being pulled into the water by a fish. Sméagol fell immediately under the Ring's influence and demanded it as a birthday present; when Déagol refused, Sméagol strangled him.[T 2][T 4]
Sméagol later used the Ring for thieving, spying and antagonising his friends and relatives, who nicknamed him "Gollum" for the swallowing noise he made in his throat, until his grandmother disowned him. He wandered in the wilderness for a few years until he finally retreated to a deep cavern in theMisty Mountains. The Ring's malignant influence twisted his body and mind, and prolonged his life well beyond its natural limits.[T 4]
Gollum left his cave in pursuit of Bilbo a few years after losing the Ring, eventually reaching Dale by theLonely Mountain and learning of Bilbo's return to theShire. However, he was then drawn away from Bilbo's trail and towardsMordor. There he met the monstrous spiderShelob and became her spy, worshipping her and bringing her food. He was eventually captured by Sauron's forces and tortured, revealing to Sauron the names of "Baggins" and "the Shire". His testimony alerted Sauron to the existence and significance of hobbits in general and the Baggins family in particular. He was freed, but was soon caught byAragorn and placed in the care of theWood Elves ofMirkwood. Gandalf interrogated him about the Ring. He escaped from them (with the help of Sauron'sOrcs) and descended intoMoria.[T 4]
Gollum began following theFellowship of the Ring in Moria, but was noticed byFrodo Baggins, Gandalf, and Aragorn. He trailed the Fellowship to the edge ofLothlórien. He picked up their trail again as they left,[T 5] following them all the way toRauros, then pursued Frodo andSamwise Gamgee across theEmyn Muil when they struck out on their own towards Mordor.[T 6]
Frodo and Sam confronted Gollum in the Emyn Muil; Gollum nearly strangled Sam, but Frodo subdued him with his Elvish sword,Sting, which had once belonged toBilbo. Sam tied an Elvish rope around Gollum's ankle as a leash, but the mere touch of the rope pained him. Taking pity on the wretched creature, just as Bilbo once had, Frodo made Gollum swear to help them. Agreeing to the oath, Gollum swore by the Ring itself, and Frodo released him.[T 6] The unlikely company, guided by Gollum, made their way to theBlack Gate, the main entrance to Mordor. Frodo's kindness brought out Gollum's better nature, and he made at least some effort to keep his promise. Sam, however, despised Gollum upon sight, and often warned Frodo of the creature's deception and slipperiness.[T 7]
When they reached the Black Gate and found it well-guarded, Gollum offered to lead them toward an alternative entrance into Mordor. Along the way, Frodo and Sam were seized byFaramir, and Gollum slipped away uncaught (but not unseen) and followed them.[T 8] When Frodo allowed Faramir to briefly take Gollum prisoner in order to spare his life, Gollum felt betrayed, and began plotting against his new "master". Faramir found out that Gollum was taking them to the pass ofCirith Ungol, an entrance to Mordor through theEphel Dúath mountains. He warned Frodo and Sam of the evil of that place, as well as the treachery he sensed in Gollum.[T 9]
Frodo, Sam, and Gollum left Faramir and climbed the stairs to Cirith Ungol. Gollum slipped away and visited Shelob, planning to feed the hobbits to her and then get the Ring for himself when she was done. When he returned, he found the hobbits asleep, and the sight of Frodo sleeping nearly moved Gollum to repent. However, Sam woke up and spoke harshly to him, and the opportunity for redemption was lost.[T 10]
Gollum followed through with his plan and led Frodo and Sam intoShelob's Lair. There, Frodo was stung by Shelob, taken prisoner by Orcs, and hauled to the Tower of Cirith Ungol.[T 11] Sam rescued Frodo from theTower of Cirith Ungol and, dressed in scavengedOrc-armour, the two made their way across theplateau of Gorgoroth toMount Doom. When Frodo and Sam had almost reached their destination, Gollum attacked them, but Frodo threw him down. Sam faced Gollum on his own, letting Frodo continue up the mountain to finish their mission. Like Bilbo and Frodo before him, Sam spared Gollum's life out of pity, turned his back on the creature, and followed Frodo.[T 12]
Moments later, Frodo stood on the edge of the Crack of Doom, but claimed the Ring for himself and put it on. Gollum struck, struggled with the invisible Frodo, bit off Frodo's finger, and seized the Ring. Gloating over his "prize" and dancing madly, he stepped over the edge and fell into the Crack of Doom, taking the Ring with him with a last cry of "Precious!" Thus, the Ring was destroyed and Sauron defeated. Sam cursed Gollum after his death, but Frodo urged his friend to forgive him, as without him the quest would have failed.[T 13]
In the first edition ofThe Hobbit, Tolkien made no reference to Gollum's size, leadingillustrators such asTove Jansson to portray him as very large.[9] Tolkien realised the omission, and added in later editions that Gollum was "a small slimy creature."[T 3]The Two Towers characterises him as slightly larger than Sam;[T 11] and later, comparing him to Shelob, one of the Orcs describes him as "rather like a spider himself, or perhaps like a starved frog."[T 14]
The Hobbit states that Gollum had pockets, in which he kept a tooth-sharpening-rock, goblin teeth, wet shells, and a scrap of bat wing;[T 3] it describes him as having a thin face, "big round pale eyes", and being "as dark as darkness".[T 3] InThe Two Towers,rangers of Ithilien wonder if he is a tailless black squirrel.[T 9] According to Sam inThe Fellowship of the Ring, he had "paddle-feet, like a swan's almost, only they seemed bigger" when Gollum was following their boat by paddling a log down theRiver Anduin.[T 5] In a manuscript written to guide illustrators to the appearance of his characters, Tolkien explained that Gollum had pale skin, but wore dark clothes and was often seen in poor light.[10]
InThe Fellowship of the Ring,Aragorn states that "his malice is great and gives him a strength hardly to be believed in one so lean and withered."[T 15]InThe Two Towers, Gollum's grip is described as "soft, but horribly strong" as he wrestles with Sam.[T 6]
Sam notes that Gollum has two distinct personalities: the sinister "Stinker" and the submissive "Slinker", with a green glint in his eyes showcasing the change between them. In "The Passage of the Marshes" chapter, Sam overhears a debate between the two, with the nefarious "Stinker" ultimately coming out on top.[T 16] However, as shown in "The Stairs of Cirith Ungol" chapter, Gollum often oscillates between good and evil. When Gollum stumbles upon Frodo and Sam outside of Shelob's Lair, he is briefly overcome and nearly repents, but this is ultimately ruined by Sam's skeptical remarks.[T 10] Tolkien describes this as the story's most tragic moment, and he claims "Sam failed to note the complete change in Gollum's tone and aspect. Gollum's repentance was blighted, Frodo's pity was wasted, and Shelob's Lair became inevitable."[T 17]
Tolkien describes Gollum's personality after he had been captured by Frodo and Sam:[T 6]
For that moment a change, which lasted for some time, came over him. He spoke with less hissing and whining, and he spoke to his companions direct, not to his precious self. He would cringe and flinch, if they stepped near him or made any sudden movement, and he avoided the touch of their elven-cloaks; but he was friendly, and indeed pitifully anxious to please. He would cackle with laughter and caper if any jest was made, or even if Frodo spoke kindly to him, and weep if Frodo rebuked him.[T 6]
Gollum hates everythingElf-made. InThe Two Towers, Sam bound Gollum's neck with Elven rope, which caused Gollum excruciating pain by its mere presence.[T 6] He was unable or unwilling to eat thelembas bread Sam and Frodo carried with them, and rejects cooked rabbit in favour of raw meat or fish.[T 8][T 9]
Gollum speaks in an idiosyncratic manner, indeed in anidiolect,[11] oftenreferring to himself in the third person, and frequently talks to himself. InThe Hobbit, he always refers to himself as "my precious".[T 3] When not referring to himself in the third person, he sometimesspeaks of himself in the plural as "we", hinting at his alter ego. The rare occasions when he actually says "I" are interpreted by Frodo as an indication that Sméagol's better self has the upper hand. Gollum also uses his own versions of words similar to the original words. He usuallyadds -es to the end of a plural, resulting in words such as "hobbitses" instead of hobbits or "birdses" instead of birds. When forming the present tense of verbs, he frequently extends the third person singular ending -s to other persons and numbers, resulting in constructions like "wehates it" (by analogy with "he hates it"). Gollum's speech emphasisessibilants, often drawing them out.[T 18]
Through the influence of the Ring, Gollum's life was extended far beyond that of other members of his clan. An average hobbit lifespan is over 100 years, but a span of 556 years separates Gollum's finding of the Ring and its destruction, by which time he was almost 600 years old.[T 4]
Commentators including the theologianRalph C. Wood,[12] and the critics Brent Nelson,[2] Kathleen Gilligan,[13] and Susan and Woody Wendling[14] have remarked that Sméagol's murder of Déagol echoesCain's killing of Abel inGenesis (4:1-18). Cain is jealous of his brother Abel; Sméagol is jealous of the shiny gold ring that his friend Déagol has found. Nelson observes that the names of the friends are similar, hinting that at least figuratively they are "brothers". Cain is guilty of Abel's murder, and ends up as a restless wanderer, never finding peace; Sméagol likewise is disowned and exiled by his family, and "wandered in loneliness".[T 4] Nelson, describing Gollum as a "famous monster",[2] notes that Tolkien was a famed scholar of theOld English poemBeowulf, which he acknowledged wasa major source of his own fiction;[2][T 19] and that theBeowulf poet calls the monsterGrendel one of the sons of Cain. Among the many parallels between Gollum and Grendel are their affinity for water, their isolation from society, and their bestial description.[13][2] The Wendlings add that just as Beowulf confronts three monsters, starting with Grendel, inThe Hobbit Bilbo confronts three, starting with Gollum; and again inThe Lord of the Rings, Gollum is one of the three monsters that Frodo encounters.[14]
The Tolkien scholarVerlyn Flieger suggests that Gollum isTolkien's central monster-figure, likening him to both Grendel andtheBeowulf dragon, "the twisted, broken, outcast hobbit whose manlike shape and dragonlike greed combine both theBeowulf kinds of monster in one figure".[15]
Jamie McGregor, writing inMythlore, compares Sméagol's murder of Déagol toFafner's murder of his brotherFasolt inRichard Wagner'sDer Ring des Nibelungen. He notes that Tolkien denied any comparison of his Ring with Wagner's, and that this was accepted by his biographerHumphrey Carpenter.[16] All the same, McGregor notes that Arthur Morgan identified evident parallels, starting withAlberich's curse: there is only one ring; it is cursed; it gives limitless power; owning it brings only misery, and it consumes its owner, who becomes its slave; its owner is called the Lord; owning it is living death.[17]
McGregor further compares Déagol's delight in the ring with theRhinemaidens' innocent rejoicing in their gold: "And behold! when he washed the mud away, there in his hand lay a beautiful golden ring; and it shone and glittered in the sun, so that his heart was glad".[T 4] He draws a parallel between Sméagol's asking for the Ring with Fafner's; Déagol refuses, saying "I'm going to keep it", just as Fasolt says "I hold it: it belongs to me"; Sméagol derisively says "Oh, are you indeed, my love", and strangles him, turning by degrees into the wretched creature Gollum, while Fafner sourly says "Hold it fast in case it falls" and clubs Fasolt to death, becoming by degrees a treasure-fixated dragon.[16][T 4]
Much later, Bilbo blunders into Gollum's cave and finds the Ring by accident; he holds off Gollum with his sword, and escapes by winning a peaceful battle, a riddle contest;Siegfried is led byMime to the dragon's den, kills Fafner to save himself from being eaten; and takes the ring as a bird's voice suggests it. Alberich had cursed the "thief" who took the ring; Gollum curses Bilbo for taking his Ring. On the other hand, McGregor writes, Siegfried is a hero, Bilbo, ananti-hero; and the shrunken Mime is the most Gollum-like character in Wagner's Ring Cycle.[16][T 3]
The Tolkien scholar Charles W. Nelson described Gollum as an evil guide, contrasted with Gandalf, the good guide (likeVirgil inDante'sInferno) inThe Lord of the Rings. He notes, too, that both Gollum and Gandalf are servants of The One,Eru Ilúvatar, in the struggle against the forces of darkness, and "ironically" all of them, good and bad, are necessary to the success of the quest.[19]
David Callaway, writing inMythlore, notes that Tolkien, a devoutRoman Catholic, had madeMiddle-earth a place where good and evil are in conflict under an omnipotent god, Eru Ilúvatar: in other words, "hiscosmology isChristian".[20] Callaway describes Gollum as fitting into this framework as a being not wholly evil, able to make moral choices.[20]
TheEpiscopal priestFleming Rutledge writes that at theCouncil of Elrond, Frodo angrily resists the notion that Gollum was a Hobbit like himself. She adds that Gandalf describes the tale of Gollum's enslavement to the Ring as "a sad story" rather than as Frodo's description of him, "loathsome". Gandalf says that Gollum "had nowill left in the matter", and could not get rid of the Ring; instead, "the Ring itself .. decided things".[T 15] Rutledge comments that the sad story has happened to everybody, trapped, as Christians believe, in "Sin and Death", and states that[21]
The genuinely revolting Gollum is central not only to the surface narrative, ... but also to the underlying theological drama.[21]
Eru makes use of every being's choices for good: Callaway gives as example the way thatGríma Wormtongue's angry throwing of thepalantír, a crystal ball-like stone of seeing, enablesPippin Took to look in the stone and reveal himself toSauron; in turn, Sauron jumps to a wrong conclusion about the stone and the hobbit, which assists the Fellowship in completing their quest, destroying the One Ring. Similarly, Callaway argues, Gollum "is being partly manipulated by Eru in this cosmic chess game"[20] citing Gandalf's remark that Gollum "has some part to play yet, for good or ill".[20] Indeed, Gollum'salter ego, Sméagol, struggles to be good, speaks the truth when questioned by Frodo, and guides them through theDead Marshes. In short, as Tolkien writes, Gollum is "not altogether wicked".[20] Finally, at the end of the quest inside Mount Doom, Gollum takes the Ring from Frodo, and causes it to be destroyed, completing the quest successfully at the moment that Frodo had announced that he would keep the Ring. Callaway calls this "the ultimate heroic self-sacrifice", arguing that Gollum acted "consciously" using "the good fraction in his mind finally overpowering the Ring's evil".[20]
The English literature scholars William N. Rogers II and Michael R. Underwood compare Gollum to the similarly named[22] evil and ancient hag Gagool inRider Haggard's 1885 novelKing Solomon's Mines; Tolkien acknowledged Haggard, especially his novelShe, as a major influence. They note that Haggard's tales share many motifs with Tolkien'sThe Hobbit, including a non-heroic narrator who turns out to be brave and capable in a crisis; a group of male characters on a quest; dangers in caves; a goal of treasure; and return to a happy countryside. Gollum and Gagool both have a monstrous character, Gagool being described as
a withered-up monkey [that] crept on all fours ... a most extraordinary and weird countenance. It was (apparently) that of a woman of great age, so shrunken that in size it was no larger than that of a year-old child, and was made up of a collection of deep yellow wrinkles ... a pair of large black eyes, still full of fire and intelligence, which gleamed and played under the snow-white eyebrows, and the projecting parchment-coloured skull, like jewels in acharnel-house. As for the skull itself, it was perfectly bare, and yellow in hue, while its wrinkled scalp moved and contracted like the hood of acobra." —King Solomon's Mines, 1885[22]
Rogers and Underwood note that Gagool rejoices in "blood and death".[22] Like Gollum, she is human-like but distorted to a parody; she is shrunken and extremely old; her large eyes and speech are distinctive; and she is wholly materialistic, with a "terrible greediness and self-referencing" and "the insatiable claims of the naked ego".[22] They mention also the cultural background of the late 19th century, combiningeconomic recession, fear of moral decline and degeneration leading indeed toeugenics, and a "for-the-momenthedonism" in the face of these concerns. They comment that Gagool can be seen as a "worst-case" embodiment of suchVictorian era fears.[22]
Dale Nelson, writing in theJ. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia, suggests that Gollum may derive fromH. G. Wells'sMorlocks in his 1895 novelThe Time Machine. They have "dull white" skin with a "bleached look", "strange large grayish-red eyes" with "a capacity for reflecting light", and run in a low posture somewhere close to all fours, looking like "a human spider", through having lived for generations underground in darkness.[23]
Tom Birkett, writing inA Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien, likens Gollum toHreiðmarr's son in theVölsunga saga, who took the shape of anotter to catch fish; in the myth, the gods pay a ring as ransom when they kill the otter. Birkett comments on the resemblance to Gollum of "this semi-aquatic creature, greedily devouring fish in a mountain pool".[24]
Gollum's first known screen adaptation is inGene Deitch's 1967 short filmThe Hobbit, where his role is reduced from the action described in the novel to appearing in a single scene which depicts him sitting in his boat.[26]
A different Russian Gollum was played by Viktor Smirnov inLeningrad Television's two-part 1991 TV playKhraniteli, rediscovered in 2021.[34]Variety reported that "he's speaking Russian, sports orange eye-shadow and has what appears to be bright green cabbage leaves pasted to his head."[32]
Kari Väänänen portrayed Gollum (Finnish:Klonkku) in the 1993 live-action television miniseriesHobitit [The hobbits] produced and broadcast by the Finnish networkYle.[35]
InPeter Jackson'sThe Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Gollum is aCGI character voiced and performed by the actorAndy Serkis. He is smaller than Frodo or Sam, but has considerable strength and agility. Barely glimpsed inThe Fellowship of the Ring (2001), he becomes a central character inThe Two Towers (2002) andThe Return of the King (2003). The CGI character was built around Serkis's facial features, voice, and acting choices, and is depicted naked but for a loincloth. Serkis based the iconic "gollum" throat noise on the sound of his cat coughing up hairballs.[37] Using a digital puppet created byJason Schleifer andBay Raitt atWeta Digital, animators created Gollum's performance using a mixture ofmotion capture data recorded from Serkis and the traditional animation process ofkey frame, along with the laborious process of digitallyrotoscoping Serkis's image and replacing it with the digital Gollum's in a technique coinedrotoanimation.[36] Daniel Timmons admired the motion-capture, stating that it brilliantly animated Gollum.[38] Susan Booker said that Gollum "came to life for viewers" through Serkis's acting and Jackson's "electronic wizardry".[39]David Bratman however wrote "How much greater Sméagol's agony is in the book, how much more moving and better-written than the films", arguing that Tolkien's account of Gollum's being "in two minds about his role" is more appropriate than what he considers Jackson's unsophisticated dialogue, with its thrice-repeated "Leave now and never come back".[40]
InThe Return of the King, Serkis himself appears in aflashback scene as Sméagol before his degeneration into Gollum. This scene, originally forThe Two Towers, was held back to allow audiences to become familiar with Gollum and so relate better to the original Sméagol. The decision meant that Raitt and Jamie Beswarick had to redesign Gollum's face for the second and third films to resemble Serkis' more closely.[41] Serkis again played Gollum in the 2012 prequelThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.[42]
Wizard magazine rated Serkis's Gollum as 62nd of the 100 greatest villains in visual media.[43] Serkis as Gollum was 13th onEmpire magazine's "100 Greatest Movie Characters of all Time".[44]
In the "Gollum and Sméagol" scene (number 29) inThe Two Towers, Gollum's split personality is directly represented as a pair of entities. The screenwritersFran Walsh andPhilippa Boyens shaped it as an argument between the childlike "Sméagol" and the evil "Gollum". The film scholarKristin Thompson called it "perhaps the most celebrated scene in the entire film", commenting that it "[drew] gasps from audience members ... at the first cut to Sméagol as an apparently separate character facing himself as Gollum."[3] She comments that the "subtle combination of framing, camera movement, editing, and character glances" requires frame-by-frame analysis to understand in full how Walsh's direction of the scene (to Jackson's instructions) manages "to suggest the conflict between Gollum's two sides".[3] The Tolkien scholarTom Shippey describes Jackson's treatment of Gollum as "masterful all through" and the arguing with himself scene as "especially good and original".[46]
The scene uses the long-establishedshot/reverse shot convention for film dialogue between two people, switching between them, with a three-quarter view of each character, one looking to the left, one to the right. What is new is the technique's application to a single character.[3] Thompson notes however that the scene introduces Gollum and Sméagol by "arcing" continuously from Gollum to Sméagol and back again, rather than bycutting. The argument then proceeds with nineteen shot/reverse shots. Thompson comments that "this scene's ability to make us apparently see two characters arguing with each other when only one is actually present creates an eerie, even astonishing moment that transcends the presentation in the book".[3]
Gollum is the eponymous character inThe Hunt for Gollum, an independently produced 2009 prequel to the Jackson films directed byChris Bouchard. Bouchard's CGI Gollum, voiced by Gareth Brough,[47] looks much like the Gollum of the Jackson films.[48]
In Canada, Gollum was portrayed byMichael Therriault in the three-hour stage production ofThe Lord of the Rings, which opened in 2006 inToronto.[50] He won aDora Award for the performance.[51]
Gollum appears in a 1989 three-part comic book adaptation ofThe Hobbit, scripted byChuck Dixon and Sean Deming and illustrated by David Wenzel.[52]
The rock bandLed Zeppelin mention Gollum and Mordor in their 1969 song "Ramble On", with the lyrics "Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor / I met a girl so fair / But Gollum, and the evil one crept up / And slipped away with her".[54]
^Carpenter 2023, #25 to the editor ofThe Observer, February 1938, stating "Beowulf is among my most valued sources; though it was not consciously present to the mind in the process of writing"
^Parra López, Guillermo; Bartoll Teixidor, Eduard (2019). "El tesoro lingüístico de Gollum. El uso del idiolecto en la caracterización de la identidad de los personajes de ficción y su traducción para el doblaje".MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación (4):343–370.doi:10.6035/MonTI.2019.ne4.12.hdl:10234/184489.
^Morgan, Arthur (1992). "Medieval, Victorian and Modern: Tolkien, Wagner and The Ring". In Gray, Rosemary (ed.).A Tribute to J. R. R. Tolkien. Pretoria:UNISA Medieval Association. pp. 16–28.
^Spencer, Charles (20 June 2007)."Lord of the Rings doomed to epic defeat".The Daily Telegraph.Archived from the original on 11 January 2022.Only Michael Therriault's charismatically creepy and athletic Gollum, and James Loye and Peter Howe who make a touching double act as Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee, come to persuasive life.
^"Doras". Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts. 2008. Archived fromthe original on 2 December 2008.
^"AboutThe Hobbit (Graphic Novel)". Penguin Random House. Retrieved13 April 2020.a destiny that waits in the dark caverns beneath the Misty Mountains, where a twisted creature known as Gollum jealously guards a precious magic ring.