InEuclidean geometry, theFermat point of atriangle, also called theTorricelli point orFermat–Torricelli point, is a point such that the sum of the three distances from each of the three vertices of the triangle to the point is the smallest possible[1] or, equivalently, thegeometric median of the three vertices. It is so named because this problem was first raised byFermat in a private letter toEvangelista Torricelli, who solved it.
The Fermat point gives a solution to thegeometric median andSteiner tree problems for three points.
The Fermat point of a triangle with largest angle at most 120° is simply itsfirst isogonic center orX(13),[2] which is constructed as follows:
An alternative method is the following:
When a triangle has an angle greater than 120°, the Fermat point is sited at the obtuse-angled vertex.
In what follows "Case 1" means the triangle has an angle exceeding 120°. "Case 2" means no angle of the triangle exceeds 120°.
Fig. 2 shows the equilateral triangles△ARB, △AQC, △CPB attached to the sides of the arbitrary triangle△ABC.Here is a proof using properties ofconcyclic points to show that the three linesRC, BQ, AP in Fig 2 all intersect at the pointF and cut one another at angles of 60°.
The triangles△RAC, △BAQ arecongruent because the second is a 60° rotation of the first aboutA. Hence∠ARF = ∠ABF and∠AQF = ∠ACF. By the converse of theinscribed angle theorem applied to the segmentAF, the pointsARBF areconcyclic (they lie on a circle). Similarly, the pointsAFCQ are concyclic.
∠ARB = 60°, so∠AFB = 120°, using theinscribed angle theorem. Similarly,∠AFC = 120°.
So∠BFC = 120°. Therefore,∠BFC + ∠BPC = 180°. Using theinscribed angle theorem, this implies that the pointsBPCF are concyclic. So, using theinscribed angle theorem applied to the segmentBP,∠BFP = ∠BCP = 60°. Because∠BFP + ∠BFA = 180°, the pointF lies on the line segmentAP. So, the linesRC, BQ, AP areconcurrent (they intersect at a single point).Q.E.D.
This proof applies only in Case 2, since if∠BAC> 120°, pointA lies inside the circumcircle of△BPC which switches the relative positions ofA andF. However it is easily modified to cover Case 1. Then∠AFB = ∠AFC = 60° hence∠BFC = ∠AFB + ∠AFC = 120° which meansBPCF is concyclic so∠BFP = ∠BCP = 60° = ∠BFA. Therefore,A lies onFP.
The lines joining the centers of the circles in Fig. 2 are perpendicular to the line segmentsAP,BQ,CR. For example, the line joining the center of the circle containing△ARB and the center of the circle containing△AQC, is perpendicular to the segmentAP. So, the lines joining the centers of the circles also intersect at 60° angles. Therefore, the centers of the circles form an equilateral triangle. This is known asNapoleon's Theorem.
Given any Euclidean triangle△ABC and an arbitrary pointP let The aim of this section is to identify a pointP0 such that for all If such a point exists then it will be the Fermat point. In what followsΔ will denote the points inside the triangle and will be taken to include its boundaryΩ.
A key result that will be used is the dogleg rule, which asserts that if a triangle and a polygon have one side in common and the rest of the triangle lies inside the polygon then the triangle has a shorter perimeter than the polygon:
LetP be any point outsideΔ. Associate each vertex with its remote zone; that is, the half-plane beyond the (extended) opposite side. These 3 zones cover the entire plane except forΔ itself andP clearly lies in either one or two of them. IfP is in two (say theB andC zones’ intersection) then setting implies by the dogleg rule. Alternatively ifP is in only one zone, say theA-zone, then whereP' is the intersection ofAP andBC. Sofor every pointP outsideΔ there exists a pointP' inΩ such that
Case 1. The triangle has an angle ≥ 120°.
Without loss of generality, suppose that the angle atA is ≥ 120°. Construct the equilateral triangle△AFB and for any pointP inΔ (exceptA itself) constructQ so that the triangle△AQP is equilateral and has the orientation shown. Then the triangle△ABP is a 60° rotation of the triangle△AFQ aboutA so these two triangles are congruent and it follows that which is simply the length of the pathCPQF. AsP is constrained to lie within△ABC, by the dogleg rule the length of this path exceeds Therefore, for all Now allowP to range outsideΔ. From above a point exists such that and as it follows that for allP outsideΔ. Thus for all which means thatA is the Fermat point ofΔ. In other words,the Fermat point lies at the obtuse-angled vertex.
Case 2. The triangle has no angle ≥ 120°.
Construct the equilateral triangle△BCD, letP be any point insideΔ, and construct the equilateral triangle△CPQ. Then△CQD is a 60° rotation of△CPB aboutC so
which shows that the sum of the distances sought is just the length of the pathAPQD from A to D along a piecewise linear line. Now we show that ifP is chosen to be the isogonic center of△ABC the pathAPQD lies on a straight line - and thus it is minimal. To do this, construct the equilateral triangle△ABF. LetP0 be the point whereAD andCF intersect. By construction, this point is the first isogonic center (see above) of△ABC. Carry out the same exercise withP0 as you did withP, and find the pointQ0. By the angular restrictionP0 lies inside△ABC. SinceP0 is the isogonic center,∠AP0C = 120°; by construction∠CP0Q0 = 60°, thereforeA,P0 andQ0 are aligned on the line fromA toD. (Also,△BCF is a 60° rotation of△BDA aboutB, soQ0 must lie somewhere onAD). Since∠CDB = 60° it follows thatQ0 lies betweenP0 andD. Since the pathAP0Q0D now lies on a straight line, Moreover, if then eitherP orQ won't lie onAD which means Now allowP to range outsideΔ. From above a point exists such that and as it follows that for allP outsideΔ. That meansP0 is the Fermat point ofΔ. In other words,the Fermat point is coincident with the first isogonic center.
LetO, A, B, C, X be any five points in a plane. Denote the vectors bya,b,c,x respectively, and leti,j,k be the unit vectors fromO alonga,b,c.
Addinga,b,c gives
Ifa,b,c meet atO at angles of 120° theni +j +k =0, so
for allx. In other words,
and henceO is the Fermat point of△ABC.
This argument fails when the triangle has an angle∠C > 120° because there is no pointO wherea,b,c meet at angles of 120°. Nevertheless, it is easily fixed by redefiningk = − (i +j) and placingO atC so thatc =0. Note that|k| ≤ 1 because the angle between the unit vectorsi,j is∠C which exceeds 120°. Since
the third inequality still holds, the other two inequalities are unchanged. The proof now continues as above (adding the three inequalities and usingi +j +k =0) to reach the same conclusion thatO (or in this caseC) must be the Fermat point of△ABC.
Another approach to finding the point within a triangle, from which the sum of the distances to thevertices of the triangle is minimal, is to use one of themathematical optimization methods; specifically, the method ofLagrange multipliers and thelaw of cosines.
We draw lines from the point within the triangle to its vertices and call themX,Y,Z. Also, let the lengths of these lines bex, y, z respectively. Let the angle betweenX andY beα,Y andZ beβ. Then the angle betweenX andZ isπ −α −β. Using the method of Lagrange multipliers we have to find the minimum of the LagrangianL, which is expressed as:
wherea, b, c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle.
Equating each of the five partial derivatives to zero and eliminatingλ1,λ2,λ3 eventually givessinα = sinβ andsin(α +β) = − sinβ soα =β = 120°. However the elimination is a long and tedious business, and the end result covers only Case 2.
Theisogonic centersX(13) andX(14) are also known as thefirst Fermat point and thesecond Fermat point respectively. Alternatives are thepositive Fermat point and thenegative Fermat point. However these different names can be confusing and are perhaps best avoided. The problem is that much of the literature blurs the distinction between theFermat point and thefirst Fermat point whereas it is only in Case 2 above that they are actually the same.
This question was proposed by Fermat, as a challenge toEvangelista Torricelli. He solved the problem in a similar way to Fermat's, albeit using the intersection of the circumcircles of the three regular triangles instead. His pupil, Viviani, published the solution in 1659.[9]