Fatteh (Arabic:فتّة meaningcrushed orcrumbs, also romanized asfette,fetté,fatta orfattah)[3] is a dish eaten in theLevant andEgypt consisting of pieces of fresh, toasted, grilled, or friedflatbread covered with other ingredients that vary according to region. It is also some times referred to asshâmiyât (Arabic:شاميات "Damascene")[2] in theLevant area.
Egyptian fattaSyrian fetté with grilledlamb cubes andpine nuts, served with sizzlingbutter
Fetté dishes include a wide variety of regional and local variations, some of which also have their own distinct names.
Egypt:Egyptians prepare a dish called "fatta" as a feast meal.[2] It is prepared on special occasions, such as to celebrate a woman's first pregnancy or forEid al-Fitr andEid al-Adha. It is made with a garlic and vinegar flavored meat soup and crispy flatbread served in a bowl with rice and a sauce consisting of garlic tomato sauce.
Hummus Fatteh with lamb Meat and Spiced Chickpeas.Syria: The Levantine "fetté", eaten in breakfasts as well as in the evenings,[1][2] always starts with a stack ofkhubz bread, topped bystrained yogurt, steamedchickpeas andolive oil that are crushed and mixed together. In the next step, a teaspoon ofcumin is almost always poured into the mixture. After that, virtually anything can be added to the bowl. Some fettés are made ofeggplants andjuliennedcarrots topped with grilledchicken andpine nuts while some containlambshanks, different spices andyogurt.[2] Thefattoush is asalad made with toasted pieces ofpita bread that technically also falls into the family of "shâmiyât".[2]
Palestine: "Fetté gazzewié" fromGaza is served as plain rice cooked in meat or chicken broth and then flavored with mild spices, particularly cinnamon. The rice is then laid over a thinmarkook bread which is in turn smothered inclarified butter and topped with various meats.[4]Musakhan is also a fetté dish.