Erwin Payr (17 February 1871 – 6 April 1946) was an Austrian-Germansurgeon born inInnsbruck.
Following graduation in 1894 atInnsbruck, he worked as an assistant at the firstpathological anatomy institute inVienna. Afterwards he became an assistant toCarl Nicoladoni (1847-1902) at theUniversity of Graz, where in 1899 he became habilitated for surgery.
In 1907 he became chief surgeon at the University ofGreifswald, and in 1910 was appointed professor of surgery at theUniversity of Königsberg. The following year he relocated toLeipzig, where he remained until his retirement in 1937.
Payr was regarded as an excellent physician known for his expertise in all facets of surgery. He was the first surgeon to useozone treatments in order to control and killbacteria, a practice he learned from Swiss therapist E.A. Fisch. In 1935 he publishedÜber Ozonbehandlung in der Chirurgie (Ozone Treatment in Surgery).[1] Also he introduced the use of absorbablemagnesiumsutures in vascular and nerve surgery.He first reported animal experiments with readsorbable magnesium tubular device for vascular anastomosis elegantly realizing intima-to-intima facing, however just identifying in that first report its implicit mechanical limits.[2] He usedelderberry stems forcapillary drainage of brain abscesses.[3]
Splenic-flexure syndrome or "Payr's disease" is named after a condition he described. Payr's disease isconstipation due to kinking of an adhesion between thetransverse anddescending colon. Also a tool used in abdominal surgery called a "Payrpylorusclamp" is named after him, as is "Payr's sign", an indication ofthrombophlebitis in which pain occurs when pressure is applied to the sole of the foot.[4]