TheEntognatha, fromAncient Greek ἐντός (entós), meaning "inside", and γνάθος (gnáthos), meaning "jaw", are aclass of wingless andametabolousarthropods, which, together with theinsects, makes up the subphylumHexapoda.[1][2] Theirmouthparts are entognathous, meaning that they are retracted within the head, unlike the insects.[1] Entognatha areapterous, meaning that they lackwings. The class contains threeorders: Collembola (springtails, 9000 species),[3]Diplura ("two-tail", 1000 species)[4] andProtura ("first-tail", 800 species).[5][1][2] These three groups were historically united with the now-obsolete orderThysanura to form the classApterygota, but it has since been recognized that the hexapodous condition of these animals has evolved independently from that of insects, and independentlywithin each order.[6] The orders might not be closely related, and Entognatha is now considered to be aparaphyletic group.[2]
These minutearthropods are apterous, unlike some orders of insects that have lost theirwings secondarily (but are derived from winged ancestors). Their mouthparts are enclosed within a pouch in the head capsule, called the gnathal pouch, so only the tips of the mandibles and maxillae are exposed beyond the cavity.[1] This pouch is created in the embryo by a flap or lateral head sclerite near the mouth on each side of the head which fuses with the labium.[1] Other differences from insects are that eachantennal segment is musculated; in insects, only the two basal segments are. Sperm transfer is always indirect, and there is anovipositor in the females. Of the three orders, only collembolans possess eyes;[2] nevertheless, many collembolans are blind, and even whencompound eyes are present, there are no more than eightommatidia.
Collembolans have a ventral tube termed acollophore on the first abdominal segment. The collophore is involved in moisture absorption. On the third abdominal segment is the retinaculum that holds thefurcula. The furcula is the "spring" for which the Collembola are given the name springtails.
Proturans, sometimes referred to as "coneheads", do not have eyes or antennae. They possess atelson and abdominal styli thought to be vestigial legs.
Diplurans have a pair of caudalcerci, from which their name, meaning "two-tailed", is derived. They also possess abdominal styli.