Agarment bag orsuit bag[1] is a container of flexible material, usually used to ease transportingsuits,jackets or clothing in general, and also to protect clothes from dust by hanging them inside with theirhangers and then on a closet bar. The simplest models usually have azipper that opens from top to bottom, in the middle of one side. They can be manufactured with different materials, such asfabric,leather orplastic.
Some models of garment bag may have a strap for holding them on theshoulder and quite often, some type of handle. They come in different shapes and sizes depending on the length of the clothes that should contain. Some designs have two handles that can be folded by the middle for ease of carrying.
Garment bags protect clothing from dust, dirt and smells. They help to keep clothes in good condition whether traveling or hanging in wardrobe. Some have an identification window to allow easy inspection of their contents.
Garment bags made of thin plastic are a risk to children who might play with them due to risk of death by asphyxiation.[2]