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German military rank

Gefreiter ([ɡəˈfraɪ̯tɐ], abbr.Gefr.; pluralGefreite) is a military rank used inGermany,Switzerland, andAustria since the 16th century. It is typically the second rank or grade to which anenlisted soldier, airman, or sailor can be promoted.[1][2]

The word has also been lent into the Russian language asyefreytor (Russian:ефрейтор) and is in use in several Russian and post-Soviet militaries.


Illustration -Gefreiter uniform tunic rank insignia description of the10th Hanoverian Jaeger Battalion [de] (Hannoversches Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 10), Light Infantry, Royal Prussian Army.

Historically, the military rank ofGefreiter (female and plural form:Gefreite)[3] emerged in 16th-century Europe for the GermanLandsknechte foot soldiers.[4] These soldiers were predominantly composed of German and Swissmercenarypikemen and supportinginfantry foot soldiers.[5][6][7][8] Soldiers who proved especially reliable and experienced were appointed togefreytenKnechten (exempted/freed servants/soldiers, a cognate to 'knight'). They were positioned in criticalbattlefield roles and, along with their extra rank privileges, they were generally exempted fromsentry duties.[1][5][6][9][10][11][12]

From the 18th century,Gefreite were the frontline members of amilitary company, with everyGefreiter leading and commanding asection orsquad ofGemeine[13] (ordinary-rank soldiers). The rank existed in thecavalry,infantry,pioneers, andartillery, whereGefreiter rank held a higher rank-class status.[5][6]

Gefreiter was the onlyenlisted rank within the RoyalPrussian Army and theimperial army of theGerman Empire until 1918, to which an exceptional enlisted soldier could be promoted on the recommendation of theHauptmann (Captain) orRittmeister (Cavalry-Master), and ultimately endorsed by theRegiments-Commandeur (RegimentalColonel). An exception to this was the rank ofObergefreiter (since 1859) in thefoot artillery, which later replaced the artilleryBombardier (Corporal) rank.[5]

TheGefreiter rank was also considered a transition rank for promotion to and from which replacements were selected to theUnteroffizier (Corporal)[14] rank.[5] Within the Royal Prussian Army and the imperial army of the German Empire, the rankGefreiter served as a deputy to theUnteroffizier (Corporal) and was distinguished by the wearing of anAuszeichnungsknopf (rank distinction button) known as theGefreitenknopf (Gefreiter button) on each side of their uniform collar, similar to the slightly larger rank collar side-buttons worn by both theSergeant andFeldwebel ranks.[5]

In the Royal Prussian Army until its reorganization after 1806, there existed, along with the rank ofGefreiter, the rank ofGefreite-Korporale,[5] who wore a silverPortepee (sword lanyard). These officer cadets were specifically selected for higher advancement and stood equal with their officer cadet counterpart, thePortepee-Fähnriche.[5] The rank ofGefreite-Korporale also existed alongsideGefreiter in the Austrian Army during theThirty Years' War.[5]

Since the 1920s, the German rank ofGefreiter has expanded into several additional ranks and duties:

  • Obergefreiter (Senior Lance Corporal, otherwise Second Corporal in the Prussian Army since 1859)
  • Hauptgefreiter (Leading Lance Corporal in theLuftwaffe from 1935 to 1944, theKriegsmarine from 1938 to 1945, and theHeer from 1955)
  • Stabsgefreiter (Staff Lance Corporal in theReichswehr since 1927, theKriegsmarine until 1945, and theLuftwaffe from 1944, temporarily replacing theHauptgefreiter rank)
  • Oberstabsgefreiter (Senior Staff Lance Corporal in theKriegsmarine since 1940, not in theHeer orLuftwaffe until 1996)

AllGefreiter ranks are currently in use with the German army, air force, and navy.

The female form,Gefreite, is not used by the military; the formal address isFrau Gefreiter.[15]


Cap insignia
Service and field insignia
Rank groupCharges
Non-NATO rankOR-2[16]
Next higher rankKorporal
Next lower rankRekrut

Gefreiter (abbr.Gfr) is amilitary rank of the AustrianBundesheer. It is officially translated aslance corporal.[17]

Austro-Hungarian Army

See also:Rank insignia of the Austro-Hungarian Army andAdjustierung

In theAustro-Hungarian Army (1867–1918),Gefreiter (Hungarian:Őrvezetö) corresponded toPatrouilleführer andVormeister. It was used by theKaiserjäger as well as theFeldjäger,Standschützen troops, cavalry, medical corps, and infantry.

Then rank insignia was a single white celluloid star on the stand-up collar of the so-calledWaffenrock (tunic) on gorget patch (German:Paroli). The stand-up collar and background of the gorget patch displayed a particularegalisation colour.

Junior rank
Soldat (Honvéd)

Rank insignias of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces
Senior rank
Rank insignia
DesigahntionAustrianImperial and Royal (k. u. k.) Army enlisted ranks
k. u. k. Mountain
k. u. k.
IR 7

Gefreiter in the context of infantry

  • IR 7
    IR 7
  • IR 25
    IR 25
  • IR 33
    IR 33
  • IR 37
    IR 37
  • IR 41
    IR 41
  • IR 50
    IR 50
  • IR 62
    IR 62
  • IR 69
    IR 69
  • IR 77
    IR 77
  • IR 87
    IR 87
  • IR 92
    IR 92
  • IR 99
    IR 99
  • IR 101
    IR 101




Heer shoulder andMarine sleeve insignia
Country Germany
Service branch
RankGerman enlisted rank
NATOrank codeOR-2
Non-NATO rankE-2
Next higher rankObergefreiter
Next lower rank

Gefreiter (abbr.Gefr. orG.) is the secondenlisted rank grade within the modern-day Army (Heer), Air Force (Luftwaffe), and Navy (Marine) of theBundeswehr.[18] Following theNATO ranking system,Gefreiter equates to OR-2 on the NATO-standard rank scale, making the rank equivalent to either private, private first class, vice corporal, lance corporal, or corporal, depending on the chosen NATO-allied force used for the comparison.[2] It is grade A4 in the pay scale of theFederal Ministry of Defence.

The sequence of ranks (top-down approach) in this particular group is as follows:

In line with Bundeswehr rank advancement conditions, enlisted personnel at the OR-1 level may be promoted to the OR-2 level after passing primaryrecruit training (usually after three months) to the rank ofGefreiter.

Junior rank

(German enlisted rank)

Senior rank

Wehrmacht 1935–1945

Illustration of formerGerman Army (Heer)Gefreiter rank insignia, worn on the upper left arm sleeve. The backing is made of blue-green cloth (Version from 1 October 1936 to 1945, previously two chevrons in theReichswehr).

Throughout the periods of the Royal Prussian Army, the Imperial Army of the German Empire, theReichswehr, theWehrmacht, and theWaffen-SS, the rank ofGefreiter was considered equivalent to that of alance corporal.

TheObergefreiter was regarded as senior lance corporal or rathersecond corporal in the artillery, and the fullcorporal rank known asUnteroffizier[14] (subordinatenon-commissioned officer) replaced theKorporal rank from 1856.

Within thearmy branch (Heer) of theWehrmacht, a rank ofOberschütze (senior rifleman) once existed between the ranks ofGefreiter andSchütze/Soldat ("[enlisted] ordinary-rank rifleman/soldier").

AGefreiter was considered an "exempted man", who was not typically assigned more menial duties, such as guard detail. A soldier promoted toGefreiter was seen as showing some promise of leadership capability, while those who did not were promoted toOberschütze.

Since the unmasking of theLuftwaffe on 1 March 1935, theGefreiter was also part of their ranks. Prior to this, the Luftwaffe operated secretly under the guise of theGerman Air Sports Association (DLV). TheGefreiter emerged from theFlieger-Gefreiter (Airman Lance Corporal) of the DLV flying corps, where this rank served as an assistant aircraft pilot (DLV-Hilfsflugzeugführer), assistant radio operator (DLV-Hilfsbordfunker), or assistant supervisor (DLV-Unterwart).

In addition to wearing the chevron on the left upper arm, the LuftwaffeGefreiter had collar tabs showing two aluminium wings. In this illustration, the red colour on the LuftwaffeGefreiter collar tabs identifies the branch as theFlak Corps.

The LuftwaffeGefreiter ranked immediately above the lowest rank,Flieger (Airman, Aviator); there was no equivalent to the army rank ofOberschütze. Instead of the rank insignia of its DLV counterpart, which was three aluminum-colored wings on bothcollar patches, the LuftwaffeGefreiter wore only two collar wings. The collar patches were in one of the respectiveLuftwaffe branch colours. Additionally, theGefreiter wore a chevron on the left upper arm according to the army pattern, but on a base made of blue-grey fabric. The chevrons were made of aluminium-coloured braid (for service tunic, flight blouse, coat), grey-blue braid (fordrill blouse, work protection suit), or dark brown braid (for tropical shirt).

Final ranks to enlisted men until 1945
Waffen-SSHeer(Army)Luftwaffe(Air Force)Kriegsmarine(Navy)
No equivalentHauptgefreiterMatrosenhauptgefreiter
No equivalentStabsgefreiterMatrosenstabsgefreiter
No equivalentMatrosenoberstabsgefreiter

"Bohemian corporal"


The best-known holder of the rank ofGefreiter wasAdolf Hitler, who held the rank in theBavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16 of the RoyalBavarian Army duringWorld War I.

"Bohemian corporal" was a derogatory term used privately inWorld War II forAdolf Hitler by German generals (many of whom werePrussian aristocrats) dissatisfied with Hitler's military leadership and detailed control. Among the generals wereGerd von Rundstedt,Erich von Manstein, andFriedrich Paulus.

Rundstedt often remarked during and after the war, "Without Hitler's consent, I can't even move my own sentry from my front door around to the back!"Wilhelm Keitel once asked Hitler, "Do you realise that Rundstedt called you a Bohemian corporal?" Hitler replied, "Yes, but he is the best field marshal I have".

Von Rundstedt used the termdieser böhmische Gefreiter, which Hitler had acquired in the 1930s from World War I hero,German PresidentPaul von Hindenburg. Hindenburg, who took an instant mutual dislike to Hitler on their first meeting, mistook Hitler's hometown of Braunau in Austria (Braunau am Inn) for another town of the same name (Broumov, German:Braunau) in Bohemia. Initially, he said "Austrian corporal", but later used "Bohemian corporal", which was a pejorative term, as he regarded Bohemians as "essentially gypsies", unlike the more cultured Prussians or even Austrians.[19]


Army and Air Force shoulder insignia
Country Russia
Service branch Russian Ground Forces
 Russian Air Force
RankTable of ranks
Non-NATO rankOR-4
Formation1716 in theImperial Russian Army
Next higher rankMladshy serzhant
Next lower rankRyadovoy

Yefreytor (Russian:ефрейтор) is aGermanloanword inRussian and denotes a similar rank in theRussian army.

In Russia, the rank ofyefreytor was introduced byPeter I in 1716 to the infantry, cavalry, and engineer forces. The rank was not used after 1722. During the reign ofPaul I, it was made an equivalent rank toprivate which, after the reign ofAlexander I, was used only for theImperial Guard.Yefreytor was re-introduced in the course of the military reforms of 1826.

In the armed forces of the Soviet Union (and later theRussian Federation),yefreytor is the highest rank of enlisted personnel. According toNATO-rank system, the rank might be comparable to OR-4 in Anglophone armed forces.[20]

Sequence of ranks
junior rank:

senior rank:
Junior sergeant

Rank insignia


Imperial Russian Army

  • Epaulette Yefreytor of the 3rd Lancer Smolensk Emperor Alexander III Regiment (1908)
    EpauletteYefreytor of the 3rd Lancer SmolenskEmperorAlexander III Regiment
  • Shoulder insignia Yefreytor to Imperial Russian Army (until 1917)
    Shoulder insigniaYefreytor toImperial Russian Army
    (until 1917)
  • Pogon Yefreytor (lance corporal) of the Russian Life Guards Uhlan Regiment (1914)
    Pogon Yefreytor (lance corporal) of the Russian Life Guards Uhlan Regiment

Red Army (RA) and Soviet Armed Forces (SA)


Russian Armed Forces

  • Kursant Service uniform with OR-3 rank yefreytor of the Air Force or Airborne Troops (1994–2010)
    Kursant Service uniform with OR-3 rankyefreytor of theAir Force orAirborne Troops
  • Service uniform yefreytor of the Army and SMF (1994−2010)
    Service uniformyefreytor
    of theArmy andSMF
  • Field uniform yefreytor of the whole Armed Forces branches (1994—2010)
    Field uniformyefreytor of the wholeArmed Forces branches
  • Service uniform yefreytor of the Army (2010−present)
    Service uniformyefreytor of theArmy
  • Service uniform yefreytor of the Air Force (2010−present)
    Service uniformyefreytor of theAir Force
  • Field uniform yefreytor of the whole Armed Forces branches (2010—present)
    Field uniformyefreytor of the wholeArmed Forces branches

Other uses ofYefreytor



Main article:Swiss army ranks

See also



  1. ^abDuden; Definition of Gefreiter, in German.[1]
  2. ^abOfficial Website (Bundeswehr): Dienstgrade und Uniformen der Bundeswehr (Service Ranks and Uniforms of the German Federal Defence Forces), in German.[2]
  3. ^"Gefreite".Duden (in German). Retrieved26 September 2023.
  4. ^"Landsknecht, der".Duden. Retrieved26 September 2023.
  5. ^abcdefghiErsch, Johann Samuel; Gruber, Johann Gottfried (1852). "Section 1: A–G".Gefreiter.Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste [Universal Encyclopaedia of the Sciences and Arts] (in German). Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus. pp. 471–472.
  6. ^abcLünig, Johann Christian (1723).Corpus Juris Militaris Des Heiliges Römisches Reich [Military Law of the Holy Roman Empire] (in German). Vol. 2. Leipzig.
  7. ^Miller, Douglas (1976).The Landsknechts. Great Britain: Osprey.ISBN 0850452589.
  8. ^Richards, John (2002).Landsknecht Soldier 1486–1560. Great Britain: Osprey.ISBN 1841762431.
  9. ^Mackensen, Lutz.Vom Ursprung der Wörter. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.
  10. ^"Notes and Queries". Oxford University Press. 3 June 1880 – via Google Books.
  11. ^Carruthers, Bob (30 June 2015).Hitler's Violent Youth: How Trench Warfare and Street Fighting Moulded Hitler. Pen and Sword.ISBN 9781473833517 – via Google Books.
  12. ^Carruthers, Bob (30 June 2015).Hitler's Propaganda Pilgrimage. Pen and Sword.ISBN 9781473833500 – via Google Books.
  13. ^"Gemeine, der".Duden. Retrieved26 September 2023.
  14. ^ab"Korporal, der".Duden. Retrieved26 September 2023.
  15. ^"VSB-Statement 'weibliche Dienstgrade'".Verband der Soldaten der Bundeswehr. Archived fromthe original on August 5, 2021. RetrievedFebruary 12, 2021.
  16. ^"Rank Insignias" Ministry of Defence. Archived fromthe original on 17 May 2022. Retrieved19 November 2021.
  17. ^bundesheer.
  18. ^Brockhaus, The encyclopedia in 24 volumes (1796–2001), Volume 8: 3-7653-3668-8, page 231; definition "Gefreiter".
  19. ^Margaritis, Peter (2019).Countdown to D-Day: The German perspective. Oxford, UK & Pennsylvania, USA: Casemate. pp. xv, 33.ISBN 978-1-61200-769-4.
  20. ^NATO (2010).STANAG 2116 NATO (6th ed.). Brussels, Belgium: NATO Standardization Agency. p. D-1.
  21. ^"ԶԻՆՎՈՐԱԿԱՆ ԾԱՌԱՅՈՒԹՅԱՆ ԵՎ ԶԻՆԾԱՌԱՅՈՂԻ ԿԱՐԳԱՎԻՃԱԿԻ ՄԱՍԻՆ" (in Armenian). Legal information system of Armenia. 15 November 2017. Retrieved3 June 2021.
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  23. ^"ЗАКОН ЗА ОТБРАНАТА И ВЪОРЪЖЕНИТЕ СИЛИ НА РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ" (in Bulgarian). Глава седма. ВОЕННА СЛУЖБА. 12 May 2009. Retrieved25 May 2021.
  24. ^"Қазақстан Республикасының Қарулы Күштері, басқа да әскерлері мен әскери құралымдары әскери қызметшілерінің әскери киім нысаны және айырым белгілері туралы" (in Kazakh). Ministry of Justice (Kazakhstan). 25 August 2011. Retrieved29 May 2021.
  25. ^"Кыргыз Республикасынын жарандарынын жалпыга бирдей аскердик милдети жөнүндө, аскердик жана альтернативдик кызматтар жөнүндө" (in Kyrgyz). Ministry of Justice (Kyrgyzstan). 9 February 2009. Retrieved3 June 2021.
  26. ^"ҚОНУНИ ҶУМҲУРИИ ТОҶИКИСТОН ДАР БОРАИ ЎҲДАДОРИИ УМУМИИ ҲАРБӢ ВА ХИЗМАТИ ҲАРБӢ" (in Tajik). The National Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan. 13 April 2017. Retrieved2 June 2021.
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