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List of medical abbreviations: F

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(Redirected fromFOOSH)

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FAFanconi anemia
FAMMM syndromefamilial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome
FANAfluorescent antinuclear antibody test
FAPfamilial adenomatous polyposis
FASTfocused assessment with sonography for trauma
FBforeign body
FBCFamily Birth Center
full blood count
FBEfull blood exam
FBGfasting blood glucose
FBSFailed back syndrome
fastingblood sugar
F/Cfevers and/orchills
F/C/Sfevers and/orchills and/or sweating
FCSFaciocutaneoskeletal syndrome
FDCfollicular dendritic cells
fixed dose combination
FDIUfetal demise in utero
FDPfibrin degradation product
Flexor digitorum profundus
FDSFlexor digitorum superficialis
FEF25–75forced expiratory flow at 25–75% of forced vital capacity
FENFluids, Electrolytes, Nutrition
FEPfree erythrocyte protoporphyrin
fibroepithelial polyp
FESSfunctional endoscopic sinus surgery
FETfrozen embryo transfer
FEV1forced expiratory volume in 1 second
FFfree fluids (non-thickened fluids)
FFAfree fatty acids
FFPfresh frozen plasma
FHRfetal heart rate
FHSfetal heart sound
FHTfetal heart tones
FHxfamily history (in medicine, meaning specifically themedical histories of family members and ancestors)
FIBDfound in bed dead
FISHfluorescence in situ hybridization
FLfemur length
FLAIRfluid attenuated inversion recovery
FLKfunny-looking kid (slang reference todysmorphic features)
fl.oz.fluid ounce (1 Imperial fluid ounce ≈ 28.4 mL; 1 U.S. fluid ounce ≈ 29.6 mL) (use of these units is generally deprecated in modern medicine in favor ofmL)
FMfetal movement
FMFfetal movements felt
FMPfirst menstrual period (that is,menarche)
FMPPFamilial male precocious puberty
fMRIfunctional magnetic resonance imaging
FMS Fibromyalgia Syndrome
F→Nfinger-to-nose test (one simple clinical test ofmotor coordination)
FNAfine-needle aspiration
FNABfine-needle aspiration biopsy
FNACfine-needle aspiration cytology
FNCfull nursing care
FNDFunctional neurologic disorder
FNHfocal nodular hyperplasia
FOBFoot of Bed, father of baby, Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy
FOBTfecal occult blood test
FOFfound on floor (patient fell out of bed)
FOPFibrousdysplasia ossificans progressiva
FOSfull of stool
FOOSHfall on outstretched hand
FPFamily Planning
FPGfasting plasma glucose
FRDAFriedreich's ataxia
FROMfull range of motion
FSBSfinger-stick blood sugar (one method ofblood glucose monitoring)
FSEfetal scalp electrode
FSGSfocal segmental glomerulosclerosis
FSHfollicle-stimulating hormone
FSIQfull scale intelligence quotient (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children)
FTAfluorescent treponemal antibody (seesyphilis)
FTA-ABSfluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (seesyphilis)
FtMFemale to Male transgender person (Trans Man)
FTTfailure to thrive
FUEFollicular Unit Extraction
FUTFollicular Unit Transplantation
FUOfever of unknown origin
FVCforced vital capacity (spirometry test value used in assessment ofchronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
FWBfull weight bearing
fetal wellbeing
FWDfull ward diet
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