Agig bag (orgigbag) is a padded, soft-sidedbag used for the storage and transport ofmusical instruments,[1] most commonly aguitar orbass guitar. A popular alternative to the usually heavier, more cumbersome hard shell cases, most gig bags include pockets for storage ofsheet music, instrument cables,picks,straps, and otheraccessories, along with shoulder straps and grab handles for added comfort, portability, and ease of use.[2]
Larger gig bags are used for thedouble bass.
While gig bags are lighter and easier to carry, they offer much less protection than padded hard shell or wooden cases. As such, some musicians will own both soft gig bags and hard shell cases for their instruments. This way, they can use the gig bag for local rehearsals,session work, and gigs, and use the hard shell case if their instrument will be checked onto airline baggage.