Feldspar (/ˈfɛl(d)ˌspɑːr/FEL(D)-spar; sometimes spelledfelspar) is a group of rock-formingaluminium tectosilicate minerals, also containing othercations such as sodium, calcium, potassium, or barium.[3] The most common members of the feldspar group are theplagioclase (sodium-calcium) feldspars and thealkali (potassium-sodium) feldspars.[4] Feldspars make up about 60% of theEarth's crust[3] and 41% of the Earth'scontinental crust by weight.[5][6]
The namefeldspar derives from theGermanFeldspat, a compound of the wordsFeld ("field") andSpat ("flake").Spat had long been used as the word for "arock easily cleaved into flakes";Feldspat was introduced in the 18th century as a more specific term, referring perhaps to its common occurrence in rocks found in fields (Urban Brückmann, 1783) or to its occurrence as "fields" within granite and other minerals (René-Just Haüy, 1804).[11]The change fromSpat to-spar was influenced by the English wordspar,[12] meaning a non-opaque mineral with good cleavage.[13]Feldspathic refers to materials that contain feldspar. The alternate spelling,felspar, has fallen out of use. The term 'felsic', meaning light coloured minerals such as quartz and feldspars, is an acronymic word derived fromfeldspar andsilica, unrelated to the obsolete spelling 'felspar'.
Compositional phase diagram of the different minerals that constitute the feldspar solid solution
The feldspar group of minerals consists oftectosilicates, silicate minerals in which silicon ions are linked by shared oxygen ions to form a three-dimensional network. Compositions of major elements in common feldspars can be expressed in terms of threeendmembers:
Solid solutions between orthoclase and albite are called alkali feldspar.[14] Solid solutions between albite and anorthite are calledplagioclase,[14] or, more properly, plagioclase feldspar. Only limited solid solution occurs between K-feldspar and anorthite, and in the two other solid solutions,immiscibility occurs at temperatures common in the crust of the Earth. Albite is considered both a plagioclase and alkali feldspar.
The ratio of alkali feldspar to plagioclase feldspar, together with the proportion ofquartz, is the basis for theQAPF classification of igneous rock.[15][16][17] Calcium-rich plagioclase is the first feldspar to crystallize from cooling magma, then the plagioclase becomes increasingly sodium-rich as crystallization continues. This defines the continuousBowen's reaction series. K-feldspar is the final feldspar to crystallize from the magma.[18][19]
Alkali feldspars are grouped into two types: those containing potassium in combination with sodium, aluminium, or silicon; and those where potassium is replaced by barium. The first of these include:
Potassium and sodium feldspars are not perfectlymiscible in the melt at low temperatures, therefore intermediate compositions of the alkali feldspars occur only in higher temperature environments.[23] Sanidine is stable at the highest temperatures, and microcline at the lowest.[20][21]Perthite is a typical texture in alkali feldspar, due toexsolution of contrasting alkali feldspar compositions during cooling of an intermediate composition. The perthitic textures in the alkali feldspars of manygranites can be seen with the naked eye.[24] Microperthitic textures in crystals are visible using a light microscope, whereas cryptoperthitic textures can be seen only with an electron microscope.
Buddingtonite is an ammonium feldspar with the chemical formula: NH4AlSi3O8.[25] It is a mineral associated with hydrothermal alteration of the primary feldspar minerals.
Barium feldspars form as the result of the substitution of barium for potassium in the mineral structure. Barium feldspars are sometimes classified as a separate group of feldspars,[4] and sometimes they are classified as a sub-group of alkali feldspars.[26]
The barium feldspars are monoclinic and include the following:
Intermediate compositions of exsolve to two feldspars of contrasting composition during cooling, but diffusion is much slower than in alkali feldspar, and the resulting two-feldspar intergrowths typically are too fine-grained to be visible with optical microscopes. The immiscibility gaps in the plagioclase solid solutions are complex compared to the gap in the alkali feldspars. The play of colours visible in some feldspar oflabradorite composition is due to very fine-grained exsolutionlamellae known as Bøggild intergrowth. Thespecific gravity in the plagioclase series increases fromalbite (2.62) to anorthite (2.72–2.75).
The structure of a feldspar crystal is based on aluminosilicate tetrahedra. Each tetrahedron consists of an aluminium or silicon ion surrounded by four oxygen ions. Each oxygen ion, in turn, is shared by a neighbouring tetrahedron to form a three-dimensional network. The structure can be visualized as long chains of aluminosilicate tetrahedra, sometimes described as crankshaft chains because their shape is kinked. Each crankshaft chain links to neighbouring crankshaft chains to form a three-dimensional network of fused four-member rings. The structure is open enough for cations (typically sodium, potassium, or calcium) to fit into the structure and provide charge balance.[29]
Diagram showing part of a crankshaft chain of feldspar
Feldspar crystal structure viewed along the c axis
Feldspar crystal structure viewed along the a axis
Feldspar crystal structure viewed along the b axis
Chemical weathering of feldspars happens byhydrolysis and producesclay minerals, includingillite,smectite, andkaolinite. Hydrolysis of feldspars begins with the feldspar dissolving in water, which happens best in acidic or basic solutions and less well in neutral ones.[30] The speed at which feldspars are weathered is controlled by how quickly they are dissolved.[30] Dissolved feldspar reacts with H+ or OH− ions and precipitates clays. The reaction also produces newions in solution, with the variety of ions controlled by the type of feldspar reacting.
The abundance of feldspars in the Earth'scrust means that clays are very abundant weathering products.[31] About 40% ofminerals insedimentary rocks are clays and clays are the dominant minerals in the most common sedimentary rocks,mudrocks.[32] They are also an important component ofsoils.[32] Feldspar that has been replaced by clay looks chalky compared to more crystalline and glassy unweathered feldspar grains.[33]
Feldspars, especially plagioclase feldspars, are not very stable at the Earth's surface due to their high formation temperature.[32] This lack of stability is why feldspars are easily weathered to clays. Because of this tendency to weather easily, feldspars are usually not prevalent in sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks that contain large amounts of feldspar indicate that the sediment did not undergo much chemical weathering before being buried. This means it was probablytransported a short distance in cold and/or dry conditions that did not promote weathering, and that it was quickly buried by other sediment.[34] Sandstones with large amounts of feldspar are calledarkoses.[34]
Feldspar is a common raw material used in glassmaking, ceramics, and to some extent as filler and an extender in paint, plastics, and rubber. In the US, about 66% of feldspar is consumed in glassmaking, including glass containers and glass fibre. Ceramics (including electrical insulators, sanitaryware, tableware and tile) and other uses, such as fillers, accounted for the remainder.[35]
Glass: Feldspar provides both K2O and Na2O for fluxing, and Al2O3 and CaO as stabilizers. As an important source of Al2O3 for glassmaking, feldspar is valued for its low iron andrefractory mineral content, a low cost per unit of Al2O3, no volatiles and no waste.[36]
Ceramics: Feldspars are used in the ceramic industry as aflux to form a glassy phase in bodies during firing, and thus promote vitrification. They also are used as a source of alkalies and alumina in glazes.[36] The composition of feldspar used in different ceramic formulations varies depending on various factors, including the properties of the individual grade, the other raw materials and the requirements of the finished products. However, typical additions include: tableware, 15% to 30% feldspar; high-tension electrical porcelains, 25% to 35%; sanitaryware, 25%; wall tile, 0% to 10%; and dental porcelain up to 80% feldspar.[37]
TheUSGS estimated global production of feldspar in 2020 to be 26 million tonnes, with the top four producing countries being: China 2 million tonnes; India 5 million tonnes; Italy 4 million; Turkey 7.6 million tonnes.[39]
^"Feldspar".Gemology Online. Retrieved8 November 2012.
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^abDeer, W.A; Howie, R.A.; Zussman, J. (2001).Rock-forming Minerals (2nd edition) Volume 4A. London: Geological Society of London. p. 2.ISBN1-86239-081-9.
^Philpotts, Anthony R.; Ague, Jay J. (2009).Principles of igneous and metamorphic petrology (2nd ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 139–143.ISBN9780521880060.
^Bowen, N.L. (1956).The Evolution of the Igneous Rocks. Canada: Dover. pp. 60–62.
^Klein, Cornelis; Hurlbut, Cornelius S. Jr. (1993).Manual of mineralogy : (after James D. Dana) (21st ed.). New York: Wiley. p. 559.ISBN047157452X.