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Finite field

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Algebraic structure
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Algebraic structures

Inmathematics, afinite field orGalois field (so-named in honor ofÉvariste Galois) is afield that contains a finite number ofelements. As with any field, a finite field is aset on which the operations of multiplication, addition, subtraction and division are defined and satisfy certain basic rules. The most common examples of finite fields are theintegers modp{\displaystyle p} whenp{\displaystyle p} is aprime number.

Theorder of a finite field is its number of elements, which is either a prime number or aprime power. For every prime numberp{\displaystyle p} and every positive integerk{\displaystyle k} there are fields of orderpk{\displaystyle p^{k}}. All finite fields of a given order areisomorphic.

Finite fields are fundamental in a number of areas of mathematics andcomputer science, includingnumber theory,algebraic geometry,Galois theory,finite geometry,cryptography andcoding theory.



A finite field is a finite set that is afield; this means that multiplication, addition, subtraction and division (excluding division by zero) are defined and satisfy the rules of arithmetic known as thefield axioms.

The number of elements of a finite field is called itsorder or, sometimes, itssize. A finite field of orderq{\displaystyle q} exists if and only ifq{\displaystyle q} is aprime powerpk{\displaystyle p^{k}} (wherep{\displaystyle p} is a prime number andk{\displaystyle k} is a positive integer). In a field of orderpk{\displaystyle p^{k}}, addingp{\displaystyle p} copies of any element always results in zero; that is, thecharacteristic of the field isp{\displaystyle p}.

Forq=pk{\displaystyle q=p^{k}}, all fields of orderq{\displaystyle q} areisomorphic (see§ Existence and uniqueness below).[1] Moreover, a field cannot contain two different finitesubfields with the same order. One may therefore identify all finite fields with the same order, and they are unambiguously denotedFq{\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{q}},Fq{\displaystyle \mathbf {F} _{q}} orGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}, where the letters GF stand for "Galois field".[2]

In a finite field of orderq{\displaystyle q}, thepolynomialXqX{\displaystyle X^{q}-X} has allq{\displaystyle q} elements of the finite field asroots. The non-zero elements of a finite field form amultiplicative group. This group iscyclic, so all non-zero elements can be expressed as powers of a single element called aprimitive element of the field. (In general there will be several primitive elements for a given field.)

The simplest examples of finite fields are the fields of prime order: for eachprime numberp{\displaystyle p}, theprime field of orderp{\displaystyle p} may be constructed as theintegers modulop{\displaystyle p},Z/pZ{\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} /p\mathbb {Z} }.

The elements of the prime field of orderp{\displaystyle p} may be represented by integers in the range0,,p1{\displaystyle 0,\ldots ,p-1}. The sum, the difference and the product are theremainder of the division byp{\displaystyle p} of the result of the corresponding integer operation. The multiplicative inverse of an element may be computed by using the extended Euclidean algorithm (seeExtended Euclidean algorithm § Modular integers).

LetF{\displaystyle F} be a finite field. For any elementx{\displaystyle x} inF{\displaystyle F} and anyintegern{\displaystyle n}, denote bynx{\displaystyle n\cdot x} the sum ofn{\displaystyle n} copies ofx{\displaystyle x}. The least positiven{\displaystyle n} such thatn1=0{\displaystyle n\cdot 1=0} is the characteristicp{\displaystyle p} of the field. This allows defining a multiplication(k,x)kx{\displaystyle (k,x)\mapsto k\cdot x} of an elementk{\displaystyle k} ofGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)} by an elementx{\displaystyle x} ofF{\displaystyle F} by choosing an integer representative fork{\displaystyle k}. This multiplication makesF{\displaystyle F} into aGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}-vector space. It follows that the number of elements ofF{\displaystyle F} ispn{\displaystyle p^{n}} for some integern{\displaystyle n}.

Theidentity(x+y)p=xp+yp{\displaystyle (x+y)^{p}=x^{p}+y^{p}}(sometimes called thefreshman's dream) is true in a field of characteristicp{\displaystyle p}. This follows from thebinomial theorem, as eachbinomial coefficient of the expansion of(x+y)p{\displaystyle (x+y)^{p}}, except the first and the last, is a multiple ofp{\displaystyle p}.

ByFermat's little theorem, ifp{\displaystyle p} is a prime number andx{\displaystyle x} is in the fieldGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)} thenxp=x{\displaystyle x^{p}=x}. This implies the equalityXpX=aGF(p)(Xa){\displaystyle X^{p}-X=\prod _{a\in \mathrm {GF} (p)}(X-a)}for polynomials overGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}. More generally, every element inGF(pn){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p^{n})} satisfies the polynomial equationxpnx=0{\displaystyle x^{p^{n}}-x=0}.

Any finitefield extension of a finite field isseparable and simple. That is, ifE{\displaystyle E} is a finite field andF{\displaystyle F} is a subfield ofE{\displaystyle E}, thenE{\displaystyle E} is obtained fromF{\displaystyle F} by adjoining a single element whoseminimal polynomial isseparable. To use a piece of jargon, finite fields areperfect.

A more general algebraic structure that satisfies all the other axioms of a field, but whose multiplication is not required to be commutative, is called adivision ring (or sometimesskew field). ByWedderburn's little theorem, any finite division ring is commutative, and hence is a finite field.

Existence and uniqueness


Letq=pn{\displaystyle q=p^{n}} be aprime power, andF{\displaystyle F} be thesplitting field of the polynomialP=XqX{\displaystyle P=X^{q}-X}over the prime fieldGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}. This means thatF{\displaystyle F} is a finite field of lowest order, in whichP{\displaystyle P} hasq{\displaystyle q} distinct roots (theformal derivative ofP{\displaystyle P} isP=1{\displaystyle P'=-1}, implying thatgcd(P,P)=1{\displaystyle \mathrm {gcd} (P,P')=1}, which in general implies that the splitting field is aseparable extension of the original). Theabove identity shows that the sum and the product of two roots ofP{\displaystyle P} are roots ofP{\displaystyle P}, as well as the multiplicative inverse of a root ofP{\displaystyle P}. In other words, the roots ofP{\displaystyle P} form a field of orderq{\displaystyle q}, which is equal toF{\displaystyle F} by the minimality of the splitting field.

The uniqueness up to isomorphism of splitting fields implies thus that all fields of orderq{\displaystyle q} are isomorphic. Also, if a fieldF{\displaystyle F} has a field of orderq=pk{\displaystyle q=p^{k}} as a subfield, its elements are theq{\displaystyle q} roots ofXqX{\displaystyle X^{q}-X}, andF{\displaystyle F} cannot contain another subfield of orderq{\displaystyle q}.

In summary, we have the following classification theorem first proved in 1893 byE. H. Moore:[1]

The order of a finite field is a prime power. For every prime powerq{\displaystyle q} there are fields of orderq{\displaystyle q}, and they are all isomorphic. In these fields, every element satisfiesxq=x,{\displaystyle x^{q}=x,}and the polynomialXqX{\displaystyle X^{q}-X} factors asXqX=aF(Xa).{\displaystyle X^{q}-X=\prod _{a\in F}(X-a).}

It follows thatGF(pn){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p^{n})} contains a subfield isomorphic toGF(pm){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p^{m})} if and only ifm{\displaystyle m} is a divisor ofn{\displaystyle n}; in that case, this subfield is unique. In fact, the polynomialXpmX{\displaystyle X^{p^{m}}-X} dividesXpnX{\displaystyle X^{p^{n}}-X} if and only ifm{\displaystyle m} is a divisor ofn{\displaystyle n}.

Explicit construction


Non-prime fields


Given a prime powerq=pn{\displaystyle q=p^{n}} withp{\displaystyle p} prime andn>1{\displaystyle n>1}, the fieldGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} may be explicitly constructed in the following way. One first chooses anirreducible polynomialP{\displaystyle P} inGF(p)[X]{\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)[X]} of degreen{\displaystyle n} (such an irreducible polynomial always exists). Then thequotient ringGF(q)=GF(p)[X]/(P){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)=\mathrm {GF} (p)[X]/(P)}of the polynomial ringGF(p)[X]{\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)[X]} by the ideal generated byP{\displaystyle P} is a field of orderq{\displaystyle q}.

More explicitly, the elements ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} are the polynomials overGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)} whose degree is strictly less thann{\displaystyle n}. The addition and the subtraction are those of polynomials overGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}. The product of two elements is the remainder of theEuclidean division byP{\displaystyle P} of the product inGF(q)[X]{\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)[X]}.The multiplicative inverse of a non-zero element may be computed with the extended Euclidean algorithm; seeExtended Euclidean algorithm § Simple algebraic field extensions.

However, with this representation, elements ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} may be difficult to distinguish from the corresponding polynomials. Therefore, it is common to give a name, commonlyα{\displaystyle \alpha } to the element ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} that corresponds to the polynomialX{\displaystyle X}. So, the elements ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} become polynomials inα{\displaystyle \alpha }, whereP(α)=0{\displaystyle P(\alpha )=0}, and, when one encounters a polynomial inα{\displaystyle \alpha } of degree greater or equal ton{\displaystyle n} (for example after a multiplication), one knows that one has to use the relationP(α)=0{\displaystyle P(\alpha )=0} to reduce its degree (it is what Euclidean division is doing).

Except in the construction ofGF(4){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (4)}, there are several possible choices forP{\displaystyle P}, which produce isomorphic results. To simplify the Euclidean division, one commonly chooses forP{\displaystyle P} a polynomial of the formXn+aX+b,{\displaystyle X^{n}+aX+b,}which make the needed Euclidean divisions very efficient. However, for some fields, typically in characteristic2{\displaystyle 2}, irreducible polynomials of the formXn+aX+b{\displaystyle X^{n}+aX+b} may not exist. In characteristic2{\displaystyle 2}, if the polynomialXn+X+1{\displaystyle X^{n}+X+1} is reducible, it is recommended to chooseXn+Xk+1{\displaystyle X^{n}+X^{k}+1} with the lowest possiblek{\displaystyle k} that makes the polynomial irreducible. If all thesetrinomials are reducible, one chooses "pentanomials"Xn+Xa+Xb+Xc+1{\displaystyle X^{n}+X^{a}+X^{b}+X^{c}+1}, as polynomials of degree greater than1{\displaystyle 1}, with an even number of terms, are never irreducible in characteristic2{\displaystyle 2}, having1{\displaystyle 1} as a root.[3]

A possible choice for such a polynomial is given byConway polynomials. They ensure a certain compatibility between the representation of a field and the representations of its subfields.

In the next sections, we will show how the general construction method outlined above works for small finite fields.

Field with four elements


The smallest non-prime field is the field with four elements, which is commonly denotedGF(4){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (4)} orF4.{\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{4}.} It consists of the four elements0,1,α,1+α{\displaystyle 0,1,\alpha ,1+\alpha } such thatα2=1+α{\displaystyle \alpha ^{2}=1+\alpha },1α=α1=α{\displaystyle 1\cdot \alpha =\alpha \cdot 1=\alpha },x+x=0{\displaystyle x+x=0}, andx0=0x=0{\displaystyle x\cdot 0=0\cdot x=0}, for everyxGF(4){\displaystyle x\in \mathrm {GF} (4)}, the other operation results being easily deduced from thedistributive law. See below for the complete operation tables.

This may be deduced as follows from the results of the preceding section.

OverGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)}, there is only oneirreducible polynomial of degree2{\displaystyle 2}:X2+X+1{\displaystyle X^{2}+X+1}Therefore, forGF(4){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (4)} the construction of the preceding section must involve this polynomial, andGF(4)=GF(2)[X]/(X2+X+1).{\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (4)=\mathrm {GF} (2)[X]/(X^{2}+X+1).}Letα{\displaystyle \alpha } denote a root of this polynomial inGF(4){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (4)}. This implies thatα2=1+α,{\displaystyle \alpha ^{2}=1+\alpha ,}and thatα{\displaystyle \alpha } and1+α{\displaystyle 1+\alpha } are the elements ofGF(4){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (4)} that are not inGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)}. The tables of the operations inGF(4){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (4)} result from this, and are as follows:

Additionx+y{\displaystyle x+y}
01α1 +α
001α1 +α
1101 +αα
αα1 +α01
1 +α1 +αα10
Multiplicationxy{\displaystyle x\cdot y}
01α1 +α
101α1 +α
α0α1 +α1
1 +α01 +α1α
Divisionx÷y{\displaystyle x\div y}
1α1 +α
111 +αα
αα11 +α
1 +α1 +αα1

A table for subtraction is not given, because subtraction is identical to addition, as is the case for every field of characteristic 2.In the third table, for the division ofx{\displaystyle x} byy{\displaystyle y}, the values ofx{\displaystyle x} must be read in the left column, and the values ofy{\displaystyle y} in the top row. (Because0z=0{\displaystyle 0\cdot z=0} for everyz{\displaystyle z} in everyring thedivision by 0 has to remain undefined.) From the tables, it can be seen that the additive structure ofGF(4){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (4)} is isomorphic to theKlein four-group, while the non-zero multiplicative structure is isomorphic to the groupZ3{\displaystyle Z_{3}}.

The mapφ:xx2{\displaystyle \varphi :x\mapsto x^{2}}is the non-trivial field automorphism, called theFrobenius automorphism, which sendsα{\displaystyle \alpha } into the second root1+α{\displaystyle 1+\alpha } of the above-mentioned irreducible polynomialX2+X+1{\displaystyle X^{2}+X+1}.

GF(p2) for an odd primep


For applying theabove general construction of finite fields in the case ofGF(p2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p^{2})}, one has to find an irreducible polynomial of degree 2. Forp=2{\displaystyle p=2}, this has been done in the preceding section. Ifp{\displaystyle p} is an odd prime, there are always irreducible polynomials of the formX2r{\displaystyle X^{2}-r}, withr{\displaystyle r} inGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}.

More precisely, the polynomialX2r{\displaystyle X^{2}-r} is irreducible overGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)} if and only ifr{\displaystyle r} is aquadratic non-residue modulop{\displaystyle p} (this is almost the definition of a quadratic non-residue). There arep12{\displaystyle {\frac {p-1}{2}}} quadratic non-residues modulop{\displaystyle p}. For example,2{\displaystyle 2} is a quadratic non-residue forp=3,5,11,13,{\displaystyle p=3,5,11,13,\ldots }, and3{\displaystyle 3} is a quadratic non-residue forp=5,7,17,{\displaystyle p=5,7,17,\ldots }. Ifp3mod4{\displaystyle p\equiv 3\mod 4}, that isp=3,7,11,19,{\displaystyle p=3,7,11,19,\ldots }, one may choose1p1{\displaystyle -1\equiv p-1} as a quadratic non-residue, which allows us to have a very simple irreducible polynomialX2+1{\displaystyle X^{2}+1}.

Having chosen a quadratic non-residuer{\displaystyle r}, letα{\displaystyle \alpha } be a symbolic square root ofr{\displaystyle r}, that is, a symbol that has the propertyα2=r{\displaystyle \alpha ^{2}=r}, in the same way that the complex numberi{\displaystyle i} is a symbolic square root of1{\displaystyle -1}. Then, the elements ofGF(p2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p^{2})} are all the linear expressionsa+bα,{\displaystyle a+b\alpha ,}witha{\displaystyle a} andb{\displaystyle b} inGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}. The operations onGF(p2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p^{2})} are defined as follows (the operations between elements ofGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)} represented by Latin letters are the operations inGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}):(a+bα)=a+(b)α(a+bα)+(c+dα)=(a+c)+(b+d)α(a+bα)(c+dα)=(ac+rbd)+(ad+bc)α(a+bα)1=a(a2rb2)1+(b)(a2rb2)1α{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}-(a+b\alpha )&=-a+(-b)\alpha \\(a+b\alpha )+(c+d\alpha )&=(a+c)+(b+d)\alpha \\(a+b\alpha )(c+d\alpha )&=(ac+rbd)+(ad+bc)\alpha \\(a+b\alpha )^{-1}&=a(a^{2}-rb^{2})^{-1}+(-b)(a^{2}-rb^{2})^{-1}\alpha \end{aligned}}}

GF(8) and GF(27)


The polynomialX3X1{\displaystyle X^{3}-X-1}is irreducible overGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)} andGF(3){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (3)}, that is, it is irreduciblemodulo2{\displaystyle 2} and3{\displaystyle 3} (to show this, it suffices to show that it has no root inGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)} nor inGF(3){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (3)}). It follows that the elements ofGF(8){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (8)} andGF(27){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (27)} may be represented byexpressionsa+bα+cα2,{\displaystyle a+b\alpha +c\alpha ^{2},}wherea,b,c{\displaystyle a,b,c} are elements ofGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)} orGF(3){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (3)} (respectively), andα{\displaystyle \alpha } is a symbol such thatα3=α+1.{\displaystyle \alpha ^{3}=\alpha +1.}

The addition, additive inverse and multiplication onGF(8){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (8)} andGF(27){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (27)} may thus be defined as follows; in following formulas, the operations between elements ofGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)} orGF(3){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (3)}, represented by Latin letters, are the operations inGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)} orGF(3){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (3)}, respectively:(a+bα+cα2)=a+(b)α+(c)α2(for GF(8),this operation is the identity)(a+bα+cα2)+(d+eα+fα2)=(a+d)+(b+e)α+(c+f)α2(a+bα+cα2)(d+eα+fα2)=(ad+bf+ce)+(ae+bd+bf+ce+cf)α+(af+be+cd+cf)α2{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}-(a+b\alpha +c\alpha ^{2})&=-a+(-b)\alpha +(-c)\alpha ^{2}\qquad {\text{(for }}\mathrm {GF} (8),{\text{this operation is the identity)}}\\(a+b\alpha +c\alpha ^{2})+(d+e\alpha +f\alpha ^{2})&=(a+d)+(b+e)\alpha +(c+f)\alpha ^{2}\\(a+b\alpha +c\alpha ^{2})(d+e\alpha +f\alpha ^{2})&=(ad+bf+ce)+(ae+bd+bf+ce+cf)\alpha +(af+be+cd+cf)\alpha ^{2}\end{aligned}}}



The polynomialX4+X+1{\displaystyle X^{4}+X+1}is irreducible overGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)}, that is, it is irreducible modulo2{\displaystyle 2}. It follows that the elements ofGF(16){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (16)} may be represented byexpressionsa+bα+cα2+dα3,{\displaystyle a+b\alpha +c\alpha ^{2}+d\alpha ^{3},}wherea,b,c,d{\displaystyle a,b,c,d} are either0{\displaystyle 0} or1{\displaystyle 1} (elements ofGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)}), andα{\displaystyle \alpha } is a symbol such thatα4=α+1{\displaystyle \alpha ^{4}=\alpha +1}(that is,α{\displaystyle \alpha } is defined as a root of the given irreducible polynomial). As the characteristic ofGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)} is2{\displaystyle 2}, each element is its additive inverse inGF(16){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (16)}. The addition and multiplication onGF(16){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (16)} may be defined as follows; in following formulas, the operations between elements ofGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)}, represented by Latin letters are the operations inGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)}.(a+bα+cα2+dα3)+(e+fα+gα2+hα3)=(a+e)+(b+f)α+(c+g)α2+(d+h)α3(a+bα+cα2+dα3)(e+fα+gα2+hα3)=(ae+bh+cg+df)+(af+be+bh+cg+df+ch+dg)α+(ag+bf+ce+ch+dg+dh)α2+(ah+bg+cf+de+dh)α3{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}(a+b\alpha +c\alpha ^{2}+d\alpha ^{3})+(e+f\alpha +g\alpha ^{2}+h\alpha ^{3})&=(a+e)+(b+f)\alpha +(c+g)\alpha ^{2}+(d+h)\alpha ^{3}\\(a+b\alpha +c\alpha ^{2}+d\alpha ^{3})(e+f\alpha +g\alpha ^{2}+h\alpha ^{3})&=(ae+bh+cg+df)+(af+be+bh+cg+df+ch+dg)\alpha \;+\\&\quad \;(ag+bf+ce+ch+dg+dh)\alpha ^{2}+(ah+bg+cf+de+dh)\alpha ^{3}\end{aligned}}}

The fieldGF(16){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (16)} has eightprimitive elements (the elements that have all nonzero elements ofGF(16){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (16)} as integer powers). These elements are the four roots ofX4+X+1{\displaystyle X^{4}+X+1} and theirmultiplicative inverses. In particular,α{\displaystyle \alpha } is a primitive element, and the primitive elements areαm{\displaystyle \alpha ^{m}} withm{\displaystyle m} less than andcoprime with15{\displaystyle 15} (that is, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14).

Multiplicative structure


The set of non-zero elements inGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} is anabelian group under the multiplication, of orderq1{\displaystyle q-1}. ByLagrange's theorem, there exists a divisork{\displaystyle k} ofq1{\displaystyle q-1} such thatxk=1{\displaystyle x^{k}=1} for every non-zerox{\displaystyle x} inGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}. As the equationxk=1{\displaystyle x^{k}=1} has at mostk{\displaystyle k} solutions in any field,q1{\displaystyle q-1} is the lowest possible value fork{\displaystyle k}.Thestructure theorem of finite abelian groups implies that this multiplicative group iscyclic, that is, all non-zero elements are powers of a single element. In summary:

The multiplicative group of the non-zero elements inGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}is cyclic, i.e., there exists an elementa{\displaystyle a},such that theq1{\displaystyle q-1}non-zero elements ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}area,a2,,aq2,aq1=1{\displaystyle a,a^{2},\ldots ,a^{q-2},a^{q-1}=1}.

Such an elementa{\displaystyle a} is called aprimitive element ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}. Unlessq=2,3{\displaystyle q=2,3}, the primitive element is not unique. The number of primitive elements isϕ(q1){\displaystyle \phi (q-1)} whereϕ{\displaystyle \phi } isEuler's totient function.

The result above implies thatxq=x{\displaystyle x^{q}=x} for everyx{\displaystyle x} inGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}. The particular case whereq{\displaystyle q} is prime isFermat's little theorem.

Discrete logarithm


Ifa{\displaystyle a} is a primitive element inGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}, then for any non-zero elementx{\displaystyle x} inF{\displaystyle F}, there is a unique integern{\displaystyle n} with0nq2{\displaystyle 0\leq n\leq q-2} such thatx=an{\displaystyle x=a^{n}}.This integern{\displaystyle n} is called thediscrete logarithm ofx{\displaystyle x} to the basea{\displaystyle a}.

Whilean{\displaystyle a^{n}} can be computed very quickly, for example usingexponentiation by squaring, there is no known efficient algorithm for computing the inverse operation, the discrete logarithm. This has been used in variouscryptographic protocols, seeDiscrete logarithm for details.

When the nonzero elements ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} are represented by their discrete logarithms, multiplication and division are easy, as they reduce to addition and subtraction moduloq1{\displaystyle q-1}. However, addition amounts to computing the discrete logarithm ofam+an{\displaystyle a^{m}+a^{n}}. The identityam+an=an(amn+1){\displaystyle a^{m}+a^{n}=a^{n}\left(a^{m-n}+1\right)}allows one to solve this problem by constructing the table of the discrete logarithms ofan+1{\displaystyle a^{n}+1}, calledZech's logarithms, forn=0,,q2{\displaystyle n=0,\ldots ,q-2} (it is convenient to define the discrete logarithm of zero as being{\displaystyle -\infty }).

Zech's logarithms are useful for large computations, such aslinear algebra over medium-sized fields, that is, fields that are sufficiently large for making natural algorithms inefficient, but not too large, as one has to pre-compute a table of the same size as the order of the field.

Roots of unity


Every nonzero element of a finite field is aroot of unity, asxq1=1{\displaystyle x^{q-1}=1} for every nonzero element ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}.

Ifn{\displaystyle n} is a positive integer, ann{\displaystyle n}thprimitive root of unity is a solution of the equationxn=1{\displaystyle x^{n}=1} that is not a solution of the equationxm=1{\displaystyle x^{m}=1} for any positive integerm<n{\displaystyle m<n}. Ifa{\displaystyle a} is an{\displaystyle n}th primitive root of unity in a fieldF{\displaystyle F}, thenF{\displaystyle F} contains all then{\displaystyle n} roots of unity, which are1,a,a2,,an1{\displaystyle 1,a,a^{2},\ldots ,a^{n-1}}.

The fieldGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} contains an{\displaystyle n}th primitive root of unity if and only ifn{\displaystyle n} is a divisor ofq1{\displaystyle q-1}; ifn{\displaystyle n} is a divisor ofq1{\displaystyle q-1}, then the number of primitiven{\displaystyle n}th roots of unity inGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} isϕ(n){\displaystyle \phi (n)} (Euler's totient function). The number ofn{\displaystyle n}th roots of unity inGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} isgcd(n,q1){\displaystyle \mathrm {gcd} (n,q-1)}.

In a field of characteristicp{\displaystyle p}, everynp{\displaystyle np}th root of unity is also an{\displaystyle n}th root of unity. It follows that primitivenp{\displaystyle np}th roots of unity never exist in a field of characteristicp{\displaystyle p}.

On the other hand, ifn{\displaystyle n} iscoprime top{\displaystyle p}, the roots of then{\displaystyle n}thcyclotomic polynomial are distinct in every field of characteristicp{\displaystyle p}, as this polynomial is a divisor ofXn1{\displaystyle X^{n}-1}, whosediscriminantnn{\displaystyle n^{n}} is nonzero modulop{\displaystyle p}. It follows that then{\displaystyle n}thcyclotomic polynomial factors overGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)} into distinct irreducible polynomials that have all the same degree, sayd{\displaystyle d}, and thatGF(pd){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p^{d})} is the smallest field of characteristicp{\displaystyle p} that contains then{\displaystyle n}th primitive roots of unity.

When computingBrauer characters, one uses the mapαkexp(2πik/(q1)){\displaystyle \alpha ^{k}\mapsto \exp(2\pi ik/(q-1))} to map eigenvalues of a representation matrix to the complex numbers. Under this mapping, the base subfieldGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)} consists of evenly spaced points around the unit circle (omitting zero).

Finite field F_25 under map to complex roots of unity. Base subfield F_5 in red.

Example: GF(64)


The fieldGF(64){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (64)} has several interesting properties that smaller fields do not share: it has two subfields such that neither is contained in the other; not all generators (elements withminimal polynomial of degree6{\displaystyle 6} overGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)}) are primitive elements; and the primitive elements are not all conjugate under theGalois group.

The order of this field being26, and the divisors of6 being1, 2, 3, 6, the subfields ofGF(64) areGF(2),GF(22) = GF(4),GF(23) = GF(8), andGF(64) itself. As2 and3 arecoprime, the intersection ofGF(4) andGF(8) inGF(64) is the prime fieldGF(2).

The union ofGF(4) andGF(8) has thus10 elements. The remaining54 elements ofGF(64) generateGF(64) in the sense that no other subfield contains any of them. It follows that they are roots of irreducible polynomials of degree6 overGF(2). This implies that, overGF(2), there are exactly9 =54/6 irreduciblemonic polynomials of degree6. This may be verified by factoringX64X overGF(2).

The elements ofGF(64) are primitiven{\displaystyle n}th roots of unity for somen{\displaystyle n} dividing63{\displaystyle 63}. As the 3rd and the 7th roots of unity belong toGF(4) andGF(8), respectively, the54 generators are primitiventh roots of unity for somen in{9, 21, 63}.Euler's totient function shows that there are6 primitive9th roots of unity,12{\displaystyle 12} primitive21{\displaystyle 21}st roots of unity, and36{\displaystyle 36} primitive63rd roots of unity. Summing these numbers, one finds again54{\displaystyle 54} elements.

By factoring thecyclotomic polynomials overGF(2){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (2)}, one finds that:

This shows that the best choice to constructGF(64){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (64)} is to define it asGF(2)[X] / (X6 +X + 1). In fact, this generator is a primitive element, and this polynomial is the irreducible polynomial that produces the easiest Euclidean division.

Frobenius automorphism and Galois theory


In this section,p{\displaystyle p} is a prime number, andq=pn{\displaystyle q=p^{n}} is a power ofp{\displaystyle p}.

InGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}, the identity(x +y)p =xp +yp implies that the mapφ:xxp{\displaystyle \varphi :x\mapsto x^{p}}is aGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}-linear endomorphism and afield automorphism ofGF(q){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (q)}, which fixes every element of the subfieldGF(p){\displaystyle \mathrm {GF} (p)}. It is called theFrobenius automorphism, afterFerdinand Georg Frobenius.

Denoting byφk thecomposition ofφ with itselfk times, we haveφk:xxpk.{\displaystyle \varphi ^{k}:x\mapsto x^{p^{k}}.}It has been shown in the preceding section thatφn is the identity. For0 <k <n, the automorphismφk is not the identity, as, otherwise, the polynomialXpkX{\displaystyle X^{p^{k}}-X}would have more thanpk roots.

There are no otherGF(p)-automorphisms ofGF(q). In other words,GF(pn) has exactlynGF(p)-automorphisms, which areId=φ0,φ,φ2,,φn1.{\displaystyle \mathrm {Id} =\varphi ^{0},\varphi ,\varphi ^{2},\ldots ,\varphi ^{n-1}.}

In terms ofGalois theory, this means thatGF(pn) is aGalois extension ofGF(p), which has acyclic Galois group.

The fact that the Frobenius map is surjective implies that every finite field isperfect.

Polynomial factorization

Main article:Factorization of polynomials over finite fields

IfF is a finite field, a non-constantmonic polynomial with coefficients inF isirreducible overF, if it is not the product of two non-constant monic polynomials, with coefficients inF.

As everypolynomial ring over a field is aunique factorization domain, every monic polynomial over a finite field may be factored in a unique way (up to the order of the factors) into a product of irreducible monic polynomials.

There are efficient algorithms for testing polynomial irreducibility and factoring polynomials over finite fields. They are a key step for factoring polynomials over the integers or therational numbers. At least for this reason, everycomputer algebra system has functions for factoring polynomials over finite fields, or, at least, over finite prime fields.

Irreducible polynomials of a given degree


The polynomialXqX{\displaystyle X^{q}-X} factors into linear factors over a field of orderq. More precisely, this polynomial is the product of all monic polynomials of degree one over a field of orderq.

This implies that, ifq =pn thenXqX is the product of all monic irreducible polynomials overGF(p), whose degree dividesn. In fact, ifP is an irreducible factor overGF(p) ofXqX, its degree dividesn, as itssplitting field is contained inGF(pn). Conversely, ifP is an irreducible monic polynomial overGF(p) of degreed dividingn, it defines a field extension of degreed, which is contained inGF(pn), and all roots ofP belong toGF(pn), and are roots ofXqX; thusP dividesXqX. AsXqX does not have any multiple factor, it is thus the product of all the irreducible monic polynomials that divide it.

This property is used to compute the product of the irreducible factors of each degree of polynomials overGF(p); seeDistinct degree factorization.

Number of monic irreducible polynomials of a given degree over a finite field


The numberN(q,n) of monic irreducible polynomials of degreen overGF(q) is given by[4]N(q,n)=1ndnμ(d)qn/d,{\displaystyle N(q,n)={\frac {1}{n}}\sum _{d\mid n}\mu (d)q^{n/d},}whereμ is theMöbius function. This formula is an immediate consequence of the property ofXqX above and theMöbius inversion formula.

By the above formula, the number of irreducible (not necessarily monic) polynomials of degreen overGF(q) is(q − 1)N(q,n).

The exact formula implies the inequalityN(q,n)1n(qnn,  primeqn/);{\displaystyle N(q,n)\geq {\frac {1}{n}}\left(q^{n}-\sum _{\ell \mid n,\ \ell {\text{ prime}}}q^{n/\ell }\right);}this is sharp if and only ifn is a power of some prime.For everyq and everyn, the right hand side is positive, so there is at least one irreducible polynomial of degreen overGF(q).



Incryptography, the difficulty of thediscrete logarithm problem in finite fields or inelliptic curves is the basis of several widely used protocols, such as theDiffie–Hellman protocol. For example, in 2014, a secure internet connection to Wikipedia involved the elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman protocol (ECDHE) over a large finite field.[5] Incoding theory, many codes are constructed assubspaces ofvector spaces over finite fields.

Finite fields are used by manyerror correction codes, such asReed–Solomon error correction code orBCH code. The finite field almost always has characteristic of2, since computer data is stored in binary. For example, a byte of data can be interpreted as an element ofGF(28). One exception isPDF417 bar code, which isGF(929). Some CPUs have special instructions that can be useful for finite fields of characteristic2, generally variations ofcarry-less product.

Finite fields are widely used innumber theory, as many problems over the integers may be solved by reducing themmodulo one or severalprime numbers. For example, the fastest known algorithms forpolynomial factorization andlinear algebra over the field ofrational numbers proceed by reduction modulo one or several primes, and then reconstruction of the solution by usingChinese remainder theorem,Hensel lifting or theLLL algorithm.

Similarly many theoretical problems in number theory can be solved by considering their reductions modulo some or all prime numbers. See, for example,Hasse principle. Many recent developments ofalgebraic geometry were motivated by the need to enlarge the power of these modular methods.Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is an example of a deep result involving many mathematical tools, including finite fields.

TheWeil conjectures concern the number of points onalgebraic varieties over finite fields and the theory has many applications includingexponential andcharacter sum estimates.

Finite fields have widespread application incombinatorics, two well known examples being the definition ofPaley Graphs and the related construction forHadamard Matrices. Inarithmetic combinatorics finite fields[6] and finite field models[7][8] are used extensively, such as inSzemerédi's theorem on arithmetic progressions.



Wedderburn's little theorem


Adivision ring is a generalization of field. Division rings are not assumed to be commutative. There are no non-commutative finite division rings:Wedderburn's little theorem states that all finitedivision rings are commutative, and hence are finite fields. This result holds even if we relax theassociativity axiom toalternativity, that is, all finitealternative division rings are finite fields, by theArtin–Zorn theorem.[9]

Algebraic closure


A finite fieldF{\displaystyle F} is not algebraically closed: the polynomialf(T)=1+αF(Tα),{\displaystyle f(T)=1+\prod _{\alpha \in F}(T-\alpha ),}has no roots inF{\displaystyle F}, sincef (α) = 1 for allα{\displaystyle \alpha } inF{\displaystyle F}.

Given a prime numberp, letF¯p{\displaystyle {\overline {\mathbb {F} }}_{p}} be an algebraic closure ofFp.{\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}.} It is not only uniqueup to an isomorphism, as do all algebraic closures, but contrarily to the general case, all its subfield are fixed by all its automorphisms, and it is also the algebraic closure of all finite fields of the same characteristicp.

This property results mainly from the fact that the elements ofFpn{\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p^{n}}} are exactly the roots ofxpnx,{\displaystyle x^{p^{n}}-x,} and this defines an inclusionFpnFpnm{\displaystyle \mathbb {\mathbb {F} } _{p^{n}}\subset \mathbb {F} _{p^{nm}}} form>1.{\displaystyle m>1.} These inclusions allow writing informallyF¯p=n1Fpn.{\displaystyle {\overline {\mathbb {F} }}_{p}=\bigcup _{n\geq 1}\mathbb {F} _{p^{n}}.} The formal validation of this notation results from the fact that the above field inclusions form adirected set of fields; Itsdirect limit isF¯p,{\displaystyle {\overline {\mathbb {F} }}_{p},} which may thus be considered as "directed union".

Primitive elements in the algebraic closure


Given aprimitive elementgmn{\displaystyle g_{mn}} ofFqmn,{\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{q^{mn}},} thengmnm{\displaystyle g_{mn}^{m}} is a primitive element ofFqn.{\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{q^{n}}.}

For explicit computations, it may be useful to have a coherent choice of the primitive elements for all finite fields; that is, to choose the primitive elementgn{\displaystyle g_{n}} ofFqn{\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{q^{n}}} in order that, whenevern=mh,{\displaystyle n=mh,} one hasgm=gnh,{\displaystyle g_{m}=g_{n}^{h},} wheregm{\displaystyle g_{m}} is the primitive element already chosen forFqm.{\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{q^{m}}.}

Such a construction may be obtained byConway polynomials.

Quasi-algebraic closure


Although finite fields are not algebraically closed, they arequasi-algebraically closed, which means that everyhomogeneous polynomial over a finite field has a non-trivial zero whose components are in the field if the number of its variables is more than its degree. This was a conjecture ofArtin andDickson proved byChevalley (seeChevalley–Warning theorem).

See also



  1. ^abMoore, E. H. (1896), "A doubly-infinite system of simple groups", in E. H. Moore; et al. (eds.),Mathematical Papers Read at the International Mathematics Congress Held in Connection with the World's Columbian Exposition, Macmillan & Co., pp. 208–242
  2. ^This latter notation was introduced byE. H. Moore in an address given in 1893 at the International Mathematical Congress held in ChicagoMullen & Panario 2013, p. 10.
  3. ^Recommended Elliptic Curves for Government Use(PDF),National Institute of Standards and Technology, July 1999, p. 3,archived(PDF) from the original on 2008-07-19
  4. ^Jacobson 2009, §4.13
  5. ^This can be verified by looking at the information on the page provided by the browser.
  6. ^Shparlinski, Igor E. (2013), "Additive Combinatorics over Finite Fields: New Results and Applications",Finite Fields and Their Applications, DE GRUYTER, pp. 233–272,doi:10.1515/9783110283600.233,ISBN 9783110283600
  7. ^Green, Ben (2005), "Finite field models in additive combinatorics",Surveys in Combinatorics 2005, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–28,arXiv:math/0409420,doi:10.1017/cbo9780511734885.002,ISBN 9780511734885,S2CID 28297089
  8. ^Wolf, J. (March 2015)."Finite field models in arithmetic combinatorics – ten years on".Finite Fields and Their Applications.32:233–274.doi:10.1016/j.ffa.2014.11.003.hdl:1983/d340f853-0584-49c8-a463-ea16ee51ce0f.ISSN 1071-5797.
  9. ^Shult, Ernest E. (2011).Points and lines. Characterizing the classical geometries. Universitext. Berlin:Springer-Verlag. p. 123.ISBN 978-3-642-15626-7.Zbl 1213.51001.



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