The territory of Gavoi is inhabited since the prenuragic period. During themiddleage is cited various times in the list of villages and towns that paid the taxes to the Romancuria.
Gavoi was hit by theplague in the 18th century.[3]
A glimpse of the town with the typical granitic stone houses
TheRomanchurch of San Gavino is Gavoi's foremost sacred spot, through there are eight other ancient churches in the village. The village's center contains rock houses with balconies, and a village fountain is known as "Antana 'eCartzonna".
Near the lake are the archaeological areas of Orrui and San Michele diFonni. ARoman bridge is submerged beneath the lake.
The "tumbarinu" is a traditional drum made of lamb skin, and more rarely, dog or donkey skin. The tumbarinu is often accompanied with the pipiolu, the traditional sheppard's fife. The "ballu tundu", is a traditional dance in the round, as in theBalkan area. Poetry is esteemed, including extemporaneous rhyme competitions on given topics.
The nearby Sanctuary of Madonna d'Itria hosts apalio, in this case a peculiar horse competition very similar to that ofSiena.