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Genus of orchids

E. nocturnum
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
L., 1763
Type species
Epidendrum nocturnum
Jacq., 1760

About 1,878 species — seeList ofEpidendrum species

  • AmblostomaScheidw.
  • AmphiglottisSalisb.
  • AnocheileHoffmanns. ex Rchb.
  • AulizaSalisb.
  • CoilostylisRaf.
  • DidothionRaf.
  • DiothoneaLindl.
  • EpidanthusL.O.Williams
  • EpidendropsisGaray & Dunst.
  • ExophyaRaf.
  • GastropodiumLindl.
  • HemiscleriaLindl.
  • KalopternixGaray & Dunst.
  • Lanium(Lindl.) Benth.
  • LarnandraRaf.
  • MinicolumnaBrieger
  • NanodesLindl.
  • NeolehmanniaKraenzl.
  • NeowilliamsiaGaray
  • NyctosmaRaf.
  • OerstedellaRchb.f.
  • PhadrosanthusNeck.
  • PhysingaLindl.
  • Pleuranthium(Rchb.f.) Benth.
  • PseudepidendrumRchb.f.
  • SeraphytaFisch. & C.A.Mey.
  • SpathigerSmall
  • SpathiumStein
  • StenoglossumKunth
  • TakulumenaSzlach.
  • TritelandraRaf.

Epidendrum/ˌɛpɪˈdɛndrəm/,[2] abbreviatedEpi in the horticultural trade,[3] is a large neotropicalgenus of theorchid family. With more than 1,500species,[4] some authors describe it as a mega-genus. The genus name (fromGreekεπί, epi andδένδρον, dendron, "upon trees") refers to itsepiphytic growth habit.

WhenCarl Linnaeus named this genus in 1763, he included in this genus all the epiphytic orchids known to him. Although few of these orchids are still included in the genusEpidendrum, some species ofEpidendrum are nevertheless not epiphytic.

Distribution and ecology


They are native to thetropics andsubtropical regions of theAmerican continents, fromNorth Carolina toArgentina. Their habitat can beepiphytic, terrestrial (such asE. fulgens), or even lithophytic (growing on bare rock, such asE. calanthum andE. saxatile). Many are grown in theAndes, at elevations between 1,000 and 3,000 m. Their habitats include humid jungles, dry tropical forests, sunny grassy slopes, cool cloud forests, and sandy barrier islands.

Members of this genus can be very aggressive colonisers of disturbed habitat, and many species which were once rare in this genus have become more common as the result of human activities. For example, some of these plants can be found in greater abundance growing terrestrially along road cuts throughout their native ranges as the result of road construction.[5][6]

Many of these species are relatively easy to grow in rich humus compost with some sand. The plants resembleDendrobiums in form and habit typically, although they tend to be terrestrial rather than lithophytic and epiphytic, and do better in a humus rich, well aerated substrate.[5][6]

Most of the high elevation members of this genus from cloud forests defy cultivation outside their habitat, and it is reported that even moving a plant from one location to another on the same host tree in habitat will result in the death of the plant, possibly due to dependency on a specificmycorrhizal fungalsymbiont.[5][6]



They are quite varied in flower size and appearance. They grow in tufts, inracemose inflorescences, sometimes incorymbs orpanicles. The apical, lateral or basalflowers are mostly small to medium in size and frequently are not marked by a conspicuous display. Theinflorescences are frequently dense. Many species are fragrant. The flowers may be produced only once, or during several years from the same or newinflorescences. The ellipsoidfruits are 3-ribbed capsules.

This genus has the following characteristics:

  • a slit rostellum (small extension or little beak to the median stigma lobe), producing a transparent or white thick and adhesive liquid.
  • the sometimes fringedlip is adnate to ( = united with) the column (forming anectary tube (but rarely producing nectar), continuing through thepedicel). The genusProsthechea was split off because the lip is not completely adnate to the apex of the column.
  • thepollinarium contains four pollinia, sometimes two and rarely eight pollinia, and then four very reduced.
  • the erect, pendent, or creepingstems are reed-like, simple or branching, or may bepseudobulbs or thickened stems. (The genusCoilostylis, recently split off fromEpidendrum, has pseudobulbs, is an artificial genus and does not stand up to molecular analysis.)


Epidendrum radicans in the wild.
Epidendrum sp. in the wild.

Initially, European taxonomists applied the generic epithetEpidendrum to all newly discoveredepiphytic orchids. Gradually, many of these "Epidendrums" were recognized as being quite diverse and deserving of different generic epithets—many belong to different tribes or subtribes (e.g.Vanda). To add to the confusion, however, many descriptions of closely related species were published with different generic epithets.

As if the confusion caused by these publications were not great enough, many closely related genera (or perhaps subgenera, sections, or subsections) have been recognized and published. According to the modern rules of taxonomy, each new proposed genus that is split off fromEpidendrum must bear the name of the oldest generic epithet published for a member of the new genus. Hence, many genera which have been brought into synonymy withEpidendrum have later been segregated out again. Because most of these decisions rest on the informed opinions of authorities, the segregated taxa are often then re-published assynonyms. Hence, some of the following information may seem a bit contradictory, especially if the assertion that two names are "synonyms" is misconstrued as an assertion that the two names mean exactly the same thing.

The following genera have been brought into synonymy withEpidendrum:[1]

Genera which have been erected (or resurrected) fromEpidendrum include the following examples:

  • BarkeriaKnowles & Westc.
  • DimerandraSchltr.
  • CaularthronRaf.
  • EncycliaHook. – This is another "mega-genus" differing fromEpidendrum in that the plants are mostly pseudobulbous, and in that the lip "encircles" the column, rather than being adnate. LikeEpidendrum, genera have been and are likely to continue to be split off from this genus.
  • MicroepidendrumBrieger ex W.E.Higgins (2002)
  • OestlundiaW.E.Higgins (2002)
  • ProsthecheaKnowles & Westc. – This debatable genus contains the "cockleshell orchids", with lips which are adnate to the column only about halfway to the apex, and which "encircle" the end of the column. Most of the species of this genus were long classified inEncyclia.
  • PsychilisRaf.




SeeList ofEpidendrum species for a full list

Epidendrumsensu lato is a huge genus, embracing more than 2,000 binomials (about 1,878 accepted names[1] and the rest have become synonyms of other species). More than 1,000 have been split off into new or resurrected genera. However, it is estimated that there are more than 2,000Epidendrum orchids, many of which still have to be discovered. More than 400 new species have lately been described by Eric Hágsater and colleagues (see: Reference).

Several botanists have been honored with anEpidendrum orchid named after them, including the following:



Only a few natural hybrids within the genus have been named as species, such asEpidendrum × doroteae,Epidendrum × gransabanense andEpidendrum × purpureum.

Epidendrum orchids hybridize readily with members of other related genera, such asCattleya (×Epicattleya is the accepted nothogenus for such a hybrid)Brassavola (producing a×Brassoepidendrum). There are also multi-generic hybrids, for example,×Vaughnara is the nothogenus for hybrids containing ancestor species from each of the generaBrassavola,Cattleya, andEpidendrum, but no others.

Hybridization is thought to have a strong influence in diversification of this genus sometimes compromising the genetic integrity of the parental species.[7][8]



The flowers of manyEpidendrum species are small, but some such asE. ibaguense are showy, and many are widely cultivated, such asE. cinnabarinum,E. ibaguense,E. nocturnum,E. radicans,E. secundum, and a multitude of hybrids of these species.

MostEpidendrum species require cool or intermediate to warm conditions for culture, and the commonly cultivated species, such asE. radicans grow in typically cool conditions. Some, such asE. conopseum (syn.E. magnoliae) can even tolerate extended freezing conditions. InAuckland and other sub-tropical regions ofNew Zealand, the cool growing plants will flower all year round. While they are normally grown in pots, it is also possible to grow them in a bark garden or on a tree, although the plants prefer a humus rich well-aerated media.[6]




  1. ^abcd"Epidendrum L."Plants of the World Online.Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved23 March 2025.
  2. ^Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
  3. ^"My Huge List of Orchid Abbreviations". 2014-06-13.
  4. ^"WCSP".World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Retrieved2015-08-28.
  5. ^abcThe Orchids, Natural History and Classification, Robert L. Dressler.ISBN 0-674-87526-5
  6. ^abcdIllustrated Encyclopedia of OrchidsISBN 0-88192-267-6
  7. ^Marques, Isabel; Draper, David; Riofrío, Lorena; Naranjo, Carlos (2014-02-04)."Multiple hybridization events, polyploidy and low postmating isolation entangle the evolution of neotropical species of Epidendrum (Orchidaceae)".BMC Evolutionary Biology.14 (1): 20.Bibcode:2014BMCEE..14...20M.doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-20.ISSN 1471-2148.PMC 3927766.PMID 24495351.
  8. ^Vega, Yesenia; Marques, Isabel; Castro, Sílvia; Loureiro, João (2013-11-05)."Outcomes of Extensive Hybridization and Introgression in Epidendrum (Orchidaceae): Can We Rely on Species Boundaries?".PLOS ONE.8 (11): e80662.Bibcode:2013PLoSO...880662V.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080662.ISSN 1932-6203.PMC 3818259.PMID 24224057.
  • Brieger, F. C. and Hunt, P. F. "HORMIDIUM,MAXILLARIA ANDSCAPHYGLOTTIS (ORCH.)",Taxon18(5) pp. 601–603 (Oct. 1969)
  • Hagsater, E., and Soto, M. 2005. Epidendrum In Pridgeon, A. M., Cribb, P. J., Chase, M. W., and Rasmussen, F. N., (eds.) Genera Orchidacearum 4: Epidendroideae (Part One). Oxford University Press, pp. 236–251.
  • Hagsater, E, and Sánchez S., L. 2006. The Genus Epidendrum, Part 5, Species New &O ld in Epidendrum, Icones Orchidacearum 8: pl. 801-900.
  • Hagsater, E., and Sánchez S., L. 2007. The Genus Epidendrum, Part 6, Species New and Old in Epidendrum, Icones Orchidacearum 9: pl. 901-1000.
  • Hagsater, E., and Sánchez S., L. 2008. The Genus Epidendrum, Part 7, Species New and Old in Epidendrum, Icones Orchidacearum 11: pl. 1101-1200.
  • Hagsater, E., and Sánchez S., L. 2009. The Genus Epidendrum Part 8, Species New & Old in Epidendrum, Icones Orchidacearum 12: pl. 1201-1300.
  • Hagsater E., and Sánchez S., L. 2010. The Genus Epidendrum, Part 9, Species New and Old in Epidendrum, Icones Orchidacearum 13: pl.1301-1400.
  • Hagsater, E., and Sánchez S., L., 2013. The Genus Epidendrum, Part 10, Species New and Old in Epidendrum, Icones Orchidacearum 14: pl. 1401-1500.
  • Hagsater, E., and Sánchez S., L., 2015. The Eenus Epidendrum, Part 11, Species New and Old in Epidendrum, Icones Orchidccearum 5(1): pl. 1501-1568.
  • Hagsater, E., and Sánchez S., L. 2016. The Genus Epidendrum, Part 11, Species New and Old in Epidendrum, Icones Orchidacearum 15(2): pl. 1569-1600.
  • Hagsater, E., Sanchez Saldana, L., and Garcia Cruz, J. (eds.) 1999. Icones Orchidacearum: fascicle 3. The genus Epidendrum: part 2. "A second century of new species in Epidendrum". Herbario AMO, Mexico D.F.
  • Hagsater, E., Santiago Ayala, S., and Rodríguez-Martínez, L. 2016. Epidendrum lasiostachyum (Orchidaceae):A New Colombian Species of The Epidendrum Macrostschyum Group. Lankesteriana 16(1): 27-37
  • Hagsater, E. 2001. Icones Orchidacearum: Fascicle 4. The Genus Epidendrum. Part 3, "A Third Century of New Species in Epidendrum". Asociacion Mexicana de Orquideologia A.C., Mexico, D.F.
  • Hágsater, E. 2004. The genus Epidendrum. Part 4. A fourth century of new species in Epidendrum. Icon. Orchid. 7: pl. 701-800.
  • Withner, C. A.,Cattleyas and Their Relatives. Brassavola, Encyclia, and Other Genera of Mexico and Central America (5) Timber Press, 1998
  • Withner, C. A. and Harding, P. A.,Cattleyas and Their Relatives. The Debatable Epidendrums Timber Press 2004.

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