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Front Range

Coordinates:39°38′02″N105°49′01″W / 39.63389°N 105.81694°W /39.63389; -105.81694
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mountain range of the Southern Rocky Mountains of North America
Not to be confused with the CanadianFront Ranges.
For the Colorado–Wyoming urban region, seeFront Range urban corridor. For themegaregion, seeSouthern Rocky Mountain Front.
Front Range
Front Range Peaks in theIndian Peaks Wilderness
Highest point
PeakGrays Peak
Elevation14,278 ft (4,352 m)
Coordinates39°38′02″N105°49′01″W / 39.63389°N 105.81694°W /39.63389; -105.81694
The Front Range (excluding theLaramie Mountains) is shown highlighted on a map of the western U.S.
CountryUnited States
  • Colorado
  • Wyoming
Parent rangeRocky Mountains

TheFront Range is amountain range of the SouthernRocky Mountains of North America located in the central portion of the U.S.State of Colorado, and southeastern portion of the U.S.State of Wyoming.[1] It is the first mountain range encountered as one goes westbound along the40th parallel north across theGreat Plains of North America.

The Front Range runs north-south betweenCasper, Wyoming, andPueblo, Colorado, and rises nearly 10,000 feet above the Great Plains.Longs Peak,Mount Blue Sky, andPikes Peak are its most prominent peaks, visible from theInterstate 25 corridor. The area is a popular destination for mountain biking, hiking, climbing, and camping during the warmer months and for skiing and snowboarding during winter. Millions of years ago, the present-day Front Range was home to ancient mountain ranges, deserts, beaches, and even oceans.[2]

The name "Front Range" is also applied to theFront Range urban corridor, the populated region of Colorado andWyoming just east of the mountain range and extending fromCheyenne, Wyoming south toPueblo, Colorado. This urban corridor benefits from the weather-moderating effect of the Front Range mountains, which help block prevailing storms.


Pikes Peak andGarden of the Gods.
UpliftedLyons Sandstone slabs along the eastern edge of the Front Range

Pikes Peak Granite


About 1 billion years ago, a mass of magma rose to the surface through a much older mantle, cooling to form what is now known as thePrecambrianPikes Peak Granite. Over the next 500 million years, the granite eroded with no sedimentation forming over this first uplift, resulting in a local expression of theGreat Unconformity. At about 500–300 million years ago, the region began to sink and sediments began to deposit in the newly formed accommodation space. Eroded granite produced sand particles that began to form strata, layers of sediment, in the sinking basin. Sedimentation would continue to take place until about 300 million years ago.[2][3]

Fountain formation


Around 300 million years ago, the sinking suddenly reversed, and the sediment-covered granite began touplift, giving rise to theAncestral Rocky Mountains. Over the next 150 million years, during the uplift the mountains continued to erode and cover their flanks in their own sediment. Wind, gravity, rainwater, snow, and ice-melt supplied rivers that ultimately carved through the granite mountains and eventually led to their complete removal. The sediment from these mountains lies in the very redFountain Formation today.Red Rocks Amphitheatre outside of Denver, Colorado, is set within the Fountain Formation.[2]

Lyons Sandstone


At 280 million years ago, sea levels were low and present-day Colorado was part of the super-continentPangaea. Sand deserts covered most of the area, spreading as dunes seen in the rock record, known today as theLyons Sandstone. These dunes appear to be cross-bedded and show variousfossil footprints and leaf imprints in many of the strata making up the section.[2] Uplifted beds of Lyons Sandstone are found along the Front range and form the gateway to theGarden of the Gods.[3]

Lykins Formation


30 million years later, the sediment deposition was still taking place with the introduction of theLykins Shale. This formation can be best attributed to its wavy layers of muddylimestone and signs ofstromatolites that thrived in atidal flat in present-day Colorado. 250 million years ago, theAncestral Rockies were eroding away[3] while the shoreline was present during the break-up of Pangaea. This formation began right after Earth's largest extinction 251 million years ago at thePermianTriassic Boundary. Ninety percent of the planet's marine life became extinct and a great deal on land as well.[2]

Morrison Formation


After 100 million years of deposition, a new environment brought rise to a new formation, the sandstoneMorrison Formation. The Morrison Formation contains some of the best fossils of the LateJurassic. It is especially known for its sauropod tracks and sauropod bones, among other dinosaur fossils. As identified by the fossil record, the environment was filled with various types of vegetation such asferns andZamites.[2] While this time period boasts many types of plants, grass had not yet evolved.[2]

Dakota Sandstone


TheDakota Sandstone, which was deposited around 100 million years ago at the opening of theCretaceousWestern Interior Seaway from the Arctic to the Tropics, shows evidence of ferns and dinosaur tracks. Sheets of ripple marks can be seen on some of the strata, confirming advancing and retreating near-shore environments.[2] These Dakota Group sandstone beds are resistant to erosion and have uplifted to form theDakota Hogback, a ridge between the mountains and the plains.[3]

Benton Group / Niobrara Formation


Over the next 35 million years, the Cretaceous seaway repeatedly widened as far as Utah and Wisconsin and narrowed to near closure.[4] With no mountains present at the time, the Colorado area was in the line of the deepest channel of the seaway; but being on theTranscontinental Arch, the Front Range areas was relatively shallow and was near the last land to submerge as the seaway opened. Shale and chalk were deposited over the area asGreenhorn of theBenton Group and theNiobrara Formation. Within these beds are found abundant marine fossils (ammonites and skeletons of fish and such marine reptiles asmosasaurs,plesiosaurs, and extinct species ofsea turtles) along with rare dinosaur and bird remains. Today, theFort Hays Limestone member formsflatirons or secondary hogbacks on the east slope of the Dakota Hogback.[5]

Pierre Shale


The non-chalky shales of thePierre Formation formed in the final cycle of the seaway. At about 68 million years ago, the Front Range began to rise again due to the Laramide Orogeny in the western half of the state, draining from being at the bottom of a sea to land again, giving yield to another fossiliferous rock layer, the Denver Formation.[2]

Denver Formation

Front Range nearEstes Park, Colorado (Mummy Mountain)

TheDenver Formation contains fossils of dinosaurs likeTyrannosaurus rex andTriceratops. While the forests of vegetation, dinosaurs, and other organisms thrived, their reign would come to an end at theCretaceous–Paleogene boundary (which was formerly known as the K-T boundary). In an instant, millions of species were obliterated by a meteor impact in Mexico'sYucatán Peninsula. While this extinction led to the demise of the dinosaurs and other organisms, some life did prevail to repopulate the earth as it recovered from this tremendous disaster. The uplifted mountains continued to constantly erode and, by 40 million years ago, the region was once again buried in material eroded from the central mountains.[2]

Castle Rock Conglomerate


Suddenly, 37 million years ago, a great volcanic eruption took place in theCollegiate Range and covered the landscape in hot ash that instantly torched and consumed everything across the landscape. An entire lush environment was capped in a matter of minutes with 20 feet of extremely resistant rock,rhyolite. However, as seen before, life rebounds, and after a few million years mass floods cut through the rhyolite and eroded much of it as plants and animals began to recolonize the landscape. The mass flooding and erosion of the volcanic rock formed theCastle Rock Conglomerate that can be found in the Front Range.[2]

Quaternary deposits


Eventually, at about 10 million years ago, the Front Range began to rise up again and the resistant granite in the heart of the mountains thrust upwards and stood tall, while the weaker sediments deposited above it eroded away. As the Front Range rose, streams and recent (16,000 years ago) glaciations during theQuaternary age literally unburied the range by cutting through the weaker sediment and giving rise to the granitic peaks present today.[2] This was the last step in forming the present-day geologic sequence and history of today's Front Range.[2]

The Front Range as viewed fromGreenwood Village south of Denver,Mount Blue Sky is on the far right, in the clouds.

Prominent peaks


The Front Range includes the highest peaks along the eastern edge of the Rockies. The highest mountain peak in the Front Range isGrays Peak. Other notable mountains includeTorreys Peak,Mount Blue Sky,Longs Peak,Pikes Peak, andMount Bierstadt.

Longs Peak
Pikes Peak
Mount Blue Sky
The 20 Mountain Peaks of the Front Range With At Least 500 Meters of Topographic Prominence
RankMountain PeakSubrangeElevationProminenceIsolation
1Grays Peak[6]NGSFront Range14,278 ft
4352 m
2,770 ft
844 m
25 mi
40.3 km
2Mount Blue SkyNGSFront Range14,265 ft
4348 m
2,769 ft
844 m
9.79 mi
15.76 km
3Longs PeakNGSFront Range14,259 ft
4346 m
2,940 ft
896 m
43.6 mi
70.2 km
4Pikes PeakNGSPikes Peak Massif14,115 ft
4302 m
5,530 ft
1686 m
60.8 mi
97.8 km
5Mount SilverheelsNGSPBFront Range13,829 ft
4215 m
2,283 ft
696 m
5.48 mi
8.82 km
6Bald Mountain[7]PBFront Range13,690 ft
4173 m
2,099 ft
640 m
7.51 mi
12.09 km
7Bard Peak[7]PBFront Range13,647 ft
4159 m
1,701 ft
518 m
5.43 mi
8.74 km
8Hagues PeakNGSPBMummy Range13,573 ft
4137 m
2,420 ft
738 m
15.92 mi
25.6 km
9North Arapaho Peak[7]PBIndian PeaksPB13,508 ft
4117 m
1,665 ft
507 m
15.4 mi
24.8 km
10Parry Peak[7]Front Range13,397 ft
4083 m
1,731 ft
528 m
9.46 mi
15.22 km
11Mount Richthofen[7]PBFront Range12,945 ft
3946 m
2,680 ft
817 m
9.66 mi
15.54 km
12Specimen Mountain[7]PBFront Range12,494 ft
3808 m
1,731 ft
528 m
4.86 mi
7.82 km
13Bison PeakNGSPBTarryall MountainsPB12,432 ft
3789 m
2,451 ft
747 m
19.14 mi
30.8 km
14Waugh Mountain[7]PBSouth Park HillsPB11,716 ft
3571 m
2,330 ft
710 m
20 mi
32.2 km
15Black MountainNGSPBSouth Park HillsPB11,649 ft
3551 m
2,234 ft
681 m
8.03 mi
12.92 km
16Williams PeakNGSPBSouth Williams Fork MountainsPB11,620 ft
3542 m
2,049 ft
625 m
10.79 mi
17.37 km
17Puma Peak[7]PBSouth Park HillsPB11,575 ft
3528 m
2,260 ft
689 m
7.44 mi
11.97 km
18Thirtynine Mile Mountain[7]PBSouth Park HillsPB11,553 ft
3521 m
2,088 ft
636 m
10.61 mi
17.08 km
19Twin Sisters Peaks[7]PBFront Range11,433 ft
3485 m
2,328 ft
710 m
4.36 mi
7.01 km
20South Bald Mountain[1]Laramie Mountains11,007 ft
3355 m
1,844 ft
562 m
13.66 mi
22 km



The main interstate highways that run through the Front Range areInterstate 70, which crosses west of Denver, Colorado, andInterstate 80, which crosses near Laramie, Wyoming.U.S. Route 34 travels through the mountains nearLoveland, Colorado, although this route is typically closed from October to May.[8]U.S. Route 24 travels through the southern Front Range west ofColorado Springs, eventually connecting with I-70 west ofVail, Colorado.

Along with the roads that run through the Front Range, theUnion Pacific Railroad operates two rail lines through the mountains. The firstOverland Route, transiting southern Wyoming, runs parallel to I-80 for much of its way. The second is the formerDenver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Moffat Route, which runs parallel to the Colorado River and through the 6.5-mile-longMoffat Tunnel. Originally theDenver and Salt Lake Railway, the former Rio Grande is used for freight by both Union Pacific andBNSF, and it is also used byAmtrak'sCalifornia Zephyr andWinter Park Express.

See also



  1. ^"GNIS Feature Search".Archived from the original on 2012-07-14. Retrieved2010-05-13. |U.S. Geological Survey confirms that the Laramie Mountains(range) are the northern extent of the Front Range.
  2. ^abcdefghijklmJohnson, Kirk R.; et al. (2006).Ancient Denvers. Fulcrum Publishing.ISBN 978-1-55591-554-4.
  3. ^abcdWilliams, Felice; Chronic, Halka (2014) [1980].Roadside Geology of Colorado (3rd ed.). pp. 9–11,46–49.ISBN 978-0878426096.
  4. ^R.J. Weimer (1984). J.S. Schlee (ed.)."Relation of unconformities, tectonics, and sea-level changes, Cretaceous of Western Interior, United States"(PDF).AAPG Memoir (Memoir 36, Interregional unconformities and hydrocarbon accumulation).American Association of Petroleum Geologists: 407. RetrievedMarch 21, 2021.
  5. ^Noblett, J.B. (2011).A Guide to the Geological History of the Pikes Peak Region, Colorado Springs (2nd ed.). Colorado Springs, Colorado: Colorado College. p. 43. (Benton Group is in current use in this location.)
  6. ^Thesummit ofGrays Peak is thehighest point on theContinental Divide of North America.
  7. ^abcdefghijThe elevation of this summit has been converted from theNational Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) to theNorth American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).National Geodetic SurveyArchived 2011-10-19 at theWayback Machine
  8. ^"Road Status Report - Rocky Mountain National Park (U.S. National Park Service)" Archived fromthe original on 8 February 2019. Retrieved8 January 2020.

Further reading

  • Fishman, N.S. et al. (2005).Principal areas of oil, natural gas, and coal production in the northern part of the Front Range, Colorado. Geologic Investigations Series I-2750-B. Reston, Virginia: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.
  • Sprague, L.A., R.E. Zuellig, and J.A. Dupree. (2006).Effects of urban development on stream ecosystems along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado and Wyoming. USGS Fact Sheet 2006-3083. Reston, Virginia: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.

External links

Wikivoyage has a travel guide forFront Range.
Book Cliffs
Elk Mountains
Elkhead Mountains
Flat Tops
Front Range
Kenosha Mountains
Mummy Range
Never Summer Mountains
Rampart Range
Gore Range
Grand Mesa
Laramie Mountains
Medicine Bow Mountains
Mosquito Range
Park Range
Rabbit Ears Range
Raton Mesa
San Juan Mountains
La Garita Mountains
La Plata Mountains
Needle Mountains
Sneffels Range
Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Sangre de Cristo Range
Wet Mountains
Sawatch Range
Collegiate Peaks
Spanish Peaks
Tenmile Range
Uinta Mountains
West Elk Mountains
Denver (capital)
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