Although the illegitimate son ofAlaric II, he had been elected king by the Visigoths after Alaric had been killed in battle by theFranks. Alaric's only legitimate son,Amalaric, was a child and too young to rule.[2]
Initially Gesalec was supported by the powerfulOstrogothic kingTheodoric the Great, but this support eventually faded. Between 508 and 511, he had one important Visigothic noble executed - Goiaric.[3] Gesalec's rule was dealt a decisive blow when theBurgundians, led by their kingGundobad, captured and plunderedNarbonne, his capital. Gesalec fled toBarcelona, where he remained until Theodoric deposed him.[4] Theodoric took over the rule of the Visigothic kingdom for the next 15 years, collecting its taxes and appointing its officials, ostensibly in the name of Gesalic's half-brother, Amalaric, until he was old enough to rule.[3]
Driven from the throne, Gesalec found a refuge inCarthage from theVandal kingThrasamund. The Vandal king supported his cause, providing him money but no men, and in 510 and 511 the Vandal navy supported Gesalec's invasion of Spain. However, after receiving some stern letters from Theodoric,[5] Thrasamund recognized he was no match for the Ostrogoths and withdrew his support for Gesalec, offering an apology and gold to Theodoric.[6]
Abandoned by Thrasamund, Gesalec fled toAquitania, where he remained for a year. Herwig Wolfram notes that although Aquitania had been conquered by the Franks following theBattle of Vouille, it was still thickly populated by Visigoths and pro-Gothic Romans.[7] Gesalec returned once again to Spain, andwas defeated by Theodoric's generalIbbas outside of Barcelona, according toIsidore of Seville at the twelfth milestone. Although he escaped from the battlefield, Gesalec was captured after crossing the riverDurance and subsequently executed.[8] Wolfram explains that Gesalec had played "his last card, the Burgundians", but in a footnote observes "Isidore does not tell us whether Burgundians or Ostrogothic guards captured and killed the luckless Visigothic king."[9] Peter Heather speculates his execution was "probably in 513."[3]
^Robert Kasperski,The Visigothic King Gesalic, Isidore’s Historia Gothorum and the Goths’ Wars against the Franks and the Burgundians in the Years 507–514, „Kwartalnik Historyczny” Vol. CXXIV, 2017 Eng.-Language Edition no. 1, pp. 7-37
^Herwig Wolfram,History of the Goths, translated by Thomas J. Dunlap (Berkeley: University of California, 1988), p. 309.
^abcPeter Heather,The Goths (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996), p. 232
^Isidore of Seville,Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum, chapter 37. Translation by Guido Donini and Gordon B. Ford,Isidore of Seville's History of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi, second revised edition (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1970), p. 18
Robert Kasperski,The Visigothic King Gesalic, Isidore’s Historia Gothorum and the Goths’ Wars against the Franks and the Burgundians in the Years 507–514, „Kwartalnik Historyczny” Vol. CXXIV, 2017 Eng.-Language Edition no. 1, pp. 7–37.
Herwig Wolfram,History of the Goths, Berkeley 1988.