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Fresnel lens

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Compact composite lens
First-order rotating catadioptric Fresnel lens, dated 1870, displayed at theMusée national de la Marine, Paris. In this case the dioptric prisms (inside the bronze rings) and catadioptric prisms (outside) are arranged to concentrate the light from the central lamp into four revolving beams, seen by sailors as four flashes per revolution. The assembly stands 2.54 metres (8.3 ft) tall and weighs about 1.5 tonnes (3,300 lb).

AFresnel lens (/ˈfrnɛl,-nəl/FRAY-nel, -⁠nəl;/ˈfrɛnɛl,-əl/FREN-el, -⁠əl; or/frˈnɛl/fray-NEL[1]) is a type of composite compactlens which reduces the amount of material required compared to a conventional lens by dividing the lens into a set of concentric annular sections.

The simplerdioptric (purelyrefractive) form of the lens was first proposed byGeorges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon[2], and independently reinvented by the French physicistAugustin-Jean Fresnel (1788–1827) for use inlighthouses.[3][4] Thecatadioptric (combining refraction and reflection) form of the lens, entirely invented by Fresnel, has outerprismatic elements that usetotal internal reflection as well as refraction to capture more oblique light from the light source and add it to the beam, making it visible at greater distances.

The design allows the construction of lenses of largeaperture and shortfocal length without the mass and volume of material that would be required by a lens of conventional design. A Fresnel lens can be made much thinner than a comparable conventional lens, in some cases taking the form of a flat sheet.

Because of its use in lighthouses, it has been called "the invention that saved a million ships".[5]





The first person to focus a lighthouse beam using a lens was apparently the London glass-cutter Thomas Rogers, who proposed the idea toTrinity House in 1788.[6] The first Rogers lenses, 53 cm in diameter and 14 cm thick at the center, were installed at theOld Lower Lighthouse atPortland Bill in 1789. Behind each lamp was a back-coated spherical glass mirror, which reflected rear radiation back through the lamp and into the lens. Further samples were installed atHowth Baily,North Foreland, and at least four other locations by 1804. But much of the light was wasted by absorption in the glass.[6][7]

In 1748,Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon was the first to replace a convex lens with a series of concentricannular prisms, ground as steps in a single piece of glass,[2]to reduce weight and absorption. In 1790[8] (although secondary sources give the date as 1773[9]: 609  or 1788[10]), theMarquis de Condorcet suggested that it would be easier to make the annular sections separately and assemble them on a frame; but even that was impractical at the time.[11][12] These designs were intended not for lighthouses,[2] but forburning glasses.[9]: 609 David Brewster, however, proposed a system similar to Condorcet's in 1811,[2][10][13] and by 1820 was advocating its use in British lighthouses.[14]

Publication and refinement

Cross-section of a first-generation Fresnel lighthouse lens, with sloping mirrors m, n above and below the refractive panel RC (with central segment A). The design was later improved by replacing the mirrors with reflective prisms to reduce losses. If the cross-section in every vertical plane through the lamp L is the same (cylindrical symmetry), the light is spread evenly around the horizon.

The FrenchCommission des Phares [FR] (Commission of Lighthouses) was established by Napoleon in 1811, and placed under the authority of French physicistAugustin-Jean Fresnel's employer, the Corps of Bridges and Roads. As the members of the commission were otherwise occupied, it achieved little in its early years.[15] However, on 21 June 1819—three months after winning the physicsGrand Prix of the Academy of Sciences for his celebrated memoir ondiffraction—Fresnel was "temporarily" seconded to the commission on the recommendation ofFrançois Arago (a member since 1813), to review possible improvements in lighthouse illumination.[11][16]

By the end of August 1819, unaware of the Buffon-Condorcet-Brewster proposal,[11][13] Fresnel made his first presentation to the commission,[17] recommending what he calledlentilles à échelons ('lenses by steps') to replace the reflectors then in use, which reflected only about half of the incident light.[18] Another report by Fresnel, dated 29 August 1819 (Fresnel, 1866–70, vol. 3, pp. 15–21), concerns tests on reflectors, and does not mention stepped lenses except in an unrelated sketch on the last page of the manuscript. The minutes of the meetings of the Commission go back only to 1824, when Fresnel himself took over as Secretary.[19] Thus the exact date on which Fresnel formally recommendedlentilles à échelons is unknown.[citation needed] Much to Fresnel's embarrassment, one of the assembled commissioners,Jacques Charles, recalled Buffon's suggestion.[20] However, whereas Buffon's version wasbiconvex and in one piece,[21] Fresnel's wasplano-convex and made of multiple prisms for easier construction.

With an official budget of 500 francs, Fresnel approached three manufacturers. The third, François Soleil, found a way to remove defects by reheating and remolding the glass. Arago assisted Fresnel with the design of a modifiedArgand lamp with concentric wicks (a concept that Fresnel attributed toCount Rumford[22]), and accidentally discovered thatfish glue was heat-resistant, making it suitable for use in the lens. The prototype, finished in March 1820, had a square lens panel 55 cm on a side, containing 97 polygonal (not annular) prisms—and so impressed the Commission that Fresnel was asked for a full eight-panel version. This model, completed a year later in spite of insufficient funding, had panels 76 cm square. In a public spectacle on the evening of 13 April 1821, it was demonstrated by comparison with the most recent reflectors, which it suddenly rendered obsolete.[23]

Soon after this demonstration, Fresnel published the idea that light, including apparentlyunpolarized light, consists exclusively oftransverse waves, and went on to consider the implications fordouble refraction and partial reflection.[24]

Fresnel acknowledged the British lenses and Buffon's invention in a memoir read on 29 July 1822 and printed in the same year.[25] The date of that memoir may be the source of the claim that Fresnel's lighthouse advocacy began two years later than Brewster's;[14] but the text makes it clear that Fresnel's involvement began no later than 1819.[26]

Fresnel's next lens was a rotating apparatus with eight "bull's-eye" panels, made in annular arcs bySaint-Gobain,[12] giving eight rotating beams—to be seen by mariners as a periodic flash. Above and behind each main panel was a smaller, sloping bull's-eye panel of trapezoidal outline with trapezoidal elements.[27] This refracted the light to a sloping plane mirror, which then reflected it horizontally, 7 degrees ahead of the main beam, increasing the duration of the flash.[28] Below the main panels were 128 small mirrors arranged in four rings, stacked like the slats of alouver orVenetian blind. Each ring, shaped like afrustum of acone, reflected the light to the horizon, giving a fainter steady light between the flashes. The official test, conducted on the unfinishedArc de Triomphe on 20 August 1822, was witnessed by the Commission—and byLouis XVIII and his entourage—from 32 kilometres (20 mi) away. The apparatus was stored atBordeaux for the winter, and then reassembled atCordouan Lighthouse under Fresnel's supervision—in part by Fresnel's own hands. On 25 July 1823, the world's first lighthouse Fresnel lens was lit.[29] As expected, the light was visible to the horizon, more than 32 kilometres (20 mi) out.[30]

The day before the test of the Cordouan lens in Paris, a committee of the Academy of Sciences reported on Fresnel's memoir and supplements on double refraction—which, although less well known to modern readers than his earlier work on diffraction, struck a more decisive blow for the wave theory of light.[31] Between the test and the reassembly at Cordouan, Fresnel submitted his papers onphotoelasticity (16 September 1822),elliptical andcircular polarization andoptical rotation (9 December), and partial reflection andtotal internal reflection (7 January 1823),[32] essentially completing his reconstruction ofphysical optics on thetransverse wave hypothesis. Shortly after the Cordouan lens was lit, Fresnel started coughing up blood.[33]

In May 1824,[13] Fresnel was promoted to Secretary of theCommission des Phares, becoming the first member of that body to draw a salary,[34] albeit in the concurrent role of Engineer-in-Chief.[35] Late that year, being increasingly ill, he curtailed his fundamental research and resigned his seasonal job as an examiner at theÉcole Polytechnique, in order to save his remaining time and energy for his lighthouse work.[36][37]

In the same year he designed the firstfixed lens—for spreading light evenly around the horizon while minimizing waste above or below.[11] Ideally the curved refracting surfaces would be segments oftoroids about a common vertical axis, so that the dioptric panel would look like a cylindrical drum. If this was supplemented by reflecting (catoptric) rings above and below the refracting (dioptric) parts, the entire apparatus would look like a beehive.[38] The second Fresnel lens to enter service was indeed a fixed lens, of third order, installed at Dunkirk by 1 February 1825.[39] However, due to the difficulty of fabricating large toroidal prisms, this apparatus had a 16-sided polygonal plan.[40]

In 1825 Fresnel extended his fixed-lens design by adding a rotating array outside the fixed array. Each panel of the rotating array was to refract part of the fixed light from a horizontal fan into a narrow beam.[11][41]

Also in 1825, Fresnel unveiled theCarte des Phares ('lighthouse map'), calling for a system of 51 lighthouses plus smaller harbor lights, in a hierarchy of lens sizes called "orders" (the first being the largest), with different characteristics to facilitate recognition: a constant light (from a fixed lens), one flash per minute (from a rotating lens with eight panels), and two per minute (16 panels).[42]

In late 1825,[43] to reduce the loss of light in the reflecting elements, Fresnel proposed to replace each mirror with a catadioptric prism, through which the light would travel by refraction through the first surface, thentotal internal reflection off the second surface, then refraction through the third surface.[44] The result was the lighthouse lens as we now know it. In 1826 he assembled a small model for use on theCanal Saint-Martin,[45] but he did not live to see a full-sized version: he died on 14 July 1827, at the age of 39.

After Fresnel


The first stage of the development of lighthouse lenses after the death of Augustin Fresnel consisted in the implementation of his designs. This was driven in part by his younger brother Léonor—who, like Augustin, was trained as a civil engineer but, unlike Augustin, had a strong aptitude for management. Léonor entered the service of the Lighthouse Commission in 1825, and went on to succeed Augustin as Secretary.[46]

The first fixed lens to be constructed with toroidal prisms was a first-order apparatus designed by the Scottish engineerAlan Stevenson under the guidance of Léonor Fresnel, and fabricated by Isaac Cookson & Co. using French glass; it entered service at theIsle of May, Scotland, on 22 September 1836.[47] The first large catadioptric lenses were made in 1842 for the lighthouses at Gravelines andÎle Vierge, France; these were fixed third-order lenses whose catadioptric rings (made in segments) were one metre in diameter. Stevenson's first-orderSkerryvore lens, lit in 1844, was only partly catadioptric; it was similar to the Cordouan lens except that the lower slats were replaced by French-made catadioptric prisms, while mirrors were retained at the top. The firstfully catadioptric first-order lens, installed at Pointe d'Ailly in 1852, also gave eight rotating beams plus a fixed light at the bottom; but its top section had eight catadioptric panels focusing the light about 4 degrees ahead of the main beams, in order to lengthen the flashes. The first fully catadioptric lens withpurely revolving beams—also of first order—was installed atSaint-Clément-des-Baleines in 1854, and marked the completion of Augustin Fresnel's originalCarte des Phares.[48]

Thomas Stevenson (younger brother of Alan) went a step beyond Fresnel with his "holophotal" lens, which focused the light radiated by the lamp in nearly all directions, forward or backward, into a single beam.[49] The first version, described in 1849, consisted of a standard Fresnel bull's-eye lens, a paraboloidal reflector, and a rear hemispherical reflector (functionally equivalent to the Rogers mirror of 60 years earlier, except that it subtended a whole hemisphere). Light radiated into the forward hemisphere but missing the bull's-eye lens was deflected by the paraboloid into a parallel beam surrounding the bull's-eye lens, while light radiated into the backward hemisphere was reflected back through the lamp by the spherical reflector (as in Rogers' arrangement), to be collected by the forward components. The first unit was installed at North Harbour,Peterhead, in August 1849. Stevenson called this version a "catadioptric holophote", although each of its elements was either purely reflective or purely refractive. In the second version of the holophote concept, the bull's-eye lens and paraboloidal reflector were replaced by a catadioptric Fresnel lens—as conceived by Fresnel, but expanded to cover the whole forward hemisphere. The third version, which Stevenson confusingly called a "dioptric holophote", was more innovative: it retained the catadioptric Fresnel lens for the front hemisphere, but replaced the rear hemispherical reflector with a hemispherical array of annular prisms, each of which usedtwo total internal reflections to turn light diverging from the center of the hemisphere back toward the center. The result was an all-glass holophote, with no losses from metallic reflections.[50]

James Timmins Chance modified Thomas Stevenson's all-glass holophotal design by arranging the double-reflecting prisms about a vertical axis. The prototype was shown at the1862 International Exhibition in London. Later, to ease manufacturing, Chance divided the prisms into segments, and arranged them in a cylindrical form while retaining the property of reflecting light from a single point back to that point. Reflectors of this form, paradoxically called "dioptric mirrors", proved particularly useful for returning light from the landward side of the lamp to the seaward side.[51]

First-order group-flashing Fresnel lens, on display at the Point Arena Lighthouse Museum,Point Arena Lighthouse,Mendocino County, California. The three dioptric panels (inside the brass rings) and three catadioptric panels (outside) are partly split in two, giving three double-flashes per rotation.

As lighthouses proliferated, they became harder to distinguish from each other, leading to the use of colored filters, which wasted light. In 1884,John Hopkinson eliminated the need for filters by inventing the "group-flashing" lens, in which the dioptric and/or the catadioptric panels were split so as to give multiple flashes—allowing lighthouses to be identified not only by frequency of flashes, but also by multiplicity of flashes. Double-flashing lenses were installed at Tampico (Mexico) andLittle Basses (Sri Lanka) in 1875, and a triple-flashing lens atCasquets Lighthouse (Channel Islands) in 1876.[52] The example shown (right) is the double-flashing lens of thePoint Arena Light, which was in service from 1908 to 1977.[53]

The development of hyper-radial lenses was driven in part by the need for larger light sources, such as gas lights with multiple jets, which required a longer focal length for a given beam-width, hence a larger lens to collect a given fraction of the generated light. The first hyper-radial lens was built for the Stevensons in 1885 byF. Barbier & Cie of France, and tested atSouth Foreland Lighthouse with various light sources.Chance Brothers (Hopkinson's employers) then began constructing hyper-radials, installing their first atBishop Rock Lighthouse in 1887.[54] In the same year, Barbier installed a hyper-radial atTory Island. But only about 30 hyper-radials went into service[55] before the development of more compact bright lamps rendered such large optics unnecessary (seeHyperradiant Fresnel lens).

Production of one-piece stepped dioptric lenses—roughly as envisaged by Buffon—became feasible in 1852, when John L. Gilliland of theBrooklyn Flint-Glass Company patented a method of making lenses from pressed and molded glass. The company made small bull's-eye lenses for use on railroads, steamboats, and docks;[56] such lenses were common in the United States by the 1870s.[13]: 488  In 1858 the company produced "a very small number of pressed flint-glass sixth-order lenses" for use in lighthouses—the first Fresnel lighthouse lenses made in America.[56] By the 1950s, the substitution of plastic for glass made it economic to use Fresnel lenses as condensers in overhead projectors.[57]


1: Cross-section of Buffon/Fresnel lens. 2: Cross-section of conventionalplano-convex lens of equivalent power. (Buffon's version wasbiconvex.[20])
Close-up view of a flat Fresnel lens shows concentric circles on the surface

The Fresnel lens reduces the amount of material required compared to a conventional lens by dividing the lens into a set of concentric annular sections. An ideal Fresnel lens would have an infinite number of sections. In each section, the overall thickness is decreased compared to an equivalent simple lens. This effectively divides the continuous surface of a standard lens into a set of surfaces of the same curvature, with stepwise discontinuities between them.

In some lenses, the curved surfaces are replaced with flat surfaces, with a different angle in each section. Such a lens can be regarded as an array of prisms arranged in a circular fashion with steeper prisms on the edges and a flat or slightly convex center. In the first (and largest) Fresnel lenses, each section was actually a separate prism. 'Single-piece' Fresnel lenses were later produced, being used for automobile headlamps, brake, parking, and turn signal lenses, and so on. In modern times,computer-controlled milling equipment (CNC) or3-D printers might be used to manufacture more complex lenses.[citation needed]

Fresnel lens design allows a substantial reduction in thickness (and thus mass and volume of material) at the expense of reducing the imaging quality of the lens, which is why precise imaging applications such as photography usually still use larger conventional lenses.

Fresnel lenses are usually made of glass or plastic; their size varies from large (old historical lighthouses, meter size) to medium (book-reading aids, OHP viewgraph projectors) to small (TLR/SLR camera screens, micro-optics). In many cases they are very thin and flat, almost flexible, with thicknesses in the 1 to 5 mm (132 to316 in) range.[citation needed]

Most modern Fresnel lenses consist only of refractive elements. Lighthouse lenses, however, tend to include both refracting and reflecting elements, the latter beingoutside the metal rings seen in the photographs. While the inner elements are sections of refractive lenses, the outer elements are reflecting prisms, each of which performs two refractions and onetotal internal reflection, avoiding the light loss that occurs in reflection from a silvered mirror.

Lighthouse lens sizes


Description of lens orders, fromBlock Island Southeast Light, Rhode Island.
Makapuu Point Light
Walking around a fresnel lens on display inChiba,Japan.

Fresnel designed six sizes of lighthouse lenses, divided into fourorders based on their size and focal length.[58] The 3rd and 4th orders were sub-divided into "large" and "small". In modern use, the orders are classified as first through sixth order. An intermediate size between third and fourth order was added later, as well as sizes above first order and below sixth.

A first-order lens has a focal length of920 mm (36+14 in) and stands about 2.59 m (8 ft 6 in) high, and 1.8 m (6 ft) wide. The smallest (sixth) order has a focal length of 150 mm (6 in) and a height of433 mm (17+116 in).[58][59][60]

The largest Fresnel lenses are calledhyperradiant (or hyper-radial). One such lens was on hand when it was decided to build and outfit theMakapuu Point Light in Hawaii. Rather than order a new lens, the huge optic construction, 3.7 metres (12 ft) tall and with over a thousand prisms, was used there.[61]

Lighthouse lens orders[62]
Modern orderFresnel orderFocal length (mm)Height (m)First installedApplication
Hyper-radial13303.761887Major "landfall" lighthouses
Mesoradial11253.201909Two Brazilian lighthouses
1st1st9202.591823Large seacoast lights
2nd2nd700–7502.07Great Lakes lighthouses, seacoasts, islands, sounds
3rd3rd (large)5001.581825Seacoast sounds, river entry, bays, channels, range lights
4th3rd (small)2500.722Shoals, reefs, harbor lights, islands in rivers and harbors
5th4th (large)187.50.541Breakwaters, river and channel lights, Small islands in sounds
6th4th (small)1500.433Pier and breakwater lights in harbors
7th100–1400.165Used in Scotland and Canada
8th70–750.0826Used in Scotland and Canada
  • First-order lens.
    First-order lens.
  • First-order lens (Cape Meares Lighthouse)
    First-order lens (Cape Meares Lighthouse)
  • First-order lens from Destruction Island WA, built in France 1888. Currently at Westport Maritime Museum.
    First-order lens from Destruction Island WA, built in France 1888. Currently at Westport Maritime Museum.
  • Close-up of a second-order lens.
    Close-up of a second-order lens.
  • Third-order lens (St. Simons Island Light).
    Third-order lens (St. Simons Island Light).
  • Fourth-order lens (Sekizaki Lighthouse, Oita, Japan).
    Fourth-order lens (Sekizaki Lighthouse,Oita, Japan).
  • Fourth order lens from Cape Arago Lighthouse. Currently at Coos History Museum.
    Fourth order lens from Cape Arago Lighthouse. Currently at Coos History Museum.
  • Fifth-order lens, at Key West Lighthouse
    Fifth-order lens, atKey West Lighthouse
  • Sixth-order lens (Ponce de Leon Inlet Light)
    Sixth-order lens (Ponce de Leon Inlet Light)
  • Comparison of first- and fourth-order lenses (Key West Lighthouse)
    Comparison of first- and fourth-order lenses (Key West Lighthouse)



There are two main types of Fresnel lens:imaging andnon-imaging. Imaging Fresnel lenses use segments with curved cross-sections and produce sharp images, while non-imaging lenses have segments with flat cross-sections, and do not produce sharp images.[63] As the number of segments increases, the two types of lens become more similar to each other. In the abstract case of an infinite number of segments, the difference between curved and flat segments disappears.

Imaging lenses can be classified as:

A spherical Fresnel lens is equivalent to asimplespherical lens, using ring-shaped segments that are each a portion of a sphere, that all focus light on a single point. This type of lens produces a sharp image, although not quite as clear as the equivalent simple spherical lens due to diffraction at the edges of the ridges. This type is sometimes called akinoform when the ridges are microscopic, at the wavelength scale.
A cylindrical Fresnel lens is equivalent to a simplecylindrical lens, using straight segments with circular cross-section, focusing light on a single line. This type produces a sharp image, although not quite as clear as the equivalent simple cylindrical lens due to diffraction at the edges of the ridges.

Non-imaging lenses can be classified as:

A non-imaging spot Fresnel lens uses ring-shaped segments with cross sections that are straight lines rather than circular arcs. Such a lens can focus light on a small spot, but does not produce a sharp image. These lenses have application in solar power, such as focusing sunlight on a solar panel. Fresnel lenses may be used as components ofKöhler illumination optics resulting in very effectivenonimaging optics Fresnel-Köhler (FK) solar concentrators.[64]
A non-imaging linear Fresnel lens uses straight segments whose cross sections are straight lines rather than arcs. These lenses focus light into a narrow band. They do not produce a sharp image, but can be used in solar power, such as for focusing sunlight on a pipe, to heat the water within.[65]




Inchkeith lighthouse lens and drive mechanism

High-quality glass Fresnel lenses were used in lighthouses, where they were considered state of the art in the late 19th and through the middle of the 20th centuries. These lighthouse Fresnel lens systems typically include extra annularprismatic elements, arrayed in faceted domes above and below the central planar Fresnel, in order to catch all light emitted from the light source. The light path through these elements can include aninternal reflection, rather than the simplerefraction in the planar Fresnel element.[66] These lenses conferred many practical benefits upon the designers, builders, and users of lighthouses and their illumination. Among other things, smaller lenses could fit into more compact spaces. Greater light transmission over longer distances, and varied patterns, made it possible to triangulate a position.[66][67] Starting in the mid-20th century, most lighthouses have retired glass Fresnel lenses from service and replaced them with much less expensive and more durableaerobeacons[68][69] or similar systems, including the Vega IndustriesVRB-25, which contains plastic Fresnel lens panels.[70]

1956Bel Air, with Fresnel lenses in round headlamp and rectangular marker lamp

Perhaps the most widespread use of Fresnel lenses, for a time, occurred inautomobileheadlamps, where they can shape the roughly parallel beam from the parabolic reflector to meet requirements for dipped and main-beam patterns, often both in the same headlamp unit (such as the EuropeanH4 design). For reasons of economy, weight, and impact resistance, newer cars have dispensed with glass Fresnel lenses forsealed beam headlamp units, instead usingmultifaceted reflectors with plainpolycarbonate lenses. However, Fresnel lenses continue in wide use in automobile tail, marker, and reversing lights.

A Fresnel lantern with the lens open to show the ridges

Glass Fresnel lenses also are used in lighting instruments fortheatre andmotion pictures (seeFresnel lantern); such instruments are often called simplyFresnels. The entire instrument consists of a metal housing, a reflector, a lamp assembly, and a Fresnel lens. Many Fresnel instruments allow the lamp to be moved relative to the lens'focal point, to increase or decrease the size of the light beam. As a result, they are very flexible, and can often produce a beam as narrow as 7° or as wide as 70°.[71] The Fresnel lens produces a very soft-edged beam, so is often used as a wash light. A holder in front of the lens can hold a colored plastic film (gel) to tint the light or wire screens or frosted plastic to diffuse it. The Fresnel lens is useful in the making of motion pictures not only because of its ability to focus the beam brighter than a typical lens, but also because the light is a relatively consistent intensity across the entire width of the beam of light.

Optical landing system on US Navy aircraft carrierUSSDwight D. Eisenhower

Aircraft carriers and naval air stations typically use Fresnel lenses in theiroptical landing systems. The "meatball" light aids the pilot in maintaining proper glide slope for the landing. In the center are amber and red lights composed of Fresnel lenses. Although the lights are always on, the angle of the lens from the pilot's point of view determines the color and position of the visible light. If the lights appear above the green horizontal bar, the pilot is too high. If it is below, the pilot is too low, and if the lights are red, the pilot is very low.[72]

Fresnel lenses are also commonly used insearchlights,spotlights, andflashlights.


A plastic Fresnel lens sold as a TV-screen enlarging device
The Fresnel lens used in theSinclair FTV1 portable CRT TV, which enlarges the vertical aspect of the display only

Fresnel lenses are used as simple hand-heldmagnifiers. They are also used to correct several visual disorders, including ocular-motility disorders such asstrabismus.[73] Fresnel lenses have been used to increase the visual size ofCRT displays in pockettelevisions, notably theSinclairTV80. They are also used intraffic lights.

Fresnel lenses are used in left-hand-drive Europeanlorries entering the UK and Republic of Ireland (and vice versa, right-hand-drive Irish and British trucks entering mainland Europe) to overcome the blind spots caused by the driver operating the lorry while sitting on the wrong side of the cab relative to the side of the road the car is on. They attach to the passenger-side window.[74]

Another automobile application of a Fresnel lens is a rear view enhancer, as thewide view angle of a lens attached to the rear window permits examining the scene behind a vehicle, particularly a tall or bluff-tailed one, more effectively than arear-view mirror alone. Fresnel lenses have been used on rangefinding equipment andprojected map display screens.[75]

Fresnel lenses have also been used in the field of popular entertainment. The British rock artistPeter Gabriel made use of them in his early solo live performances to magnify the size of his head in contrast to the rest of his body, for dramatic and comic effect. In theTerry Gilliam filmBrazil, Fresnel lenses are used as magnifiers for small CRT monitors in the Ministry of Information. The lenses occasionally appear between the actors and the camera, distorting the scale and composition of the scene to humorous effect. In thePixar movieWall-E, the protagonist watches the musicalHello, Dolly! on aniPod, magnified by a Fresnel lens.

Virtual reality headsets, such as theMeta Quest 2 and theHTC Vive Pro use Fresnel lenses,[76] as they allow a thinner and lighter form factor than regular lenses.[77] Newer devices, such as theMeta Quest Pro, have switched to apancake lens design[78] due to its smaller form factor and lesschromatic aberration than Fresnel lenses.[79]

Multi-focal Fresnel lenses are also used as a part ofretina identification cameras, where they provide multiple in- and out-of-focus images of a fixation target inside the camera. For virtually all users, at least one of the images will be in focus, thus allowing correct eye alignment.

Many cameras are equipped with viewfinders which project the scene through a lens onto aground glass screen for focusing and composition, includingview,twin-lens reflex, andsingle-lens reflex cameras; often a Fresnel condenser lens is applied to the ground glass to increase the perceived brightness of the projected image and make the illumination more even from center to corner.[80][81] For example, thePolaroid SX-70 camera uses a Fresnel reflector as part of its viewing system.[82]


An overhead projector in use

The use of Fresnel lenses for image projection reduces image quality, so they tend to occur only where quality is not critical or where the bulk of a solid lens would be prohibitive. Cheap Fresnel lenses can be stamped or molded of transparent plastic and are used inoverhead projectors andprojection televisions.

Fresnel lenses of different focal lengths (onecollimator, and one collector) are used in commercial andDIY projection. The collimator lens has the lower focal length and is placed closer to the light source, and the collector lens, which focuses the light into the triplet lens, is placed after the projection image (anactive matrix LCD panel inLCD projectors). Fresnel lenses are also used as collimators inoverhead projectors.

Solar power

Solar power plant based on linear Fresnel lenses

Since plastic Fresnel lenses can be made larger than glass lenses, as well as being much cheaper and lighter, they are used to concentrate sunlight for heating insolar cookers, in solar forges, and insolar collectors used to heat water for domestic use.[83] They can also be used to generate steam or to power aStirling engine to generate electricity.[84]

Fresnel lenses can concentrate sunlight ontosolar cells with a ratio of almost 500:1.[85] This allows the active solar-cell surface to be reduced, lowering cost and allowing the use of more efficient cells that would otherwise be too expensive.[86] In the early 21st century, Fresnel reflectors began to be used inconcentrating solar power (CSP) plants to concentrate solar energy. One application was to preheat water at the coal-firedLiddell Power Station, in Hunter Valley Australia.

Fresnel lenses can be used tosinter sand, allowing3D printing in glass.[87]

See also



  1. ^J. Wells (3 April 2008),Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (3rd ed.), Pearson Longman,ISBN 978-1-4058-8118-0.
  2. ^abcdChisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911),"Lighthouse" ,Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. 16 (11th ed.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 627–651.
  3. ^"Fresnel lens",Merriam-Webster,archived from the original on 17 December 2013, retrieved19 March 2013.
  4. ^Wells, John (3 April 2008),Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (3rd ed.), Pearson Longman,ISBN 978-1-4058-8118-0.
  5. ^Bernhard, Adrienne (21 June 2019),"The invention that saved a million ships", BBC, retrieved4 August 2019.
  6. ^abT. Tag,"Lens use prior to Fresnel", U.S. Lighthouse Society, accessed 12 August 2017;archived 20 May 2017.
  7. ^Levitt, 2013, p. 57.
  8. ^N. de Condorcet,Éloge de M. le Comte de Buffon, Paris: Chez Buisson, 1790, pp. 11–12. (This obituary also appeared inHistoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences for 1788, printed in 1791.)
  9. ^abD. Appleton & Co.,"Sea-lights",Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-work, and Engineering, 1861, vol. 2, pp. 606–618.
  10. ^abT. Tag,"Chronology of Lighthouse Events", U.S. Lighthouse Society, accessed 22 August 2017;archived 8 April 2017.
  11. ^abcdeT. Tag,"The Fresnel lens", U.S. Lighthouse Society, accessed 12 August 2017;archived 22 July 2017.
  12. ^abLevitt, 2013, p. 71.
  13. ^abcdG. Ripley and C.A. Dana (eds.),"Fresnel, Augustin Jean",American Cyclopædia, 1879, vol. 7, pp. 486–489.
  14. ^abChisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911),"Brewster, Sir David" ,Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. 4 (11th ed.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 513–514.
  15. ^Levitt, 2013, pp. 49–50.
  16. ^Levitt, 2013, pp. 51, 53; Elton, 2009, p. 190; Fresnel, 1866–70, vol. 1, p. xcvii, and vol. 3, p. xxiv. ("July 21" in Levitt, 2013, p. 240, is a transcription error, inconsistent with the primary source cited.)
  17. ^Fresnel, 1866–70, vol. 3, pp. 5–14; on the date, see p. 6n. Levitt (2013, p. 58) gives the date only as August 1819.
  18. ^Levitt, 2013, pp. 56, 58.
  19. ^Fresnel, 1866–70, vol. 3, p. 6n.
  20. ^abLevitt, 2013, p. 59.
  21. ^Levitt, 2013, p. 59. The biconvex shape may be inferred from Buffon's description, quoted in Fresnel, 1822, tr. Tag, at p. 4.
  22. ^Fresnel, 1822, tr. Tag, p. 11.
  23. ^Levitt, 2013, pp. 59–66. Levitt gives the size of the eight-panel version as720 mm (28+13 in). Elton (2009, p. 193) gives it as 76 cm and indicates that the first panel was tested on 31 October 1820; cf. Fresnel, 1866–70, vol. 3, pp. xxxii & xxxiv, and Fresnel, 1822, tr. Tag, p. 7.
  24. ^A. Fresnel, "Note sur le calcul des teintes que la polarisation développe dans les lames cristallisées" et seq.,Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Ser. 2, vol. 17, pp. 102–111 (May 1821), 167–196 (June 1821), 312–315 ("Postscript", July 1821); reprinted in Fresnel, 1866–1870, vol. 1, pp. 609–648; translated as "On the calculation of the tints that polarization develops in crystalline plates, & postscript",Zenodo4058004 /doi:10.5281/zenodo.4058004, 2021.
  25. ^Fresnel, 1822, tr. Tag, pp. 2–4.
  26. ^Fresnel, 1822, tr. Tag, p. 1.
  27. ^D. Gombert, photograph of theOptique de Cordouan in the collection of theMusée des Phares et Balises,Ouessant, France, 23 March 2017.
  28. ^Fresnel, 1822, tr. Tag, pp. 13, 25.
  29. ^Elton, 2009, p. 195; Levitt, 2013, pp. 72–76.
  30. ^B. Watson,"Science Makes a Better Lighthouse Lens",Smithsonian, vol. 30 no. 5 (August 1999), pp 30–31.
  31. ^Buchwald, 1989, pp. 260, 288–290, 297; cf. Born & Wolf, 1999, p. xxviii.
  32. ^Fresnel, 1866–1870, vol. 1, pp. 713–718, 731–751, 767–799.
  33. ^Levitt, 2013, p. 97.
  34. ^Levitt, 2013, p. 82.
  35. ^Elton, 2009, p. 190.
  36. ^H.M. Brock,"Fresnel, Augustin-Jean",Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907–12, vol. 6 (1909).
  37. ^Young, 1855, p. 399; Boutry, 1948, pp. 601–602.
  38. ^Cf. Elton, 2009, p. 198, Figure 12.
  39. ^Levitt, 2013, p. 84.
  40. ^Elton, 2009, pp. 197–198.
  41. ^Elton, 2009, pp. 198–199.
  42. ^Levitt, 2013, pp. 82–84.
  43. ^Elton, 2009, p. 200.
  44. ^Levitt, 2013, pp. 79–80.
  45. ^Musée national de la Marine,"Appareil catadioptrique, Appareil du canal Saint-Martin", accessed 26 August 2017;archived 26 August 2017.
  46. ^Levitt, 2013, pp. 28, 72, 99.
  47. ^Elton, 2009, pp. 199, 200, 202; Levitt, 2013, pp. 104–105.
  48. ^Levitt, 2013, pp. 108–110, 113–116, 122–123. Elton (2009, p. 208) notes that although the Skerryvore lens was lit on 1 February 1844, the catadioptric portion was yet to be added.
  49. ^Elton, 2009, pp. 209–210, 238.
  50. ^Elton, 2009, pp. 210–213.
  51. ^Elton, 2009, pp. 221–223.
  52. ^Elton, 2009, pp. 227–230; Levitt, 2013, p. 219.
  53. ^Point Arena Lighthouse Keepers, Inc.,"Lighthouse History"Archived 19 January 2021 at theWayback Machine, accessed 1 March 2021.
  54. ^Elton, 2009, p. 233; Levitt, 2013, pp. 222–224.
  55. ^T. Tag,"Hyper-Radial Lenses", U.S. Lighthouse Society, accessed 28 February 2021;archived 11 February 2021.
  56. ^abT. Tag,"American-Made Fresnel Lenses", U.S. Lighthouse Society, accessed 1 March 2021;archived 21 February 2021.
  57. ^A. Finstad, "New developments in audio-visual materials",Higher Education, vol. 8, no. 15 (1 April 1952), pp. 176–178, at p. 176.
  58. ^abBaiges, Mabel A. (1988),"Fresnel Orders"(TIFF),archived from the original on 21 September 2015, retrieved9 September 2012.
  59. ^"Fresnel lenses", archived fromthe original on 27 September 2007.
  60. ^"Fresnel lenses", Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy, 31 January 2008,archived from the original on 21 September 2012, retrieved27 February 2021.
  61. ^Anderson, Kraig,"Makapu'u, HI",Lighthouse Friends,archived from the original on 5 October 2008, retrieved26 February 2009.
  62. ^United States Lighthouse Society,"Fresnel Lens Orders, Sizes, Weights, Quantities and Costs"Archived 27 June 2023 at theWayback Machine.
  63. ^R. Winston, J. C. Miñano, and P. G. Benítez,Nonimaging Optics, Academic Press, 2005.
  64. ^Chaves, Julio (2015),Introduction to Nonimaging Optics, Second Edition,CRC Press,ISBN 978-1-4822-0673-9.
  65. ^"Linear Concentrator System Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power Basics" Retrieved31 May 2021.
  66. ^abPepper, Terry (2 December 2007)."The incredible Fresnel lens".Seeing The Light. Retrieved31 December 2024.
  67. ^"The Lens".Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park. California State Parks. Retrieved31 December 2024.
  68. ^Pepper, Terry (2 December 2007)."The DCB Series Aerobeacon".Seeing The Light. Retrieved31 December 2024.
  69. ^Greenman, Daniel (8 March 2024)."Auinnah lighthouse undergoing beacon change".Martha's Vineyard Times. Retrieved31 December 2024.The Carlisle & Finch company's 'DCB-224 aerobeacon' lights were produced so that airports could signal to planes. But they also became common in lighthouses nationwide by the middle of the 20th century.
  70. ^Trapani Jr., Bob (Summer 2009)."Vega VRB-25: Last of the Lighthouse Rotating Beacons as We Know Them"(PDF).The Keeper's Log. U.S. Lighthouse Society. Retrieved31 December 2024.
  71. ^Mumm, Robert C.,Photometrics Handbook, 2nd Ed., Broadway Press, 1997, p. 36.
  72. ^"Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System".NHHC. Retrieved16 April 2022.
  73. ^Shishavanf, Amir Asgharzadeh; Nordin, Leland; Tjossem, Paul; Abramoff, Michael D.; Toor, Fatima (2016), Engheta, Nader; Noginov, Mikhail A.; Zheludev, Nikolay I (eds.),"PMMA-based ophthalmic contact lens for vision correction of strabismus",Metamaterials, Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2016,9918, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: 99180C,Bibcode:2016SPIE.9918E..0CA,doi:10.1117/12.2237994,S2CID 125689110, retrieved21 June 2020.
  74. ^Lowe, David (3 December 2011),Lowe's Transport Manager's and Operator's Handbook 2012,Kogan Page Publishers,ISBN 978-0-7494-6410-3.
  75. ^"Projected Map Display [PMD]".Rochester Avionic Archives. Retrieved17 August 2024.
  76. ^Poore, Shaun (21 April 2022)."What Tech is Inside of a VR Headset? (Quest 2 Teardown)" Retrieved27 October 2022.
  77. ^"How Lenses for Virtual Reality Headsets Work".VR Lens Lab. 8 March 2016. Archived fromthe original on 27 October 2022. Retrieved27 October 2022.
  78. ^"Introducing Meta Quest Pro, an Advanced VR Device for Collaboration and Creation" Retrieved27 October 2022.
  79. ^C, Mark (26 April 2022)."The difference between pancakes lenses and current fresnel lenses found on VR headsets".VR Expert | Enterprise VR/AR Hardware Supplier. Retrieved27 October 2022.
  80. ^Simmons, Steve (1987).Using the view camera. Amphoto. p. 29.ISBN 0-8174-6347-X.
  81. ^Wolf, John (1979).The Minolta Guide. Amphoto. p. 23.ISBN 0-8174-2453-9.LCCN 78-21451.The matte screens all have fine-ground translucent surfaces, on which the image from the mirror is projected. These have a Fresnel or field lens, and condenser, which direct light from all parts of the screen's surface to the eyepiece uniformly, creating an image with corner-to-corner brightness.
  82. ^Plummer, William T. (1982). "Unusual optics of the Polaroid SX-70 Land camera".Applied Optics.21 (2):196–202.Bibcode:1982ApOpt..21..196P.doi:10.1364/AO.21.000196.PMID 20372431.
  83. ^Daniels, Farrington (1964).Direct use of the sun's energy. New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 66.ISBN 0-300-00399-4.LCCN 64-20913.Another device for focusing solar energy is the Fresnel lens. A nest of circular grooves is cut in a sheet of transparent plastic with the sides of each successive ring set in such a way that the light passing through each groove is refracted at a slightly different angle and converges on a point. Such lenses have been pressed out in plastic sheets and they are effective in giving a sharp focus.
  84. ^Aksoy, Fatih; Karabulut, Halit (November 2013)."Performance testing of a Fresnel/Stirling micro solar energy conversion system".Energy Conversion and Management.75:629–634.Bibcode:2013ECM....75..629A.doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2013.08.001.
  85. ^"Soitec's Concentrix technology", archived fromthe original on 17 April 2011, retrieved3 September 2013.
  86. ^"Soitec's high-performance Concentrix technology", archived fromthe original on 23 September 2013, retrieved27 February 2021.
  87. ^M. Margolin (24 August 2016),"This 3D printer runs on sand and sun",Vice,archived from the original on 1 December 2017, retrieved27 February 2021.



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