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Park ranger

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Person who protects and preserves parklands
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Park ranger inUganda

Aranger,park ranger,park warden,field ranger, orforest ranger is a person entrusted with protecting and preservingparklands andprotected areas – private, national, state, provincial, or local parks. Their duties include (but are not limited to) law enforcement, wildlife and land management, community engagement and education, recreation area maintenance, and firefighting. Rangers monitor wildlife, remove snares, confront and arrest poachers, identify and remove invasive species, and much more.



"Parks" in this context may be broadly defined by some systems in this context and may include forests, wildlife preserves, deserts, beaches, and even protected culturally/historically important manmade environments and monuments. Park rangers are not limited to working in the natural environment.

Different countries use different names for this occupation.Warden is the favored term inCanada,Ireland,the United Kingdom, and many other Commonwealth countries. The profession includes a number of disciplines and specializations, and park rangers are often required to be proficient in more than one.

The nomenclature is more complex inthe United States. TheNational Park Service refers to the position asPark Ranger for all law enforcement, interpretive, and fee collection booth rangers. Similarly, within theBureau of Land Management, interpretive staff members are calledPark Rangers while law enforcement staff are referred to asLE Rangers.District Rangers in theU.S. Forest Service do not perform the same duties, instead focusing on administration/management of “Ranger Districts”, large subunits of National Forests. Few other positions in the U.S. Forest Service are officially titled "Ranger", but there are several positions that perform similar or identical outdoor work including those with the titlesForester,Forestry Technician, andLaw Enforcement Officer. Many are referred to colloquially as "rangers" such as Wilderness Rangers, Climbing Rangers, Snow Rangers, Recreation Rangers, and Forest Protection Officers even though they are all officially categorized asForestry Technicians.



Inmedieval England, rangers, originally called under-foresters, were the most junior officials employed to "range" through the countryside enforcing the forest law imposed byWilliam the Conqueror to protect the "vert and venison". Their duties were originally confined to seeing that theForest Law was enforced in the borders, orpurlieus, of theroyal forests. Above them were the Foresters-in-Fee (later called Woodwards), then the Verderers, then the Justices in Eyre. Their duties corresponded in some respects with that of a mountedforester.[1]

The termranger seems to correspond to theMedieval Latin wordregardatores which appeared in 1217 in theCharter of the Forest.Regardatores was later rendered asrangers in the English translations of the Charter.[2] Others translate it asregarders. For example, the fifth clause of theCharter of the Forest is commonly translated: "Our regarders shall go through the forests making the regard as it used to be made at the time of the first coronation of the aforesaid King Henry [II] our grandfather, and not otherwise."[3] A "regard" is considered to be an inspection of the forest.

The earliestletters patent found mentioning the term refer to a commission of a ranger in 1341.[4] Documents from 1455 state that England had "all manner and singular Offices ofForesters and Rangers of our said Forests".[5]

One of the first appearances ofranger in literature is inEdmund Spenser's poemThe Shepheardes Calendar from 1579: "[Wolves] walk not widely, as they were wont, for fear of rangers and the great hunt."

The office ofRanger of Windsor Great Park appears to have been created in 1601.

North America, 17th–19th centuries


In North America, rangers served in the 17th through 18th-century wars between colonists and Native American Indian tribes. Rangers were full-time soldiers employed by colonial governments to patrol between fixed frontier fortifications in reconnaissance providing early warning of raids. During offensive operations, they acted as scouts and guides, locating villages and other targets for task forces drawn from the militia or other colonial troops. During theRevolutionary War, GeneralGeorge Washington ordered Lieutenant ColonelThomas Knowlton to select an elite group of men for reconnaissance missions. This unit was known asKnowlton's Rangers, and was the first official Ranger unit for the United States; it is the precusor of the modern dayArmy Rangers.

Early conservation in the United States, 1866–1916


The word was resurrected by Americans in the 19th and 20th centuries from the old idioms used for the wardens – royally appointed – who patrolled thedeer parks and hunting forests in England.

There is much debate among scholars about which area was the world's first national park (Yosemite or Yellowstone), so there is little agreement about who was the first national park ranger. Some argue thatGalen Clark was first when, on May 21, 1866, he became the first person formally appointed and paid to protect and administer Yosemite, thus become California's and the nation's first park ranger.[6] Clark served as the Guardian of Yosemite for 24 years. Others point toHarry Yount who worked as agamekeeper inYellowstone National Park in 1880–1881. Prophetically, Yount recommended "the appointment of a small, active, reliable police force...[to] assist the superintendent of the park in enforcing laws, rules, and regulations."[7] The first permanent appointment of rangers in a national park occurred on September 23, 1898, when Charles A. Leidig and Archie O. Leonard became forest rangers atYosemite National Park.[8]

One of the earliest uses of the termranger was on badges with the title "Forest Reserve Ranger" which were used from 1898 to 1906 by the U.S.Department of the Interior. These badges were presumably issued to rangers working in the national parks as well as those in the national forests, since both were known as Forest Rangers at that time.[9]

The termranger was also applied to a reorganization of the Fire Warden force in theAdirondack Park after 1899 when fires burned 80,000 acres (320 km2) in the park.[citation needed] The name was taken fromRogers' Rangers, a small force famous for their woodcraft that fought in the area during theFrench and Indian War in 1755.[10]

Duties, disciplines, and specializations

Jorge Cieslik, a park ranger in theIguazú National Park inArgentina, on the border withBrazil andParaguay

The duties of the modern park ranger are as varied and diverse as the parks where they serve and in recent years have become more highly specialized. Regardless of the regular duties of any one discipline, the goal of all rangers remains to protect the park resources for future generations and to protect park visitors. This goal is accomplished by the professionalism and sometimes overlapping of the different divisions. For example, an interpretive ranger may perform a law enforcement role by explaining special park regulations to visitors and encouraging them to be proper stewards of natural and cultural history. Law enforcement rangers and other park employees may contribute to the mission of the interpretive ranger by providing information to park visitors about park resources and facilities. The spirit of teamwork in accomplishing the mission of protecting the parks and people is underscored by the fact that in many cases, for theU.S. National Park Rangers in particular, all park rangers share a common uniform regardless of work assignment. Similarly, in theU.S. Forest Service, due to the broad landscapes and relatively fewer employees, any field going employee (that meets the background and training requirements) can be certified as an unarmed Forest Protection Officer with the authority to write federal citations even though they are not armed/sworn Forest Service Law Enforcement Officers.

  • Law enforcement: Law enforcement rangers have police powers and enforce national, state, provincial, and/or local laws as well as park regulations. In some developing countries, the park rangers patrolling natural preserves may be heavily armed and function asparamilitary organizations against organized poachers or even guerrillas. (Too, some are armed withmachine guns to protect expeditions fromrhinos andelephants.)[11] In many other developing countries, park rangers have law enforcement authority and do carry firearms as they seek to achieve respect for nature by building good relationships with local communities and the visiting public. In units of the U.S. National Park System,Law Enforcement Rangers are the primary police agency; their services may be augmented by theUS Park Police, particularly in the Washington, DC and San Francisco metropolitan areas. The U.S. National Park Service also has a section of "Special Agents" who conduct more complex criminal investigations. According toU.S. Department of Justice statistics, National Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers suffer the highest number of felonious assaults, and the highest number of homicides of all federal law enforcement officers.[12] The City of New York has a uniformed division of Park Rangers called theNew York City Parks Enforcement Patrol who are responsible for patrolling the city parks, pools and beaches.
  • Interpretation andeducation: Park Rangers provide a wide range of informational services to visitors. Some Rangers provide practical information—such as driving directions, train timetables, weather forecasts, trip-planning resources, and beyond. Rangers may provideinterpretive programs to visitors intended to fosterstewardship of the resources by the visitor as a method of resource protection. Interpretation in this sense includes (but is not limited to): guided tours about the park's history, ecology, or both; slideshows, talks, demonstrations; informal contacts, and historical re-enactments. Rangers may also engage in leading more formalizedcurriculum-based educational programs, meant to support and complement instruction received by visiting students in traditional academic settings and often designed to help educators meet specific national and/or local standards of instruction. All uniformed rangers, regardless of their primary duties, are often expected to be experts on the resources in their care, whether they are natural or cultural.
  • Emergency response: Rangers are often trained inwilderness first aid and participate insearch and rescue to locate lost persons in the wilderness. Many national parks require law enforcement rangers to maintain certification as Emergency Medical Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians, or Paramedics. Depending on the needs of the park where assigned, rangers may participate in high-angle rescue, swift-water rescue, may be certified scuba divers, and can become specially trained as helicopter pilots or crew members.
  • Firefighting: Rangers are often the first to spotforest fires and are often trained to engage inwildland firefighting and in some cases structural fire fighting. Rangers also enforce laws and regulations regarding campfires and other fires on parklands. In the face of a fire outside their control, rangers will call for help and evacuate persons from the area pending the arrival of additional firefighters.
  • Dispatcher: Some rangers work as park protection dispatchers, answering emergency calls and dispatching law enforcement rangers, park fire fighters or Park EMS crews by radio to emergency calls for service. Park Dispatchers provide pre-arrival instructions to callers to help them stay alive until responding units arrive. Dispatchers coordinate multi-agency responses to emergencies within the park boundaries and utilize computer systems to check for criminal histories of subjects stopped by park law enforcement rangers. Park Dispatchers typically perform other duties such as taking lost-and-found reports, monitoring CCTV surveillance cameras and fire alarms. Dispatchers are assigned to the Park Protection Division.
  • Scientists andscholars: Rangers are responsible for protecting the natural resources or cultural sites for which they work. This includes obtaining and preserving knowledge about the area. As such, many different types ofhistorians andscientists are employed as rangers. Some scientific positions often filled by rangers includearchaeologist, many different types ofbiologist,ecologist,geologist,hydrologist,paleontologist,soil scientist,volcanologist, etc. Rangers in these positions are expected to study, monitor, and inform others (in the form of published, peer-reviewed scientific papers as well as internally) about their findings. These people add to the knowledge dispersed in interpretive and educational programs, and provide information needed by managers and others to more effectively protect the resource.
A vehicle used by rangers responsible for maintainingHadrian's Wall Path in the north of England.
  • Maintenance: Some rangers perform regular maintenance on infrastructure or equipment such as fire rings as part of their duties — especially in preparing for winter closures and spring reopenings. Rangers are often the first to discover vandalism or weather-related damage to park roads, trails and campgrounds.
  • Administration: In many cases administrative staff members are categorized officially as park rangers and may wear the distinct park ranger uniform while working "behind the scenes" to ensure the continued operation of the parks. These rangers may set policy for the parks, or handle park budgets, computers and technology, human resources, or other fields related to the administration of parks. In the case ofmanagement these positions are usually filled by individuals who have moved up from other field-based positions. These individuals are often heavily cross trained in order to allow for a knowledge of all other areas and duties under their authority.
  • Combat wildlifepoaching: TheSabah state government inMalaysia has recruited and trained local rangers to respond to real-time alerts, perform ad hoc operations, support investigations and wildlife conservation efforts to combat wildlife poaching, trafficking and illegal wildlife trade in Sabah.[13]

Worldwide deficit in developing countries

Park Rangers (guardaparques, in Spanish) patrolling in theIguazú National Park inArgentina, on the border withBrazil andParaguay

The Adopt A Ranger Foundation has calculated that worldwide about 150,000 rangers are needed for the protected areas in developing and transitions countries. There is no data on how many rangers are employed at the moment, but probably less than half the protected areas in developing and transition countries have any rangers at all and those that have them are at least 50% short. This means that there would be a worldwide ranger deficit of 105,000 rangers in the developing and transition countries.

Dr. Kenton Miller, a former director general of theInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), stated about the importance of rangers: "The future of our ecosystem services and our heritage depends upon park rangers. With the rapidity at which the challenges to protected areas are both changing and increasing, there has never been more of a need for well prepared human capacity to manage. Park rangers are the backbone of park management. They are on the ground. They work on the front line with scientists, visitors, and members of local communities."[14]

Adopt A Ranger claims that the ranger deficit is the single greatest limiting factor in effectively protecting nature in 75% of the world. Currently, no conservation organization or Western country or international organization addresses this problem. Adopt A Ranger has been incorporated to draw worldwide public attention to the most urgent problem that conservation is facing in developing and transition countries: protected areas without field staff. Specifically, it will contribute to solving the problem by fund raising to finance rangers in the field. It will also help governments in developing and transition countries to assess realistic staffing needs and staffing strategies.[15]

In popular culture


In popular culture, astereotype of American park rangers has been created by children's media such as theYogi Bear cartoon series (Ranger Smith), as well as Disney'sRanger Woodlore and the anthropomorphic characterRanger Rick from the magazine of the same name.[16][17]

In recent years, the work of rangers and the harsh realities they face around the world are being captured in highly produced documentaries and films.[citation needed]

Movies Featuring Rangers


Further reading


Kaufman, Herbert (1960).The Forest Ranger: A Study in Administrative Behavior. Johns Hopkins Press.

See also



  1. ^John Charles Cox,The Royal Forests of England, 1905, page 24.
  2. ^Hensleigh Wedgewood,A Dictionary of English Etymology, vol. III, 1865, pages 38–39.
  3. ^"Forests and Chases: Henry III's Charter of the Forest". Archived fromthe original on 2011-11-01. RetrievedOctober 23, 2012.
  4. ^Charles R. Young,The Royal Forest of Medieval England, 1979, page 163.
  5. ^Rolls of Parliament V:318/1
  6. ^Michael G. Lynch,California State Park Rangers, Arcadia Publishing, 2009, page 7.
  7. ^Harry Yount, "Appendix A – Report of Gamekeeper,"Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior on the Operations of the Department for the Year Ended June 30, 1880, Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, page 620.
  8. ^Workman, R. Bryce,In Search of an Identity, 1994.
  9. ^Workman, R. Bryce,Badges and Ornamentation of the National Park Service, 1997."National Park Service: Uniforms (Ironing Out the Wrinkles)". Archived fromthe original on 2012-12-20. Retrieved2012-09-17.
  10. ^Angus, Christopher,The Extraordinary Adirondack Journey of Clarence Petty, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2002.ISBN 0-8156-0741-5.
  11. ^"S2 meteorite: What happened when a rock as big as London hit Earth?" Retrieved2024-10-30.
  12. ^"U.S. Rangers, Park Police Sustain Record Levels of Violence". Environmental News Service. 2004.Archived from the original on 2008-02-28. Retrieved2008-01-02.
  13. ^"Rangers ready to fight wildlife crime in Sabah".The Star. Retrieved2024-04-18.
  15. ^"Adopt A Ranger Finances Park Rangers For Management Of National Parks, Nature Reserves And Protected Areas". Archived fromthe original on 2007-07-03.
  16. ^Miller, Stephanie (2010)."Talking'Bout My Generation".Journal of Forestry.108 (7):317–318.doi:10.1093/jof/108.7.317.ProQuest 762232560.
  17. ^Pennaz, Alice B. Kelly (2017)."Is that Gun for the Bears? The National Park Service Ranger as a Historically Contradictory Figure".Conservation and Society.15 (3):243–254.doi:10.4103/cs.cs_16_62.ISSN 0972-4923.JSTOR 26393293.
  18. ^II, John Jurko; Lindenberg, Matt; Roberts, Daniel (2024-07-26),Rhino Man (Documentary, Crime), Anton Mzimba, Martin Mthembu, Ruben De Kock, Global Conservation Corps, retrieved2024-07-07
  19. ^Greene, Chelsea; Grobman, Rob; Guajajara, Edivan (2023-10-28),We Are Guardians (Documentary), Mídia Índia, Highly Flammable, Appian Way, retrieved2024-07-07
  20. ^Rangers work for royal albatross



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