Silver-gilt orgilded/gilt silver, sometimes known inAmerican English by theFrench termvermeil, issilver (either pure orsterling) which has beengilded. Most large objects made ingoldsmithing that appear to be gold are actually silver-gilt; for example, most sporting trophies (including medals such as thegold medals awarded in allOlympic Games after 1912)[1] and many crownjewels are silver-gilt objects.
Apart from the raw materials being much less expensive to acquire than solid gold of anykarat, large silver-gilt objects are also noticeably lighter, as well as more durable. (Gold is about 1.7x heavier thanlead and 1.8x heavier than silver and is easily scratched and bent.) For objects that have intricate detail such asmonstrances, gilding greatly reduces the need for cleaning and polishing, and so reduces the risk of damage. Ungilded silver would sufferoxidation and need frequent polishing; gold does not oxidize at all. The "gold" threads used inembroidered goldwork are normally also silver-gilt.
Silver-gilt objects have been made since ancient times acrossEurasia, using a variety of gilding techniques. A distinctivedepletion gilding technique was developed by theIncas inPre-Columbian South America. "Overlaying" or folding or hammering on gold foil orgold leaf is mentioned inHomer'sOdyssey (Bk vi, 232).[2]Fire-gilding withmercury dates to at least the 4th century BC, and was the most common method until theEarly Modern period at least. However, it was dangerous for the workers[3] and often caused blindness among French artisans who refined the technique in the 18th century.[citation needed]Electroplating is now the most commonly used method: it involves no mercury and is therefore much safer.Keum-boo is a specialKorean technique of silver-gilding, using depletion gilding. In Chinagilt-bronze, also known asormolu, was more common.
Vermeil (/ˈvɜːrmɪl/ or/vərˈmeɪ/;French:[vɛʁˈmɛj]) is an alternative for the usual term silver-gilt. It is a French word which came into use in the English language, mostly in America, in the 19th century, and is rare inBritish English.[4][5][6] "Vermeil" can also refer to giltbronze, an even less costly alternative construction material than silver.[7]
The USCode of Federal Regulations 16, Part 23.4 definesvermeil thus: "An industry product may be described or marked as 'vermeil' if it consists of a base of sterling silver coated or plated on all significant surfaces with gold, or gold alloy of not less than 10-karat fineness, that is of reasonable durability and a minimum thickness throughout equivalent to two and one half (2+1⁄2)microns (or approximately100⁄1000000ths of an inch) of fine gold."[5][8]
Silver objects could be gilded at any point, not just when first made, and items regularly handled, such astoilet service sets fordressing-tables or tableware, often needed regilding after a few years, as the gold began to wear off. In 18th century London, two different silversmiths charged 3shillings perounce of silver for an initial gilding, and 1 shilling and 9pence per ounce for regilding.[9] Often only the interior of cups was gilded, perhaps from concern at the chemical compounds used to clean tarnish from silver. This is calledparcel-gilt.
Fully silver-gilt items are visually indistinguishable from gold, and were no doubt often thought to be solid gold. When theEnglish Commonwealth sold theCrown Jewels of England after the execution ofCharles I they were disappointed in the medieval "Queen Edith's Crowne, formerly thought to be of massy gold, but upon trial found to be of silver gilt", which was valued at only £16, compared to £1,110 for the "imperial crowne".[10] The EnglishGothic Revival architect SirGeorge Gilbert Scott was concerned by the morality of this. Gilding of the interior only he accepted, but with all-over gilding "we ... reach the actual boundary of truth and falsehood; and I am convinced that if we adopt this custom we overstep it.... why make our gift look more costly than it is? We increase its beauty, but it is at the sacrifice of truth."[11] Indeed, some Early Medieval silver-giltCeltic brooches had compartments apparently for small lead weights to aid such deception.[12]