"For Loss or Theft of Cattle," or "For Loss of Cattle," is the name given to threeAnglo-Saxon metrical charms that were intended for use in keepingcattle from being stolen and ensuring their return.[1]
Charm V and Charm X represent two versions of the samemacaronic text inOld English andLatin. Felix Grendon pointed out that lines 6–19 of Charm IX are significantly more "heathen" than the prose introduction.[2]
This charm is found in theLacnunga manuscript.[3]
þonne þe mon ærest secge þæt þin ceap sy losod, þonne | When someone says to you that your property has been lost, then The town is calledBethlehem where Christ was born, |
This charm, entirely inOld English, was found in the margins of CCCC 41, a manuscript believed to be fromSouthern England.[6]
Ne forstolen ne forholen nanuht, þæs ðe ic age, þe ma ðe Garmund, godes ðegen, þæt he næfre næbbe landes, þæt he hit oðlæde, Gif hyt hwa gedo, ne gedige hit him næfre! Eall he weornige, swa syre wudu weornie, Amen.[7] | Nothing was stolen or concealed, after I owned it, any more than Garmund, thethane ofGod, So he may never keep his lands, who has led them away— If he who has done this, may it never avail him! May all of his wither away, as the woods waste away— Amen.[5] |
This charm is found in CCCC 41.[3]
ðis man sceal cweðan ðonne his ceapa hwilcne man for- Bethlem hattæ seo burh ðe Crist on geboren wes, And gebide þe ðonne þriwa east and cweð þriwa: Crux Christi ab oriente reducat. And III west and cweð: Crux Christi ab occidente reducat. And III suð and cweð: Crux Christi a meridie reducant. And III norð and cweð: Crux Christi abscondita sunt et inventa est. Iudeas Crist ahengon, gedidon him dæda þa wyrstan; hælon þæt hi forhelan ne mihton. Swa næfre ðeos dæd forholen ne wyrðeper crucem Christi.[8] | This man must speak thus when any man has stolen his property. The town is calledBethlehem, where Christ was born, And then look towards the east three times and say three times: The cross of Christ is led forth from the east! And three times to the west and speak: The cross of Christ is led forth from the west! And three times to the south and speak: The cross of Christ is led forth from high noon! And three times to the north and speak: The cross of Christ was hidden and found again! Judas[b] hung up Christ, he did for himself the worst of deeds. He hid that but could not conceal him. As never this deed could become concealed. By the cross of Christ.[5] |