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Group of Elves in Tolkien's Middle-earth

In-universe information
Other name(s)High Elves
Created byEru Ilúvatar
Creation dateFirst Age
Home worldMiddle-earth
LeaderKings (inValinor); High King (in Middle-earth)

In the works ofJ. R. R. Tolkien, theNoldor (also spelledÑoldor, meaningthose with knowledge in his constructed languageQuenya) are a kindred ofElves who migrate west to the blessed realm ofValinor from the continent ofMiddle-earth,splitting from other groups of Elves as they went. They then settle in the coastal region of Eldamar. TheDark LordMorgoth murders their first leader,Finwë. The majority of the Noldor, led by Finwë's eldest sonFëanor, then return toBeleriand in the northwest of Middle-earth. This makes them the only group to return and then play a major role in Middle-earth's history; much ofThe Silmarillion is about their actions. They are the second clan of the Elves in both order and size, the other clans being theVanyar and theTeleri.

Among Elves, the Noldor show the greatest talents for intellectual pursuits, technical skills and physical strength, yet are prone to unchecked ambition and pride in their ability to create. Scholars such asTom Shippey have commented that these attributes lead to theirdecline and fall, especially through Fëanor who creates and covets the magical jewels, theSilmarils. Others includingDimitra Fimi have linked the Noldor to the mythical Irish warriors and sorcerers, theTuatha Dé Danann.

Etymology and origins


"Noldor" or "Ñoldor" means those who have great knowledge and understanding. The Noldor are calledGolodhrim orGódhellim inSindarin, andGoldui by another kindred of Elves, theTeleri ofTol Eressëa. The singular form of theQuenya noun isNoldo and the adjective isNoldorin, which is also the name oftheir dialect of Quenya.[T 1]

In early drafts ofhis legendarium, Tolkien used the name "Gnomes" for the group later called the Noldor, and their language, the Noldorin dialect of Sindarin, was called "Gnomish" or "Noldorin".[1][2] Tolkien had chosen "gnome" thinking that it derived from the Greekγνῶσις,gnōsis (knowledge), and hence was a good name for the wisest of the elves. However, because of its common association withgarden gnomes, Tolkien abandoned the term.[3]



The Noldor are counted among the Calaquendi ("Elves of the Light") or High Elves, as they had seen the light of theTwo Trees of Valinor.[4] The most distinctive aspect of Noldorin culture is their fondness forcraftwork and skill of their workmanship, which ranges fromlapidary toembroidery to the craft oflanguage. Among the Elven kindreds, the Noldor are the most beloved by theVala Aulë, who originally taught them craftsmanship. As a result of their renown as the most skilled of all peoples in lore, warfare and crafts, the Noldor are sometimes called the "Deep Elves". Following their return to Middle-earth at the end of theFirst Age, the Noldor build great cities within their realms in the land ofBeleriand, such as Nargothrond andGondolin.[T 2]

When the Noldor are in Valinor they speakQuenya; in Middle-earth they also speakSindarin.[5] Among the wisest of the Noldor is Rúmil, creator of the first writing system,Sarati, and author of many books of lore.[6]Fëanor, son ofFinwë and Míriel, is the greatest of their craftsmen, "mightiest in skill of word and of hand",[T 3] and creator of theSilmarils. Fëanor also devised theTengwar script.[6]

Emblem ofFinwë, King of the Noldor, his highest of ranks signified inElvish heraldry by sixteen points touching the rim[7]

Tolkien gave some Noldorin leaders like Finwë andFingolfin their ownheraldic devices, carefully distinguishing their ranks by the number of points touching the rim.[7]

The Noldor are the proudest of the Elves, as they vaunt in particular their ability to create: in the words of theSindar, "they needed room to quarrel in".[T 4] Equally, this causes in them an arrogance that plagues their history and causes them great suffering.[T 1]

The Noldor are tall and physically strong. Their hair colour is usually a very dark shade of brown; Tolkien hesitated over whether their hair might be black.[T 5][T 6] Red and even white ("silver") hair occasionally exists among some individuals. Their eyes are usually grey or dark, with the inner light of Valinor reflected in their eyes; the Sindarin termLachend means "flame-eyed".[T 4]

Fictional history


Early history

Arda in theFirst Age. The Elves awaken at Cuiviénen, on the Sea ofHelcar (right) inMiddle-earth, and migrate westwards towardsValinor in Aman, some not arriving there.Fëanor's people of the Noldor, return toBeleriand (top) in stolenFalmari ships, leaving an angryFingolfin to return over the Grinding Ice. Locations are diagrammatic.

The Silmarillion tells the history of the Noldor. The Elves are placed, asleep, in Cuiviénen onMiddle-earth by the creator,Ilúvatar. According to Elven-lore, the Noldor as a clan is founded by Tata, the second Elf to awaken, his spouse Tatië and their 54 companions. The fate of Tata and Tatië is not recorded; it is Finwë who leads the Noldor toValinor, where he becomes their King, and their chief dwelling-place is the city of Tirion upon Túna. In Valinor "great became their knowledge and their skill; yet even greater was their thirst for more knowledge, and in many things they soon surpassed their teachers. They were changeful in speech, for they had great love of words, and sought ever to find names more fit for all things they knew or imagined."[T 3]

The Noldor draw the ire of the rogue ValaMelkor, who envies their prosperity and, most of all, the Silmarils crafted by Fëanor. So he often goes among them, offering advice, and the Noldor listen, being eager for knowledge.[T 7][T 8] But Melkor sows lies, and in the end the peace in Tirion is poisoned. Fëanor, having assaulted his half-brotherFingolfin and thus broken the laws of the Valar, is banished to his fortress Formenos, and with him goes Finwë his father. Fingolfin remains as the ruler of the Noldor of Tirion.[T 8]

With the aid of the spider spiritUngoliant, Melkor destroys theTwo Trees of Valinor,[T 9] slays Finwë, steals the Silmarils and departs fromAman. Driven by vengeance, Fëanor rebels against the Valar and rouses the Noldor to leave Valinor, follows Melkor toMiddle-earth and wages war against him for the recovery of the Silmarils. Though the greater part of the Noldor still hold Fingolfin as the rightful leader, they follow Fëanor out of kinship and to avenge Finwë. Fëanor and his sons swear anoath of vengeance against Melkor (whom Fëanor renames Morgoth) or anyone who comes into possession of a Silmaril.[T 10][T 11]

Flight of the Noldor: exile to Middle-earth

Further information:Sundering of the Elves

In the port city of Alqualondë, the Noldor hosts led by Fëanor demand that theFalmari, those of the Teleri who had come to Valinor, let them use their ships. When the Teleri refuse, Fëanor's forces take the ships by force, committing the first Kinslaying. A messenger from theValar comes later and delivers theProphecy of the North, pronouncing the Doom of Mandos on the Noldor for the Kinslaying, and warning that a grim fate awaits them should they proceed with their rebellion. Some of the Noldor who had had no hand in the Kinslaying, including Finarfin, son of Finwë and Indis, return to Valinor, and the Valar forgive them. The majority of the Noldor, some blameless for the Kinslaying, remain determined to leave Valinor for Middle-earth. Among them are Finarfin's children, Finrod andGaladriel, who choose to follow Fingolfin instead of Fëanor and his sons.[T 12]

The Noldor cross the sea to Middle-earth in the stolen ships, leaving Fingolfin and his people behind. Upon his arrival in Middle-earth, Fëanor has the ships burned. When the Noldor led by Fingolfin discover their betrayal, they go far to the north and cross the sea at theGrinding Ice or Helcaraxë.[T 10] Suffering substantial losses along the way, this greatly adds to their animosity for Fëanor and his sons.[T 12] The deaths of the Two Trees and the departure of the Noldor out of theUndying Lands mark the end of theYears of the Trees, and the beginning of theYears of the Sun, when the Valar create the Moon and the Sun out of Telperion's last flower and Laurelin's last fruit. Fëanor's company is soon attacked by Morgoth in the Battle under Stars orDagor-nuin-Giliath. Fëanor himself is mortally wounded byBalrogs, who had issued forth from Morgoth's fortress ofAngband and captured his eldest son Maedhros.[T 12]

Fingon, the eldest son of Fingolfin, saves Maedhros (his half-cousin) from captivity, which settles the rift between their houses for a time. Maedhros is due to succeed Fëanor, but he regrets his part in the Kinslaying as well as the abandonment of Fingolfin, and leaves the leadership of the Noldor in Middle-earth to his uncle Fingolfin, who becomes High King of the Noldor. Maedhros's brothers dissent and begin to call themselvesthe Dispossessed, paying little deference to Fingolfin or his successors, and are still determined to fulfil the oath they swore to recover the Silmarils on behalf of their father.[T 12]

Sketch map ofBeleriand in theFirst Age. Fingolfin's land of Hithlum is at upper left; Turgon's city of Gondolin is more central,Finrod's city of Nargothrond below it.Morgoth is based in the Iron Mountains, in the top centre.

InBeleriand, in the north-west of Middle-earth, the Noldor make alliances with the Sindar and later withMen of the Three Houses of theEdain. Fingolfin reigns long in the land ofHithlum, and his younger son Turgon builds the hidden city ofGondolin. The Sons of Fëanor rule the lands in Eastern Beleriand, while Finrod Finarfin's son is the King ofNargothrond and his brothers Angrod and Aegnor hold Dorthonion. Fingolfin's reign is marked by warfare against Morgoth; in the year 60 of the First Age, after their victory in the battle ofDagor Aglareb, the Noldor start theSiege of Angband, the great fortress of Morgoth. In 455 the siege is broken by Morgoth in theDagor Bragollach, or Battle of Sudden Flame, in which the north-eastern Elvish realms are conquered, with the exception of Maedhros' fortress at Himring. A man, Barahir, saves Finrod's life; Finrod gives him a ring which had been made in Valinor.[a] Fingolfin in despair rides to Angband and challenges Morgoth tosingle combat, dealing the Dark Lord seven wounds before perishing. Fingolfin is succeeded by his eldest son Fingon the Valiant, who becomes the second High King of the Noldor in Beleriand.[T 12]

In 472, Maedhros organises an attack on Morgoth, which leads to theNírnaeth Arnoediad, the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.[T 13] The Noldor and their allies are utterly defeated when they are betrayed by the Easterlings and surrounded by Morgoth's forces. Fingon is killed byGothmog the Lord ofBalrogs, and is succeeded by his brother Turgon. Morgoth scatters the remaining forces led by the sons of Fëanor,[T 13] and in 495 Nargothrond too is conquered. Turgon had already withdrawn to Gondolin, which had been kept hidden from both Morgoth and other Elves; his realm is betrayed to Morgoth by his nephew Maeglin in 510. Turgon dies duringthe Fall of Gondolin, though his daughter Idril leads many of his people to escape and find their way south.Gil-galad, son of Fingon, succeeds Turgon and becomes the fourth and last High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth.[T 14]

Between 545 and 583, theWar of Wrath is fought between Morgoth and the host of the Valar. As the result of the cataclysmic destruction from the war, Beleriand sinks into the sea, except for a part of Ossiriand later known as Lindon, and a few islands. The defeat of Morgoth marks the end of theFirst Age and the start of theSecond, when most of the Noldor return to Aman, though some like Galadriel orCelebrimbor, grandson of Fëanor, refuse the pardon of the Valar and remain in Middle-earth.[T 15]

Second and Third Ages

Further information:Gil-galad andCelebrimbor

Gil-galad founds a new kingdom atLindon and rules throughout theSecond Age, longer than any of the High Kings before him. After Sauron re-emerges and manipulates Celebrimbor and the smiths of Eregion into forging theRings of Power, he fortifiesMordor and begins the long war with the remaining Elves in Middle-earth. His forces attack Eregion, destroying it, but are repelled atRivendell and Lindon. With the aid of theNúmenóreans, the Noldor manage to defeat him for a time.[T 16]

In the year 3319 of the Second Age, Sauron manipulates the Númenóreans and their King, Ar-Pharazôn, to rebel against the Valar.Númenor is destroyed.Elendil escapes to the mainland with his sons Anárion andIsildur, who establish the realms of Arnor andGondor. Gil-galad sets out for Mordor in theLast Alliance of Elves and Men with Elendil's forces and defeats Sauron in the Siege of Barad-dûr, though Gil-galad himself perishes with no successors as High King of the Noldor. Among the lineal descendants of Finwë in Middle-earth, only Galadriel and someHalf-elven remain.[T 17]

In theThird Age, the Noldor in Middle-earth dwindle, and at the end of the Third Age the remaining Noldor depart to Valinor.[T 16] InThe Fellowship of the Ring Frodo meets a band of Elves led by Gildor Inglorion from the House of Finrod who are returning from a pilgrimage at the White Towers.[T 18]

House of Finwë

House of Finwë family tree[T 19][T 20][T 21][T 22]

of the Noldor
of theVanyar
maker ofSilmarils
Findis §FingolfinLalwen §
MaedhrosFive sonsCurufin Fingon TurgonAredhelArgon §FinrodAngrodAegnorGaladriel
maker ofRings
IdrilMaeglinOrodreth ¶
Colour key:
 Half-Elven who chose the fate of Elves
 Half-Elven who chose the fate of mortal Men

Kings of the Noldor inValinor

High Kings of the Noldor in exile inMiddle-earth

§ These figures do not appear in the published Silmarillion. The family tree as presented follows Tolkien's late noteThe Shibboleth of Fëanor.

¶ In the published Silmarillion, Orodreth is Finarfin's second son (and still Finduilas' father), and Gil-galad is Fingon's son.

The Sons of Fëanor are (in the order of their birth)Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Curufin, Caranthir, Amras, and Amrod.[T 19][T 20]

TheTolkien scholarTom Shippey comments that thefamily tree of the House of Finwë is "essential", asTolkien allocates character by ancestry; thus, Fëanor is pure Noldor, and so excellent as a craftsman, but his half-brothers Fingolfin and Finarfin haveVanyar blood from their mother, Indis. They are accordingly less skilful as craftsmen, but superior "in restraint and generosity".[4]



Tuatha Dé Danaan

TheTuatha Dé Danann depicted inJohn Duncan's 1911Riders of the Sidhe

Scholars includingDimitra Fimi, Anne Kinniburgh, andJohn Garth have connected the Noldor with the IrishTuatha Dé Danaan as a possible influence. The parallels are both thematic and direct. In Irish mythology, the Tuatha Dé Danaan invade Ireland as a tall pale fair-haired race of immortal warriors and sorcerers. They have godlike attributes but human social organisation. They enter Ireland with what Kinniburgh calls a "historical trajectory", entering in triumph, living with a high status, and leaving diminished, just as the Noldor do inMiddle-earth. They are semi-divine as Sons of Danu, just as the Noldor are counted among the first of the sentient races, the Children ofIlúvatar. Their immortality keeps them from disease and the frailty of age, but not from death in battle, an exact parallel with the Noldor.Nuada Airgetlám, the Tuatha Dé Danaan's first high king, is killed byBalor of the Evil Eye;Fëanor is killed by Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs.[1][8][9]Celebrimbor's[b] name means "Silver Hand" inSindarin, the same meaning as Nuada's epithet Airgetlám in Irish Gaelic. Celebrimbor's making of powerful but dangerous rings, too, has been linked with the finding of a curse on a ring at the temple ofNodens, a Roman god whom Tolkien in his work as a philologist identified with Nuada.[10][11][12] Like Nuada, Maedhros loses a hand.[1][8]

Germanic influence

The Noldor have skill in weaving and needlework throughFinwë's marriage to Míriel. Tolkien was aware that Germanic women were called weavers or embroiderers.Baldishol Tapestry pictured.[13]

The Tolkien scholar Leslie A. Donovan notes that Tolkien's concept of exile, as principally exemplified by the Noldor, derives in part fromAnglo-Saxon culture, in which he was an expert.[14]

The medievalistElizabeth Solopova makes a connection betweenMiddle English and Tolkien's description of Finwë's first wife Míriel as the most skilful of the Noldor at weaving and needlework; Solopova notes that Tolkien had proposed an etymology for the Middle English termburde, meaning lady or damsel, linking it toOld Englishborde, embroidery, and that he had given examples from both Old English andOld Norse where women were called weavers or embroiderers.[13]


Further information:Christianity in Middle-earth

Shippey writes that Tolkien was himself fascinated with artefacts and their "sub-creation". He comments that inThe Hobbit,The Lord of the Rings, andThe Silmarillion, Tolkien consistently chooses to write about the "restless desire to make things". This is not quite, he notes, the same as the Christian sin ofavarice or possessiveness. This made sense in the case of the Noldor, as for consistency their besetting sin ought not to be the same asAdam and Eve's, which waspride. In Valinor, Shippey writes, the equivalent of theFall "came when conscious creatures became 'more interested in their own creations than in God's'", with Fëanor's forging of the Silmarils.[15] He adds that the smith-Vala Aulë is not only the patron of all craftsmen but the Vala most like Melkor, the first Dark Lord. The kinds of craftsmanship he encouraged among the Noldor was not only of physical things, but "'those that make not, but seek only for the understanding of what is' — thephilologists, one might say", writes Shippey, including Tolkien's profession along with the Noldor's skill with letters and poetry.[15]

Decline and fall

Further information:Decline and fall in Middle-earth

The Tolkien scholarBradford Lee Eden states that inThe Silmarillion, Tolkien focused on the Noldor as their history is "filled with the doom and fate so typical of medieval literature that determines the entire history of Middle-earth from the First Age to the time ofThe Lord of the Rings."[16] He notes that in many "parallel stories and tales" the fates of Elves and Men are tightly interwoven, leading inexorably to thedecline and fading of the Elves and the rise of Men as the dominant race in the modern Earth.[16] The Tolkien scholarMatthew Dickerson writes that the theft of the Silmarils by Morgoth leads Fëanor and his sons into swearing their dreadful oath and leading the Noldor out of Valinor back to Middle-earth. This is, he comments, at once a free choice and a self-imposed exile.[6]


Further information:Tolkien and race

The Swedish archaeologistMartin Rundkvist writes that Tolkien's account of Finrod Felagund includes "a transparentlycolonial passage" where the Elf, having arrived in a new country, "immediately takes upthe White Man's Burden and spends a year educating the humans about his religious beliefs ('true knowledge'). They think this is great and become his feudal subjects. Then to avoid conflict with the Green-elves he re-settles the new arrivals in a thinly populated area ruled by some of his relatives."[17]

In culture


Nightfall in Middle-Earth, a 1998 studio album by the Germanpower metal bandBlind Guardian, contained multiple references to the Noldor and the events they experience within the narrative ofThe Silmarillion. For example, "Face the Truth" has Fingolfin tell how he crossed the icy Helcaraxë, while in "Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)" he regrets having left Valinor; "Battle of Sudden Flame" recalls the battle of Dagor Bragollach, which marked the turning point of the Noldor's war against Morgoth in the Dark Lord's favour; "The Dark Elf" recounts the birth of Maeglin, the son of Fingolfin's daughter Aredhel and Eöl the titular Dark Elf; "Nom the Wise" is an elegy byBeren to his friend Finrod Felagund.[18][19] The Tolkien scholarBradford Lee Eden writes that "although one can assume that Tolkien was not a headbanger",[20] he finds that in the opinion of his students, the "driving energy" of the power metal sound is appropriate for the stories: "The music conveys rage and despair, which fits lyrics such as 'The doom of the Noldor drew near/ The words of a banished king, “I swear revenge!”'"[20] Eden adds that this facilitates discussion ofTolkien's Christian view of thefall of man.[20]


  1. ^The ring survives inRivendell. In the Third Age, the Ring of Barahir passes toAragorn, who gives it toArwen when they are betrothed.
  2. ^Celebrimbor is a Noldo in some of Tolkien's versions, aSinda in others.




  1. ^abTolkien 1994, part 4, "Quendi and Eldar" C: The Clan-names "Noldor"
  2. ^Tolkien 1977, ch. 15 "Of the Noldor in Beleriand"
  3. ^abTolkien 1977, ch. 5 "Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië"
  4. ^abTolkien 1994, Part 4, "Quendi and Eldar"
  5. ^Tolkien, J. R. R. "Changes AffectingSilmarillion Nomenclature".Parma Eldalamberon (17): 125.
  6. ^Tolkien 1996, part 2, Late Writings (1968 or later): "The Shibboleth of Fëanor", p. 365, note 61
  7. ^Tolkien 1977, ch. 6 "Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor"
  8. ^abTolkien 1977, ch. 7 "Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor"
  9. ^Tolkien 1977, ch. 8 "Of the Darkening of Valinor"
  10. ^abTolkien 1977, ch. 9 "Of the Flight of the Noldor"
  11. ^Tolkien 1993, pp. 194, 294
  12. ^abcdeTolkien 1977, ch. 13 "Of the Return of the Noldor"
  13. ^abTolkien 1977, ch. 20 "Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad"
  14. ^Tolkien 1977, ch. 23 "Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin"
  15. ^Tolkien 1977, ch. 24 "Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath"
  16. ^abTolkien 1977 "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age"
  17. ^Tolkien 1977, "Akallabêth"
  18. ^Tolkien 1954a, book 1, ch. 3 "Three is Company"
  19. ^abTolkien 1977, "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age": Family Tree I: "The house of Finwë and the Noldorin descent of Elrond and Elros"
  20. ^abTolkien 1977, "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age": Family Tree II: "The descendants of Olwë and Elwë"
  21. ^Tolkien 1955, Appendix A: Annals of the Kings and Rulers, I The Númenórean Kings
  22. ^Tolkien 1996, "The Shibboleth of Fëanor"


  1. ^abcFimi, Dimitra (August 2006). ""Mad" Elves and "elusive beauty": some Celtic strands of Tolkien's mythology".Folklore.117 (2):156–170.doi:10.1080/00155870600707847.S2CID 162292626.
  2. ^Hemmi, Yoko (2010). "Tolkien'sThe Lord of the Rings and His Concept ofNative Language: Sindarin and British-Welsh".Tolkien Studies.7 (1):147–174.doi:10.1353/tks.0.0063.S2CID 170366632.
  3. ^Tolkien 1984, pp. 43–44.
  4. ^abShippey 2005, pp. 282–284
  5. ^Tolkien 2007, p. 133.
  6. ^abcDickerson, Matthew (2013) [2007]. "Elves: Kindreds and Migrations". InDrout, Michael D. C. (ed.).The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia.Routledge. pp. 152–154.ISBN 978-0-415-86511-1.
  7. ^abHammond, Wayne G.;Scull, Christina (1995).J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator.Houghton Mifflin. pp. 191–196.ISBN 978-0-395-74816-9.
  8. ^abKinniburgh, Anne (2009)."The Noldor and the Tuatha Dé Danaan: J.R.R. Tolkien's Irish Influences".Mythlore.28 (1). article 3.
  9. ^Garth, John (2003).Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth. Houghton Mifflin. p. 222.ISBN 0-618-33129-8.
  10. ^Anger, Don N. (2013) [2007]. "Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Site in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire". InDrout, Michael D. C. (ed.).J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia.Routledge. pp. 563–564.ISBN 978-0-415-86511-1.
  11. ^Armstrong, Helen (May 1997). "And Have an Eye to That Dwarf".Amon Hen: The Bulletin of the Tolkien Society (145):13–14.
  12. ^Bowers, John M. (2019).Tolkien's Lost Chaucer. Oxford University Press. pp. 131–132.ISBN 978-0-19-884267-5.
  13. ^abSolopova, Elizabeth (2014)."Middle English". InLee, Stuart D. (ed.).A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien.John Wiley & Sons. p. 231.ISBN 978-0-470-65982-3.
  14. ^Donovan, Leslie A. (2013) [2007]. "Exile". InDrout, Michael D. C. (ed.).The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia.Routledge. p. 178.ISBN 978-0-415-86511-1.
  15. ^abShippey 2005, pp. 273–274
  16. ^abEden, Bradford Lee (2013) [2007]. "Elves". InDrout, Michael D. C. (ed.).The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia.Routledge. pp. 150–152.ISBN 978-0-415-86511-1.
  17. ^Rundkvist, Martin (26 March 2023)."Finrod Felagund Takes Up The White Man's Burden".Aardvarchaeology – by Dr. Martin Rundkvist. Retrieved30 March 2023.
  18. ^Ferretti, Marco."Blind Guardian – Nightfall In Middle-Earth".Souterraine (in Italian). Archived fromthe original on 19 September 2020. Retrieved18 February 2021.
  19. ^Nightfall in Middle Earth: AllMusic Guide Review
  20. ^abcEden, Bradford Lee (2010).Middle-earth Minstrel: Essays on Music in Tolkien.McFarland. p. 134.ISBN 978-0-7864-4814-2.


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